Planes of Power - Rumors to Fact

The Planes of Power developement team has released a PoP design update to put to rest some of the many rumors surrounding the anticipated expansion. The most exciting rumor-turned-fact is that of an increase to the level cap. The cap will be raised to 65!!! For the entire release visit the EQLive site and go to Community/Articles, or just read it here...
Planes of Power Design Update
The Planes of Power development team has been working hard to ensure development is on schedule and things are looking really fantastic. Initially, we wanted to avoid mentioning too much too soon; unfortunately the lack of details has lead, at least in part, to an increase in rumors as we get closer to the release of Planes of Power. We'd like to put some of those rumors to rest and give you a general outline of some of the things we have planned. For Planes of Power there will be two forms of character advancement: level increase and Planar Advancement. The level cap will increase to 65. Those levels will have inherent benefits much like previous levels. However, they will not be exactly the same. The rate of advancement in character levels is designed to feel more natural and not take the punishing time commitment required between 51 and 60. We understand the frustration that painfully long levels can cause, and hope not to repeat that experience for players. This, combined with the new bonuses for fighting higher level opponents, should make leveling seem less like something that you have to do and more like something that just happens as you play. Level advancement is closely tied to Planar Advancement. The systems compliment each other. Planar advancement includes extensions on the Alternate Advancement system, along with new abilities for all classes. Advancing your character is a combination of traditional leveling and advancement through planar abilities. Players who enjoy pure leveling can do so, and people that prefer a combination of level advancement and investment in specific abilities can do that as well. That's the basic plan for advancement in Planes of Power. We'll continue to refine and tune the specific details as we go through the remaining six weeks of beta testing. Many of the game balancing and system changes you've seen in Live EverQuest over the last few months have been done with this future advancement in mind. Expect to see more balancing that allows us to once again develop high end content that does not involve marathon battles that are more about attendance and endurance than tactics and skill (e.g. The first time people rounded the corner, stared Trakanon square in the face, and knew they had mere minutes to win or lose, as opposed to the second hour of an end-game encounter.) Creating Planes of Power has been as much about reevaluating existing gameplay as it has been about creating new gameplay. We believe that advancement should be fun and rewarding. We are very aware of the issues that players are not enjoying in current gameplay and some of the mechanics introduced with other expansions. We plan to avoid contrived "timesinks", so that you'll be playing rather than just spending time. This is not to say that success in Planes of Power doesn't require some time, we just want it to be time that you can enjoy. And even though this is a high level expansion, there will be ways for both casual and hardcore players to advance. That is as much detail as we can give you right now. We appreciate your patience, and we hope that you'll enjoy Planes of Power. - The Planes of Power Development Team


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is pop the last expansion?
# Nov 01 2002 at 1:29 AM Rating: Default
# Oct 10 2002 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
I've been spending some time today in between classes doing something really important: reading about Everquest. College is boring and easy, so I'd rather do some more productive and long-lasting with my life like play computer games.

Anyway, I'm drifting off topic and I haven't even started yet.

From all the reading that I've been doing on the Planes of Power it seems that Verant is really trying hard to fix the past mistakes that they've made. My experience with Everquest over the last two years has been that you have your hardcore players, and then you have your occasional players. Then you have your "level-level-level-I-wanna-go-higher-give-me-new-tougher-stuff-to-kill-I-wanna-kill-more" players vs. your "this-is-kind-of-neat-I-want-to-stay-where-I'm-at-and-explore-new-stuff-and-never-level-again-players".

Personally I think that over the last few months VI has done a tremendous job trying to find places for all of the above categories, and it looks like PoP is going to get even better!

I for one like the feeling that I got when I first started playing EQ several months after it was released. It felt like this really neat place to adventure, way out alone without lots of people around. It was like being an active character in a good fantasy novel. This changed over the last year or so to where the zones that used to be really cool to explore and level in at lower levels (like Lake of Ill Omen) became super packed zones. When Luclin was released I really enjoyed how it made world travel so much easier, but yet it also gave lower level players that aren't hardcore a really great place to level (i.e. Paludal Caverns) and emptied out a lot of those other zones way out in the middle of no where....especially the Kunark ones that are so much fun to hang around in.

I am levelling up a couple of new characters right now on a new server, and they are both in their 30's. I think it's absolutely terrific to group with people that are playing their first characters, but are good players learning fast, and to see that they've never even heard of zones like Firiona Vie and Ill Omen. It makes it a lot of fun to get a small group of them together and give them a tour, or just go and do low-level raids with them to give them experience on how it's done. A side and probably unplanned benefit is that it makes it much easier to recruit good players into the guild that I'm in. If I bring my bard down to Frontier Mountains to solo a bit, and find some person there who is new but has taken the time to research the zone, get maps, read up on good places to level and chosen to try it out, then taken the time to travel there, then I want them in my guild and on my friends list. More than likely they're going to be a good, solid player to have.

Ok I've rambled on a lot giving my 2 coppers, but my general point is this. Give VI a break folks! Please! I get so tired of hearing people complain, then VI gives them what they ask for, then they complain, so VI tries harder, then they complain. I mean really...come on...give them a break and quit whining like 2 year olds! Please! =)

VI has become much more pro-active, they actually respond to petitions most of the time now (although the other day I was doing crowd control with my bard in Paw and got stuck in the clipping and couldn't sing songs for crowd control (I was stuck in a wall) so the entire group got wiped except one person, and since it's a known bug I petitioned 3 times reporting it not even caring about the rez since we got one, but I never even got a response *grrrrr*). Ok so stuff like that still happens, but they ARE getting better, and they're probably a lot more likely to listen to the stuff that you say if you don't type things that show that you're obviously 12 playing on your parent's credit card =). *No offense to any of you kids out there, I grouped with a 13 year old girl last night that was a pretty freakin' awesome player...that's the same age I started playing the old text MUD's*.

Ok enough! I've rambled on! Keep up the good work're doing good but I challenge you to do better, and to all you whiners out there...GROW UP!! =)

Good luck everyone and safe journeys,
RE: Wow
# Oct 18 2002 at 5:11 AM Rating: Default

I heartily agree. I have ben playing EQ since Beta 3 ( ok so i remember when Freeport had grass). I play a lev 49 bard and I for one am extremely excited about PoP. I am looking forward to exploring the Great Library with baited breath. With every expansion Verant has managed to not only keep my interest in the game but also to satisfy my yearning for new places to explore.

Just my 2 coppers worth,

Dreeya Drakkenkinder of Tarew Marr
well here comes more lvling :(
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:25 PM Rating: Default
well as for the PoP coming out all i have to say is that im tired of lvling. i got 50th then they say o wait here top is 60th. now then i get 60th then they go o wait here your not done yet you have to make more lvls for AA skills. dont get me wrong i like some of the AA skills and all but as someone who dosnt have unlimited time on my hands i dont have 40 plus hrs a week for EQ/lvling.I am just getting tired of i think cool i have gotten to the top now to enjoy the upper end of the game and not worry about freaking XP. then they change it and i have to scramble to try and keep up with all the ppl that spend 12 plus hrs per day on the game. the game has and is really becoming a dam job not a game anymore. i think that they need to really look at what they have/are doing to the longtime players that have MADE EQ and how fast they about to chase them off if they keep up with the changes.
No patients left
# Oct 01 2002 at 8:07 PM Rating: Default
Well the EXP nerf just ruined it for me. I advanced my mage to 60, my first druid to 60, My second druid to 56 and i finally got my ranger to 59. Just in time to have EXP nerfed ugly. Balance? What a joke. There is NO Way my ranger can keep pace with my level 56 druid in exp. Especially after the nerf.

The first of my accounts died today. I simply destroyed the debit card and had a new one issued. I see no reason to bother cancelling all those accounts the cancelled card is so much easier.

Verant really ruined the game play for me this time and the design update post above is just a perfect illustration of what alienated me. They just simply can't talk to their customers.
RE: No patients left
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
i have one word for a rant like this ..... childish. ruined it for you???? by makeing the level transition smoother? oh come on grow up! i play for fun pure and simple and making it easier for me too level is not going to stop me having fun, hell making it harder to level will mean it's fun for longer :-).

as for not listening i feel that sometimes Verdant can be iritating but they get it right far more than they get it wrong with little credit from player for it

thank you Verdant for EQ and i feel sorry you have to deal with people errr children loke this

just 5 more levs?
# Sep 23 2002 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
Gee my best charter is not even 40 yet, so what is in this exp to make me want to spend another $30 to get it????????
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 18 2002 at 3:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnn
# Sep 14 2002 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for taking the time to at least address our anticipation. Sounds interesting, and I’m looking forward to seeing the changes.

other dudes are too serious,
Peace p
# Sep 14 2002 at 11:50 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
I agree that when they raised the level cap from 50 to 60 it was amazingly unbalanced and things were just wrong.

I think, from the people I've talked to that it's gonna be much more balanced. I hear BeastLords are going to get a few things they wanted. That's all the info I was given unfortunately.
RE: better
# Sep 15 2002 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
What things for beastlords? I have a 42 BL and I haven't heard a damn thing. Are we finally going to get some AA stuff? Maybe some disciplines? Or are they just going to throw more spells at us. I don't want any more spells.. (althought the newest mana/health regen is nice) I want more combat abilities. Maybe let the warder track stuff or the BL directly. Already my warder outdamages me and I have to let him tank and I play a cleric (I have a 50 cleric, I don't want to sit med stand heal anymore) I want to fight. gimme more cool stuff.
Pretty damn vague...
# Sep 14 2002 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
That was about as vague as you can possibly get without not saying anything. Personally, I think they're hosing the game. Raising the cap from 50-60 was a huge mistake. Instead of expanding the rules, they should have stuck to expanding the game area.
Instead of Kunark being it's current size, they could have made it twice as large. Instead of having all the end game monster being level 60, they could have left all the levels alone, having the hardest stuff around level 55.
Instead of expanding the hitpoints in Velious, they could have just made the damn continent larger. Velious is TINY! Only 6 "outdoor" zones. the other 11 zones are dungeons and cities.

They could have made the game so much more grand. So much more to see. So much more to fight. So many more places to go. Instead they added the bare minimum zones, and changed some code so the game got harder. Oh, and they upgraded the textures and models. Big whoopie.

They changed the core game advancement when Kunark was released. They changed it again when they released Velious. Then they added in Alternate Advancement, and changed the rules yet again. Now they're adding another 5 levels, and planar AND more alternate advancement?

Can you say; Creating a black hole to suck the play fees from our hands?

Bleh, no PoP for me!
# Sep 14 2002 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
::::Looks at skills list for the Language: Developer's Babble::::

Damn I'm a skill 0.

Was there anything that made sense in there. All they did was generate more questions.. and those questions can and will lead to more speculation. Please, Verant - Sony - whomever you are. If your not going to answer questions directly, don't answer anything.
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