Blizzard Gives Preview of 3.2: Call of the Crusade

Blizzard has given us a preview of what we can expect to see in Patch 3.2: Call of the Crusade on the Under Development page on the official Web site. In the next major content patch, you can expect to see the expansion of the Argent Dawn tournament with new dailies and rewards; the Crusaders' Coliseum, which will include challenges for 5, 10 and 25 players; the new Isle of Conquest battleground; and the start of Arena season 7.

According to Zarhym, the battleground will be like "Wintergrasp combined with Alterac Valley with a few more twists." Of course, no dates have been released for when the patch will make it to the PTR or go live.

GryphonStalker has already started a thread on Call of the Crusade in our WoW general forum, so feel free to add to the discussion. You can keep reading after the jump for the full text from the Under Development page.

  • The Argent Tournament Expands: With the help of Azeroth's heroes, the Argent Crusade will finish the Argent Coliseum just in time to call for all brave citizens to prepare for battle with the Lich King. New dailies, rewards, and more will be available at the Argent Tournament grounds to lure adventurers into the coliseum.

  • Crusaders' Coliseum: In order to prepare for a siege on Icecrown Citadel, players will be called by the Argent Crusade to test their mettle in the Coliseum. 5-player, 10-player, and 25-player challenges await inside.

  • New Battleground: Isle of Conquest, a new large-scale siege Battleground, will be open. The Horde and Alliance will battle head-to-head for control of strategic resources to lay siege to the keeps of their opponents.

  • New Arena Season: Season 7 will officially start, paving the way for all-new items and challenges.


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one note Blizz
# May 27 2009 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
"the battleground will be like 'Wintergrasp combined with Alterac Valley with a few more twists.'"

Uh... Strand of the Ancients is almost exactly like Wintergrasp. Has Blizzard really become so bankrupt on creativity that they need to rehash the same thing AGAIN? I'm not alone in the opinion that the newer vehicle component Blizz seems married to isn't something I want to see every corner I turn. Occulus and Malygos are not fun because there are points where your character and ability to play it are meaningless. At least in those PVE examples, skill of some kind is still required. But in WG, this just dumbs down PVP, allowing anybody with no talent to just grab a catapult and roast players that would whoop their tail in EVEN combat.

No thank you. Alterac Vally presents an amazing possibility for strategic fun. To revisit it has great potential. To make yet a third Wintergrasp when the first is already available every couple hours and the second is available all the time is unwelcome.
one note Blizz
# May 30 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
I think that the arena system was designed to fulfill the "fair fight" role you describe. Outside of that, play is never going to really be "even", whether it be due to the presence of siege vehicles or battleground mismatches due to faction imbalance.
one note Blizz
# May 27 2009 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
i dont see whats so bad about it they are making it so that vehicles are now going to scale based on your gear therefore the better players (or at least better geared players i know this does not always equal better players) will be better off however how do you know which elements of wintergrasp they are putting in? maybe the vehicles in this will solely be based on siege and may not be very good for killing other players...dont judge something before its released!
the coloseum is PvE!
# May 26 2009 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
People are very confused. There is no PvP component to the Argent Tournament, now or in 3.2, other than mounted duels.

The Coloseum will be a 5 man PvE instance, and then also a 10man and 25 raid instance. The way it has been described is like the circle of blood/arena of anguish quest lines.

Expect to fight with a party in an instance a series of bosses in an arena like manner. You will not be PvP ing in the Argent Tourney.
Failed oppotunity
# May 25 2009 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
Never seems to be much mid lvl stuff. Even if you consistantly lvl up to the cap it would be great to have more interesting stuff for your 25-55 range. Blizz seems oblivious.
Failed oppotunity
# May 26 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
Well, by only adding new endgame content, Blizzard ensures that every player will be able to experience the changes (well, every player with the expansions :)). For myself, I know that if I start a new character I simply want to get it to level 80. I would not want to spend extra time in some raid or dungeon to obtain items that will become obsolete as soon as I gain a couple of levels.

A lot of the stuff they've implemented has been for lower level players as well (dual talent spec, glyphs, etc).
Failed oppotunity
# May 25 2009 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
i would say that is because they consider that as more of a finished area atm they are more eager to put stuff in for end game so i imagine it wont be until at least icecrown citadel instance has been put in that they will even think about stuff below 60 very much (if they do at all)
did anyone notice?
# May 24 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
has anyone noticed that they said "just in time to call for all brave citizens to prepare for battle with the Lich King" which implies they are aiming to put in that battle in a patch or two after this at least that is what it seems like to me. Also to Galenthor just because they havent released any info about PVE content does not mean there won't be any even if there isn't was there much PVP content in 3.1? no so they are just balancing it out as i see it. Graspee it sounds to me like the coliseum is gonna be more of an instance from the "5 man, 10 man, 25 man" thing rather than a world pvp area so i find it unlikely they will do that since they only (reluctantly i imagine) did that with wintergrasp to try to reduce the very heavy load it was putting on the servers.
did anyone notice?
# May 24 2009 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
which implies they are aiming to put in that battle in a patch or two after this at least that is what it seems like to me.

My guess would be that we'll see some major content added in early November, just in time for the Christmas sales push.
# May 24 2009 at 9:29 AM Rating: Default
3,896 posts

The Argent Tournament Expands: With the help of Azeroth's heroes, the Argent Crusade will finish the Argent Coliseum just in time to call for all brave citizens to prepare for battle with the Lich King. New dailies, rewards, and more will be available at the Argent Tournament grounds to lure adventurers into the coliseum.

Then a few months later the dailies, rewards and more will be nerfed to lure adventurers OUT of the coliseum.

more pve content pls...
# May 24 2009 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
while I haven't gone over to the main post for this, it sounds like it's mainly pvp.. if that is the case, it's epic fail as I see it.
# May 23 2009 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
30 posts
Needs more Chamber of Aspects raids.

Otherwise, I'm intrigued.
nerding out here
# May 23 2009 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
awesome patch

SO much stuff

2 months away at least
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