Free Realms Housing Brings Forth Great Creativity
In December, one of the many new features introduced in Free Realms was player housing. Three different house sizes were available, and soon players got to work finding various ways to place their newly purchased house items. Some went for a more mundane approach, while others went all out, creating zany 8-bit mock art or amusement parks.
Houses not only offer players a place to express their creativity, but also a sanctuary to hang out with friends and guild mates. In Free Realms, a large number of house items are available for purchase through either the Station Cash Marketplace or the Coin Shop. Some of these items are interactable, such as the Mega Dance Floor or the Rocket Ship!
Earlier today, ZAM crashed the house tour for the popular guild Bunny Foo Foo Belly Button Lint, and got to see some of these great houses. Featured in the picture gallery, which you can access by clicking on the picture, are the homes of Orange Belt, Carnelia Hopewish and Sev Kenek.