FINAL FANTASY XI Maintenance (Sep. 14)

FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable due to server maintenance at the following time. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be offline. Due to the limited time given for per trial, please avoid exploring Dynamis before the maintenance starts. We will not compensate any loss that may occur. We apologize for any inconvenience. [Date & Time] Sep. 14, 2004 10:00 to 13:00 (PDT) *Maintenance completion time may be subject to change. [Affected Services] FINAL FANTASY XI [Maintenance Details] The following issues have been addressed: -There is an issue with certain items that were auctioned off from the auction houses before the maintenance. Some items' signitures may be displayed incorrectly. However, this does not affect the functionality of the item in any way. -Players are able to purchase the key item "a map of Bibiki Bay" multiple times. -Speaking with the NPC Marin in Bastok Markets causes the game to freeze, preventing players from continuing their adventures.


Post Comment
Bugs need Fixing
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
972 posts
God, what a bunch of cry babies...
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Default
I agree, get laid. Have some BJ's, put peanutbutter on youre dingdong and call the dog.
Chill Out
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
Woah angry people. Yes it sadden me like to rest to find out I wasn't going to be able to sit on my butt and waste away the day playing Final Fantasy XI. But c'mon people this is mildly childish.

"Damn JP, why did SE have to start in Japan anyways!? I mean C'mon I am like every hot blooded American, I pay for something, I want it NOW!" Hehe

That is what you all sound like to me. Do you realize even what they did yesturday during the update? Did you see the armor? I can't wait to check and see what they did today after this update.

You pay for the updates, wouldn't you rather make sure your game is always new and fixed, rather then paying for the old same thing every month?

Stop whining about FFXI always being updated if you cannot handle playing FFXI go play something else.
RE: Chill Out
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
after todays update there will be nothing new its just to fix the ******* errors they masde yesterday.y cant SE work whil;e JP are awake and Americ is sleeping
8 hours??
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
I don't understand how you guys get to 8 hours...
SE said from 10:00 to 17:00 PDT... in my mind, with a lot abd a lot of time taking to calculate that, I came to 7 hours of maintenance! and for those who hates ****, I just hv one think to say... FF is a japanese video game, without japanese people, this game wouldn't exist... Blame Europe, Canada or USA... but not japanese when you come to gaming!
RE: 8 hours??
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
actually, americans invented the first RPG/Adventure game,as well as the first tv, telephone, etc., etc., etc. without america, japan wouldn't have an economy today. yet they are prejudiced against us. don't you find that amazing?
RE: 8 hours??
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, a Scot named Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Just goes to show a point, heh. They didn't invent television either, I believe it was a Russian who is heralded as the father of modern TV. That said, the story of where TV came from is a little more complicated than that, suffice to say it didn't stem solely from any one nations input.

And Japan would have an economy, due to the above. Even if America had been the inventor and had not invented these things, Japan would still have an economy - just a different one to the one in this 'scenario'.

[PWNED] ^_^;
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
My only day off work, i come home from school and expect to get 6+ good hours in, and WTF maitance and now they make it go till the end of the day 2 DAYS IN A ROW WTF!!!
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
AMEN to that... I am a blue collar worker and I expect my 5 hrs of stress relief.... but now its in the form of maintenance....Ever so much closer to me cancelling my content ID
Sweet Merciful Crap
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Holy crap people, give it a rest... It doesn't matter when maintenance is.. isn't it worth it to lose a day or two of playtime for an altogether better playing experience that will no doubt result from this update?
RE: Sweet Merciful Crap
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
Funny, didn't they just do an update?

And so far I can't tell if has improved anything, since I could only play for an hour after the horrendous and constantly disconnecting update yesterday.

And now I am here, once again waiting to see if this is the last update... until next week when I go through this again after I install CoP....
RE: Sweet Merciful Crap
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I expected an altogether better playing experience TODAY, not tomorrow, or from the way things look THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW ><.
RE: Sweet Merciful Crap
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
Double Post :/ My fault.

Edited, Tue Sep 14 16:36:53 2004
RE: Sweet Merciful Crap
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
when it is so totally obvious that SE bends over backwards to make the Japanese happy, i must wonder if you're Japanese. No NA in their right mind would stick up SE when they are so obviously prejudiced against us.
RE: Sweet Merciful Crap
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
SE is not prejudiced against us... and I am not Japanese... Why is this simple update turning into a hate fight about racism between japanese and american people? This is emergency maintenance to fix some unintentional *****-ups. I agree they should have tested everything first, and I am somewhat mad at them myself for making me die twice as my party had to relocate last night because of the Cape Teriggan maintenance, but I'm not calling them racist and prejudiced... Those words are totally out of context when applied to this situation anyway. There are Japanese people in America, and they are not judging us based on our appearance in any way... Get a life, learn something for the first time... Your toxic stupidity is rather annoying.
RE: Sweet Merciful Crap
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
those racist bastards
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
I remember one of my friends said that a NPC would crash your comp. and said to be careful to not talk to any new guys.
I hope we wont have to spend another 2 hours getting rid of the update
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 14 2004 at 3:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you people are gonna whine and ***** get a life for christ sake! There are other things to do than a damn game, get laid, go outside, do something!
RE: nigga please
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
>> If you people are gonna whine and ***** get a life for christ sake! There are other things to do than a damn game, get laid, go outside, do something!

Funny, what are you doing online in this forum then?

Anyhow, it's just more than a little irritating that the updates occur this frequently during the same exact time frame. I understand the desire to conduct maintenance in the "green zone" as we call it at work, but paying customers are paying customers. American players shouldn't be subject to a less desirable playing experience paying the same cost.

Just my $0.02.
RE: nigga please
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
That's an ironic statement!

Edited, Tue Sep 14 16:32:56 2004
RE: nigga please
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Hahaha! You sorely over-estimate the average gamer my friend.
<3 SE
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Why would they make their beloved jp players suffer one day when they can make NA suffer 5 times a month? :O

<3 SE

Thumbs up for sarcasm
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
So I think ppl should start sending SE letters, e-mails, threats or whatever to change the timing of their maintenences. Because if they dont, they will probably have no players to maintain, since ppl will start leaving. THINK ABOUT THAT SE!!!!!!
RE: respect
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Don't worry. Once EQ2 and WoW are released, SE will have plenty of opportunity to wonder where their NA customers went.
Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
2,259 posts
this is the middle of the night in japan, I think if the company cared about the engineers sleep schedule they would do updates during japanese prime time. This is all because of racist hatred towards NA.

I'm sorry, but no, you are incorrect. As a technician myself, and someone cognizant of the perfect timing of this update, I was utterly offended by such ignorant and prejudiced whining. Even though you tried to clean up with a disclaimer of sorts, the comments you made about Hiroshima and what not are simply barbaric. This is a videogame, and an update stirs enough hatred within you to wish death upon people? How shameful. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was that way.

Furthermore, this update is being conducted in the middle of the day for Americans, and in the middle of the night for the Japanese. Square couldn't have chosen a time closer to "pleasing everyone" than this. Naturally, some people will still be unhappy -- I go into work late today, and I could have played, so it's a bit of a bummer -- but they're dodging the prime time hours and working quickly to get it done before the US evening. If they manage it, they'll also be finished before Japanese prime time. Therefore, Square couldn't have possibly picked a better time for maintenance.

If it messed with your schedule, I'm sorry to hear it, but you have to understand something. Square has no way of polling every single person who plays FFXI and deciding when to conduct maintenance depending upon the responses. Technologically, that's obsurd. I'll tell an analogy in the form of a story...

To keep a ship running fit and fast, you conduct maintenance whenever possible, or whenever necessary. You wouldn't want your passengers boarding and being plagued by leaks, creaks, splinters or smells, would you? In addition to that, you wouldn't dare endanger their lives with holes in the floor or the lack of an anchor.

At the same time, however, you can't service a ship in the middle of a storm. You also wouldn't want to do it when the majority of your customers would be pouring in... you want to do it beforehand. If you can't please them all, you can work hard to please as many as possible... and, getting back to FFXI, that's exactly what Square is doing.

I'm sorry if you don't like it, although I don't know why I'm apologizing, considering I don't work for Square and I don't appreciate your backwater mindset. However, I'm a fully certified technician myself, and to me, this is bile. How crude and short-sighted can you be?

Ugh. I hope FFXI does come back up soon, simply so I can /fish for a while and forget about this silliness.
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
I agree on one point. Countering the racism of one group with racism of your own is pointless. That doesn't mean SE isn't showing racial favoritism towards their Japanese customers, however. But you can't blame them too much for that--they are a Japanese company, after all. Racism comes naturally for most humans, unfortunately.

But in regards to maintenance schedules, there is something else you have to consider. Once this game is released in Europe, any maintenance window will be during a peak time somewhere in the world. It is for this reason that SE should rotate their maintenance times, so maintenance doesn't fall during a peak time in the same place every time.

Otherwise, I feel very sorry for the Europeans. It's the middle of the night in Japan, and it's mid-afternoon in Michigan. But it's 9pm - 12pm depending on where you are in Europe. This is when most of them are going to want to play. If maintenance always starts at 10:00 pacific, they're going to be mighty upset, especially in a case like this.
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
No one listens to reason, I can't believe the ignorance/racism that is flooding this forum today. As an American I am ashamed, and shame on you racist immature jerks that blame a race of people cause you cant play a video game. I too could not live with myself if I was this way.

GET A JOB LOSERS! Playing video games during the day. I did that, when I was 10!
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
This might be a 'perfect time' for you and many others, but not EVERYBODY works 9-5. Yes updates are very much needed for so many diffrent reasons, but is it a coincidence that I never have to worry about any updates during JP prime time? Seriously, I work from 3p-3a (pacific) these updates always occur way b4 JP prime time. I'm not being 'racist,' just making a very obvious observation. I played for 3hrs last nite with all the JP players, but to find out there's another update during NA daytime...that needs to be addressed. SE needs to consider that NA is getting A LOT more server downtime then JP.

I do very much agree to the Hiroshima comment though. Japan was very thorough with Pearl Harbor...and since, we've become friends, let's keep it that way. If you wanna be racist...tell your mom, she's about the only one that wants to hear it!


Scarecrow - Hume - Siren

42 drg (af1 complete)
30 rdm
21 sam
15 thf
10 nin
9 rng
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah this is dumb. SE owns the game, they can decide when they want to do it. Yeah i'd like different times but that makes it a pain in the *** for SE to have all their people work different shifts. Not everyone works McDonald's shifts. Some have set schedules. They are there when the business is open...or their department. As for everyone that is upset bc they think it's not's not fair, quit with the 5 year old mind set.
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
2,259 posts
This might be a 'perfect time' for you and many others, but not EVERYBODY works 9-5.

Though this comment may not have been aimed at me, I simply wanted to respond to say that I don't work from 9AM to 5PM, either. In fact, I'm off from work right now, which is why I'm posting here. ^^
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
This might be a 'perfect time' for you and many others, but not EVERYBODY works 9-5. Yes updates are very much needed for so many diffrent reasons, but is it a coincidence that I never have to worry about any updates during JP prime time? Seriously, I work from 3p-3a (pacific) these updates always occur way b4 JP prime time. I'm not being 'racist,' just making a very obvious observation. I played for 3hrs last nite with all the JP players, but to find out there's another update during NA daytime...that needs to be addressed. SE needs to consider that NA is getting A LOT more server downtime then JP.

I do very much agree to the Hiroshima comment though. Japan was very thorough with Pearl Harbor...and since, we've become friends, let's keep it that way. If you wanna be racist...tell your mom, she's about the only one that wants to hear it!


Scarecrow - Hume - Siren

42 drg (af1 complete)
30 rdm
21 sam
15 thf
10 nin
9 rng
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
This might be a 'perfect time' for you and many others, but not EVERYBODY works 9-5. Yes updates are very much needed for so many diffrent reasons, but is it a coincidence that I never have to worry about any updates during JP prime time? Seriously, I work from 3p-3a (pacific) these updates always occur way b4 JP prime time. I'm not being 'racist,' just making a very obvious observation. I played for 3hrs last nite with all the JP players, but to find out there's another update during NA daytime...that needs to be addressed. SE needs to consider that NA is getting A LOT more server downtime then JP.

I do very much agree to the Hiroshima comment though. Japan was very thorough with Pearl Harbor...and since, we've become friends, let's keep it that way. If you wanna be racist...tell your mom, she's about the only one that wants to hear it!


Scarecrow - Hume - Siren

42 drg (af1 complete)
30 rdm
21 sam
15 thf
10 nin
9 rng
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
48 posts
Square couldn't have chosen a time closer to "pleasing everyone" than this. Naturally, some people will still be unhappy -- I go into work late today, and I could have played, so it's a bit of a bummer -- but they're dodging the prime time hours and working quickly to get it done before the US evening.

Working to get it done before US evening?! Not everyone lives on the west coast. I myself am in EDT and this affects me from 1-8pm, MY primetime hours. Why is this such a perfect time for an update anyways? Do Japanese technicians sleep during the day and only work during NA primetime hours?
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
334 posts
I live in EDT too, and I think 1 PM is far from primetime for most gamers. Many have work or school at that time of day. Just because this maintenance occurs during YOUR prime time doesn't mean it's occurring during all of America's prime time.
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
1 pm isn't prime time, but 5:30 pm certainly is...and according to their last update, this will carry on until 8:00 pm EDT.
RE: Racist Hatred?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Thank you, kind sir. Thank you so much.
Not unfair scheduling
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
334 posts
They are not being unfair by scheduling the maintenance at this time of day. If you take a look at the latest Vana'diel census, the time period they schedule maintenance for is the time period that has the lowest TOTAL traffic, not just the lowest Japanese traffic. It is after JP prime time, but before NA prime time.
So tremendously reliable
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Oh the reliability of SE. They can only seem to be relied on to postpone my game experience. Earlier i posted defending SE, but this is getting rediculous. EIGHT HOURS? i hate you i really do hate you se. Ok not really but come on EIGHT HOURS?
they taking the pisse
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
hey i'm not the only one to get pissed off why they do a maintenance if it doesn't work?why they don't test it before set a maintenance, it's like you buy a car then you going every month for fixing something ,everybody are pissed off but you do nothing,it's the ants rules,1 ant again spider the spider win but actually if all the ants going to fight the spider ,the spider die
we should do that something like cancel account for 1 month(they keep your data for 3 month)
i play on seraph and we are like 5k player
so now make a calcul 5000x12$=60000$ a least
and it's for only one server
so if all player are pissed off ,it's the perfect time to do something
but we need to do it together
i'm french and in my country we do that a lot like for the internet we made a big greve ,no one went on the internet for 1 day because the price was too expensive when we did that the france telecom lost something like 100000 euro in one day,then they drop the price
now if u want change that do something if u not just stop to complain about it
we are the customer and the customer is the king
RE: they taking the pisse
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,261 posts
Wouldn't happen buddy. We hate the game when it's down but can't get enough of it when it's up. Or at least that's my experience.
RE: they taking the pisse
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Yes, we really should do something about this sh**, rather than complaining on the forums, writing hate mail instead, worked on labor day, or whatever that holiday was, anyone got the hatemail adress? (I dare not look on thier website for it)
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
1,507 posts
Note to self. Dont read news coments ever again. People whine over every little detail. -_-
RE: Oi...
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
Whatever the hell they are it better be good!!!!!!
SE devil
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
SE is the devil. Down all day yesterday. Down all day today. I had 3 hours to farm today, now I have no time whatsoever. Thanks SE, thanks a bunch.
SE devil
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
SE is the devil. Down all day yesterday. Down all day today. I had 3 hours to farm today, now I have no time whatsoever. Thanks SE, thanks a bunch.
it'll make some people mad?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Default
this is the middle of the night in japan, I think if the company cared about the engineers sleep schedule they would do updates during japanese prime time. This is all because of racist hatred towards NA.
I think they should rotate the time they do maintenance, sure you can't make everyone happy, but you can make everyone take their turns being happy and not being happy. Need we bring up the packet lag they won't address



Why the f*** didn't we finish the job?

(This is not meant to be rude, but an open ended question at the disrespect shown to us over the mercy we gave. I have nothing against japanese people for being japanese. I have something against people who disrespect me based on my race REGARDLESS of their race. You can be black, grey, brown, purple, blue, green, red, yellow, and it won't matter. I pay the full price to pay every month, I want to be a first class player.)
RE: it'll make some people mad?
# Sep 14 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
2,225 posts
whoa wtf? We "Gave them mercy" and now, in your twisted mind, they should give us maintenance in a videogame thats convienant for us?

Dude, seriously, what the F*CK is wrong with your logic?!!
RE: it'll make some people mad?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
915 posts
If we "finished the job" as you said we should have, there would never have been a Final Fantasy in the first place...
RE: it'll make some people mad?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
Do you truly think its favortism towards JP on when the game goes down for updates?

All I'm saying is why get all worked up over this if you don't know the true reason.

If you realize one thing it's how hard japanese people work, wouldn't it make more sense to down the server when "normal citizens" are at work from the time of 8-5 then to shut it down at true prime time hours of 5-12 pm? For all of you that dont have 8-5 jobs, stop your complaining. I find it completely rediculous that you peeps keep cooped up in your homes during the day playing video games like a bunch of 8 year old boys. GUESS WHAT, YOU'RE COMPLAINING LIKE THEM TOO. WHEN MOMMY SAYS YOU CANT PLAY, YOU BI#TCH AND MOAN. GROW UP!
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 14 2004 at 3:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Lol those damn **** can suck on that
RE: it'll make some people mad?
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
I too would like to see a little bit of a rotation as to when this is done... I know that it won't happen, and I guess it's not too big of a deal, but it would still be nice if they could.

I'm actually rather suprised, I got home at midnight last night (EST). My brother had laready downloaded the POL update, but was not able to do the FF update at the time. On dialup, it took about 15 minutes for that.

So I get home, start downloading, and it takes just under 3 hours on a dialup connection. What really surprised me was that after logging in a chatting with some LS members, I found out that most of them took 4+ hours to download over high speed connections, and many of them started their downloads only a few hours before I did mine.

I understand that server stress is most likely the culprit here, but still, I can't believe I downloaded faster over my 52,000 bps connection then they did with high speed...
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
141 posts
they just turned a 3 hour maitanance to a 8 hour again.
two days of paying for no playing this is just insane.

They never do this during JP prinme time. SE needs to be a bit more fair and stop showing favortism. Our money is just as good as everyone elses.

Edited, Tue Sep 14 16:07:04 2004
RE: omg
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
actually on the news the value of the us dollar went up today against the jp money so those ******* should want ours
gay as fu**in he!!
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
hehe SE blows i go to school get back no homework Fable doesnt have shipment at ganestop and matinence until 8pm pdt?!!?!?! WTF thats like 11o clock it gets bak up!
RE: gay as fu**in he!!
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
It ends at 8PM EST, slick, not 11.
RE: gay as fu**in he!!
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
Yea, went to gamestop today myself, went in they were like, fable is released today but we sell it tomarrow...i'm thinking, ok, good doing business with you, i'll look elsewhere next time :P
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
heres' my bucket,,and i assume everything, don't assume that i assume i was talkin to u assumer..

anyways this blows.
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
Of course SE shows favoritism towards Japan. Who cares about the USA anyway...? That is the way japanese people think anyway.
sick too
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Default
You guys are right. I am sick of this constant updates and upgrades. My question. Why cant they just check this stuff before they decide to do it so we all arent stuck without any game time for 2 days. I mean come on, do you REALLY need 15 hours to update the searver in 2 days. Programing isnt that difficult; especially when you do the work ahead of time AND THEN SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN.
# Sep 14 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
i click on the forum page for this update and all i see is a lot of whining. Im trying to find info about it and i have to scroll to the bottom 2 posts to see anything about it. god damn its obvious that this update is because of problems with the previous GIANT update that weren't noticed until people did a bit of exploring! Would you rather if SE just left it the way it is and your game froze every time you spoke to an NPC for a quest? That was ritorical so dont be an *** and answer it.
Seriously though "OMG EVERY DAY THERES BULLS**T MAITENIENCE!! WTF THIS IS T3H GAIZ J000!!!1". what is that i mean there has been 2 days of maitenence, and not even full days. The last one i remeber before yesterday, well, it was a long while ago. They repair the game substancially with these updates, so stop whining.
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Dudemanguy wrote:
The last one i remeber before yesterday, well, it was a long while ago. They repair the game substancially with these updates, so stop whining.
Memory not working too well? How about a week ago?
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 14 2004 at 2:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh whoa be to the bot users...LOL. What, now you have to spend hours farming like everyone else, and be present?...gee that's just too d@mn bad.
RE: Get over it.
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
If you're going to swear, please just let out with it or think of a different word. Masking your swearing just screams to the world, "I'm twelve years old and I know all the words the big kids use, but I'm afraid my mommy will see that I've been typing naughty words on the internet."

And as for your opinion about people's complaints, this also tells me that you're probably an early teen at most, because you obviously don't pay the monthly fees yourself, otherwise you'd be pretty upset too.

The American dollar is worth more than the Japanese yen. America is a bigger country than Japan, both geographically and population-wise. Since SE always waits for low tide in Japan to start maintenance, upsetting much of their NA customers, who give them most of their money, it clearly displays racial favoritism on their part. That is the complaint of many NA players. We all understand that regular maintenance is required to keep the game running smoothly. But maintenance doesn't always have to coincide with the time that the least number of Japanese players are signed on.
RE: Get over it.
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
133 posts
The whole thing of this argument is i am paying for days of playtime i don't get to use which is the reason people are so pissed off about it, so you have no right to call us impatient for spending our damn money on nothing you f***ing degenerate *******!
RE: Get over it.
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
wow...are you really this ignorant? are you really so blind to the way things should be done in all fairness? you sadden me
RE: Get over it.
# Sep 14 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
.../em touches Trixzy.
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