Cross-factioning hybrids!

Big news here regarding the future balance of the game, with the expansion:

"As we draw closer to the release of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, more of the secrets shrouding the draenei and blood elves are being revealed. In the upcoming expansion, you will finally be able to play classes that were previously unavailable to your faction. The blood elves have harnessed the power of the Light for their own needs, and the Horde recognizes the value of these renegade blood elf paladins. Meanwhile, the draenei have been granted the wisdom and strength of the elements, and a number of draenei now follow the path of the shaman." -Frost

And before you let loose with your OMGWTFBBQ, consider this quote from Eyonix:

"Something we have always held to as a core design philosophy is developing classes which are distinct from each other. This means developing a class with it's own abilities that clearly separate it from other classes in terms of how the class plays and operates, both for the player and from a design stand-point.

Early on in the inception of this game, it was a hot debate as to whether factions should have a specific class, which they alone have access to. Some wanted all classes to be distinct from each other, but accessible by all. Others thought that more flavor could be generated by keeping a class unique to a faction. Obviously, if you have one side with a unique class, you should probably give the other faction a unique class as well. Thus, Shaman and Paladins became those unique classes.

However, by linking them in a relationship as unique counter-points, options are closed for our main design goal, which is to keep classes distinct. We want factions to be balanced, but don't want to cut and paste abilities from one to the other and homogenize the classes. If we went that road, there would be little difference or need for a distinct class. We want classes to be different in more than just name-only or superficial appearances.

So, in our desire to keep the classes distinct and open up new possibilities for development of each class, shaman and paladins shall now be a playable class for both factions. This decision comes at a time when we have an opportunity to blend this decision into future development. Namely, with the new races in the upcoming expansion. Prior to the new races, the Paladin and Shaman lent themselves easily to their own factions and not that well to the opposite faction (Tauren Paladin? Gnome Shaman?) With the advent of the two additional races, the choice was made more clear in game design and lore.

In terms of game design, one of the options it opens up is for specific classes in dungeon encounters. We already have several encounters that highlight the abilities of a single class or make use of a classes specific abilities. Shaman and Paladins in the previous design could not participate in such encounters. If killing a creature required a Shaman, the Alliance could never beat the encounter and vice versa. This change allows the two classes to bring their own abilities into a situation which may highlight their class as an integral part of the encounter. "

So it seems as if Blizzard is doing this to protect balance in the most obvious sense, and allow for greater flexibility in other domains of the game. It's a sad loss to see some of the uniqueness of the two factions fall by the wayside, but it might really be for the best, overall.


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The beginning of the end
# Jul 22 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
I understand why they think they need to do this, but i don't understand how they think it fits at all. I mean Why would a paladin fight next to an undead anything? and why do we need events where it takes a Paladin/shaman to complete it, is there events where you can't complete it without any of the other classes? i mean if 5 druids can do a run, or 5 hunters or any combo why ruin it needing a pally/sham? I think this will be the downfall of the game, i am tempted to just start up my DDO game i have sitting in a box as of yet unplayed.. ohh well it was fun while it lasted
The beginning of the end
# Jul 22 2006 at 8:16 PM Rating: Default
Anonymous wrote:
I understand why they think they need to do this, but i don't understand how they think it fits at all. I mean Why would a paladin fight next to an undead anything?

I'm sorry. Were you under the impression that Paladins are always just and good? If you recall, there's a teensy faction in Tirisfal called the SCARLET CRUSADE.. they don't like anyone, no matter how well groomed you may be. I don't think "The Light" is one of those picky dieties, if it's a diety at all.

You may as well try to explain why there are undead holy priests or why the Forsaken are part of the Horde in the first place, what with having no ties to the original factions. Your answer there will likely help you answer your question here. If I recall, Thrall considers them a necessary evil. I imagine he regards the Blood Elves in much the same way.
# Jul 22 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Well the best thing to fix this would have been to rewamp the whole freaking totem system not throw paladins to alliance and shamans to horde.
# Jul 22 2006 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
Wolcome to Warcraft 2 kids
Reply button not working
# Jul 22 2006 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
can any1 tell me for which encounter you need a lolladin/shammy?

i kinda liked the idea of those 2 unique classes

Thats the thing, they couldn't make any encounters where a pally or shaman ability was a key role in the fight because then the other faction would not be able to beat it.
draenei shammy
# Jul 22 2006 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
I think that balancing is a good idea, but this still does a "head shot" to the lore....which many people enjoyed.

Besides, has anyone seen the Draenei Shaman screeny? i sware i lost my lunch when i saw that<_< his hands....are like balls, the armor doesn't fit the Draenei Body shape...
I hope blizz fixes the shammy gear on a Draenei, or even gives alliance their own specific shaman sets(same stats different looks)

And i hope you can still be a Draenei pally...its the basis of the race, and i really want to make one...
what are they jabbering about?
# Jul 22 2006 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
can any1 tell me for which encounter you need a lolladin/shammy?

i kinda liked the idea of those 2 unique classes
what are they jabbering about?
# Jul 22 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
They mean now they will be able to put in quests that require one of those two classes, and everyone will now be able to go, which they believe couldn't be done before. I'm going to take a wait and see attitude about this.
what are they jabbering about?
# Jul 24 2006 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
Of course, any encounters that do require paladins or shammies will basically be off limits to existing guilds until they wait for their factions paladins or shamans to level up.

If you are in a high end alliance guild and just want to get to the new raid instances its gonna be more than a bit annoying when you find you need to wait a couple of months to get some shamans levelled and geared up, it is in effect putting a 3 month timelock on new content for existing guilds.
# Jul 22 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Default
It's horrible. Paladins in the Horde!? It's a joke! Shamans in the Alliance? It can't be real... The biggest mistake of Blizzard, just after creating those 2 new races. It seems that Burning Crusade will really sucks.
Plz Dont!
# Jul 22 2006 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Its a act of balancing.... now there is no special classes to each side.... tut tut
# Jul 22 2006 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
Is this real?
# Jul 22 2006 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
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