NCsoft announces Lineage II sequel at G-Star 2011

A new Lineage Sequel was announced at G-Star 2011, called Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance.

Huge news for Lineage fans out there! After almost 7 years, a new Lineage sequel has been revealed! Today, at G*Star 2011, Korea's annual game show, NCsoft announced the title of their new MMORPG: Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance. While not much information is known about the game on North American sites, sites devoted to covering Asian MMORPGs, like MMO-Culture are reporting some interesting facts about the game.

Most notably seems to be that Lineage Eternal will focus more on getting a lot of players and enemies onto the screen at once, similar to games like Dynasty Warriors or even Diablo III. There will also be a unique "Drag and Hold" system, where players can use their mouse cursor to indicate the direction and shape of the spells and abilities they cast by using their mouse cursor. The game looks almost Isometric at times, which further encourages the fact that NCsoft is aiming for a more unique feel for Lineage Eternal than most current generation MMORPGs. Stay tuned as we look for more information or assets to share!

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