Registration is Open for World of Tanks Tournament

The three-day US Open Championship kicks off on Nov. 19.

If you enjoy the thought of blowing stuff up as a tank, you may want to register for the World of Tanks US Open Championship. Registration is open until Nov. 18 at 7 a.m. EST, and the three-day event will kick off on Friday, Nov. 19. The tournament is limited to 32 teams, and all matches will be played on the Sand River map.

No tournament is complete without prizes. The top team will take home 2,500 gold, a World of Tanks T-shirt, a flash drive, and a diploma for each team member.

If you'd like to participate, we still have closed beta keys available for all ZAM free members! As long as you have a free ZAM account, you can grab a key and test your skills in the tournament. Of course, we'd recommend spending this week practicing, so get your key today!


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