PotBS Pirate Career Info, Skills, and Screenies

The 1.4 version patch for Pirates of Burning Sea will bring a lot more to the game then group buffs and tiered skills! The pirate career path will now be divided into two, giving players more options and a fuller enjoyment of the game, while adding new skills and play styles!
Cutthroats represent the brutal side of the Brethren of the Coast. They lead short and violent lives and their answers to problems are short and to the (sword) point. They don't make ships; they steal them. Cutthroats take what they want and demolish anyone foolish enough to get in their way. Blackbeard is the classic cutthroat archetype.
Buccaneers are pirates too, but a bit subtler than their burning-bearded brethren. They steal and loot, but also manipulate the black markets. Some would call them gentleman adventurers, though few are true blue bloods. Buccaneers do not have the raw power of cutthroats, but they work well in groups and can help friends and cripple enemies. Buccaneers are more challenging to play than cutthroats, so are recommended for players with Pirates of the Burning Sea experience.

Pirates in game now will cease to exist, they'll become Cutthroats. Buccaneers are considered an advanced career and is not recommended for those unfamiliar with the game!

We'll be talking with the developers to get you a clearer idea of what to expect, and how things will work, so be sure to keep checking back with us! For more details on our coverage of PotBS check out our games list! Read on to find out some of the skill info that was released today on these two careers

This is the first skill in the Gambler chain, available to Buccaneers. It’s a click buff that increases your resistance, max range, accuracy, speed and damage. Only works when your current total armor for all facings is below 82% of the max (50% on one broadside).

Desperation Fire
Duration: 5 minutes
Morale Cost: 40
Damage Resistance: +10%
Maximum Cannon Range: +5%
Accuracy: +2
Maximum Ship Speed, Battle: +5%
Damage: +5%
Reset Timer: 10 minutes

This is the third skill in the Disaster chain for Cutthroats. It’s a reckless attack skill that deals massive damage, but weakens your own armor.

Target: Enemy
Morale Cost: 20
Self Damage: Port Armor: 5%
Self Damage: Starboard Armor: 5%
Self Damage: Bow Armor: 5%
Self Damage: Stern Armor: 5%
Attack Damage: +40%
Reset Timer: 60 seconds


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