Gods & Heroes Dev Blog: Q&A with Community Team
The Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising team just released its first dev blog Q&A, which will become a regular weekly feature on the site. The inaugural Q&A session focuses on the game's community team and confirms that new forums are in the works. Also, the next closed beta play session with the dev team will be held on Feb. 4, and the team plans to host similar events after the game's launch. You can read the full Q&A after the jump.
If you have your own questions for the Gods & Heroes dev team, you can chat with them on Ustream on Jan. 25 from 6-7 p.m. CST. And if you'd like to participate in the closed beta, we're giving away keys to all ZAM members! Simply log into your ZAM account and grab a key before we run out!
Community Team Q&A
For our first Dev Blog Q&A session, we’re engaging the Community Team! It’s only fitting that we start with Community for this new Beta Program feature. We know there hasn’t been a lot of information about Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising for people to discuss. Our hope is that these weekly Q&A sessions will help answer some of your questions as well as raise awareness of the work we’re doing.
With that in mind, we bring you the Community Q&A!
What is your favorite aspect of the Gods & Heroes Community?
The Gods & Heroes Community is full of passionate people. We have a great mix of people who were along for the Beta Program under Perpetual, along with people who have only recently heard of G&H. The great part is watching them help each other, in-game and out. It has been a respectful community for the most part, toward each other and our team.
What is your biggest challenge working with the Gods & Heroes Community?
Many of our community members aren’t MMO players, so they don’t utilize our Social Media or our game forums, like many other experienced MMO gamers would. The great thing about doing outreach to guilds and fansites is that they’re bringing their communities with them and they can help bring the others out of the woodwork. We have a lot of chatter in our Beta Forum, but not as much in the public areas. My hope is that the more active we are in inviting people to our beta, this will change as the community grows.
There have been live Dev playtimes in Beta. Will we have these after launch?
Yes! Our next play session with the Dev Team is February 4. We’re planning on continuing the First Friday tradition. We’ll be able to incorporate the feedback from the Community on the types of things we’ll be doing for First Friday (dungeon, RP event, foot race, and trivia). We’ll be able to develop special prizes post launch.
The forums are very outdated and not very intuitive & user friendly. Are you planning on upgrading them soon?
Yes! We’ve been putting together a lot of things behind the scenes for our website and our forums. We will be growing them out to incorporate special titles, special icons and all sorts of abilities that our current forums cannot support. There is a Website Suggestion Forum where you can leave feedback on the types of things you’d like to see us build into the new site. Click here to leave feedback!
Will there be special contests which will show as titles/icons for my forum handle?
That’s the goal! We’d like to have special awards and titles for you to use on our forums. They would be for a variety of contests and activities we’ll be doing on our forums, Twitter, Ustream and Facebook. I’m even plotting a program for those of you who get to meet Heatwave staff in person!
We hope you enjoyed the Community Q&A! Next week’s topic will be a Q&A from our Art Team!