Mayong (51/50) Server Opens Today

A message from EQLive:

We are pleased to announce that the Mayong (51/50) Server will be opening up at 11:00 am (PDT) Tuesday, June 30, 2009.

The rules of this server are the same as a standard server but the server does have the following differences:

All new characters will:

  • Start at level 51 Start with 50 unspent AA points
  • Start with a complete set of Flawed Defiant armor and weapons (Recommended level 50)
  • Start with all spells and abilities through level 51
  • Have all available skills at their maximum level (Spell specializations excepted)
  • Tradeskills will not be set to a higher value initially

Special Titles: There are a series of server first titles for the first defeat of various encounters.

The Mayong (51/50) Server is named after Mayong Mistmoore, one of Norrath’s most renowned vampires! Check back tomorrow as we share lore surrounding this historical figure.


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50/51 transfer rules
# Jul 15 2009 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
I have a question about the transfers rules for 51/50 server. I have a necro in another server that I would like to box in the future with a Shadow Knight. I don't have a shadow knight yet. and 51/50 server is a good idea to start one,but question is am I going to be able to tranfer my necro to this server in the future or this server is going to be tranfer locked forever? Any help on tranfers rule for this 51/50 server?

Thank you
50/51 transfer rule
# Jul 15 2009 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
I have a question about the transfers rules for 51/50 server. I have a necro in another server that I would like to box in the future with a Shadow Knight. I don't have a shadow knight yet. and 51/50 server is a good idea to start one,but question is am I going to be able to tranfer my necro to this server in the future or this server is going to be tranfer locked forever? Any help on tranfers rule for this 51/50 server?

Thank you
# Jul 14 2009 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
EQ Mayong Server community site
# Jul 14 2009 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
check it out

Equipped with all spells?
# Jul 02 2009 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
What about quest-only spells, like the Enchanter's Illusion Iksar spell?
# Jul 01 2009 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Actually some people are already complaining that their toon didn't come equipped with Epic 1.0 :(

Following this logic (or lack thereof) why not start at lvl 85 with 2500 aa's, epic 2.0, and a full set of tower gear?

People will whine and cry about anything and everything. If you don't like the rule set of a specific server...don't play on it, it's that friggin easy.
# Jul 01 2009 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
I love this idea. Opening a window into the futures of your characters is priceless for newbies such as myself. This adds new perspective on where I want my characters to be and a feel for the class and it's abilities I know so little about. Good move, Sony.
good server to start new...
# Jun 30 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default

hehehe dont know about you folks but to me this a good zone to start any class you like or never played with before and learn all those nifty skills at mid level.

i think ill make a doll box... guys in dress hahaha (chanter, mage, necro good?)
# Jun 30 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
221 posts
Ok been there, done that now - got my T-shirt.... Can we get the progression server now?
# Jun 30 2009 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
EQ will never have a TRUE progression server, because the graphics will never be reverted back and change with the right expansion, nor will the same GM events ever be duplicated... progression in this day and age means rush rush rush to the end so no one has time to enjoy it.
# Jun 30 2009 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
187 posts
considering that ornate is available at 48, shouldn't everyone start with that instead?

reactions are like a box of chocolates... you never know what you are going to get. If you can't handle that, don't open the box!!

New servers are like a box of chocolates... you never know what you are going to get. If you can't handle that, don't play EQ!!
defiant armor
# Jun 30 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
considering that ornate is available at 48, shouldn't everyone start with that instead?
defiant armor
# Jun 30 2009 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
considering you get a newb lvl 51 with 50 aa's and complete set of're gonna complain about ornate?

Maybe they outta start you off naked like a real newb is!!!

Suppose your next complaint will be that you have no starting money,eh?
defiant armor
# Jul 01 2009 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Actually some people are already complaining that their toon didn't come equipped with Epic 1.0 :(
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