Update Notes for May 6th, 2009

Todays patch notes include a long list of fixes and tweaks to everything from portraits to quests, UI to the TCG.  See below the jump for the complete notes.


 * In Tower Defense, fixed an issue that allowed towers to be placed in invalid locations

* The max limit for tin ore in Rich nodes has been removed

* Pet Trainer quests can now be completed using trial pets

* Declining a friend request will no longer auto accept that person as a friend

* Fixed some flow issues in the Marketplace when consuming a game card

* All-Star Brawler Pauldrons and Helmets have been added as Brawler job quest rewards

* The profile portrait will now update each time you switch your job


Quests & Collections
* Felipe will now display the correct icon above his head when completing the Can You Deliver? quest
* Miners rejoice! A quest path has been added to help players find the Southvale mine tunnel entrance.
* Some quest dialogues have been reworded to make sense
* Made some minor changes to Drinks on the House, Taste Testing, Operation Revival, Ailing Animals, and Robgolbin Recycling Program quests
* The last objective in the Mother Lode Lift quest will now show up properly
* Supply Master Leo has been told that Milli Ironcall is actually a 'she' and not a 'he'
* Mysterious Birds quest is now able to be completed
* The quest helper in Oakheart's Heart will now specify a location to go to
* Gorg now has a talk animation during the quest turn-in dialogue in Take the Fight to Them quest
* The quest, That'll Teach 'Em', now has a description in the quest helper
* The quest reward in Smoggo's Sword has been altered
* Players will no longer be able to complete the Happy from the Inside quest by leaving and re-entering the encounter
* Gulsh will no longer offer the Toll Trouble quest
* A reward will now be granted for completing the Table Turner quest
* Mysterious Birds will now list with goals that need to be completed in order to finish the quest
* Fixed some dialogues in the Way of the Brawler quest
* The quest path will now show up properly in the Battle Bry quest
* Breaking Some Bones will now reward players upon completion
* Recipe pages in Impressing the Axemaker will no longer appear underneath the geometry
* Player's club: Riley's Challenge and Player's Club: Grekel's Challenge will now reward the players upon completion
* The medical supplies in Medic on a Mission will now display on the minimap
* The Bad Ninjas quest in Danger Peaks will now update properly
* Finding the bear in The Golden Bear of Greenwood quest is now easier
* A quest path has been added to the objectives in the Greenwood Toads quest
* The question mark icon on Bry and Dori will display correctly in the Thieves About! quest
* Quest reminder dialogue has been added to Piparoo
* Fixed a string error in the Digging for Glory quest
* Fireworks Frenzy is now able to be completed
* Doctor Callahan will no longer be cut off mid-sentence in his reminder dialogue
* The bucket will no longer appear partway in the ground in the Bucket O'Fish quest
* Gathering a collection for the first time will now trigger a pop-up window explaining collections
* Revised the goals and description in the Little Lost Kitten quest
* Key collections can no longer be looted an unlimited number of times
* Correct icons will now display in Sundancer's radial menu
* The quest goal in Two Gems Are Better Than One has been modified
* Aziwug, Diggy, Donovan Shadeweaver, Darci Flitterstride, Sundancer, Milus Featherfeet, Enaine, and Rainchaser now have reminder dialogue
* The quest description in the Distracted quest has been updated
* The quest log in Blacksmith: Breaking Bank has been updated
* A red X will no longer appear in the reminder dialogue for Sandi or the quest update for Flurrie Flo
* A quest path and ray of light for the Postman: Outpost Ordeal and Save the Sheep quest will now appear correctly
* Postman: It's a Breeze quest journal has been modified slightly
* The You Can't Steal What's Already Yours quest will now cast  an illusion on the player
* The Table Turner, Downy By The River, It's All In The Training, The Ghost of Bergram Stumpfinger, Blackspore's Most Wanted, Shaming the Sheriff, Breaking Some Bones, and There's Silver in Those Hills quests will now reward a player upon completion
* Modified the goal description in The Queen's Favor quest
* Moved one of the honey jars in the Happy on the Inside quest to help prevent exploiting
* A quest path will now lead players to the Cracked Claw Caverns in the Combating the Cray quest


* New pathing data has been added to a few sections of the Memorial Caverns
* Troll Sneakscouts in Forest Troll Fort will now teleport after disappearing in a puff of smoke
* Added missing waterfall spray to several waterfalls throughout Shrouded Glade
* Fixed several clipping issues in Mugwort's Hollow
* Particle effects have been added to the street lamps in the Crossroads
* Distant walls in the Cracked Claw Caverns will display correctly at a lower render setting
* All bridges in the Memorial Caverns will appear correctly when on the lowest render setting
* Using the lowest render setting will no longer cause the water in Seaside and Merry Vale to not display


* Shadow Talon ninjas will now throw shurikens at their practice dummies
* Bristlewood Glade will now reward players with the appropriate amount of coins or stars
* Fixed some issues with goals related to Tanglewood Fort
* In Trail of Betrayal, the Chugawug Tower Captain has been renamed to the Tower Captain
* The Floren Budling has been moved in the Floren Forest encounter
* A swoosh sound will now play when you activate a health or mana power up in combat
* The bonus goals in Tanglewood Fort are no longer required
* Changed the location where the exit door spawns to be closer to the middle of the play space in several combat encounters
* New pathing data has been added to the Den of Secrets


* Players will no longer be able to click on rare exploration nodes while in a job-specific in-world minigame
* The scalpels in Runecaster Tools has been changed to wood
* Impressing the Axemaker quest will now update correctly
* In Tower Defense, fixed an issue that allowed towers to be placed in invalid locations
* Fixed some objective description issues with the Chess minigame
* Objective details are now being displayed in the start, end, and status screens for the No Pain No Gain minigame
* Bonus objectives in Intrepid Protector Axe are awarded correctly now
* The Total Moves Time will properly update now in Chess
* The score screen in Match 3 minigames no longer makes use of the word 'Objective'. It'll now use the word 'goal' instead.
* Stages Completed are no longer shown at the end of a Tower Defense game
* Tooltips in Briarwood Defense, Bixie Defense, etc have been corrected
* Several forging minigames will no longer reward the player upon failure of the minigame
* The max limit for tin ore in Rich nodes has been removed
* Added "perfect" bonus to pouring in the mix phase for Tin
* The speed for the "perfect" part of the breaking ore meter was reduced to make it more reliable to get a perfect
* Mining: Increased ore spawns in common nodes (Iron Mining)
* Mining: Reduced wild tile spawns (Iron Mining & Rich Iron Mining)
* Mining: Slightly reduced power-up spawns (Iron Mining & Rich Iron Mining)
* Mining: Reduced blocker/locked spawns (Iron Mining & Rich Iron Mining)
* Mining: Reduced the stars obtained from copper / tin mining
* In Tower Defense, the "Next" button will no longer appear after defeating the last wave


* Small dogs are able to burp again
* The Pet Trainer quest, Making A Champ, now requires the player to skill up Tuffy's "Box"
* Removed several pet foods from vendors
* Changed the description on a few different types of pet food
* Pet Trainer quests can now be completed using trial pets
* Cats will no longer randomly abandon their treasure hunting behaviors
* Players will now be able to see the visual effects when other people's pets vanish
* Trial pets will now have their portrait appear in the pet controller
* Doggy Island Lei will display correctly on all small dogs
* Dashiell and Tao will no longer appear in the Highroad Junction Pet Adoption Center
* The Pet Browser will no longer be highlighted while the About My Pet UI is on screen
* Pets will now act correctly when summoned in water
* The pet portrait will no longer shrink on mouse-over


Racing & Demolition Derby
* Players on slow internet connections will no longer hang if the game starts before all assets have finished downloading
* Fixed an issue that was causing players to be disconnected from the racing encounter if another person disconnected upon log in


User Interface
* Fixed some issues with UI windows accepting special characters (i.e. parenthesis, commas, etc)
* Adjusting your in game resolution will now properly readjust the UI
* Fixed issues the green arrow appearing out of place
* Players are now able to invite a friend to a group using the social window
* Declining a friend request will no longer auto accept that person as a friend
* The Draw Flora game option will now persist through logout
* The Social window will no longer go inactive when switching back and forth between the Social window and the Quest Helper
* 'Item' has been renamed to 'Reward' in the Help & Support: Report a Bug window
* The attack button can no longer be pressed during cooldown time
* Removed a red tint in quick chat
* Getting a blank quest start screen will no longer appear
* First time events will only trigger once regardless of which starting area you start in


Marketplace & Membership
* Fixed some flow issues in the Marketplace when consuming a game card
* Fixed an issue with the store window's side panel being empty and displaying the incorrect title
* Clicking on the 'Add Station Cash' button from the Inventory UI screen will no longer close the window
* When you close the 'Show Preview' window the last item viewed will be selected when you return to the Marketplace window
* Fixed a slight delay issue with the scrollbar in the Marketplace
* All Burning Diamond Shards have had their particle effects revamped to be a bit smaller, but cooler looking.


Items & Rewards
* Health, Energy, and Rejuvenation potions / vials can only be used as long as your health or mana is below 100%
* The buff icon for Super Coin Booster will now have a tooltip
* Updated the power rating on Ninja gear to correctly correspond with the level gained
* The Blue Button Eyes potion will now play correctly when consumed
* The sleeves on all medium Wizard cloaks will no longer have clipping issues
* Players who consume Spryleafs Morphin Munchies will no longer get stuck running around as a Robgoblin
* The particle effects on the Scare Orb potion will no longer loop indefinitely
* Fixed some reward issues in the Royal Vault and the Royal Vault Deluxe
* Student Wearables are no longer able to be sold
* 'Worth' is no longer displayed in the New item screen
* Fixed an issue with particles not displaying correctly on the Card Champion's Sack
* The descriptions for Humongous and Jump health / energy / replenishing potions have been modified
* Spike Shot Bow, Dragon Blade, Flowing Emerald Blade, Radioactive Beam Blade, Prismatic Beam Saber, Torque Burst Blade, and Rainbow Coil Cutter are now playing the correct animations when used
* All-Star Brawler Pauldrons and Helmets have been added as Brawler job quest rewards
* Bubblegum and charcoal tinted weapons are no longer available on merchants
* Added particle effects to the wieldable lantern


* Wizard: Zap: The description for the Zap ability has been corrected
* Archer's Brutal Blast Cap and Trick Shot Cap display icon will now show up correctly


* Market Place particle effects will display correctly if equipped when logging in
* Dialogue issues with Carrie, in Snowhill, have been corrected
* Fixed several grammar, punctuation, and capitalization errors throughout the world
* Group members will no longer be left out of encounters even through they've accepted the invitation
* Portraits will no longer be taken when temporarily changed into another appearance
* Players are now able to interact with Hunter Surelytree
* A talk animation has been added to Smoggo, Glerga, and Peacepetal
* Fixed some animation issues with the Human Male
* The profile portrait will now update each time you switch your job
* Fixed some PC / NPC swimming issues
* Weapons will now occlude during emotes
* Fixed an issue with dueling that could cause one of the dueler's UI to be blank and flash rapidly
* Performing tricks with a pet that is dismissed will no longer cause a crash
* Continued fixing issues with adding friends
* The client will no longer lockup when attempting to switch from 1280x720 to another resolution using a HDTV
* Further optimization of the quest path system
* Fixed several clipping issues with PC wearables
* Adjusted the jump animation for the Changeling Elder
* Fixed the Human Male Give and Receive animation

* Two-Player Game button now gives you the option to "quick join" an open game if available. 
* Open games in the Casual Games Lobby now sort to the top.
* Buttons no longer "stick" in the down state.
* Custom names will now appear on posted trades.


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