Share Your New Year's Resolution.. and Win!
'Tis the season... but now that the holidays are almost over, it's time for us to look to the new year. And... as is tradition... it's time to set out your resolutions. But hey, it never really works out unless we've got support to help us stay on track - or are really, really dedicated to the cause.
Well, okay... the threat of ultimate humiliation is also another key factor in people succeeding with their resolutions.
But we won't giggle. I promise! Oh. Wait. That wouldn't be any fun, now would it?
Okay, okay... enough kidding around.
We here at Allakhazam would love to hear your New Year's Resolution! But... we don't want just any... give us your MMO-related ones. And if you have the best one, you can win a one month Premium account! That's right... get one month free of ads... one month of account bonuses... yay!
So what are the requirements and rules? Easy!
- Only MMO-related resolutions will be accepted. While we're sure you're excited about resisting the urge to tease your Aunt Flutie about her cheek mole... we really need to stick with the theme here!
- Please keep your submission clean enough to publish. Yes, we know that you probably resolve to uhm... well... /blush... enjoy bedroom happiness as much as possible, or violate as many pixelated corpses as you possibly can, keep it PG, people!
- All entries must be in by 5:00pm PST on Monday, December 31, 2007. Any entries submitted late will be disqualified.
You can submit screenshots if you like, but be sure to include:
- Your game (WoW, LotrO, EQ, etc.)
- Your character's name (if you want your 15 minutes of fame)
- Your New Year's Resolution.
All entries will be posted on January 1, 2008, and winners will be announced by 5:00pm PST on New Year's Day. Winners are selected by Allakhazam staff, with a maximum of three winners depending on amount of entries.
In order to submit your entry, send a mail to AutumnKiss... in other words... click here. In your subject line state "New Year's Resolution Contest Entry" and include the above information. Incomplete entries will not be considered. Allakazham staff are not eligible to enter.
So hey... let's hear about how you plan on improving this year! Will you eat more gnomes? Toss more dwarves? Or vow to look at the world through the eyes of your friendly neighborhood carebears? Whatever it is... we promise to... uhm... enjoy hearing about it!