ZAM Reveals Star Trek Online's Destiny Class Ship
Cryptic gives us an exclusive first look at this huge science vessel. Check out our screenshots, video and ship specs!
With the resources needed to chart distant star systems, deep space science vessels such as the Destiny class will lead Starfleet into a new era of exploration.
Boasting all of the advanced technology with an advanced warp core and expanded engineering facilities, the Destiny is ideal for either long solo missions or fleet support.
Fore weapon slots: 3
Aft weapon slots: 3
Bridge Officer Stations:
Tactical: Lieutenant (1)
Engineering: Ensign (1), Lieutenant (1)
Science: Lieutenant Commander (1), Commander (1)
Total Available Powers: 12
Modification Slots:
Tactical: 2
Engineering: 3
Science: 4
Device Slots: 3
Crew Size: 500
Impulse Speed: 15
Turning Rate: 6
Tags: StarTrekOnline, Video