Runes of Magic Special Offers
Runes of Magic has some special deals on some of its micropayment items at the moment. Ten items have been reduced in price by 30%, for a limited time only. These offers include two of the game's permanent mounts, so if you want to take advantage of the offer, head over to Runes of Magic's website before the end of Friday 8th May. A full list of the items included in the offer can be found after the jump.
* Advanced Talent Charm
* Advanced Experience Charm
* Purified Fusion Stone
* Daily Quest Ticket
* 10 Arcane Transmutor Charges
* Golden Repair Hammer
* White Warhorse Mount (permanent)
* Big Angel's Sigh
* God's Redemption Ticket
* Black Warhorse Mount (permanent)
Tags: News, RunesofMagic