PotBS Beta Tester Diary

Pirates of the Burning Sea has released a player's Beta Tester Diary!

After installing the beta client of Pirates of the Burning Sea, an MMORPG based on the Age of Sail in the year 1720, the updater downloads a patch if needed and you can launch the beta for the very first time. Adrenaline flowed through my veins, as the Flying Lab Software logo appeared on my screen, and after that I get to the beautiful login screen of PotBS. I type my account name and password and off I go to create a character! I’m choosing a male French Freetrader, because I’ve always been more interested in production and trade in MMO games, and I like to play in the less popular nations. I get to customize everything, from hairtypes and colors to what kind of belt I wear and the color of my shoes. I choose a nice hat and a small beard, pick a name and let’s start the tutorial
Follow this poor, unsuspecting player as he enters the world for the very first time!


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