EverQuest ZAM Users Vote "Progression Server"

In our latest ZAM poll, we asked "What Should Be The Next EverQuest Server?" Our users voted and a new "Progression Server" has won with 32% of the vote. This was followed closely by the "51/50 Server" which had a astonishing 28%. While I'm not surprised that the progression server won, it is surprising that a large number of players want the 51/50 server. For me, the first 50 levels pre Kunark was great. There's nothing quite like a Naggy/Vox raid in old world gear.

Keep in mind that these are not the official results, only an estimate of what the official poll results might look like. If you haven't already voted, log on your EverQuest account and vote before it's too late!


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dumb server
# May 16 2009 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
i think this is a stupid idea for a server, lvl 51 and 50aa's... whats the point? If people are too lazy to play from the start why bother even playing at all? Why not just make a 85/5000aa server with full high end gear, with epics? There, your done. Happy now?
New server....
# Apr 24 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
Personally, i don't like the idea of a new server of any kind... as i feel they need to be MERGING he servers they have, due to dwindled server populations.

Hit the nail on the Head
# Apr 24 2009 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Lumadanea hit it right on the bullseye.
95 cleric Docshady
95 Wiz Boomshady
95 Monk Ninjashady
95 bard Harmonizer
The day is near
# Apr 23 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
So the day is near.

I purchased EQ in May of 99. It took me nearly a year to reach lvl 50. Right on time for Kunark I think.....

Anyway; I remember those levels more than any other expansion and doing them was a blast. Perhaps a big reason why people think those levels are a pain now is because the gratification of being "max level" is so far away. I think that there are people who tend to be competitive and play the game to be the best and the badest rather than to gain a source of entertainment. If EQ does not keep introducing new servers on a regular basis, they will lose that market. People with that frame of mind are not attracted to a game that has been around already for 10 years. Too much catch up to do so to speak.

I don't care what the new rule set is. I just care that everyone on that server will be starting on a level playing field again. Hopefully, me too.
My own reason for 51/50
# Apr 23 2009 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Truly my only real reason for wanting a 31/50 was that i am new at this, like the game and wanted a server where I coul try a higher level PC right off so that I could get more of a feel of the upper level of the game
My own reason for 51/50
# Apr 23 2009 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
Level 51 isn't even close to being the "upper level of the game".

Edited, Apr 24th 2009 1:12am by jons
# Apr 14 2009 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
i voted 51/50. not because they hand you the levels, to be honest i really don't think i'll even play on the new server, too much time invested on maelin, got an 85 ranger with over 2,230 AAs who i built from scratch. i chose it simply because its the only new option they've given. they have done progression already and look how that turned out, its not even that old and its already being merged with Druzzil because they blew through content as fast as they possibly could.

a few agruments i've heard against 51/50 is that you'll probably start with little to no skills / gear ect... which may be true, but i'd rather be level 51 with 50 AAs and semi naked, than level 1 with 0 AAs and naked.

and that you don't get the experience you need to know how to play your class. you can learn your class just as well at 51 as you can in levels 50 and below, being level 51 doesn't mean you can't learn to play your class well. most people didn't figure out how to play their first main class well till after 51 anyway, so thats a stupid argument. 1 - 50 may have been quite an achievement back in 99' and a hard earned one at that, but not anymore. even if its your first EQ toon, you can still blow through 1 - 50 pretty quick.

i see 51/50 as just a server to ***** around on when you're bored or want to check a class out that your thinking of making on your server. but if you REALLY want to grind 1 - 50, then make a character on any random server. besides, just because their going to have a new server doesn't mean you need to play on it. if you don't like what the people have chosen then stick to your current server.

but my votes for 51/50 with progression a close second, and thats only because i'd really like to do the sleeper event. other than that i've done all the raid content in the old world zones when it was still tough. though it's nice to reminisce about, i'm not aching to play through it again.

First things first...
# Apr 07 2009 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
Hard core server merges to get population back up to par, most servers are down to 1 or 2 high end guilds ive noticed. Then consider adding a new server. Would end up with more positive feedback instead of all these rants / flamming.
Progression BITES!
# Apr 04 2009 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
I been playing EQ for 10 years and I even tried the Progression server for a month it SUCKED. Why because all the big guilds made toons just to finish it off as fast as they could. I like the old day where we fought for our stuff. Not this let's rush as fast as we can to make this server like the others. I think the game should go back to it's roots.

Revamp the old zones for high level toons. Not this time travel BS. But just make the mobs stronger or even upgrade Ldon and DoNs make a few new ones for higher levels and put upgraded stuff. Everyone loved the Ldons and DoNs. Even the high end guilds liked them. Plus some of us folks that don't like to raid ( that's me ). If Sony wants to save EQ just revamp and add more stuff. Give us epic 3.0's and make the game more for groups not for raids. Sure some folks love to raid and thats good but what about us few that can't raid because we work or have lives.

The defiant gear was a good idea to get some of us geared but then it died and some people took advantage of it. We just need more groupage in EQ not raiding BS. Thing that grinds my gears the most is with mercs you don't see anymore clerics but for raiding that's all they aren't worth playing anymore. Other then raids you don't need a cleric anymore.

It's sad you don't see anymore player Clerics on. My guild had to stop raiding because of lack of clerics. Now it's merc this merc that. I like the merc for somethings but they should let mercs in raids too. I feel the lower end raiding guilds can finally get up to the big raiders. Maybe let the raid leader buy a special raiding merc. Sorry to jump off the subject but progression server just wont work we had it before and its time for something new. We know what they guna do like the last ones they will go in beat in a week and then no one will want to play it again.

Well the people voted and there's not much else we can do just grin and bare it.

Geegen Painentheass
Gnome 85th Rogue
Callidus on the Rathe
i agree
# Apr 04 2009 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
I agree with Ruhl and Lumadanea, the whinning lil gimme it all generation needs to go play WoW and find out how fast they get bored when it is all handed to them , and that Dev chat session was nothing but a kiss butt thing is all , no serious questions got answered or even asked, oh and then they want you to jump through a ton of hoops just to be in on a chat that was nothing but a kiss butt BS session. Why not just do the Dev chat thing where everyone can easily get in on the chat and ask some real questions and get some real answers without skirting the issue. chat live with Dev , what a joke .
95 cleric Docshady
95 Wiz Boomshady
95 Monk Ninjashady
95 bard Harmonizer
# Mar 31 2009 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
My point is that we have already had progression servers, PVP servers, role playing servers, so why not try something different. If someone wants the same ole thing then just pick a server and start playing, lol.
/hands a tissue
# Mar 30 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
I love it when people whine about not seeing end-game content... Well there is a solution for that. Either get your **** in game, join a guild that has the capability to do end-game things & grind out what you need to grind out to get there. Why should someone spend 10 hours a week in game & get the same rewards as someone who spends 20 hours a week? Its gamers like the first poster who have caused this game to stagnate & be dumbed down so a retarded monkey throwing **** at the keyboard can get the same results as 75% of the population. Look at the groupable SOD tier 5 gear & tell me that SoE caters to the raiding population. IF you have tier 5 gear you don't have any need to raid at all honestly. Your foci is up to level, your stats & hps are just fine to do 95% of the content of EQ & yet people still ***** and moan about how SoE caters to the raiding people. If anything, SoE has catered to the general population with SoD. It sounds like little Timmy whining about not having the "phat lewtz"... even though he hasn't spent the time learning the strategy of the event nor spent the time wiping to the event a few times. If you want instant gratification head on out & pick up a copy of WoW. That may be the game you need to be playing. Besides, if 30+ guilds have beaten SoD before the expac had been out for 3-4 months, something is perhaps a little too easy.
typical waste of time dev chat
# Mar 29 2009 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
1 new server , when populations on existing servers are so low is rediculous , and failure to learn form history means repeating it.

2 the dev chat as usual is all fluff and no stuff.

3 less than 2 percent of the player base ever sees endzone content while it is still viable and ytou can actually get ppl to want to go do it .

4 2 expansions in a row have near identicla content in as far its its is just a times sinc to go get group gear you just spent months getting last expansion';\
i mean for the majority of the player base .

5 wow and other games have smoked soe becasue they realized it is unfair to limit endd content to sucjh a small percentage of the population and have given everyone an opportunity to do it by scaling the content to smaller groups
eq could easily do this raids are 54 man 4 loots etc why is there not a version scaled for 30 or 36 that drops 2 loots. so that all the drama and and childish behavior over constantly finding people to raid for the top guilds would end .

6its a game not a job we all pay the same ammount to play yet soe continualy caters to only a small percentage of the player base and then wonders why it keeps shrinking .

7 eq is dying a slow painfull death now, and the folks at the top (the highest end guilds that soe listens too had better start to realize if thgey dont change thier ways, this game will be gone sooner than later .

if we expect eq to remain viabler and not lose the time investment we all have in it a lot of attitudes need to change among the players and at soe
# Mar 29 2009 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Going from level 1 - 49 are the most boring unrewarding levels there are. Some people just want to skip to the fun parts, and it has nothing to do with getting something for free. I'm all for the 51/50. I've done the old school leveling and don't much care to do it again. I want to play for the fun of it.
# Mar 29 2009 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
269 posts
"Going from level 1 - 49 are the most boring unrewarding levels there are. Some people just want to skip to the fun parts, and it has nothing to do with getting something for free. I'm all for the 51/50. I've done the old school leveling and don't much care to do it again. I want to play for the fun of it."

When you consider that it takes, on average, less than one week to level a character from 1 to 49, not to mention actually learning how to play ones chosen class, not to mention raising ones combat, weapons and/or spell casting skills, not to mention (for new players in particular) the chance to actually meet other players and to acquire gaming friends or to find and join an appropriate guild, saying it isn't "fun" is merely a description of what you consider your own personal idea of "fun". One could safely presume you have one or more characters well above level 49.

Skipping over levels 1-49 creates little more than a pseudo-Ebay character with few skills played by someone with little to no knowledge of that character's class abilities or its place in either the group or the raid game.

Now if you happen to have already leveled one of more classes past level 49, and know all there is to know about them, why in the world would you want to start another one on a new server at level 50?
# Apr 01 2009 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
Adani wrote:
Now if you happen to have already leveled one of more classes past level 49, and know all there is to know about them, why in the world would you want to start another one on a new server at level 50?

Maybe because you like the class and don't want to have to deal with the slog levels (think: Cleric)?

1-51 is insignificant. Almost nothing you do at 85 was learned pre-50. The game flips on its head post-55. Rangers can tank even level content at 50 without extraordinary gear. Can they do that at 80? 85? What level do Warriors get Defensive discipline (which changes their tanking ceiling)? Here's a hint: it's not pre-51. Does a cleric heal as well or as efficiently at 48 as they do at 68? No. How many clerics cast Complete Heal post-80? Post-70?

Seriously, while you may think the 1-51 levels are reeking with awesome, most people don't agree. I almost always spend the 10 hours to level a toon to 65 immediately upon starting a new alt. Yes, 10 hours. Within the first day /played, all their relevant skills are maxed and they're ready to actually play.

Adani, you're acting like level 51 is just chock full of people so a character started at that level can affect (for good or ill) so many people's play experience. Not even close to being true. I don't know what game you play but the EQ I play is pretty much devoid of population prior to level 70 (and probably 75 nowadays). Starting at 51 is meaningless. And the first 50 AA are almost always spent the exact same way by archetype (Run, metabolism or regen, then branching off my archetype with casters going with spell casting mastery and melee going with natural durability or combat fury). So at 51, you'd have what amounts to a beginning character anyway.

Your fears might have been realized in the Luclin era, when 51 was 9 levels off the cap and 50 AA was considered a lot. But nowadays, 51 is 'newbie' and 50 AA can be done in a couple days by characters 9 levels from the cap. Heck, even people not 9 levels from the cap (via Dains and 70.3s and Vxed). Let's keep things in their proper perspective.
# Apr 05 2009 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Remianen wrote:

Maybe because you like the class and don't want to have to deal with the slog levels (think: Cleric)?

1-51 is insignificant. Almost nothing you do at 85 was learned pre-50. The game flips on its head post-55. Rangers can tank even level content at 50 without extraordinary gear. Can they do that at 80? 85? What level do Warriors get Defensive discipline (which changes their tanking ceiling)? Here's a hint: it's not pre-51. Does a cleric heal as well or as efficiently at 48 as they do at 68? No. How many clerics cast Complete Heal post-80? Post-70?

Seriously, while you may think the 1-51 levels are reeking with awesome, most people don't agree. I almost always spend the 10 hours to level a toon to 65 immediately upon starting a new alt. Yes, 10 hours. Within the first day /played, all their relevant skills are maxed and they're ready to actually play.

Adani, you're acting like level 51 is just chock full of people so a character started at that level can affect (for good or ill) so many people's play experience. Not even close to being true. I don't know what game you play but the EQ I play is pretty much devoid of population prior to level 70 (and probably 75 nowadays). Starting at 51 is meaningless. And the first 50 AA are almost always spent the exact same way by archetype (Run, metabolism or regen, then branching off my archetype with casters going with spell casting mastery and melee going with natural durability or combat fury). So at 51, you'd have what amounts to a beginning character anyway.

Your fears might have been realized in the Luclin era, when 51 was 9 levels off the cap and 50 AA was considered a lot. But nowadays, 51 is 'newbie' and 50 AA can be done in a couple days by characters 9 levels from the cap. Heck, even people not 9 levels from the cap (via Dains and 70.3s and Vxed). Let's keep things in their proper perspective.

It is clear we each have our own perceptions and perspective

Congratulations on being able to level a toon to 65 in 10hours. You do this, I presume, all by yourself? No twinking? No power-leveling? No grouping and in all the appropriate level zones? No plat infusion to the alt. to purchase anything? No mercenary? The character has all applicable skills maxed? The character has acquired all gear via drops or bought gear in the bazaar with plat earned by said character? How very marvelous for you.

With regard to your question regarding clerics and healing. Just how many real clerics (Mains) do you know who were level 65 in 10 hours and could handle those tense group and/or raid moments? Naturally, according to you, no character learns anything of significance in leveling from 1-51 and no character uses anything they learned prior to level 51 ever afterward. They would be a fully capable character with a fully knowledgeable player in a mere 10 hours. What version of EQ do YOU play?

Personally I would be very hesitant to group with a person who considered his/her toon fully capable of playing content above level 65 with a mere 10 hours of play below their belts.

As for the low and mid-level game being "devoid of population", granted while the game has not seen a huge influx of new or returning players, the population of toons at those level is still there and is actually growing, albeit not as it was 4-5 years ago. Witness the coming increase in the drop rate of lower level Defiant armor as has been recently confirmed by EQ Devs. Someone must think the lower level population exists or why bother researching and improving a lower level armor drop rate?

While you may dismiss the low/midlevel game (1-51) as insignificant, most of the people I know do not toss aside the lessons learned in playing ones character through those levels that cavalierly.

# Mar 30 2009 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
if you have someone to help you, you can get 1 - 49 in about 2 days.
# Mar 28 2009 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
umm i agree with you and i want to know why they are going to try and make another server when attendance is down? My opinion, want it or not,they should work on fixing the problems and bugs instead of trying to distract us from them. Why not help work out the grouping problems instead of putting mercs in the game ,which just makes it worse for people to get groups. There are a few other changes that would help the game greatly, like the Raid content ,though i do understand that is rewards for having a full guild of people that work together very hard and well to get the content, but for those small guilds they dont have a chance to get to those things, so should they penalized for not being in a large guild? Though with the last expansion they did add groupable content, it isnt much help. I am not going to go into a full explanation on how it could be done. There are many options available to improve the game and attendance. They for the most part have done a great job creating some very fun content, but at the same time there are a few things that should just not have been done or added. This is only my opinion and they probably dont care about it , but i love this game and i do care about it going on for another 10 years.

Edited, Mar 28th 2009 10:02pm by beinshady

Edited, Mar 28th 2009 10:04pm by beinshady
95 cleric Docshady
95 Wiz Boomshady
95 Monk Ninjashady
95 bard Harmonizer
# Mar 28 2009 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
What is a 51/50 server?
# Mar 29 2009 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
It would be a server where all characters start at level 51 with 50 Alternate Advancement points already earned.
51/50 Voters
# Mar 27 2009 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
I voted for 51/50 since I would think it would bring alot of peeps back who dont have time to level.

Plus the last prog server has a bad taste in my mouth. My guild lost too many peeps to go play it including our leader.
51/50 Voters
# Mar 27 2009 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
269 posts
It shouldn't be all that surprising that people would vote for a 51/50 "easy button" server.

With the number of comments in various forums and in game from people demanding they be handed experience, AA's, Veteran Rewards, raid gear and access to "end content" as if it is somehow their right to have, without earning it, that which other players have put in time and effort to accomplish, well, it really isn't a surprise.

It's the "Entitle Me" generation, the "Gimme!!" folks, the "Johnny has it, I want it, now!" class of people. I honestly would not feel right to refer to them as gamers.
51/50 Voters
# Apr 20 2009 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
its those god damn liberals
51/50 Voters
# Mar 28 2009 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
A-------------------men brutha
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