EQlive post: Coming updates

From a dev team article on the eqlive site, some pretty interesting and significant changes coming to the Planes of Power progression.

Game Updates

In order to help keep our customers informed about the updates we have planned, we are opening a new feature here on the EverQuest Live site.


The idea here is a simple one.  We'll be posting highlights from the most recent changes to the game along with featured items planned for our next update.


Recent Updates


Because this is the first installment of Upcoming for EverQuest, I'll be reaching back further than the just our last update.  Here are a few of the highlights from updates in the recent past.


1)      Over the last month or so we have been working on making the EverQuest experience a little more pleasant for our growing number of new players.  We understand that EverQuest can be a little overwhelming for someone new to the genre.  We feel that once a player has the chance to learn how the basics work they'll discover a wealth of excitement in the world of Norrath.  Recently we have:

a.      Reduced the time it takes low level characters to memorize spells.

b.      Improved the availability of low level monsters in starting areas.

c.      Added food and bag merchants in starting areas to reduce the hassle of finding such merchants deep inside towns.


2)      We have introduced a completely new Plane of Hate to the Legends server.  The Plane of Hate is an old favorite of many players, and we were careful to retain as much of its old charm as possible.  At the same time we created all new geometry for the zone that both looks and plays better.  The new Plane of Hate is being released to all servers some time in the near future.  You'll also notice that the price for the Fuligan Soulstone of Innoruuk, which is required to enter the plane, has been cut in half.


3)      We also recently revamped Acrylia Caverns, Grimling Forest and Hollowshade Moor.  These zones offer extensive quests and zone-wide events.  If you haven't visited these zones recently, you may want to explore them again.


4)      For those of you playing Magicians, we recently improved the power of The Servant of Ro Alternate Advancement ability.  The summoned servant is now much higher level and has a more potent attack.


5)      Monks were recently given a boost in their defensive abilities.  Their ability to mitigate damage was increased to improve their ability to survive dangerous situations.


6)      Pathfinding (pathing for short) is the term used to explain how a non-player characters (NPC), including pets, determine how they get where they want to go.  We recently introduced the first part of our brand new pathing system.  You should already be seeing a noticeable improvement in the way NPCs move about the world.


7)      For player vs. player (PvP) combat we adjusted the damage done by missile weapons and spells.  With some of the more powerful abilities recently introduced to the game, archery and direct damage spells had become a bit too powerful for player vs. player combat.  To correct this, archers moving while shooting now have a reduced chance to hit.  Also, damage done using archery is reduced to 66% (which is the standard damage reduction to most PvP damage).


Direct damage spells can now only do up to 75% of the target's maximum hit points in a single hit in PvP combat.  For example, if a player character has 1000 hit points when fully healed, no direct damage spell will do more than 750 damage to him in a single hit.  This reduces the chance that player characters will be killed in a single shot, making PvP combat more competitive.


8)      For those that have purchased The Legacy of Ykesha, we added two much requested features to the Guild Management System.  There is now a button on the Guild Management window, named "Dump", that creates a text file containing all of the information in your Guild Management window.  The file will appear in your EverQuest directory with the name of your guild as the name of the file (with a .txt extension).  Our hope is that this makes updating your guild web pages much easier.  We also added a Show Offline button to the window.  This button determines whether or not you see guildmates that are off line in the window.



Upcoming for May 14th, 2003


Here are some of the items we plan to include in the update for May 14th, 2003.


1)      More improvements for new players are in the works.  We're opening up the Legacy of Ykesha map system for newbie zones to all EverQuest players.  This should be very helpful to new players trying to learn their way around the cities of Norrath.  Context tips will become available.  These are helpful tips that pop up when a player performs certain actions to help our new players to more easily understand the gameplay and controls for EverQuest.


2)      The new Plane of Hate will be available on all servers!


3)      Veksar will be introduced on Stormhammer.  This ancient city was a hub of the Iksar Empire before it fell. There are plenty of interesting things for daring adventurers to discover there.


4)      We've  fixed an issue r  with the Divine Intervention line that caused a character's hit points to get out of sync.  This should be a boon to all players that cast or receive that spell.


5)      We have increased the power of the Child of Bertoxxulous Necromancer pet.  We'll be increasing its offensive power as well as giving it a useful spell ability similar to Banshee Aura.


6)      We've remedied the  long-standing situation that caused characters to lose all their buffs if they zoned with fewer hit points remaining than the bonus hit points provided by their items.


7)      We have increased the maximum amount of mana that can be gained through the use of items by an additional 50%.  This should provide a noticeable increase in the mana available to many spell casters.


8)      We have completed what we hope will be the final adjustments to the Rathe Council encounter.  The encounter should be at just the right difficulty level now, and should provide an interesting challenge to those that undertake it.


9)      Travel in two zones should be a little easier now.  We will be removing the restriction on Call of the Hero that existed in the Plane of Water, as well as removing the restriction that forbid the casting of Gate spells in Veeshan's Peak.


10)  Due to player concerns (and to make the zone a bit more fun to play in), we will be removing the ability to summon player characters recently added to some NPCs in the Halls of Honor.  We have introduced another mechanism to address the challenge level in that zone.


11)  There will be a couple of improvements to Alternate Advancement abilities as well.  We will be giving Beastlords access to the Mass Group Buff ability.  This is an ability that many Beastlords feel would be very useful to them and make some of their buffing tasks a bit easier.  We will also be reducing the reuse timer for the Magician Elemental Form ability from 72 minutes to 15 minutes.  This will allow a Magician to keep the Elemental Form up for as long as he wants.


12)  We have corrected a problem that was causing some people to be unable to log back into the game quickly if the were disconnected.  This has been a complicated problem to correct, and we're glad to have found and fixed it.


Also, as a heads up to players that have created their own user interfaces for EverQuest, these are the interface files that we expect to change next week.








Further Down the Line


In the next month or so we will be implementing some changes designed to bring more fun back into the game.  Our experience with Planes of Power has taught us a lot about what we did right and what we should avoid in the future.  Building an online game like EverQuest offers us the unique opportunity to see how customers react to our ideas and to adjust them if needed.  We'll be taking the opportunity to put some of our experience to work to improve the play experience in EverQuest.


1)      Partial Zone Revamps.


These consist of improvements in the experience gain, monster density and/or item rewards in some of the older zones.  The goal is to improve the playability and reward for adventuring in these zones without completely remaking the contents of the zone.  We plan to do several of these, and we'll keep you updated as we move through these.  Currently we are working on a partial revamp of Veeshan's Peak.



2)      Experience Range Adjustment.


When Planes of Power was released and the level cap was raised from 60 to 65, the range of NPCs that characters in the new levels could kill to gain experience was smaller than it is for characters of lower levels.  This was done to encourage characters to fight more challenging enemies and allowed us to increase the experience reward given for that increased challenge.  Unfortunately, this has limited the locations available to 61+ level characters for experience gain, as well as making it more difficult for solo players to gain experience.


This is something that we don't like, and it has had a negative affect on the "fun factor" involved in playing in Planes of Power.  To correct this, we will be increasing the level range of NPCs that will give 61+ level characters experience.  They will have approximately the same range of NPCs available to them as they did at level 60, and should be able to gain experience in some of their old hunting grounds, as well as in Planes of Power zones.



3)      Planar Progression.


Planes of Power has provided us with valuable insight into the group and guild dynamics that are involved in large scale games.  The way that we had expected guilds to advance through the story of Planes of Power has become a roadblock for some guilds, and some members have fallen behind and found it difficult to catch up.  Obviously this was not our intention.  We want players to play with their friends and guild mates.


To correct this issue, we will be removing the flag requirements for entry into the following Planes of Power zones:


Bastion of Thunder

Plane of Tactics

Halls of Honor

Plane of Nightmare

Plane of Storms

Plane of Torment

Plane of Valor

Crypt of Decay


This will make the majority of Planes of Power zones available to everyone, and should allow most guilds to travel and adventure together.  We understand that those that have already earned the entry flags for these zones have put some effort into that accomplishment.  We will be giving a reward to those that have done so,  though you'll have to wait to see what that reward is.



4)      Items in the Planes of Power


We will be looking at the quality of Planes of Power item rewards and improving them where appropriate.  Items for many of the lower tier gods will be upgraded and more rare items and NPCs will be added to the following zones as needed:


Crypt of Decay

Plane of Torment

Halls of Honor

Plane of Tactics

Plane of Innovation

Bastion of Thunder



5)      Class Balance


We are going to look at improving the damage capabilities of melee classes, as they've fallen behind their magic-using counterparts at the very high end of the game.  Some options being considered are:


Improve melee damage-increasing disciplines

Improve Planes of Power melee weapons


Additionally, we're looking at the concerns from players about their spells, and changing them where appropriate.  The goal here is to remove annoying issues with spells, not necessarily to increase caster power overall.



We'll be back on Wednesday the 14th with another Upcoming and with a message from John Smedley, who will have some special news for EverQuest players.


Most all of these changes will benefit the player without a large raiding guild, and should be welcomed by most all of the EQ player base. Making the zones available without the raiding requirements will hopefully make them more used. Along with the loot tuneups, this could be very good for the amount of content which players consider "fun". Guess the major question I have is, what took so long? --Illia


Post Comment
tier opening
# May 19 2003 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
I can see allowing entrance into the higher end tiers. People pay RW money to play a GAME. I also feel that a line should be drawn or better still a compromise...open the 2nd tier but have a raised level req before entry and raise the level req per each successive tier UNLESS the char can EARN the flag prior to the required level for predetermined admittance to each tier. Definitely some sort of mechanism should be implemented to thwart those who simply DO NOT belong in certain areas from entering places that they represent a danger to others. Theres my 2cp keep the change and don't spend it all in one place.
P.S - As far as farming in the higher end zones and the complaints raised by those unable to acquire certain items, etc. thats not going to change. Opening the tiers up will still require the same group make-up (avg level, etc) and will have a minimal impact on the EQ economy.
it sounds fair or does it
# May 14 2003 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
yea your right bout raids and haveing to know what and what not to do p,and yea your right bout a lev 5 have a epic just will not happan and yea your right bout way too many rude people on the game .But i can tell your one of the few that have it all and have made the game not fun for others ,let me talk bout this some ,first off its bout knowing how to play your class period ,if a ie wiz mage or necro over nukes then they will get killed period ,,, and thats just not smart .Then if you say you need to know how to raid ,,,i say this to you p all you need to know is how to play your class period cause one thing ive learned from the many yrs of Eq ing is ever raid is DIFFEFENT and you need to use DIFFERENT MOTHODS on all and wheres does this come from well thats simple from fricken raiding .This is simple you uber guilds dont want to share the loot and the fun and its a shame soe has let it go on this long ,you guys are runing around i a little god mind set and feel your above all .If you really want to help others then do it from my stand point its not done on the karana period ,too many Idots runing around greeeeedy morons .yea this is a game and get off your heigh horse and make it better for all ,well weve seen what the uber guilds have done so i guess soe will do it i guess due to the short fall .uber guild = greedy over bearing Idots who have kept the lower or new people in the dirt too long there are many faults with EQ now but still its the best game out and tell ones better i will still play EQ .gratzzz to soe on these changes and i hope many more are to come like these ,o for the ones that think i lack knowledge 65 necro 61 warrior 58 mage 59 monk i think i know how to play all these class es at raids and what there job is .
open some zones
# May 14 2003 at 12:02 PM Rating: Default
I really don't see the big deal with opening up zones such as, PoV, PoS, CoD and MAYBE Torment.
I don't know many people that hunt CoD and don't know ANYONE that hunts in Torment, heh. I know just b/c "I" don't know them means nadda, but how many people do YOU know that makes these zones a home. PoV, oh yeah, I do aa xp in pov, easy fast killing = mucho aa! So, with the influx of more people coming to these zones am I really going to lose out? I say, not really. Before ya flame, lemme explain. As MANY have pointed out, a lot of people that are NOT flagged for these zones have trouble with the trials mobs, so how do ya think they'll do against mobs hittin them for upwards of 400 a smack. I know a good bit of the people not flagged are good players and will be able to handle these mobs np, but ya still have the % that, for lack of a better word, S U C K.
Those of you in guilds that took our Grummus, get yer raid together again and go after yer POF flags. Yer guild can't handle them?? OK it's called ALLIED GUILDS!! Now yer thinking, then PoF is going to be heavily hunted, OH FREAKIN WELL!! If you don't have the imagination to keep going on this course then just move yer mouse pointer to the upper right of this screen, click the little red X, uninstall EQ from yer computer, go to wal-mart, buy cd with the old atari type games on it, and play yer heart out.

Sorry if yer offended, but geez, lighten up some, it's a stinking game.

BoT, Tactics and HoH, no I don't think they should open those up, but if they do, oh well, just LFG or MAKE another spot in the zones that you can hunt safely.

GL on yer journeys in PoP. For those who are gonna be getting access to these zones with the upcoming changes, PLEASE remember this is NOT KC, if yer in a jam, don't train your mess on others, either evac or just freakin' die already. PoP zones have GY's, USE THEM! If yer dying so much that after a 96% rez yer xp still sucks, then move back into PoN PoD and PoI til ya learn to handle those mobs NP then try again in the T2 zones.

RE: open some zones
# May 16 2003 at 6:15 AM Rating: Default
I do agree with most of what you say and especially with trouble getting through trials.I was told by members in my own guild as well as people outside my guild that enchanters are the most difficult people to get through trials - so i was condemned even before i was given a chance to try.Too many people want certain classes in these new zones but are not willing to help them GET to those zones,so now that the restriction holding those classes back is going to be lifted these very same people are whining that thier precious loot rights are going to be compromised and they will not be able to farm items they way they have been since getting flagged themselves.
What can most people expect entering these zones now for the first time? Being trained not by more new people to those areas but being trained by people who have BEEN in those areas and are trying to chase out the newcomers.This is the height of rudeness,unfair play,and flat out being babies because they cant get thier way.
# May 14 2003 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default
Well I have been playing for years also. but I am still only lvl 39....thats fine with me, I am not one of the exp whores you see running around. the planes sound fun I guess but I dont need to go there to prove anything. if I get there I will and if not... oh well. the epics will not be something I need to do also. I can buy anything in the bazaar cheeper and sooner than I will ever be able to get it by myself. my guild is a place for me to chat with people I know. I dont go on raids and I dont group with them. not what I want to do right now. I have 2 RW friends I group with sometimes. so its like the guy was saying, not everyone plays the same. and sony everyone else needs to understand that.
It Sounds Fair
# May 14 2003 at 9:29 AM Rating: Default
Hello everyone.Let me stat by saying I purchased Planes of Power when it was first released.But so far i have not even set foot in the pok.Me and my partner (my wife)have came from level 1 until now 51.We have never grouped and never joined a guild.This is the way we enjoy playing the game.And though right now we are happy playing in the old worlds since there are a lot of those zones we have yet to see.In the future we hope to perhaps play in the planes.With the flag system the way I understand it we would never, even at 65 be able to gain them on our own.We have already decided against our epics because of this fact so should we also have to not be able to explore the planes?I understand those of you who have worked hard for your flags and respect you for getting them but we are only able to play on days off so joining a guild when so many of the better and more respected of them have a requirement that you come to a raid at least once a week.I also understand your concerns about unexpieranced players being there.I would by no way call anyone not in a guild unexpiereanced.Me and my wife have played in dungeons such as kasora and sol b and never onced trained anyone or died at xp giving levels in these zones.Though several times we have been trained by members of some rather uber guilds who didn't even offer an apology.It all comes down to the person at the ketboard.I have seen level 5 toons running around with epics and making rude comments to other in ooc.I doubt these people have ever had high level characters because with that lack of respect for others it would be hard to get anywhere in life.I guess my piont is that not everyone enjoys playing the same way.We each are different and should not be forced to do thing we don't like just to explore zones that we would enjoy being in.And we can't judge everyone by the one or to bad ones we meet.Me personaly when I see someone in a zone that they have never been in or are to low for I try to help them out so maybe next time they will be there to help me out when we're in trouble i don't ooc and tell them there idiots or don't know what there doing.Sorry i'm starting to babble but I hope have not taken up to much room here and for all those who read this no matter what your opinion thanks.
RE: It Sounds Fair
# May 14 2003 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
First, I respect the way in which you and your wife wish to play the game. How a person playes the game is completely up to them, not others.


1. Raids are a totally different type of game than a group or solo play. If you have not been on raids, it doesn't matter how long you have played or how 'experienced' you are at solo or group play, you are ignorant (I use that term in it's true form, not as disrespect) of raid type playing and could easily (not just easily, but extremely likely) get 20-100 ppl killed by one little tiny mistake...Out of ignorance (not stupidity, although that kills more often, but ignorance (ie, a lack of knowledge).

2. You have never seen a level 5 running around with an epic... Thats a bold lie. Some of the epic NPC's 'might' talk to you, but they will refuse to let you move past a certain point untill you are level 45. Thats a fact jack....

3. You said you have never died in kaesora or solb to xp giving mobs.... Well, I suppose it's possible, about as likely as having God whispering the winning lotto ticket numbers in your ear one day... (ie, possible yet so unlikely it's basicly unbelievable).

I completely agree with you that there are to many people that are just to rude and not enough that actually help others out, especially newbies. I like to help newbies out when I have the time as well. The only thing I ask in return from them is that they do a favor for another newb later on in the game when they are able. Just don't make comments that you can't back up please.... a lvl 5 with epic.. Please.

PS I can't stress enough, I am not using the term ignorant as a disrespect or derogatory term, I mean it as it is meant to be, a Lack of Knowledge, not a lack of intelligence.
(also, please excuse my typo's, spell checker is broke and I'm one of those ppl that depend on it :)
long time need
# May 14 2003 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
Ive been playing this game a long long long time and play pretty much ever day.The problem we have here is you have some that have and almost all that dont,So how do you fix it ?Will all these changes fix it ? I guess only time will tell ,one thing i do know is verant has bent over for the few for many yrs. This has to change and it needs to change very soon .If 1/3 of your people have it all and get to do it all then turn around and kick the other 2/3 ie get a grip on the prices you try and sale this iteams for freaks,lol this is a game you know and its not anything like real life .Then you have the Idots that say well you didnt earn it ,How the hell do you figure that one ?Let me tell you this we the 2/3 did earn it we payed are real money for this game then we pay are real money to play this game ever fricken month and the bottom line to that is im sure verant ever month sees how many people quite playing cause its just not any fun any more = BIG TIME LOSS IN you know that thing i sayed before real yea i mean real $$$$ .So i say get over it you freaks that have everthing.These changes if they do them will be for the good of all the 2/3 that dont have and have tryed for many yrs to have.After all you know this is only a game you know ? And for the ones that dont know i say this too youa TOOO BAD cause what verants doing is like real life,they are loseing you know what i sayed before real $$$ over keeping the 1/3 Idots happy .So i say this in closeing ,open all the zones up no more flags any more ,floood the EQ so called market with iteams ,make exp ing a little more easyer and that goes for AAs ,everone should have and get what they want from this game ,and at this point and time the 2/3s are in the dirt, you 1/3 it looks like you might be in for some change due to the pokets of SOE getting a little thiner ,
i dont agree with this
# May 14 2003 at 5:23 AM Rating: Decent
i mean come on we work for the flags that we get be all proud of our accomplishment just to hear they are openning these zones we were so proud of gaining access to? i dont agree with this at all but they fact everyone is forgetting is we can still work for elemental flags =) being able to work for Plane of Fire, Plane of Water, Plane of Air, and Plane of Earth will be great! anyways opinion stated buh byes

59 female Dark elven shadowknight of Innoruuk from the Luclin server =)
The storm before the calm
# May 13 2003 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
Enough with the flags already... there'll be that huge influx of people that can't handle it and in less than a month, it will be back to normal, with the few exceptions that would probably just take the place of something else to complain about.

Personally, enough with the item stat increasing and make my character better already, the items will just be farmed and over/under priced in the bazaar... which in itself has ruined the EQ economy.
Either way is fine
# May 13 2003 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
Yes my guild is separated by the key aspect. Not everyone has the time to get together and do the key quests. But sometimes we would like to go up and take that open spot our guildy has in his group for HoH (when it isn't being kited by bards) or any other tier 2 Zone. I don't think it is such a bad thing. You are mad?? Go get flagged for the next tier.

Uber guilded people are crapping. There goes their money farms.. Boo hoo.. cry me a handful. I am flagged, but I don't really care. If it gets too ****** I'll brawl my way into the next tier.

Get over it.
# May 13 2003 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
as far as the flagges getting removed, i don't really care i never got to the planes much myself. I am lvl 52 warrior and in PoD i get hit for 300+. look at it this way, if a low lvl zones into PoS he/she will die really fast. whatdo mobs in teir 2 zones hit for? Should make to where all long as a group or raid member id flaged they can go into the teir 2 zones or u have to be 55+. I admitte lower prices will be good,sence i am in crap gear, but i like paying high prices for a resoan. Either get a guild and raid the places that drop the good gear or save big cash to get it. Even worse with prices droping on these nice items, it will drop the price of older items, meaning more twinks will be running around thinking they are all that when they didn't even have to work to getg any of their. When i started to play all i got from my friends was a set of fine plate armor and a axe of the iron back.

The plan on making meele people better. I hope they don't do the idea abot make pop weps better. They need to give meeles more abilities and thow a few better weps in a lot of zones no just the pop zones. Its starting to fell like the only way to get good stuff is by getting a ubber guild.

They need to make a few more mobs with lvl restrictions on them like naggy and vox. that way the younger lvls will have more mobs to fight and not complains about all the good stuff being farmed. Plus thro together raids can be fun!!!
whiners with flags
# May 13 2003 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
They dont deserve to be here, they'll cause problems, they'll be trains, we can't farm anymore, yup...nag nag nag. Tier 2 right?......take it to tier 3 then, Bye, CYA. Adios Amigos.
# May 12 2003 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
Until they actually do it, I would not worry that much about it. From the way the announcement is worded, they are only removing the entry "check" not the flag itself.

There are crafted items that require you to have these flags. They have not said they are going to take those requirements away.

The flags will still be there, and you will probably be able to get the flags after they change it. It will mean the flags are going to be used for different things, hence the reason they said those who have the flag will get rewarded at a later time.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 13 2003 at 12:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) they are removing the flag requirements needed for entry - read it again.This means it will be an open door.
RE: Flags
# May 13 2003 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
Heh, please read what I said, and not what you thought I said.

What you just said is what I said.

Have Fun.
Remember the tooth
# May 12 2003 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
I just destroyed my Great Divide tooth last week.
Why was that still in my bank?
To FLag or Not to Flag
# May 12 2003 at 11:27 PM Rating: Default
I some what agree with most of you who say no to the lift, but being from a small guild which members who are in limited play time.. those who can't get flagged and join the other guild members who have been flagged, hurt the guild as an over all. Yes it is Very nice to have a flag and you feel proud of your self for doing it, but at the same time.. most of the Ubah guilds on my server was in within a week of POP, and are done with those planes, but still go for grouping and farming items. I do believe it does limit those lower end guilds who dont have power players. And for those who go there now, that dont mean you have to have a Clue... there has been many times a full group of 65's will get a lowe lvl flagged and they wont know crap about the zones they are flagged for.. there are trains in those zones now and stupid players.. being flagged does not mean you Have know how to play the game, just on who you know. But as a side note, I love the flagging idea, its fun it makes you work as a team and helps you get beyond your toon and learn about others.
Keep the Tactics flag in place!
# May 12 2003 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
If they remove the flag for tactics, they will ***** up any guid who tries the RZ script. Grats SONY on ******** the ppl over who actually earned the right to be there YAY!

Revamp POi, PoNightmares, chardok, Seb, Velks and open up POStorm/Valor, CoD and BOT PoTorment. Least ppl there cant cockblock ya from doing a major event cause they want to "XP" there....
flag changes
# May 12 2003 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
I don't see the point of removing those flags because of some guild people that can't join in raids, I thought they had changed the rules so that a raid force could take along guests on a raid as long as 80% of the raiders had the flag?
Great changes!
# May 12 2003 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
please remove the key to Val thal....and everywhere else I dont want to get a key to go in ..i just want to go....if i am not high enough level tehn Ill die..if not i will live and reap the rewards....this is a good thing....in my opion...
Heck No, Flags cant go !
# May 12 2003 at 6:35 PM Rating: Default
From what I've seen about the Flagging Change, There are really two camps:

Those who are flagged and dont want this change to happen, and those who arent flagged, and dont see themselves being flagged in the near future.

I agree with the flagged group even thou I'm not flagged for PoV/PoS etc... I believe that if you want to reap the rewards of those zones you should work for it. Now, if they removed the flags and made it a zone where you couldnt zone in til 60 + that would make some sence, but looking at the amount of people on my server who are 60 and NOT flagged is a vast minority compaired to the ones who are (from what I see).

The obvious problems with opening these zones to the mass of players is that players who dont exactly fit the zone standard, will go in there anyway. Causing Havoc and not learning from what happens to them causing them to happen again and again, and overall effecting the community around them, not to mention the people who like to **** with people for fun.

The only good thing I can see of this, is that it will clean out some of the tier I zones, Looking at KC 6 months after PoP came out, 1 or 2 spots camped, 10-15 people in the zone on Friday night, just around December, there were 50-70 people in that zone at that same time. In 2 or 3 weeks, I would think that the PoN, PoI, PoJ, PoD would look MUCH the same.

I like the flagging system very much, It makes it feel that there is a moving plot in the game, so removing a part of that is just pulling and thinning out the plot.

I'm done

~Wicklen Cry`stalfyre
54 wizard
RE: Heck No, Flags cant go !
# May 13 2003 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
I agree. I come from a relatively small guild of early to mid 50's level people. One of the things I was really starting to enjoy about it was that getting keyed up for second tier really gave us something to work togeather towards. If you want to get the good loot without paying obscene amounts for it, there are things that have to be done. I liked the fact that PoP not only encouraged teamwork, but required it. It was also nice to see a point to the game, it made me feel like hitting 60 would really be the stepping stone for getting more set structure to the gameplay. You do trials, you go to next tier, you do key there, move on, etc. As only a 50 warrior who's not keyed for ANYTHING at the moment (ignore the sig, my level and ever server are wrong. . . Drinal) I really hate to see this feature go. Getting keyed up for the planes is really no different then haveing to do ring events, quests, or anything else to obtain an item or exp. If people don't like it have them hunt somewhere else.
# May 12 2003 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
The reason so many people are going to complain right off the bat about tier 2 planes being opened up,is because they wont be able to farm items from these zones and sell them for thousands of plats like they used to.Everyone will now have the chance to get items in a well formed group rather than relying on the uber guilds farming magic items and selling them on guild mules.
See how fast the price of KEI came down as they not only introduced a new spell to take its place,but started making the spell more readily available on more mobs.On the Torvo server I saw the price of KEI go from 30k to 7k in a matter of 45 days.The same thing is now going to happen with the items many guilds have been farming and selling for disgustingly high prices.Girdles of Mithaniel might drop down to 3-4k now,but I guarentee you wont see it for 30k much longer :)
# May 12 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
I think Clint Eastwood summed it up best,"Nag,Nag,Nag".
agree with you completely
# May 12 2003 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
part of the fun of the PoP was the advancement of flagging. even though i am only flagged for PoV/PoS and half way through my BoT key that was the fun of it to get the items needed to quest for the next key. in PoV its hard to find a group at times as it is now with every player that has planes access being able to get in i fear there is going to be more trains than experience. in a well balanced group of 60-65 we can usually take on two creatures at a time with a good healer. with lower lvl characters running around and zoning there trains who knows what will happen.
# May 12 2003 at 1:13 PM Rating: Default
our guild has just gotten up to the point where we are able to do poj trials.. been working a long time for this.. now it means nuthing.. o well.. at least they are not nerfing the exp for the trials it seems.

Chaea Mezmaster
Chanta of the 61'st
# May 11 2003 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
Just passed trials in poj. hehe. I like that they are increasing items and xp in old zones give me reason to go to some of these cool old zones.

krukker druzzil ro pactus aquilus 58 rogue
Flag changes
# May 10 2003 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
I don't like the fact that they are removing flags on teir 2 zones. Part of the reward for getting flagged was the fact that the tier 2 zones weren't as crowded. Seriously who is going to go to Plane of Disease when they can go to Bastion of Thunder or Plane of Storms. Imagine how nice it'll be to see those level 46 druids kiting frogs by you in PoS on your high 60s characters you can't even get a pull with because the zone population just jumped to 100s. think about it remember when PoP came out and PoN was always slammed chock full of people. I don't think they should remove flag restrictions on the upper planes. I can't see them removing the flag requirements because people are being left behind...if you are in a guild and only certain members are getting flags and the others are getting lost then it sounds like maybe that guild doesn't fight together much anyway... I mean if you have a guild that works together alot they could get their people at least past the PoJ trials. If this is the answer they have come up with then perhaps next we can remove keys from Vex Thal and Veeshan's Peak... then we can see Phara Dar get Zerged to death how fun...

Edited, Sat May 10 20:49:55 2003
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