Patch notes for Aug 6, 2003

From the patcher: August 6, 2003 ------------------------------ Note: Some internal data restructuring created a delay in the introduction of the new platinum slot in the shared bank and the new text filters. We will bring those to the Live servers as soon as we can. ** New Adventure in Lavastorm! ** In the depths of the Lavastorm Mountains there is only one ruler. But even his burning breath and power have their limits. Rumor has it that there is wealth and danger in locations even further below the boiling lands than Lord Nagafen can reach. These tales have been spreading like ripples on a calm lake, and their point of origin appears to be an upstart barbarian named Morden. Some say that he's already delved these fabled caverns and taken what there was of value. Other say that he couldn't have carried it all off by himself. But most say that he's a rogue, a teller of tales, and not to be trusted. Will you discover the truth and brave the heat, or will you sit beside your cozy campfire and listen to stories? This new adventure zone will only be around for a while, so you may want to visit soon. ** Spells ** - Summoned Burning Affliction focus items added - Mages have four new spells, Summon Wooden Bracelet, Summon Stone Bracelet, Summon Iron Bracelet, and Summon Steel Bracelet. The bracelets summoned provide the Burning Affliction effect for DoT spells. - Summoned container spells updated - The Quiver of Marr, Bandoleer of Luclin and the Pouch of Quellious now appear filled with the appropriate item (for example, the Quiver of Marr now appears with six stacks of arrows). Also, these items should all be exactly the same, so the quiver function should work properly. - Mass Enchant spells corrected - The mass enchant spells for Adamantite, Brellium, Mithril and Steel now create the 5 enchanted blocks that they should. - Illusion: Guktan is available - This is an illusion spell for the new Froglok models. - Illusion: Scaled Wolf is available - This is an illusion spell for the Scaled Wolf seen in Kunark. - Tiny Companion - The spell scroll for this spell is no longer No Drop. - Dooming Darkness no longer overwrites Cascading Darkness. ** Items ** - Moss Covered Hood - This item can now be equipped by all classes. - Silk String - This item is now stackable. ** Trade Skills ** - New Fletching recipes added - We've added several new Karana-only fletching recipes to help round out that skill. ** Quests and Zones ** - Halls of Betrayal - Corrected an error with some of the quest item drops in this zone. - Plane of Time - The events in Plane of Time B now remember the progress your raid has made through the zone when you leave and will restore you to the same state when you return. - Kagazz will respond when you ask him about fasteners. - Experience in city zones updated - Some time around the release of Planes of Power we reduced the experience gain in some city zones. Tthe experience gained from quests in those zone has been increased. - Ogre newbie quests - Added a weapon quest for young ogres. - Iksar Necromancer Spell Vendors - The Iksar necromancer spell vendors have moved and are a lot closer to the necromancer guild. This should make it easier for new necromancers to find these vendors and will hopefully boost their sales. ** Miscellaneous ** - Spell book bug - Corrected a bug that was causing characters to be randomly forced to stand up when in their spell book. - Client crash information - If your game crashes on the client side, a dialogue box will come up asking if you'd like to send us the information about the crash. This information may help us pinpoint problems and make it easier to fix them. Only information relevant to the crash, your character name, server name and the zone you were in will be sent. ** Fan Faire ** Chicago Fan Faire is sneaking up on us! The Chicago event will be held September 26-28th, and the last day to guarantee your spot at the event by pre-registering is September 8th. To reserve your spot and pre-register, or to simply get more information, please go to See you in Chicago!


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Some thoughts on quests, rewards & zones
# Aug 08 2003 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
Is it just me, or has anyone else notifed that 99% of all the new quest/rewards/zones are just for those characters 1-10 & 50+ or of new races? I mean come one, we still have to go thru the same old zones to get from lvl 11 to about 40 or so. How about some new stuff for us guys "wading thru the middle"?
Caverns of exile(sol C)
# Aug 07 2003 at 4:06 PM Rating: Default
i explored both sides..the zone in from sol a leads to goblin camps that ya can get faction for by killin the kobolds on the other side..had a few nameds on the path we took and ended up at a fire giant castle..had a named called typheus or somethin firegiant who dropped a 40ac 9str 12 dex 12 sta and 12 vs all resist plate class BP called fire forged breastplate i believe(not sure on stats either :P)

after that i went to kobold side where is was amiable to the kobolds from killing goblins so i could skip em and get a group at the part were everyone is kos with the imps and such stuf was 54 to 59ish id say with the occasional fireborns conning red to me at 58 a named also forgot what it dropped...past a little castle we came upon a altar type thing with 6 big bad imps that were red to me at 58 and hit for 500dmg and in the middle a very big demon called gatekeeper something who was red to the 62 ranger who tracked didnt aggro btw when i went to near the altar just the imps.. he seemed to be guarding the treasure room the patch talked about but we didnt wanna try it with our single group..not a fun CR.. theres lot more to be explored and in a zoneviewer i saw a huge naggy lair type area further in so who knows what else is in there.. have fun oja the kobolds and goblins both have a few quest npcs you need either kobold or goblin faction for dunno what they want yet tho..

iff i get detais etc i will share it happy huntin

58 revenant

RE: Caverns of exile(sol C)
# Aug 07 2003 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
o spelling sucks,but its gettin late here :P
Wow, I guess they DO listen sometimes..
# Aug 07 2003 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
I had posted a complaint about the lack of Ogre newbie weapons and, whether they were planning to, anyway, or they listened, it was nice to see they actually DID add Ogre newbie weapon quests.

And it was pretty quick, too!

SOL C loc and quick brief
# Aug 07 2003 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
THeir are actualy 2 ways into this zone, from SOL A and from SOL B. near the top of sol B (forgive me sol a'ers i did not poke my head around much on that side) From sol B, if you go up past bugs room uphill to the 0 bridge (the bridge over lava with a big hole in the middle). Their will be lava toyour left, if you have agro their is a SOL A zoneline right their too, just keep going uphill.

Anyway, to your left on the 0 bridge you will see a Lavafall, you must Jump/lev to it (it's an easy jump to the top of the Lavafall). Then you must dispell Lev if you have it on because you will only zone in if you are in the Lava, if you keep the lev on, you will zone to SOL A. Sol A zone is the same way, if you zone in and you are above lava, you will go to sol B, if you are in the lava, SOL C.

We didnt get to far, but got one drop, a 2hb 30 30 staff that was NONE/NONE usable, had some other stats (failry nice if memory serves) Hope this staf is just broken, and not another teaser item.

Also we noticed their is a named NPC to the left if you zone in from SOL B, gives out a quest that we got one of the drops for already (woot). Mobs were mostly 50 to 58 area, with one red named that judging by damage output and such was 60 area.

Zoning in form SOL A TAKES YOU TO A DIFFRENT SPOT IN ZONE. so be careful here.

Also the Lava here is nasty, and you got a descent swim in it no matter which way you come from, so have 2k hp atleast, or a Divine barrier. Also of note, Getting out is REALY tricky, because you pop out in the lava on the SOL B side, so have a lev on you, or you got a long hot, nasty swim to land, and a few LDC's to fight when you get their. Or just find a port.

Hope this helps.
RE: SOL C loc and quick brief
# Aug 07 2003 at 7:20 PM Rating: Default
you must dispell Lev if you have it on because you will only zone in if you are in the Lava, if you keep the lev on, you will zone to SOL A.

Incorrect. I had DMF up and I levitated over the lava falls and zoned into Sol C. I turned around and zoned back out and I came in still levitated over the lava in Sol B, and simply walked back to the O bridge.
RE: SOL C loc and quick brief
# Aug 07 2003 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
Have heard this staff is now monk/bst. Any clues as to where it dropped? Also, if you're in the lava and /q it used to warp you to zone in when you logged back in. Not sure if that trick still works, but it used to be a way of surviving if you fell in on the way to naggy.
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
I belive the guktan spell is a quest there were details on a forum i read a few weeks ago.. Well from what it was on test.
Drizzul Ro's experience
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Well when the servers fianlly came up everyone searched and searched in LS for the new zone. Then when the serverwide message saying Sol B is down everyone knew the entrance is in there. When it came back up everyone scattered to naggys chamber. someone pulled Naggy to the hall and got most lvl 52+ people TLed out of there as well people were pissed.Then, Ransac found the entrance and well everyone was spamming the zone for the entrance. Then ONCE everyone found it (Bat 3 camp with the bridge facing the lavafall entrance) everyone ran in there. Casters with low HPs died first from a grueling 80 damage from the lava and well they were down fast. Then some people when they got to the surface they trained those who survived the lava were trained. Atlas some nice cleric rezzed everyone and well then the Best guild on the server immedialy started exploring. Well they cleared a big *** path fast and linked almost every item. Atlas the zone is still buggy, I fell through the way and ended up in the lesser succor point (go figure) and well died. Not bad for the first day :p
Drizzul Ro
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
New zone
# Aug 06 2003 at 4:39 PM Rating: Default
"sol c" i believe is somewhere in the sol b mines , ( not sure where , dont have a char that could clear that area and look )
# Aug 06 2003 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
The new Scaled wolf illusion can be found at the Gnome Enchanter merchant in PoK. I dunno about the Froglok one tho, im loooking for that now.
Dordy Laundry <Blue Frost>
55 Enchanter
Kane Bayle
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
now rogues need a mask to make us frogloks =)
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
Last i heard the new zone was broken and inside SoLa
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:01 PM Rating: Default
Anyone have the /loc for the new zone?
new spells
# Aug 06 2003 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
Can you list where to get the new spells?
RE: new spells
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
more likely where the other illusion spells are sold
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