Domino Opens Discussion on Transmuting

Emily "Domino" Taylor, the EQII Tradeskill Developer, has formally opened discussion on Transmuting with an eye toward possibly revamping it. 

First, what are the overall goals here?

  1. to make transmuting less painful to level up, it should be about on a similar difficulty level as tinkering in terms of speed and expense
  2. to make transmuting products more useful and better distributed in terms of which stats on what slot and what rarity
  3. to make it less confusing for adventurers to figure out how to get adornments made and who to go to
  4. to make it less confusing for crafters to learn how to be transmuters
She has also summarized the major complaints and suggestions presented by crafters on the forums.  Please join the discussion on the official Tradeskill forums!


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a thought
# Aug 27 2009 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Has there been any research to suggest that making things easier to do leads to people spending less time in-game? There should be. The sense of completion and progression is a THE reason people play RPG's. Stop making things easier to accomplish.
# Aug 26 2009 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
There is nothing hard about becoming a transmuter. Granted there is an expense to leveling but that is just part of the game and those of us who have put in the time and effort (expense) think it was well worth it. The sense of accomplishment once you hit 400 is a milestone in the characters development that means something. Making it easier is not the right thing to do. The other ideas would be nice for the transmuting tradeskill. Tinkering isn't in the same league as transmuting. If anything you should make Tinkering harder.
# Aug 25 2009 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way but for the love of pete, STOP MAKING EVERYTHING EASIER!!!!!! The expense and frustration that comes with transmuting is the reason its a "lucrative" tradeskill. Please quit pandering to the whiney babies that dont want to put any time or effort into doing anything.
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