ZAM's First Impressions of Bloodline Champions

If you don't like losing, you might want to sit this one out...

Now, for the most part, RNG is a harmless feature for most gamers around the world because, let's face it, it's exhilarating. We can all remember those times when you knew you were dead but, as a result of many lucky dodges, you ended up coming out of the scrap just barely alive. RNG effectively offers a chance for players to continue hoping, even when they know the odds are stacked against them. There's a very good reason why major sports work hard to eradicate any form of "chance;" when it comes to competition, the better players should always win, not the luckiest. BLC is one of the very few games to actually follow through on this idea, and so it shouldn't be surprising that it's fast becoming a favorite of competitive gamers around the world.

Unfortunately, it is this fierce competitiveness that may ultimately hold Bloodline Champions back from achieving the huge commercial success it deserves. The fact is, luck and chance are really why lesser skilled players keep coming back to play more. Even the most stubborn player must feel a little discouraged if he or she is annihilated at every turn, but this is really the case if you're new to Bloodline Champions. In their desire to be purely competitive, Stunlock Studios also wants to make sure that the game is balanced, regardless of how long a player has played. Unfortunately, as so many FPS games have begun to discover, players are beginning to want progression tied in with whatever they're doing. Whether it be achievement points, nifty titles, small bonuses, talent trees, runes, decorative items, new skins, or anything of the sort, Bloodline Champions needs to implement some kind of reward for players to keep on playing. Competitive players may play for a while just for the inherent challenge, but adding progression can do nothing but good for attracting players from other demographics.

In the end, Bloodline Champions really does feel like a game that's been developed for my competitive soul. Do you hate winning by luck? Do you love the satisfaction that comes from out-playing your opponents? Do you see losses as chances for you to improve? Do you play games for the challenges themselves, and not for some shiny new weapons? If you answered yes to any of the above, then maybe you should sign up for a closed beta key to Bloodline Champions and see for yourself why this game has so much potential.

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# Jul 14 2010 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
not to mention the king of RNG.. aion. gem socketing, gear enchanting, food crit, every hit dmg, all RNG. even ticket petition is RNG you will get a human response. gotta love it!
# Jul 13 2010 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I've been following this game for awhile; its definitely up my alley. Unfortunately I don't have a beta key, and I've been waiting a couple of months. A bit upsetting but what can you do?
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