Wowhead Introduces Premium Features

wowhead premium image

Our sister site, introduced Premium Features today.  If you have ever used Wowhead, like me, you know how awesome the site is. Well now, boys and girls, Wowhead has goodies! These goodies are not a mandatory purchase, nor is premium required for your Wowhead browsing enjoyment. You will still be able to search and use Wowhead just as you have done all along. Some of the new features include removal of ads and the captcha and the use of custom forum avatars. You can read the entire list of additions after the break!

And for those of you who are already ZAM premium subscribers, Wowhead is now in your arsenal for top notch information about World of Warcraft.

One more great addition, with the roll-out of the premium features at Wowhead, is the "Refer-a-friend." This is not just at Wowhead; you can use this feature, right here, on That's right folks, refer a friend, a guildmate, or your mom to purchase a premium subscription and you will receive ONE month FREE premium. Not only can you enjoy your two favorite sites ad free, but earn a FREE month as well for telling your friends!

Per Malgayne on Wowhead's newest addition:

Please note (and this is incredibly important): Wowhead is not becoming a pay site. We have no intention of charging you for existing features. We believe Wowhead should always remain free, and it's very important to us that users who do NOT choose to upgrade to a Premium account are not penalized in any way. Wowhead Premium is just a way for you to make your Wowhead experience better, become more involved in the site, and to show everyone how cool you truly are—and a way for us to say thank you for your years of support. :)

The list of goodies that Wowhead has added is:

  • No ads (also makes the pages wider for better viewing!)
  • No captcha (the little "enter the code in the box" thing)
  • Custom forum avatars
  • A free pass to the front of the Armory queue whenever you request Profiler resyncs
  • Increased character limits for comments and forum posts
  • Access to a special email address for input on site features and direction
  • A special Premium border for your forum avatar
  • A special Premium badge for your user page
  • Premium access to, Allakhazam and WoWInterface and all the features found there

You can read more about the new premium features in a blog posted by Malgayne on

Great job guys!


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There are ads here ?
# Jul 23 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
I guess years of Unix admin and host file familiarity has finally payed off. I've looped every possible google ads incarnation back to and I get a mess of VERY quickly resolving broken links and a slightly slower loading Allakha's page.
There are ads here ?
# Jul 24 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Bad j00 j00
2,159 posts
We don't run google ads. We tried it for a day or two and quickly realized that it would be a full time job for several people to blacklist all the RMT ads that appear on a daily basis. It was easier to find alternate sources for advertisement.
There are ads here ?
# Jul 24 2009 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
Really, ran a netstat while browsing your page, I don't use any google tools but found the following 2 ports attempting to open connections :

TCP Honalee:2180 BLOCKED
TCP Honalee:2181 BLOCKED

You are aware google owns adclick and doubleclick these days ?
Maybe I have issues on my side as well....

Edit : noted the follwing line in the source for your page as well :

So you are getting SOME service from google despite your claims to the contrary.

Edited, Jul 24th 2009 5:15pm by arkfeld
There are ads here ?
# Jul 24 2009 at 9:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Bad j00 j00
2,159 posts
We don't run any of their AdSense ads which are notorious for RMT ads.

They are however our ad provider but it's not their ads we run.
# Jul 27 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Default
I appreciate the response and straight forward info. I would also like to AD :} that I love your site and have been a reader since it became THE source with LUCY in good ol' EQ days....many, many moons ago.
# Jul 23 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
I pay to read about Everquest and prefer to not waste my time with WoW.
# Jul 23 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
morromid wrote:
I pay to read about Everquest and prefer to not waste my time with WoW.
We are not an EQ only site. We support many games and growing all the time! It's an announcement that effects the entire site and our network, we post site announcements to all sites so that everyone gets to see what we are doing, adding, etc. You may be on the EQ template, but I prefer to post once, and not separately to each site. I know of several people who play EQ and WOW, or EQ2 and WOW, they may appreciate the heads up. If you don't want to read it, then ignore it until it is pushed off the page by other news. Hopefully at a later date, that template will be updated to where you can select which news to view. But for the time being, I apologize for your wasted time. I hope that others find the information and the continued addition of new items to the network enjoyable.

For those who read the announcement, there is a benefit to anyone who has premium. Enjoy!

# Jul 23 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
make sure that your email addresses are the same on the two. My WoWhead one was out of date compared to my Alla one, when I got the two together and hit upgrade it went with no problem.
Small problem...
# Jul 22 2009 at 9:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Well, that's awesome, but how exactly do I get this to work?

I have premium here. I created an account on wowhead a while ago when they were running some contest or another, and I think I used a different e-mail address, so I figure I'm out of luck trying to get my premium to show up on that one. Logging in to and then creating a new wowhead account with the e-mail address I use here has been less than fruitful, however--it keeps trying to get me to buy premium again. I can't find an option to use this account there or link my wowhead account to it, so what exactly am I supposed to do?

If I'm expected to pay for premium twice...well, then I guess I won't be the only one who's out of luck here.

Edited for spelling.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2009 10:27pm by isyris
Small problem...
# Jul 22 2009 at 10:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Per a dev:

goto wowhead and hit the upgrade premium button. Rest should be done automatically.

If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to contact me directly by email!


Small problem...
# Jul 22 2009 at 10:16 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Ah, got it working, thank you for your help. :)

I was leery of clicking that extra button when I was already on the page with the pricing... it's really not made clear that doing that is what links the accounts.


Note: If you already have a Premium account on, you get Wowhead Premium access for free! Just make sure you're logged in on before you sign up, and Wowhead will automatically detect your Premium status.

makes it sound kind of like you have to sign up for a new account altogether. Smiley: tongue

EDIT: looks like I spoke too soon--it tells me my account's linked but I still have ads, and hitting the update button tells me my premium is inactive.

Edited, Jul 22nd 2009 11:25pm by isyris
Small problem...
# Jul 22 2009 at 9:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
No ma'am Lady isyris, we do not expect you to pay twice, that is the awesome thing, using wowhead is just like being here at home. Give me a few minutes to get you exact details on how to achieve setting up your premium access.

Small problem...
# Jul 23 2009 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
893 posts
Having a little trouble with this too, Mistress.

I am logged on to, but it is not linking zam & wowhead for some reason.

I'll keep checking the FAQ.
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