Supreme Court to Hear "Violent Video Games" Case
"For nearly two decades, elected officials have tried to regulate which video games you can buy, rent and play. Every single time they’ve passed a law, the federal courts have struck it down as unconstitutional. But this may change this fall."
How will this affect the gaming market? How will this affect TERA? How will this affect people like us that have already dedicated ourselves to purchase and play TERA?
My personal opinion on the matter is that it is completely ridiculous.
America is supposed to be a free country. Video games hardly make people violent - people make other people violent. An example would be people with disturbed childhoods who never sought help and/or people who have experienced or witnessed severe trauma(s), especially in their childhood or teen life. Moreover, those who have never been able to voice what they have seen or experienced are more apt to become violent by example or frustration.
Then there are those who are naturally prone to violence despite their upbringing, things they have seen or experienced. It is human nature to be violent. There are simply some people who have no conscience and commit unspeakable acts.
Neither the California nor US Government has the right to limit access to video games; there is already a rating system on video games. Parents should be smart enough to limit their children's access to adult content in video games if it's really such an issue. America, Land of the Lazy? Come on now.
If a law as frivolous as this is passed regulating access to video games, what next? It would be yet a step closer toward becoming a dictatorship or communist country.
To the California & US Government; Focus on something that actually affects the world, instead of frivolous topics, why don't you? There are plenty of issues to focus on that actually matter.
Full article and petition at: