"A Raider's Companion" Kickstarter Campaign begins

Author of the book "The Guild Leader's Companion" and ZAM user Adam "Ferrel" Trzonkowski is looking to kickstarter to fund his next in the series, "A Raider's Companion."

About half a year ago, we ran a feature interview with longtime ZAM user Adam "Ferrel" Trzonkowski (say that three times fast), about his upcoming book, "The Guild Leader's Companion." Written as a reference guide to help any aspiring guild leaders in any MMORPG, Trzonkowski approaches the concept of guild management as equivalent to running a business or team.

Well, niche topic or not, Adam is back, and this time he's aiming to write a book on the other half of the MMORPG guild equation: the members. In his new book, titled "The Raider's Companion," Adam is seeking to publish a book all about succeeding as an endgame guild raider in any MMORPG. Currently, the manuscript for The Raider's Companion is in proofreading, but Adam is also hoping to look to Kickstarter to accrue the funds to get his book published. Right now, he's sitting about halfway ($2,000) to his overall goal of $4,000, so if you're looking to get into endgame raiding, and you just wished there was a book to explain it all to you, consider pitching in to make it reality.

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