Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    would eq2 mean that they fix their bugs ?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
    I think the game could use a rewrite. The game has been around for many years and they can still not get a group to last trough a ld leader. Also group information is hard to get, other than hp.

    I played DAOC and thier grouping system rocks, as a leader you can see who is close and looking for a group, you can even check their lvl and class type. when someone goes ld it is not a problem, I've never had to logout due to some bug. Also you can check who has w/ buffs, mana, and hp.

    I also think that they probably could rewrite the protocol that they use for client to server comunication. As far as I suspect now you get all the information of all the mobs in the done when you log into the zone, there is no reason to do this.

    I would like it if they remade the game and actually made a well coded version of it. The current game is best described at a mud w/ a gui, and no amount of parching will ever change that.
    RE: would eq2 mean that they fix their bugs ?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
    agreed, Lady miritas.
    What a bunch of whiners.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:00 AM Rating: Good
    One thing I've noticed, is that EQ players like to complain. When they try to make something harder to accomplish, such as item decay or nerfing a powerful item, people complain. When they do something like eliminating CR for sub-level 10 characters, I see a bunch of people complaining in game that now verant is "just handing the game to n00bs". I really hate that term "n00b," by the way. Personally, I think the existing game would be better off if they eliminated "hell levels", corpse runs, and the whole bind point problem. That could be done now, and maybe then you wouldn't see people complaining so much about the tedium of pre-50 levels, and the fact they need to twink just to have fun. When I die, it's bad enough that I lost xp, but now I have to spend 20 minutes running across three zones naked and defenseless after my body just to get killed again . . . When you actually have a life outside EQ and can only play a couple hours at a time, one ill-timed death can spoil an entire evening session. That and the bad economy are the two things I think they need to fix asap. I for one, with a dial-up connection, would not miss the current game's minute-plus zone load times either.

    I have only one problem with this new game, and it's largely a roleplaying problem. Where the heck are Kunark and Luclin?!? My two characters are Iksar and Vah Shir, and I love the moon! That is most annoying is that I apparently won't be able to create an ancestor/descendent of my Vah Shir Beastlord, who I'm sure is shaping up to be my favorite character. The rest of the game sounds like it has potential. I'll definitely continue to check on it as more information is available, and then make an INFORMED decision whether or not to purchase it.

    I'll be blunt. If you're only interested in feeling superior with your level 60 collection of polygons, then don't buy the new game. If you have any ability to imagine the expanded potential of MMORPG games that aren't running on 3-4 year old code, then think about picking it up when it comes out almost 18 months from now. I guarantee by then the system requirements won't look so steep. I'm looking forward to a healthy economy, smarter AI mobs (the ones now really border on retarded), and more options than "I sit, one guy pulls, we whup, repeat for 3 hours, roll for loot." I play EQ because I'm a D&D player and I really like the fantasy world they've created. To me, the EQ world is top-notch right up there with the best D&D worlds I've seen. I plan to buy the EQ dice-and-paper game when it comes out. Right now it's my favorite computer game, but even the first time I picked it up I thought "just imagine what the next generation of these games will be like." If you can't stand the fact of starting over . . . well, you should've thought of that when you began playing. No computer game lasts forever, and if everyone starts fresh, I just can't see what the problem is. Maybe it's because I'm still kind of new to the game, but I did come into it realizing that all my time and effort will ultimately leave me with nothing but some memories. It still beats watching inane TV programs.


    Xarekil Nidhoggr, 23 Iksar Necro
    Ocelotl, 8 Vah Shir Beastlord
    Tarew Marr Server
    RE: What a bunch of whiners.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default

    Fjordan Shammus
    31 Shammy
    RE: What a bunch of whiners.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:18 AM Rating: Default
    Yeah, I agree, but who writes an opinion that long! yikes!

    Solarn Starlight
    RE: What a bunch of whiners.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    I was gonna complain, but instead...

    Hear, hear!!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
    i wonder if there is a way to get verant to read what people are posting here so that they see their own customers approval and disapproval of this new announcement? it would be nice if someone took a poll that asked how we all feel about eq2 maybe verant should make one up just my thoughts
    Doesn't work for me
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
    Why? Verent is stealing too much from other RPG's and is going to ruin Everquest. EQ is still an amazing game after being around for so long. Most games like this will die within the first year because it gets boring.

    I just think that this is a bad step on Verents part over all. First off... the average age of an EQ player is 24 (yes, I can prove this). How many 24 or younger players can afford to boost up their computers to meet those requirements? I know I can's and none of the players I know can.

    Second, Releasing EQ2 makes me feel as if Verent has been wating the money we've been paying. They JUST released Luclin and are working on Planes of Power. Why release these expansions if their just gonna throw them away?

    Third (and final I think), Verent will lose money with this. Why do I say this? Noone in my guild is happy about it. None of my RL friends who play are happy about it. In other words, the players don't seem to want it (from what I've read and seen). They like EQ as it is and they're excited about Planes. Even level 60 friends of mine want nothing to do with EQ2.

    Anyways, personally, I will not pay to play EQ2. I like they way EQ1 is set up and I see no reason to mess with one of the most successful games of all time. "ohhhh, new graphics...." I don't care! I don't play the game because it looks nice, I play it because i have fun and I like the GAME play. The game play for 2 looks like it will be horrible. Verent is shooting itself in the foot again and won't succeed in my opinion.

    Athiena-- monk of Drinal
    RE: Doesn't work for me
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    I hate to burst your bubble, dearie, but the average age of an EQ player is closer to 26-27; the average for female being closer to 30 and the male closer to 25. Check out The Norrathian Scrolls at and have a look at the age and gender demographics, its a great study of the online players universe in general, EQ more specifically
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
    Is this coming out on time? or will like most other companies delay it a few time so its better?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
    Verant is not capable of competently maintaining and operating EQ1. What makes them think I would be masochistic enough to be their guinea pig for a new character creation system, experience system etc when they haven been able to properly fix the existing one???

    To Anonymous 2 posts below...I trust Verant like I trust a train of KC Drovlags to not make mince meat of me while I med. Why should I be required to update my computer yet again? A crisp, pretty backdrop and oodles of polygons are for naught if I have to spend $200-300 to upgrade my system (which is already far beyond the requirements of 99.8% of all game requirements out there) for ONE game that will most likely run buggy for the next year. If I become bored with EQ at level 60 I'll be trying a completely different game (not EQ2, ever notice sequels suck?). One would suspect you of being a VI employee.

    EQ lured me away from Counterstrike almost a year ago ...."broken economy" "twinks" and all. I suffered through their patches, updates and ugrading my system once but will not do it again. I have leveled 3 characters beyond 45 and made a lot of friends. But take away EQ1 and I'll be oiling and cleaning my MP5's to wreck havoc on Counterstrike. No monthly fee, no loot order, no exp treadmill and you are only as good as your last kill.
    Deep Breath
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
    For those who are whining about character transfers and such. Take a deep breath, sit back, take a look and repeat the same thing a number of you (not all of you mind you) have said after ganking a kill or item. "It's just a game."
    Think realisticly for a moment.
    Diablo: Fun game, online, multiple players, improve character.
    Diablo 2: Funner game, online, multiple players, improve character.
    Were people able to transfer characters from Diablo to Diablo 2? No. Why? Diablo 2 was a new and different, though similar, game. Can you still play Diablo on Sure can. Why? Because it's still a game that people play. Will Verant shut down the servers for EQ when they release EQ2? They'd be suicidal to do so. Will they allow character transfers? H. E. Double hockeysticks. NO! Why? That would totally unbalance a brand new, though similar, game.
    If you don't want to start over. Fine, stay with EQ and enjoy the quicker load times from less people being in zones. Those of us who enjoy a change of pace and prefer more realistic gameplay and a roleplaying/character developing friendly atmosphere will move on and enjoy a short reprise from grief players (fingers crossed).
    For those who are whining about the harsh restrictions on items that would help prevent twinking, stay on EQ. Please. Do I think twinking is okay? To an extent. Do I twink? Yes, with banded and fine steel and maybe a few pieces of low end quest armour.
    Basically, if you don't like it, don't play. I for one, will be there waiting to improve my dwarven armoursmith. That is, unless Horizons comes out first.
    RE: Deep Breath
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
    yeah but people didn't spend 3 years creating a character in either one of the diablo games people are so upset because of the amount of time eq demands in order for you to have a high lvl character and be able to get the better items in the game, and the people who did spend all that time to get to the high end level of the game are going to be upset because if eq2 comes out and a lot of people leave eq then the high end lvl of the game will begin to disappear cuz you won't be able to get enough people together to go and raid the tougher zones and mobs of the game, comparing eq to diablo isn't a very good comparison in my opinion cuz diablo is not a very long game unlike eq which people log more time playing than probably any other game on the market
    RE: Deep Breath
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
    It's not a great comparison, I agree, but it's as close as I could come to explaining the aspect of it not being an extension of EQ but a new game called EQ2. True, smaller servers make for harder raids in the end game. but if Verant is smart, big if, they will offer server merges instead of server splits as the player populations begin to shrink. And you speak of people who spent 3 years developing the character. How many people actually play that 3 year old character for any purpose other than to acquire twink items for their secondaries? And though they've had that character for 3 years, how long has that character been level 60? Since shortly after the level limit increase I'm guessing. I've been around since the beginning. I wasn't playing on the release date, but I was about a month later. And I've been playing EQ ever since. And now I'm looking for something better and more RP friendly. Horizons and EQ2 look like the type I'm looking for. Both are MMORPG's that might have more the feel of the old AD&D games that used to have me gathering with my friends on a friday night, ordering pizza, popping beer and acting out roles in a story.
    EQ is a game. EQ2 is another game. They're two games. And there will be people to play both.
    RE: Deep Breath
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
    Finally someone with a brian and a little common sense, i posted the second summary note. This person at least knows the difference between reality and the game. I have both D1 and D2. alot of good came form both, and its mostlikly going to be the same way with Eq1 and Eq2
    Second Summary
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
    Ok i've read all the new notes that have been posted sense yesterday, and i'll i'm getting form it is rampant hostility. Yes EQ2 is an advance, and yes its taking alot form other games, but without advances in gaming we'd all still be playing pong on our atrai's. Personally i'm looking forward to EQ2 but i'm still gonna play EQ1. I really like the idea of becoming a trader, building a house, hiring an NPC and starting my own shop. All in all i hope it pulls through but, hey if it bombs i won't be crying or cheering.

    good luck to you VI
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 10:15 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) it sounds ok but some things are stupid about it. the fact that they will just toss your ol charactor is B&*L S*&T. the breakable weapon thing is a ok idea.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 9:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For those who want to go on to this piece of $&!+ by all means go ahead. Honestly I think this is a bunch of bull and will be the downfall of verant. You don't come out with a replacement game when you have another version out there that is STILL one of the best rpg's online. It makes me furious to know where my new monthly price hike is really going now. I mean really... what does eq 2 offer aside from better graphics that hasnt been stolen from another rpg. Yes you need to occassionally "inherit" ideas but be ORIGINAL.
    RE: get real
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:38 AM Rating: Default
    Has the IQ around here taken a Sharp Drop in the last few days... or have all of you always been this stupid ?.

    do you REALLY honestly think VI will kill the origonal EQ ?. its still makeing hordes of money for them (moreso now with the monthly rate increase) they ARENT going to kill it. its still makeing to much cash, the only thing that they would most likely do is take away more of the GM support, and in game support.

    so please people. get your heads out of your butts and think for a minute. thats what your brain is for.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 9:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For those who want to go on to this piece of $&!+ by all means go ahead. Honestly I think this is a bunch of bull and will be the downfall of verant. You don't come out with a replacement game when you have another version out there that is STILL one of the best rpg's online. It makes me furious to know where my new monthly price hike is really going now. I mean really... what does eq 2 offer aside from better graphics that hasnt been stolen from another rpg. Yes you need to occassionally "inherit" ideas but be ORIGINAL.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 9:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For those who want to go on to this piece of $&!+ by all means go ahead. Honestly I think this is a bunch of bull and will be the downfall of verant. You don't come out with a replacement game when you have another version out there that is STILL one of the best rpg's online. It makes me furious to know where my new monthly price hike is really going now. I mean really... what does eq 2 offer aside from better graphics that hasnt been stolen from another rpg. Yes you need to occassionally "inherit" ideas but be ORIGINAL.
    start a new
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
    I think if you read up on the new game you might realize that alot of what is said is alot like EQ is today, but if you have played games that have both PS2 and Computer versions (Heros of might and magic....etc) you will realize how like the diffrences between this "EQ2" and the EQ we play now is like. Lets say "game structure diffrence" between EQ now and "EQ2" is alot like the "game structure" diffrence between the two different versions of Heros of might and magic. I hope thats clear enough it was kind of hard to express my thought.

    OK so what im saying is that that comparing PC and PS2 games of the same title will show you that this all hints to "EQ2" being PS2.

    Edited, Thu Apr 25 10:20:28 2002
    RE: start a new
    # Apr 25 2002 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
    508 posts
    I dont think it hints at this being the PS2 version at all. It states that EQ2 is Intel based, not PS2 based. It also says this world is set in the future of the current EQ world, and they previously stated that the PS2 version is based in the past.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 9:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i dont want this EQ2 i only have a lvl 42 and i wanted to get some lvl 60s in the game that is a stupied game. they should not be makeing a new game abut be fixing the old one
    # Apr 25 2002 at 8:59 AM Rating: Default
    First of all, like it was said earlier, EQ will probably not be cancled. As long as there are people willing to pay, they will keep the servers running, as people begin to leave, they will probably decrease the number of servers moving characters from different servers all onto one, until the game stops being profitable. Once that happens, they will probably give a warrning and eventually shut down their service.

    EQ2... why would people switch to EQ2 when they have level 60's in EQ1? Because EQ2 is new. Because when your done with farming NTOV, or killing the same rhino in OT, depending on what level you are, you will probably want to try the brand new game, one where you can have a brand new start, something unexplored and a little different that will allow for new experiances.

    EQ2's hardware requirements are steep, but not horrible. has the current prices on the market for memory, motherboards, processors and video cards. You can get a DDR capable board that can go up to 4gigs of ram for about $80 I believe, the ram shouldn't be that bad and a Celeron 1.3mhz or so isn't much more then $150 right now... give that another year and you should be able to upgrade most P2-P3 comps for not much more then $200-400. It does not require buying a new system and it really isn't that bad for an upgrade considering that your upgraded system should last you another good couple of years.

    The features of EQ2 are nice... sure they might be borrowing ideas from UO, and DAoC and they should have done a lot of this to begin with in EQ.. they promised horses on release, when did we get horses, with their 3rd expansion? Non the less, although I don't really trust VI when it comes to having all that they promise upon release, if they can manage atleast some of these things it will be good. There is nothing wrong with leveling up to 6 without having a specific class, it will not take that long and is it really any different from EQ? A warrior, a monk, a paladin and a shadowknight are not that different from levels 1-6... it's not a big deal.
    The breakable items is not only nice, it's crucial to an MMORPG economy, there is a good post earlier called "Things that break? Good !" that explains why.
    As for twinking, personally I do not see too much wrong with it, nor do I see E-bay as a bad influence on the game. Infact I believe E-bay has a huge effect on keeping the game alive and increasing its popularity, along with providing people with incentive to play. It will be seens just how VI handles this, and just how viable trade skills are when it comes to crafting items to appropriate levels.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
    well i am kind of a newb , i have a 24 rogue on lanys and i hear about this eq 2. Well i dont think that they will ***** us like we all think perhaps they will expand the limit camp to level 70-80? and have or characters trasferable cause no one wants to start ALL over i mean i dont and i have a 24 think of the people with a couple 60's
    # Apr 25 2002 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
    well i am kind of a newb , i have a 24 rogue on lanys and i hear about this eq 2. Well i dont think that they will ***** us like we all think perhaps they will expand the limit camp to level 70-80? and have or characters trasferable cause no one wants to start ALL over i mean i dont and i have a 24 think of the people with a couple 60's
    Sounds Cool
    # Apr 25 2002 at 8:48 AM Rating: Default
    Would be great if you could transfer characters to EQ2. Really don't want to start over, but I do like the idea of putting an end to "twinking", also would like to see a way to eliminate powerleveling. Nothing worse than seeing a lvl 10 go to lvl 40 in less than a week, knowing he has a guildmate or a second account that has leveled for him.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 8:17 AM Rating: Default
    All I can say is TGI'm a beta tester for NWN.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 7:40 AM Rating: Default
    Glad to see a few other people realize that many of the concepts slated for EQ2 pre-date DAoC. UO had many of these features 6+ (I have lost count now) years ago. I wouldn't have minded seeing these features in EQ several years ago. Although I'm not personally the least bit upset about a new version of EQ come out, I can sympathize with those concerned about several years of character development wiped away to start all over again.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good

    i'll play this before I'll play EQ's version of MMOG Diablo 2...
    EQ2 or DAoC??
    # Apr 25 2002 at 7:24 AM Rating: Default
    hmmmmmm - this new EQ sounds a WHOLE LOT like Dark Age of Camelot
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:57 AM Rating: Default
    well im kinda a newb, my highest is 25. But i think that i will not like EQ2 because of the item decay and stuff. EQ1 i think is still great. IF they make EQ2 they HAVE to keep the first one running. besides who has the kind of money to just go out and buy a new topline computer for just 1 game. I Love the first eq, im not done with it hehe, id like to get to lvl 60. I dont like the new system of lvling and chosing ur class at 6. its not as much selection as the first 1. i saw only 5 diff classes u can pick(EQ2). well i think that prolly didnt make much sense, but my point is they MUST keep the first EQ running, because i dont have the $ and my parents dont have the money for the new computer and i just dont like the way EQ2 seems to be modeled.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:55 AM Rating: Default
    breakable and durable goods sounds like diablo 2 to me. and if they have to get rid of EQ1 and make everyone play EQ2 thats bull i want to know what the hell i just spent all that time and money on if my charachter is just going to be deleted and not transfered. the graphics look like they are cinematics and if those are the in gmae graphics adn not movies well im my card will be gasping for air every 5 mins.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
    breakable and durable goods sounds like diablo 2 to me. and if they have to get rid of EQ1 and make everyone play EQ2 thats bull i want to know what the hell i just spent all that time and money on if my charachter is just going to be deleted and not transfered. the graphics look like they are cinematics and if those are the in gmae graphics adn not movies well im my card will be gasping for air every 5 mins.
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