Q&A Sheds Light on November, December Updates

The Exteel team recently answered 14 questions from fans, ranging from a discussion on clan "seasons" to inventory space and new mechs. Here's what HawkSteel had to say about what we can expect in the game for the rest of the year:

The November Content Update is still being aimed for November. That will feature the first four Ultra skills and the four -S grade weapons you're all probably familiar with by now.

For December, we'll be looking for the new Mechanaught, the Sidewinder, as well as the Maverick booster, three additional -S grade weapons, plus whatever other goodies we can throw in. I wouldn't really call it a light month.

The full Q&A post can be found here or below.

Question 1 from Vashthestampede : With all this new stuff coming, i think a ladder reset would really help bring it all together. It would be a total renewal of the game, a new beginning.
I don't think it would be a big deal if we'd have to delete all clans and start from scratch with a 15 player limit per clan. Clans can all keep track other their roster listing and as they grow and level up with their most active members they can refill their clan to its original size in no time, especially since finding a clan battle will most likely be easy as all clans will seek to get an early start on the ladder.

All we need is a warning informing us bout the ladder reset ahead of time so we can tell our clannies who will be the first 15 and save a list of all the current players to reinvite them as soon as possible.

Originally we had the idea of instituting clan "seasons" where clan ranking points would be reset back to 0 and the winner given some grand reward (like some cake). Because clan size limits are hardcoded based on clan level, essentially the clans would have to start from scratch though perhaps the clans and clan leaders would still be kept. When I voiced this part of the reset idea some clan leaders took exception to it, though honestly I don't see why it'd be such a major problem.

In any event, we'd only institute such a program once we're happy with clan battles and clan mode (and after we added at least one other clan battle mode, which was originally planned for the end of the year). Which we really aren't at the moment.

Question 2 from Consti2tion : Why Do People Ask Questions that Have Been Asked and Answered at least a dozen times before?

Asked and answered!!!

Question 3 from Gezza : will there be warship mode?

I'm not aware of anything like this being developed.

Question 4 from blackOps2 : How many mechs are coming out this year and next year?

One left for this year, next year... right now we're looking at around a half-dozen.

Question 5 from blackOps2 : Does the new -S grade weapons have more ranks like -C, -B, -A grades?

Not currently.

Question 6 from Gezza : will level restrictions be brought back?

I highly doubt it at this point.

Question 7 from Gezza : will there be more inventory space and hanger slots for mechs? 4 mech slots serisouly isnt enough and 80 inventory slots will not accommodate the new things that keep coming

We're looking at increasing inventory and Mechanaught slots soon.

Question 8 from Killage : When will we be getting new game modes & new clan updates?

We won't see any new battle modes (as far as I know) this year. We may be adding/tweaking the existing battle modes for the December and January updates, however.

Question 9 from metallic91 : according to the description of the cyclone, it has a "diversified attack mechanism"...
will be there a specifical skill for it?

Not that I know of.

Question 10 from DarxioSkoolBus : So what's on the agenda for December? Presuming that December brings us the 4 skills that K-Steel has that we don't have yet, will there be more than just this, or will December be 'Content-light'?

The November Content Update is still being aimed for November. That will feature (among other things) the first four Ultra skills and the four -S grade weapons you're all probably familiar with by now. We've run into a few bugs that we're hoping can be quashed before the month runs out.

For December, we'll be looking for the new Mechanaught, the Sidewinder, as well as the Maverick booster, three additional -S grade weapons, plus whatever other goodies we can throw in. I wouldn't really call it a light month.

Question 11 from DotaIsBetterr : Do you think, in it's current state, the CTF game mode is fine?

Well, obviously people like it right now because it's pretty fast-paced and very objective-oriented, and the rewards are nice if you win.

That being said, in December we should see a change or two being made to CTF, and maybe a penalty or two...

Question 12 from prankster : any changes to be made to pilot points or weapon levels coming up? or any plans to?

There are some very long term plans in place. That being said, personally, I wouldn't mind seeing these point bonuses and levels returned to where they were.

Question 13 from TheFallenOne : Are there plans (or even just intentions) to release more non-booster related skills in the future for other weapon-combos that aren't currently in the game? I'm already aware there will eventually be level 3 versions of pre-existing skills, but I'm more interested in combos that don't exist yet.
Example: Rifle/Shotgun, Spear/Sword, Spear/Spear (for the few crazy bastards out there that do this,) and of course, my personal crusade, RECTIFIER/RECTIFIER please!

I don't know of any plans to add entirely new skill combos to the game at this point (the booster part of your question is answered above).

Question 14 from Tomato : I caught wind that you might be making 'adjustments' to certain weapons currently in the game. Before you do this, and release it in the SAME patch as the reduced-scrap-rate adjustment

...could you hint us what you might be doing with certain weapons?

There's some small tweaking going on that will be introduced in the November patch (some SMGs will trend downward slightly), and in December we should see a few more changes that are being introduced in Korea currently. I heard about some shotgun being altered...

The long-term idea is to make the differences in the weapon types a bit more pronounced, however. This won't happen all at once, though.

Tags: News, Exteel


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