New PvP Ruleset Being Tested

This was posted on the eqlive site today. ------------ Help us Test "The Fallen" Please help us with testing the new server rule-set for "The Fallen". If you would like to help test this exciting new concept, please patch to EverQuest using Testeverquest.exe, which you can find in your Everquest directory. Once patched, select "The Fallen" from the server directory and you are in. Here is the proposed rule-set for this server; -Any character that is slain for any reason what so ever will be reset and placed back into newbie status. Characters will not be restored or resurrected for ANY reason what so ever. Once you're dead, you're dead. -Each account will only be allowed one character on this server. Any PvP death results in the killing player obtaining a number of points based on the levels of the characters involved. Players can only gain points from characters that are within 5 levels of them. -You may loot all tradeable items from the corpse of the character you just killed, all other equipment is destroyed with the character. -The server will make use of the Firiona Vie no drop rules (few things will be No-Drop) -The server will have the old world (Antonica, Faydwer, Odus) plus the Legacy of Ykesha expansion , and will only allow characters to reach level 50 with no AA. -The server will have a doubled experience modifier to facilitate faster paced gameplay. -Players will not be able to turn on /anonymous or /roleplay to hide their current location. Help us out and let us know what you think. You can use the Submit Comment link on the Dev Corner to send us your feedback and ideas. Thanks for your help and I hope you enjoy "The Fallen"


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Post Comment
# Dec 27 2003 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default
If this goes through I will leave Shadowbane and come back to EQ
Unfair balance to melee's
# Dec 26 2003 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
I've spent alot of time now on this "discord" server and very much enjoy it. One problem though. It's way too over-balanced towards the caster classes. I mean the pure caster ones. Pallys, SK's, Beasties receive no spells between the levels 6-8 giving the caster classes so much advantage. Not to mention the monks warriors and rog's... they get nothing --no new disciplines. OK the problem is as I've been experiencing first hand is--I'm in Toxx Forest getting close to level 6 again with my Paladin. I already purchased my level 9 spells. OK ding I hit 6--now being that the zone has say 40+ people in and 95% are mage's necro's or chanters I stand no chance. OK I need to now run to GM to train in bash to at least try to stop any PK caster with a stun. As I zone into Erudin(or any other city zone) and as I'm appearing already I see a root in my buff window and then a pet attacking me. I cant blind yet, I can't bash yet, nothing, Im easy kill as are sk's bl's and other melee classes.
Don't think I'm whinning about the death -I'm not it's just not entirely fair to start the PKing at level 6. The only suggestion I can come up with is to maybe start at level 9 instead. This although doesn't solve the warrior monk rog issues.
Eventually this server at least up to the time it ends will be all mages necros wizzies and chanters. How is that any fun or have any diversity.
My one question:
# Dec 19 2003 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
Oh my God, where are my Everquest disks?
Don't waste your time solo
# Dec 19 2003 at 4:01 AM Rating: Default
Unless you've got a lot of in game friends who will play with you, don't bother going solo on this. First of all, you'll level to 6, and your group will kill you off just to get the PK points. Second, I spent a few hours in Nektulos, and got to level 4 several times until I'd get blindsided by the undead camp that was trained from lavastorm. Appararently, someone got pissed about his group killing him off, so he spent all night training that whole camp all over the place, and to the neriak zi. The guards don't agro on those mobs for some reason, so we were all getting slaughtered. The mobs also only run at 75%, so its very easy for a level one to train that camp. Talk about feeling helpless, as a troll SK Nek. was about the safest place for me to hunt. After that guy started doing that, I decided to not go back. Going back to level one is just too big a pain in the ***. Sounded like a really fun idea and change for EQ, but turned into something that can be ruined by anyone who feels like it. Just my 2cp's
I wish I knew.
# Dec 18 2003 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
Is it possible to see how many points you have? Or better yet, is there a leaderboard somewhere to see what you have to compete with?
RE: I wish I knew.
# Dec 18 2003 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
52 posts
I'm not entirely sure, because I didn't manage to get to level 6 very often without dying and going back to 1. Since everyone was in testing the server out because of the patch, it was hard to level as it was crowded and everything was being killed as quickly as it spawned.

Anyway, i'm pretty sure there is a way to check your own points, but I couldn't see any kind of way to activate a leaderboard (and I tried). I suppose there isn't one, maybe because it singles out the people in front and makes them targets for PvPers who want to win the comp.
The Discord Competition
# Dec 18 2003 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
52 posts
Anyone who logged into the new server tonight knows its been called "Discord" now-- not "Fallen." In fact, I played a bit today while the regular servers were down and it was different from what I expected, not as scary as regular PvP, for one thing. This is my experience with it.

Firstly, the point of this pvp server is for a huge competition designed to co-incide with the release of the new Everquest expansion, (Gates of Discord).

Secondly the server is a temp server, which means it will be up for a limited time only. (Like the McDonalds McRib...!) The server goes down again Monday, January 12th.

This is how the Discord competition basically works, as I can understand it:

The more player kills (direct PvP only), you initiate in (and win), the more points you get. The higher the level of the person you kill, the more points you get, the lower, the less, etc. You can only gain points from pvp kills of players within 20 levels of you (not five, like the announcement says).

Secondly, anybody over level 6 is fair game. At this level you can (try) to kill anybody at all, and anybody can try to kill you. Whether you get PVP points off those kills is still subject to the 20 level threshold. Anyone level 5 and under cannot be PVP'd but can be killed by mobs.

If you have points and you die (by any means), you go to level 1, and lose absolutely everything--do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Furthermore, you lose half your point total.

At the end of all this mayhem, the 6 players with the most points at the end of the trial period get items named after them in the new expansion, Gates of Discord, and they are then allowed to transfer their characters over to other blue servers if they like. I think there are other prizes, and there are a bunch of other rules and things (the best place to read them is when logging into the server, as EQ live says nothing about the competition on its site for some weird reason).

I just thought I'd clear some things up as it seems as if the intial announcement isn't 100% clear and is a bit different since it was first announced.

I don't know if the Discord competition means that the server is a one time only thing or if it will eventually go live, (it doesn't say, but I doubt it will), but personally, I think this competition survival thing is a great idea, as giving the people a goal makes it more fun instead of senselessly killing other players. (Not that that isn't fun in and of itself, sometimes). I would love to see more competitions like this in future.

Edited, Thu Dec 18 15:32:52 2003
# Dec 17 2003 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
I am a velious baby i dont know what it was like back in the "day" but i have been playing avidly for a while and i believe this new server is gonna OWN. I mean Everquest began ,from what many Phase 1 beta friends have told me, a bigass party now i havent been out of Emarr and rallos Zek much but everyone now are tightass babies lol this might put a little of the "lighten up its only a game" sense back into the game but thats just my 2cp
A PvP server idea they seem not to want to do...
# Dec 17 2003 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Sullon Zek PvP rules with FV style loot and roleplay rules would be an interesting concept. (I'd probably never go back to my normal server again, actually.) Smiting dark elves in the name of Karana for their elemental armor... or even some Tunare-following wood elven tree-huggers... :)

The biggest problem with PvP right now is that there are too many servers for it. It's easy to get all the people interested in PvP onto one server, but if you give them all rules options, they'll split up. Since some are going to prefer each of the styles, and you'll never get a server up near the population of a normal server. (Tallon and Vallon separate was the silliest idea SOE ever had - the servers had spiked population when they were new, but when the novelty wore off, the split versions had only half the potential players, which was way lower thana normal population. Haven't been there in a while, though, I suppose it could have gone back up.)
# Dec 17 2003 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
I would hope they would only allow it in the 5 level range. Otherwise you might get the uber char's being 'paid' to hit lower level targets so the person hiring or asking them can loot the body afterwards for an insta-twink?

Or high-level char's advertising themselves as assassins for that matter.
Thing Differently
# Dec 17 2003 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
The point of this server is not to level up and gain gear, it’s about Survival. Who can outwit NPCs and PCs and get as much accomplished before dying.

This is not meant to be a place to build a long term character; it is more for spontaneous, quick fun. And I really like the idea that SOE is looking at different server options. It let’s you know that they are at least trying different things.

If you are the type of person who will level up a toon to 15 or 20, die and have a major cow over it, then don’t play on this server, go back to your main char’s.

This server is all about the thrill of just staying alive longer than the guy next to you. About finding a good group of skilled players and trying to accomplish something which would be legendary if successful (i.e. Killing Nagena) or result in the permanent deaths of all involved.

I like the idea and will definitely give it a shot. I’m sure it will be nerve wracking and only playable for a couple hours at a time, but would be nice change from the 10 hour raids/exp fests I do with my main.
# Dec 17 2003 at 1:13 PM Rating: Default
Just about all low level mobs run really slow (unless they got sow). Also low level mobs don't have near as much agression. That is pretty much the same server wide.

Just cause a person dies that does not mean they do not know how to play the game. On regular servers 9 times out of 10 when I die its due to somebody elses mistake, or a bad pull. No matter how good you are you always stand the chance to get a bad pull. Lull resists, mez resists, mobs spawn, mob hidden around corner, etc etc.

These are just ways you die WITHOUT being pked. And with there being points you earn by doing it, people are goign to be even more willing to come after you when your low hp or OOM, etc.

And yes ANY way you die takes you back to level 1 newbie status.

And still of all expansions to leave on this server, Ykesha? And no Ykesha is not part of old world, at least no more so then Kunark or Velious. You still take a boat to get there, its just you don't have to actually wait for it or take the time to ride it like Kunark or Velious.

I don't forsee too many Plane raids taking place on here, Its rare to see a break in to pof or Poh without somebody dieing.
RE: f
# Dec 17 2003 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,342 posts
Pretty clear though that this style of play is more like an FPS Deathmatch than an RPG. People who enjoy this probably won't be too interested or concerned with raiding the old world planes.

This seems to be all about the blood... definately not my style. <shrug>
Some Thoughts
# Dec 17 2003 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
I have spent a little time on this server (just over 2 hours) and have a level 5 without having died yet... That may seem like a long time to get 4 levels, but I've reverted back to how I started playing when they game first came out, ultra-careful and slow.

I believe the intent of this server is not to establish a long-term game like the other servers, but to do a short-term 'speed-game' if you will. I have not found documented proof of it yet, but have heard that the intent of the server is to reset it after a month, rewarding the one with the most points with some sort of significant reward (presumably it may even carry over to their 'home' server). This makes the legitimacy of a perma-death server a little more conceivable and brings the game a bit better into perspective.

-- Yes, any time you die (to mobs or players) you go back to level 1. This is harsh if you happen to go linkdead, or get unlucky, but that's the nature of the short term game. There are no long term goals, other than to survive and achieve kills.

** to counteract the problem of trains and bad luck deaths, all mobs seem to move at about 75% speed, and have lowered agro radii. I have not explored outside of Everfrost yet, so I can't tell you if it's like this across the entire server.

-- Experience is doubled, making the impact of dying slightly less. As of 11pm EST last night, the highest person on the server was level 14, so it shouldn't be too hard to catch up with them unless they start hunting people down.

-- I would like to see how the point system works. I will admit I am not familiar with the Zek system, and I'm too lazy to look it up, so it may be like theirs... but I am hoping that levels are worth some degree of points. Leveling to 50 in a month on a permadeath server should be worth more than killing 50 level 10's, but that's just my opinion.

Err, this post ended up being a lot longer winded than I expected, but I hope it gives a slight taste of how the server works, as well as some of my ideas. ( =
RE: Some Thoughts
# Dec 17 2003 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
The reward is the choice of server for the winners, and the top six of the test get items named after them. This is from the gms I've talked to on the server..
Been playing on here
# Dec 17 2003 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
HAHA I love it.. When you die, for ANY reason, Wham.. back to NEWBIE staus.. no XP, nothing but your sword, letter and food and one backpack.. however.. as a newb, if you die a few times.. you can loot your backpacks off your corpse.. I love this.. puts MAJOR effort into learning how to play your toon!
LD and dying
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
So, if you went LD and died, you would have to be lvl 1 again?? That doesnt sound fair. Maybe they mean that if you die by a player character, not a NPC, that you revert back to lvl 1. That sounds more fair.
RE: LD and dying
# Dec 17 2003 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
No that's what they mean this is the "hardcore server" as they're calling it now.
still too much to lose
# Dec 17 2003 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
I could just about live with everything on here except for the permadeath. I know you have to be within 5 levels of a person to kill them, but still a level 10 anything will without a doubt kill a level 6, unless of course the level 6 is a ubber twink. Since most of the ubber twink gear comes from zones not available on here even being a ubber twink is not going to be that ubber when you compare to the average on a regular server.

I am waiting now for the people in there 20's, 30's, etc who go ld in unrest and die and lose there days, weeks, months of exp over ld.

While it would be pretty obvious a level 1 charactor in lguk is there for mischeiveous reasons, there is still plenty of places a level 1 can cause mayhem. Heck a level 1 necro sending there pet into attack emp crush is enough to kill off a few people, and there is a good chance nobody could even see them do it.

Im sure some hardcore people might get into this, but its just absolutely crazy in my opinon. There is no way ID be able to handle watching my charactor go back to level 1 over somebody elses mistake. Even my most twinked of charactors fall in combat sometimes due to uncalled trains, lag, ld, or unexpected add's.
RE: still too much to lose
# Dec 17 2003 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
Not if the lvl 6 has friends. if you consistantly play with a full group of 6 people TOU CAN TRUST (like guildies from a normal server) Your gang could probably handle lvl 10 people without a problem. In fact your group of six may just go around hunting for people that are a few lvl's higher than you since they will be the only real challenge. Sounds great!
ego destroyer
# Dec 17 2003 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
hahahahaha i kinna like this "The Fallen"... some fool from another server who played ever since EQ comes out, with 8 lvl65, max AA chars, tries this server, only to be constantly kill by some real newbies who only played for a month. Now this is a server which serves to burst some pompous baffon's ego who thinks he/she will be king/queen no matter which server he/she joins! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: ego destroyer
# Dec 17 2003 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
FWIW, I've actually noticed that those of us who remember what beta and early release were like tend to survive a bit better.

I saw a ton of people dying to 1 over and over again because they expected to take white or yellow cons easily.

When you get your *** handed to you at level 3 it can be a really rude awakening for people who are used to having tons of late-expansion gear available in the bazaar for practically free.

Admittedly, I'm sure it may be different once I open to PVP. But... enough people were having trouble just 'getting' to PVP level, let alone dealing with PVP.
pvp is the only good thing about eq
# Dec 17 2003 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
Hello i play a level 65 bard on rallos zek and spend about 90 pct of my time pvping and fighting for spawns, i play for the sole challange of pvp. Its awsome to see more thought being put into player vs player options for eq.

the proposed rules on The Fallen server sound interesting. However, i would much rather see a server with similar rules to rallos zek but non planes of power or ldon enabled; luclin provides 2 non pvp zones, higher end content and AA abilitys for added depth. permadeath, perminant alliances, exp loss from pvp death, and FV-type nodrop rules (as well as LDON nodrop mechanics) all detract from pvp in my opinion. aside from removing POP and LDON, the only rebalancing that i think would be necessary is some kind of HT nerf (maybe a casting time for starters) With these changes i think pvp would be much more balanced.
my 2 cents
# Dec 17 2003 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
The perma-death idea might be interesting on a non-PvP server. The grief a PvP-er could cause I would think would make it very frustrating to get much accomplished (other than causing grief for others).

Trains would still be a problem - but then Dark Age of Camelot doesn't have the problem with trains - the trained MOBs don't agro others (well most of the time anyway). Actually they agro on group members only - no matter where they are in the zone. Tehre's nothing worse that a group member making a suicide run for the zone and forgetting to disband first. Next thing you know the group is wiped out by the train. It sucks, but certainly seems fairer than a bunch of innocent bystanders getting wiped out instead. (I haven't played DAoC in a while, so I can be sure this hasn't changed though.)

This new ruleset might be a little better if they made the newbie zones non-PvP at least. Some classes are pathetically weak at level 1 and wouldn't stand much chance of getting started. I don't think much work has gone into class balancing for the very low levels.
** Visit **

Romen Orgi of Sojourners / Magician, Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) server magelo
Romen of Fippy's Revenge / Magician, Fippy Darkpaw server
Fiella / Magician, Firona Vie server
Mentas of Cursed Asylum / Magician, Test Server magelo

Aphalia of The Bronze Age / Wizard

Darkaura / Warlock, Scarlet Crusade
RE: my 2 cents
# Dec 17 2003 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
Of course, you can't pvp until lvl 6 so before that it doesn't matter who is overpowered and who is underpowered
Comment and Idea
# Dec 17 2003 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
I like the idea of a newer type of gameplay, yet I disagree on the few things mentioned above. It sounds like something that will cause alot of in-game flaming and haressment. Many of the Classes are inbalanced as well, Leaving little room for clerics/monks/warriors/rogues. I simply invision characters, Picking on lower levels, Simply to keep them low level.

Example: A level 24 necromancer (That's a new spell level as well) Decides to pick on a level 19 necromancer. (That's two spell sets behind, Making it completely inbalanced.) Of course the level 24 would win. - And this is several cases which likely will result. Double exp or not, There goes all that "work" (as some people call exping) and items.

The idea of the new PvP server sprung a different idea for a whole new concept on EverQuest. Heres MY idea, if anyone cares. <Grins, and shrugs> Note: This is only something I thought up. Questions and Comments are welcomed.

Severe Death penalty: Characters slain for any reason, Will automatically be reset to newbie status.

Ressurection: Ressurections will restore exactly the percentage of experience they say they do, For example, a level 20 warrior is killed in combat and is back to level 1, A cleric at level 14 comes by and ressurects him. He regains 10% of the experience/levels. Probably granting a few levels back, Thus, High-end ressurections will still be very saught after, and low level ressurections will gain some value, Compared to the uselessness of them now.

The server will still have doubled experience due to the still severe death penalty. All skills will be learned double the speed than normal to match the experience speed. (1HS, Defense etc.) Trade Skills... Uh. Well. Possibly.

PvP: A character may not attack any other player above or below 5 levels of you

PvP: Looting a corpse, You may take all items on the character, Items left behind my still be retrieved from the corpse, and items in the bank cannot be looted. And thus, friends seeing you get killed by a random meanie, Can help protect your belongings, Despite the fact he may have taken one or two things.

The server would make use of the Firiona Ve no drop rule set.

Players may not use anonymous/roleplaying commands

No level limit.

RE: Comment and Idea
# Dec 17 2003 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
well since they said rezz's don't work that aint gonna happen
the fallen
# Dec 17 2003 at 3:07 AM Rating: Default
it prop more a short term enjoyment then a long term concept as eq is too timeintensive to level even with "twice xp bonus".

Only way i can see it that players level up fast to 50 with a drood/shammy/cleric/chanter and then powerlevel their favorite pvp toon on a 2nd account... also out of range healing /healing stations might become a problem with the 5lvl pvp range...

I have been enjoying for more then 4ys the ups and down of pvp in eq on VZ i just can say certainly still unbalanced and i tried and level enough classes to 65...- teams where never really implemented nor was much though/time invested to care about it. I most certainly would have stop with eq a long time ago without pvp ...
and will not play/try out any new online game without a decent pvp set up.

VZ and most of the other pvp server are these day bacially mostly a guild war server (VZ&TZ teams werent never set up to balance vs pve) - So now we have 2 time enable guild and 2 ep enabled guild plus a few tier 3 guild to have fun pking each other... gear does make a huge difference in pvp and some classes are a lot better then others... depending on level range and gear of cause.
no more ikky
# Dec 17 2003 at 2:42 AM Rating: Default Ikky monks....:(
The more I think...
# Dec 17 2003 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
The more I think about it - this is an AWESOME idea for a non PvP server. Because now getting to level 50 and having high risk items will make you very famous; and you can feel very proud. Imagine you are the only guy on the server with Efreeti boots - there was two other guy but they died...AND you can still be a Famous Villian if you want. You can load up your level 1 guy with invis potions and sneak down to the king room in Lower Guk...just waiting to ruin someones careful planning with a train...Everyone will see a level 1 in the zone and know what you are up to...they will openly curse and hate you - all 50 ppl in the zone will work together to find out where you are and get you will be equally famous and proud of your notorius evil actions. It is the right balance... Making it PvP just makes it a bad game of Quake.
Good Idea But
# Dec 17 2003 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
What is really stupid is that PvP servers have already proven to be a flop. Maybe 3% of players choose PvP - how many will choose this 1% or less?? How about a slant on a non PvP server - we are long overdue for that. Reset to level 1 on death ...sure I am so desparate for something new I will try anything.
Good Idea
# Dec 16 2003 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
Been playing and its great fun. Never seen the newbie areas so busy. Got killed a few times but you level a lot faster. I don't expect many/any high level chars though.
# Dec 16 2003 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
I disagree,..

i played PvP on a blue server for 26 levels as a cleric. no help from anyone.. just my own armor , skills and mad tactics.. no drop armor ( i.e. newbie and quest gear ) would be helpful.. but loosing it all .. no way..

and as for training.. PvP rules say that the PKer has to get the finishing blow to get the kill..
so they cant loot my gear if they train me and a mob kills me.. but the dead is dead rule would suck.. if the melee skilsl are still in place and the spellbooks are left alone.. releveling would be ok .. heck a cracked staff is easy to get.. and with 180 1hb and 175 offense.. kills are easy to get.. so gear is easy .. would make people tradeskillers and banded would RULE AGAIN!!.. MUWWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA
# Dec 16 2003 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
personally being a red server transplant from a blubee server this is a great idea keeping it psedo real is intriging and will test the skills or lack there of lol if yer dead yer dead no corpse to loot no corpse camping if you aint good nuff you wont last as of 945 pm the day of the server opening the king is a lvl 13 mage sitting on his throne in befallen hehe not for long the pvprs are comin and were bringin hell with us
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:42 PM Rating: Default
Actually, you can loot your corpse after you die. However, if you're killed by a player, they'll probably beat you too it. Looting your corpse if you're killed by an NPC is easy though.
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