Lost Dungeons of Norrath is Official

Gamespy has an interview with Shawn Lord regarding the next EQ expansion, Lost Dungeons of Norrath. To sum it up, the expansion will consist of randomly spawning dungeons created for a party of 5 or 6 adventurers. The level and contents of the dungeon will automatically adjust to the makeup of the party. Mobs will not respawn when killed, and they expect it to take the party between an hour and a half to two hours to complete the dungeon. For more detail, check out gamespy's four page article at this link. -------- Update. When I first read the interview at Gamespy, it had an official announcement with it, which has since been removed. Fortunately, it was posted by some alert reader on the Fires of Heaven Forums, so I'll post it below for you: SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT UNVEILS LOST DUNGEONS OF NORRATH(tm) EXPANSION FOR EVERQUEST(r) -More Than 40 Customized Dungeons Added To the Massive Online World- SAN DIEGO, CA - June 16, 2003 - Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, today announced Lost Dungeons of Norrath(tm), a new expansion for the incredibly popular PC Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), EverQuest(r). This full-sized expansion will focus on the exploration of more than forty dynamic dungeons, with the main emphasis being placed on single group content. New technology and design ideas have been implemented that will allow players to work their way through dungeons within the context of truly personalized encounters. Lost Dungeons of Norrath will be available fall '03 in limited quantities at retail and as a secure digital download from SOE. The discovery of once forgotten dungeons, artifacts, and power has set Norrath's competing factions in motion. To control these new areas, the various factions will employ mercenaries, adventurers, and their companions, sometimes even pitting them against one another. Hundreds of new quests will lead players across the face of Norrath in a new age of exploration and conquest. Legendary dungeons filled with undiscovered horrors, items, and fame are waiting to be found. Players of all levels will discover detailed environments that cater to the wide range of play styles. About Lost Dungeons of Norrath Just when you thought you'd covered it all -- five massive continents, the moon, and the homes of the gods themselves -- a new series of adventures leads you into some of Norrath's greatest sources of speculation and mystery. The story that began in Broken Skull Rock now yields new clues about an event threatening to change the face of Norrath. Assist a band of adventurers on their quest to unearth long-hidden artifacts of power from forgotten dungeons, secret catacombs, and long-buried ruins. A mystery is unfolding and a new age of exploration and adventure has begun! Explore more than 40 diverse dungeons set in 5 new environments. New Dynamic action System (DAS) emphasizes personalized group encounters without interruption from other players. Enjoy the excitement of "dungeon crawls" that are tailored and customized for your group's attributes & levels. New environments, objects, and interactive items await the hardy adventurer. Reap the benefits of the new Adventure Rewards Technology. Encounter dozens of new challenging monsters and NPCs. Collect explosive new spells, new trade skills, fearsome weapons, and other incredible loot! The new expansion will be downloadable via the EverQuest launch pad for $24.99. Additionally, retailers will be offering a boxed version that will carry a suggested retail price of $29.99.


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Cool idea
# Jun 19 2003 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
This is an awesome idea. i go to pc to hunt and there is never a space open so im stuck as a lvl 22 warrior. and all the other areas are either unknown to me too high or too low. with the creating dungons seprately and around your lvl idea, it will be a lil easier to lvl. plus the no respawn idea is really good, like if you almost died killing one of the mobs just wait there and heal up, when you are ready then go ahead. I hope that it is as good as it sounds.

Slicedmeat Suun 22 warrior maelin starpyre
RE: Cool idea
# Jun 19 2003 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
Oh yea i forgot to say it should be like one i gfay then cb then pc or something
Rogue Revival
# Jun 16 2003 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
I like the idea of a "dungeon-crawl" aspect to EQ. Definitely give me a chance to dust off my rogue and use his under utilized skills (ie picklocks and detect traps).
What Lvl will zones be?
# Jun 16 2003 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
What lvl will zones be?

32 sk
30 necro
18 pali
Okay, these are unconfirmed, but still..
# Jun 16 2003 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
What info I was able to gather and some analysis.

I> Each (or at least many) of these dungeons is going to be accessed by looking for a specific NPC and hailing. A turn in MAY be required. The dungeon entrances will be located all over ANTONICA and possibly Velious and Kunark. There are no plans to require PoP LoY or SoL at this time, tho that may change at the future. Some of the entrances will be a bugger to get to (for example, deep inside crushbone for a low level one). LDoN WILL be required to enter these dungeons because of the new software engine (see #2)

Comments: Well, this will be nice for those people who can't afford every extension, and may drive some traffic to lesser used zones.

2> The new dungeons will not be Zones per se. Instead, they use a new engine to create a virtual space that only exists while the players are in there. You must be grouped to get the Key, and only group members can use the key to get into their own world. Players CANNOT be added to the group once keyed. This space will NOT be shared with other groups.

Comments: This virtually (no pun intended) eliminates camping, as unlimited numbers of groups can be exploring the same area at the same time with no interference. I am curious to see how they deal with corpse recovery in case of a wipeout, linkdeath, and related issues. (As people have commented). This info could not be dug up.

III> Dungeon content will be semi-random and tailored to the group entering. Not all dungeons may be available to all levels. There will be NO respawns, you must keep moving to get new fights.

Comments: This will serve to minimize farming as well as make sure these runs are challenging. On the plus side, medding to move forward is now possible.

IV> There will be no new tradeskills per se, but there will be new items for existing skills. There will also be new spells for caster classes. (Major RUMOR: New trainable ability for warriors - Advanced Heal (Bind wound to 100%) - Please note this is rumor only!)

Comments: Same as usual. I'm sure the spells will be end of dungeon quest results.

V> As you complete certain dungeons, yer reputation (faction) will change with some of the NPCs, changing the options available to you. (No more details available).

VI> New containers (treasure chests?) and traps (random?) will be introduced.

VII> There are NO plans to introduce this systems for Raids any time soon.

Comments: I'll put this here. I don't expect to see a lot of UBER loot under this system, mainly because I cannot see how mobs that give stuff like that and are on 24 hour+ spawn timers could be handled. The thought of a perpetual Vox raid makes me cringe at the thought of what would be out there and the resultant economic crash. We'll probably see more stuff like the semi-rare drops in LoY, good, but not spectacular.

VIII> Tech notes:

1> The download will be in pieces, as per LoY

2> The engine supposedly generates the dungeon when the group enters, and a lot of the work is done by the users PCs being connected via game to other PCs in groups, a la net meeting. *This is fairly hush hush stuff). This is also why there are no larger scale plans atm. Basically, instead of the server moderating all issues, the users will, which is possible.

What this means is that people with older/slower PCs may experience some problems despite meeting the minimums and may have performance issues in groups. This method is apparently necessary to minimize server load.

I'll get more info when I can. Of course, this is all office gossip and subject to change at the whim of Sony. Also, some of this of course may be red herrings...

It's so nice knowing someone at SOE, even if he does work in billing....
RE: Okay, these are unconfirmed, but still..
# Jul 17 2003 at 9:20 PM Rating: Decent
Corpses will likely have a graveyard outside the zone so if the group wipes the "zone" disapears and the corpse are left at the door so to speak.
(note: this is just a guess but it seems to be the easiest way to do it)
RE: Okay, these are unconfirmed, but still..
# Jun 16 2003 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
Additional note:

Apparently your party MUST be 5 or 6 members.. No 3 person teams will be allowed.
RE: Okay, these are unconfirmed, but still..
# Jun 18 2003 at 4:06 AM Rating: Default
3 people 2 boxing, leaving their alt toons at the zone in if needed would let a 3 person team get in. Might make the game pretty hard for those 3 person teams, but its possible.

Wonder what happens if those 2 boxed toons were degrouped, or if them or other people zoned/gated out after the dungeon was spawned... Remaining people would get all the associated exp, and could just leave the (assuming tough for 3 people) boss mobs alone if the exp was worth it.

Guess we find out in due course...

Grunter Tonedeth
Maestro of Frayed Knot
The Rathe
RE: Okay, these are unconfirmed, but still..
# Jun 23 2003 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
I very much doubt they will restrict it to only 5 or 6 people groups. that would make so many people mad who cant or dont have the time to round up 6 people every time they come on or just want to experience a dungeon with their friend *Duo* or with 2 other people.
RE: Okay, these are unconfirmed, but still..
# Jun 20 2003 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
64 posts
From my understanding, the mobs in the dungeon will be generated based on the stats of the entering group (all 6 of em). Unless the other 3 are very well geared, I don't think I like those odds.

Also, the beleief is that level ranges in groups will be limited, so no dragging 5 level 1's in with a 60 to get easier stats on mobs.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 16 2003 at 9:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) blah blah blah today is today we cant live in the past. we do have c3 there is a such thing as kunark,velious,sol,pop and loy. ***** the 3 original continents i like eq just the way it is. and iwas around pre kunark i liked it then but i love it now if its to much for you to handle go play UO.
Single groups
# Jun 16 2003 at 3:37 AM Rating: Default
Ok, so say there are 40 dungeons with good loot, what is to keep 2 or 3 guilds from camping every one of them constantly? Just send 15 groups to dungeons from each guild and that leaves 5 for everyone else.. I hope there is some sort of line here that will allow it to be fairly evened out. On a good note however, no repops= very good. Should limit the amount of suprise attacks on groups.
RE: Single groups
# Jun 16 2003 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
From what I heard, every time a party goes into a Dungeon, a dungeon is created FOR them... So for each party going in, a new dungeon is spawned, thus ensuring that your party is not bothered by anybody else... This can be good for parties going out to adventure, but kinda nukes the point of being on a PVP server. =>

I'm not sure if this is EXACTLY how it will work (just what I've gathered from previous messages I've read), so this should be treated as a RUMOUR... =>

Happy Huntin'
RE: Single groups
# Jun 16 2003 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
2,268 posts
Sounds right to me. From what I understand, it's going to be just like they're going to do in EQ2 with "pocket zones." In that an area can have a scripted event for a party, or multiple parties at the same time, while each party receives that experience, none of them are actually bothered by the other party. This way, more people can be in a zone and not be bothered by other people.

On a side note, this will deffenetly put up more "group finding" (as in 51+ looking to get into the planes) in the Nexus and PoK for the lower levels, since you won't be able to enter these zones and find a group.
RE: Single groups
# Jun 16 2003 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
This new concept (which is going to be used in World of Warcraft), is awesome for people who only play a few hours a night. (probably good for many other types of players too).

Nothing is more frustrating to someone who can only play a couple of hours a night than to spend 30 minutes organizing a party, another 10 or so getting to the desired camp, only to find that area already camped. Your EQ evening is essentially shot at that point.

Now, you organize the group, head to zone and KNOW you are going to adventure.

A very smart move by the creators of EQ. This will keep a lot of players in the game.
# Jun 15 2003 at 11:50 PM Rating: Default
although I do not like how 'built-up' eq is getting I do think this dungeon idea is a good one. I remember the days when orc centurions were a major threat to 4/5's the population of eq. I remember when places like kedge keep were still used, but besides all that I have a couple of concerns, a) half of the fun is going with a much higher group and watching/hoping to get a nice item. with this auto system, lets say your lvl 50 wizard, I highly doubt you'll get anything better then 5int, I may be totally wrong, just thing that it'll be hard to proceed in the game when you probably already have more uber items then the ones they are giving you. also, I hope the return these dungeons to the original 3 continents, tie them in with old zones, ya know? it may sound stupid but tie them in with like kedge keep, that was a kick *** zone, now a group of like 5 65's just go in there with a twink to kill phin for something, I dunno what my point is, maybe just stop building and start making us go back to places we haven't been since beta, I just remember the fantastic times of level 50 when that was the best you could be, and clarity was all you got for mana regens, oh well that'll never happen. anyway this sounds like an alright idea, peace
# Jun 15 2003 at 11:37 PM Rating: Default
867 posts
huh?i wanna see *really* badly.....
Good deal!
# Jun 15 2003 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
2,268 posts
I think this is one of SoE's best idea yet. It actually gives the game replay value for all levels. And 40 new zones? That's about how many came out at release (I think, but could be wrong.) Now the question is; Are they implementing a new continent (or 2 or 3? :-P) or are they scattering these "lost dungeons" over the existing Norath. I know they said 5 new environments, so please don't post quoting that, but I wonder what that means exactly. I think it would be good if they scattered these new dungeons all over Norath. That would give the old zones (zones at launch, etc.) a revisit. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting this. Looks like it might give us "lower levels" a "planes type" experience. :-)

Oh, and 1 more thing. It says new spells. All I have to say to that is "w00t!"
# Jun 15 2003 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
38 posts
What happens if you go LD in one of these dungeons I wonder, and the group zones out? could be interesting
# Jun 15 2003 at 8:08 AM Rating: Default
Perfect Example
# Jun 14 2003 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
This right here is a very great idea and i know EXACTLY what it will be like. for anyone who has ever played Anarchy Online, it sounds like it will be just like the party/solo dungoens in that... for all of you that dont know what im talking about here is how it works in AO, everyone can get a quest, and everyone walks into the same exact zone place, but each person/party ends up in a different area/theme to fit wach person or groups level/skill. and you go through the dungeon killed each enemy you see, and when they die they will never respawn so you walk trough the whole things killing mobs getting loots finding chests etc etc. but i dunno this just sounds like sony trying to rip off another Idea thats already been done.
RE: Perfect Example
# Jun 16 2003 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
In reality this concept was not even new to AO. For instance, Diablo, which is a very old on-line game, created a new copy of its dungeon for up to 4 players. You would go through and kill mobs semi-sequentially that never respawned.

All AO and others did was to do the same thing on a smaller scale with in a larger more static game environment.

ya, ya there are significant differences, but the basic concept is the same.
RE: Perfect Example
# Aug 05 2003 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
It isn't like Diablo. Diablo a player has to join a game or create one for people to play. And they can't walkout of the dungeon and find someone else to play with. They have to disconect from the game and find or create a new game.
RE: Perfect Example
# Jun 16 2003 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
Hey, If it's a great idea and somebody else thought of it... Well steal from the best and improve on it if you can...I personally think it add's just one more cool element to an already awesome game . I have played since beta and even tho I take little breaks now and then, It is the ONLY game I have ever played more than 2-3 months..

Kaladarr Kaldassian Sol Ro
RE: Perfect Example
# Jun 16 2003 at 4:16 AM Rating: Default
# Jun 13 2003 at 11:11 PM Rating: Default
Well, atleast you won't have to worry about another group training you. Wish kc was like that.
RE: trains
# Jun 14 2003 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
That's what you get for hunting in Karnor's.
# Jun 13 2003 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
good groups explore all dungeons. Looking for somewhere after HHK? Kaesora, Dalnir's, splitpaw, a good group can hold an area for exp if that is all they are looking for, say a good group of 5 ( one for guest), if you cant.....train much?. One feature I like about EQ2 or so I have read is that monsters can follow you out, thgouth zones so, I suppose if you can't take the heat, the kitchen will follow-loL! ( just cast evac! if I ran away just know I was kiting because I was getting hit! I will run near enough when that evac goes to be caught up)
RE: dungeons
# Jun 13 2003 at 11:14 PM Rating: Good
I play eqoa and it doesn't have zone lines, so the mobs like to follow you where ever. Its not cool.Smiley: oyvey
Dungeon Crawl
# Jun 13 2003 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
Woot, I am stoked. Man been a long time since I went on some good old fashioned Dungeon Crawls. In the High end game its almost impossible to crawl a dungion with 1 goup, things like Akehva , Greg's, Nadox <somewhat possible> Alwasy seems to be a named or a something that gets in the way that you just don't have the firepower to deal with in 1 group. Granted I havn't been to far in PoP so some of thouse zones I don't know about but all I can say is Hurray!!!! Oh and just a though but this may be how they are setting up the crossover quests to EQ2 maybe? Still havn't heard much about thouse but sounds cool.

Agoran Whiterose
58 bst
GL Dragon Spirit
Sounds like Fun
# Jun 13 2003 at 5:22 PM Rating: Default
Definately sounds like fun! Can't wait to discover what's on the road ahead. Did find this though after reading the posts maybe it'll give a heads up as to what might be inside each dungeon and where they might be located.


#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 13 2003 at 3:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok how can the zone change if theres more people in the zone? say just u is soloing. 50 peeps in zone. u die run back for CR the hole zone changed? everyones in differnt areas cause one guy came in the zone. i dont think so. the Zone will most likly change every patch. cause if not SOE is just stupid.
RE: ok
# Jun 15 2003 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
You can dynamically create dungeons. It is done in Anarchy Online and may be similar to that. Either the dungeon is created and adjusted for a quest from NPC or creates multiple versions (altered realities ?) like Anonymous said.
Raktavija Seraphim - Rainbow Powered Blade Dancer

Draggun Brellfyre - High Templar of Brell
RE: ok
# Jun 13 2003 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
What it is saying is that when you enter the zone, or your group enters the zone, it will create an entire version of the zone for your group (version A). When another group runs along they will enter the same zone, but it will create their own version (version B). Players in Ver. A cannot interfere with players in Ver. B. It something they are going to implement for EQ2, andthey hope it will help with scheduling for raids and other such nonsense. The zone will have mobs appropriate for the level of the character or group - so level 10s and level 60s can be doing the same dungeon at the same time - without ever interfering with eachother - and have mobs spawn for their appropriate level. I think its a pretty sweet f'n idea. and no Kill stealing. which rocks.
RE: i likey
# Jun 17 2003 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
its gonna be great but can you imagine the havoc of a lvl 60 mob popin in the lvl 10s version im sure it will happen at least once ;)allways a bug when new expansions start but i am surely looking forward to the dungeon crawls ...
RE: ok
# Jun 13 2003 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
104 posts
Well, with 40 zones, I doubt that all of them will be capable of dynamically generating a full 10-65 spread. Likely they will have level ranges. Perhaps one dungeon will generate from 10-25, and another from 55-60, and so forth. Easier coding, and makes more sense from a character progression standpoint.

In fact, the only concern I have about the dynamic generation at this point is how you get group replacements. If you have a player leave the group, can her replacement join you where you are, or will you need to leave the dynamic content, add the new member, and re-enter the (now likely different) zone?

I'm not overly concerned about CR in here ... some of PoP "simulates" dynamic content by having multiple instances in zone (the best examples of this are the Hedge maze and Mujaki event, both in PoNightmare). These zones will use graveyards, just like PoN does.

Edit: spelling is good. =\

Edited, Fri Jun 13 17:18:15 2003
RE: ok
# Jun 13 2003 at 6:30 PM Rating: Good
Finding a replacement is almost a non-issue. The dungeons are designed to be conquered in about 45-90min each. So you simply arrange groups that have enough time to conquer the dungeon, and if someone needs to leave after that you can have someone with more time replace them.
Which way will it go?
# Jun 13 2003 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
There's two good examples of this sort of "Dynamic Dungeon" system listed in the previous threads, and I have to wonder which way this expansion will go.

The first method is to do what "The Realm" was noted for. Set up a dungeon for the group that was entering it, then other groups haveto wait for them to leave so they can have their turn. Advantage: Limits the drain on the servers that have to generate and deliver the customized content. Disadvantage: Major potential for long lines of groups waiting to enter, or several groups rushing the entry when another group is seen leaving the dungeon so that they can be the next ones in. This sort of crowding could render the zone(s) with the dungeon "entrances" unplayable for others, between the number of players in the zone and how many of them alleviate their boredom by hunting whatever's around.

The other system is the one that Anarchy Online used. Multiple "pocket universe" zones would be spawned for any group or individual that wanted to head in (in AO this was initiated by getting "quests" from various sources, which also gave you keys to enter your "personal" zone). Advantage: No long lines waiting to enter "limited-occupancy" custom zones. Disadvantage: Requires a LOT of server power to maintain the large number of dynamically created "pocket zones" that could be created by large numbers wanting to play such zones simultaneously. This little problem was responsible for MANY server crashes during the first days of AO, and if the EQ servers aren't prepared for the extra load, it could easily do that there as well, causing havoc as multiple zones suddenly crash and possibly taking the entire world server out as well.

It will be interesting, no doubt about it, whichever way they go.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 13 2003 at 3:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have just one question. When is it coming out?
RE: Date
# Jun 14 2003 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent

Lost Dungeons of Norrath will be available fall '03 in limited quantities at retail and as a secure digital download from SOE.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 13 2003 at 3:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 40 zones in 5 new enviroments with tailored and Customized zones for level and Class..... IE the trivial loot code is back
RE: Trivial Loot Code ?
# Jun 13 2003 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
I think thats the point of the randon dungeons... no map... part of being careful. My only question is what if you all die... where will your body be if your group gets wiped out . hopefully in a graveyard outside of the dungeon.
About the trivial loot code. These will be mobs and loot for the level of your group...so any thing you get will be someone that someone in your group can either use or sell..To get lower level equipment , it will cuase people to start up newbies and level those charactors as well. I personally think this is a great addition to EQ... Not only do we have the traditional EQ to play, We now have true Dungeon Crawls that can be done in 2-3 hours.... Even us Dungeon hater druids are looking forward to this addition.

Kaladarr Kaldassian 56 druid Sol Ro

Edited, Fri Jun 13 16:06:32 2003
CRs might be tuff...
# Jun 13 2003 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
Seems to me that doing a CR in a dynamically changing world might be a bit tough if the area changes every time you walk in... Anyone else think this might be a bit of a prob? Also, will a DRU be able to Succor to any "Safe Spot" in here or will we have to evac to a port spot or to one of our other Succor Spots?

Seems to me the Corpse Summoners (Necros and such)and Corpse Trackers (Bards and such) might become EXTREMELY popular now Smiley: smile
RE: CRs might be tuff...
# Jun 15 2003 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
Necros can Track Corpse using a spell that works just like the bard song: LLL. Necros and bards have become quite a bit less needed since the gnomes invented that damn tracking device. >8(

This is all discounting the fact that you can't enter the zone unless you are part of the group. ;)
# Jun 13 2003 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
Cool! this place sounds pretty cool i cant wait to check it out!
# Jun 13 2003 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
I really hope they do go through with this, because it seems awesome. It would test a groups ability to work together againts monsters designed for them. (i.e. there lvls and classes).
I have a strong feeling most loot will be no drop or items to be turned in to an npc for a "reward". Heck even if the loot sucks, I would still love to go dungeon crawl through these dungeons just to have fun. Cause it wont be the same thing every time you go through one.
Bling Bling.
# Jun 13 2003 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
Maybe they'll put good lewt in these dungeons, so they can un-nerf (word) the aqua goblins in Butcher Bolck Smiley: inlove I was lvl 9 at the time with my cleric, and my lvl 10 and lvl 8 friends and I would camp them. We all got exp, and we all got money for our armor, weapons, and spells. It was because of the high lvl farmers camping the newb camps that led to them being nerfed. later.

/rant off

Edited, Fri Jun 13 15:02:10 2003
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 13 2003 at 2:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) *** master game
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