Age of Conan's Bloody Solstice Begins Today
Age of Conan's A Bloody Solstice holiday event begins today, Dec. 14. Each year Aesir and the bloodthirsty, conquering Vanir gather around their campfires in their own ancient feasting grounds to hail the winter moon with drinks, songs and dance. Yet this year the bloodlust went un-quenched, so players will be treated to an all new Winter event which includes two new solo quests and one new group quest.
Players can also look forward to some nifty new seasonal items including the Aesir Snowcatcher, Pillaged Mercenary Plate, Drinking Horn, and your very own Vanir Captive.
The events are taking place now until January 3, 2011. To get started in the Winter seasonal event, just type /claim in-game to receive a Misplaced Gift. Using that item will get you the first quest including the name and location of the NPC you need to visit first.