How to Survive Aion's World PvP: Part II of II

Who knew falling out of the sky could be... so tactical? In this portion of our Survival guide, we go in-depth with the concepts you need to know to survive in Atreia

Gliding follows this same principle, but there is also the fact that gliding is faster than flying, it conserves more energy in the Abyss, and if your opponent is gliding after you, they cannot attack as well. This is particularly effective if you're trying to stall for a cooldown to come up - simply run to the top of a hill, jump and glide back down. If your opponent glides after you, cut your glide short and immediately make your way back up the hill - hopefully your opponent will not be able to react that quickly, and he or she might end up gliding past you in his or her haste.

When it comes to escaping the clutches of your enemies, however, nothing is more potent or annoying than the freefall. Freefalling is one of the fastest "methods" of travel in Aion because… well… you're freefalling-you're literally just jumping off a cliff without using your wings. Freefalling is so effective because it is the fastest mode of "travel." If you're fighting mid-air and you need an escape, simply get rid of your wings and fall right out of the sky. Not only is it nearly impossible, as a melee, to hit someone who is freefalling, but if you glide before you hit the ground, you should have a significant distance advantage over your opponent.

Love the Landscape

It's a given that you should always be aware of where you are, so that if, and when, you are attacked, you can easily find a wall to hide behind, or some pillars to block line of sight. Either way, knowing and understanding the landscape can often mean the difference between a successful escape (or counter-kill) and having a back full of painful arrows. Specifically, one thing that you should always realize is that running in a straight line is never a good idea. You may believe that speed is of the essence, and therefore a straight line ensures the highest rate of survivability, but the fact is, if you simply run in a straight line, your opponent merely needs to run behind you, whacking you on your butt until you die.

A better solution would be to fight near some ruins that offer shelter and, most importantly, block line of sight. Aion is particularly good at rewarding players who position themselves properly, and it can be extremely difficult to kill someone who is constantly weaving in and out of doorways and behind pillars. We can't even begin to count the number of times we've saved ourselves by jumping behind a pillar to dodge an incoming spell, but let us assure you - it's a lot.

And this concludes our rather hefty guide to surviving Aion's World PvP! Hopefully these tactics will help you in your time of need, and remember, when in doubt… jump off the cliff and glide!


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