New class confirmed on test

Tonight on test server, the UI files were updated. Included in the EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml file is a new class option at the character creation screen:
<Button item="CC0_Class2_Button"> <ScreenID>CC0_Class2_Button</ScreenID> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>102</X> <Y>92</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>96</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <Style_Checkbox>true</Style_Checkbox> <RadioGroup>CC0_Class_Radios</RadioGroup> <Text>Berserker</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button> New class name is apparantly Berserker. Further examination of the eqstr file reveals the following:
5791 Berserker 5792 Berserker GM 5793 Brawler 5794 Vehement 5795 Rager 5796 Fury
Titles perhaps? Edit, the character create on Test does strange things when you select Ogre, Troll, Vah Shir, Barbarian and Human - leading us to believe that those are the valid races for the new class


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Teh new ranger?
# Dec 02 2003 at 9:12 AM Rating: Default
I don't really know how they would implement a new meele into the game. A berserker, as stated many times is generally considered a lightly armored heavily armed maniac who wades into battle in a frenzy. There are other forms that have them highly armored to boot, but they're just crazy. I don't know what to think about this class right now. I would figure ht wold be alot like a ranger without spells, who is very adept at taking advantage of the new combat system and having a new ability maybe of rage. That could prove to be a pretty cool class.

What I am not happy about seeing, however, are prices sky rocketing as plat horders start dropping millions of plat to outfit they're new toy. Prices on Rodcet are messed up enough anyway.
RE: Teh new ranger?
# Dec 03 2003 at 8:13 AM Rating: Default
44 posts
A berserker, as stated many times is generally considered a lightly armored heavily armed maniac who wades into battle in a frenzy.

Hmm.... then why no Dwarves. It seems to me that kind of description fits Darven psychology perfectly.

Ahhh..... it's the lightly armoured thing thats the catch.

Silly me - Dwarves are heavily armoured heavily armed maniacs who wade into battle in a frenzy.
just speculation
# Dec 01 2003 at 9:41 PM Rating: Default
like that guy posted about new range based melee class, it could be like an evil counterpart to ranger, such as pal - sk, ranger - berserker? would be a nice touch for pvp servers or just expanding on the element of ranged meleeing like archery/shurikens/etc

i like it!
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 01 2003 at 6:21 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OMG i thought of it! it could be a monk with Swords!!! :D lol.... or maybe a hardcore throwing char.... like in Gladius(for ps2, & xbox.). in gladius they throw these dagger things for huge damage nad have the power to get Berserk(hense the name) and do double damage :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 01 2003 at 1:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hey, this sint related to the topic but a bunch of people look here so .... i need some help here if anyone know what caused it or whatever ... when i turn on my computer blah blah blah, it dont go to my desktop it goes to a blue screen and it says a buncha junk and sutin like BOOT_VOLUME_OVERLOAD ... it happened once so i got a new harddrive .... like 2 weeks later it happened again ... if any of u know why or whatever or how to fix it email me at
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 01 2003 at 11:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) or perhaps its like the berserkers on Warcraft ... sorta like archers except green .... so like a iksar ranger or sutin
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 01 2003 at 11:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) maybe its a caster who can use 2 weapons ... har
Taking a hint from D&D?
# Dec 01 2003 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
Perhaps taking it from the D&D Barbarian class. Taking that as a starting point, it could be assumed that they would be in the same armor-wearing category as Rogues and Rangers, with the ability to use weapons like the other fighter-type classes. Also going from this I would expect them to be able to dual wield, or use two handed. Just my two cents
# Dec 01 2003 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
Could some one plz give me an eta for when this class will be able to play this on test i would love to play this new class to see how it just comes out thx for your input in advance
# Dec 01 2003 at 10:10 AM Rating: Default
Beserkers as I understand from balder's or kensei are a class that cant wearparticular armors and are somewhat limited as well,they cant use certain weapons and cant don certain armor.time will tell the tale on these guys
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 01 2003 at 1:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For christ sake,just make everyone a GM,let them cast whatever they want,use waht ever skills they want and do as they please. MAYBE then people will stop ******** about changes in the game. If you dont like it then QUIT! I personally am so sick and tireed of the malee and hybrid classes pissing and moaning about how their agro hold is. Point in the matter is that you main goal is to kill whatever your attacking. This thread is supposed to be about Bezerkers, NOT ABOUT TAUNT and how 'unfair' it is for malee classes. So talk about the new class, not what their changing with the malee classes! Some people are so ignorant that they ***** to get something change and when the change doesnt make them a god,they ***** more. When they make the change,then the hybrid classes are gonna ***** until SOW gets sick of it and nurf the whole damn game. Dont you ever know when youve won and got your way!?!?
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 02 2003 at 9:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
RE: Enough with the malee class revamps already!
# Dec 01 2003 at 4:43 PM Rating: Default
Maybe you should stop reading posts before you have an emotional breakdown.

Vulgarity is a feeble mind attempting to express itself forcibly.

# Dec 01 2003 at 1:12 AM Rating: Default
There prolly is a new class considering we new bout LDoN On message boards "WAY" before it came out. i do beleive as well they get half there ideas from the message board so im guessing they through berserker into a file to see what the response ne if a good one then make the class if theres bad feedback then forget the whole thing. good stratagy if you ask me er rather sales pitch.......
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 30 2003 at 4:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) that can fly? heh
Hmmm what about elves?
# Nov 27 2003 at 6:39 PM Rating: Default
Might sound funny to you guys but I have seen alot of elvish berserkers starting by Magic:The gathering. Yes I know that MTG and EQ aren't at all the same thing but still who better than a wood elf can wield 2 swords at the same time?
Beserker from many games and books (with exception of dwarven ones and the new ones in D&D 3rd) can't normaly wear armors and only depend on dex and strenght... So yes the cats, barb but hey add the wood elves!

Lenchantia, Apprentice Chanter
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 27 2003 at 5:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Let me put it to you simply and easily, so that even those that dont want to understand, will!
RE: Here's the simple fact from a Paladin
# Nov 29 2003 at 11:19 PM Rating: Default
So tell me then mr. THE-REASON-FOR-THIS-IS what is a warriors job then? the HP offset you speak of is long since by the wayside. I can out damage you as a warrior? lol, now I know you just bought that EQ trilogy box yesterday. Too powerful? and am I complaining about versitility NO.

Back before lvl 60 there was a title you recieved upon reaching a lvl one of those for the warrior was CHAMPION that is what I am supposed to be the CHAMPION of the group/raid. I dont give a hoot how versitile you or any other hybrid is I just want my title back PLAIN AND SIMPLE as a warrior. Along with what comes from that GROUPABILITY !!!!. UPGRADE MY TAUNT!!!! Nothing spiraled out of control the warrior class just didnt get upgrades on a par with casting tankable classes Taunt was doing its job fine before LDoN simply because encounters were mostly raid orientated in the last 3 expansions now a problem comes to light as I see it and people like you. could care less cuz "it aint my problem" well it is mine and I will continue to make it an issue as long as I have fingers to type and a reason to do it. I dont want a new character I WANT MY OLD ONE playable in todays game..
RE: Here's the simple fact from a Paladin
# Dec 05 2003 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
ITS A GAME PEOPLE!! I DONT CARE IF "the knights have to much power" I DONT CARE! I PLAY TO HAVE FUN NOT TO BICH ABOUT THE "bad" THINGS ABOUT THE GAME. Please take this into consideration.
RE: Here's the simple fact from a Paladin
# Nov 28 2003 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
"This is simply how it was balenced out, you see as much as you wine and moan, Hybrids are the most overlooked, we start with an exp penalty, we can't out do anyone really in our abilities, we are simply more versitile. most of the griping I've heard about it all was Warroirs complaining about that versitility. Trust me, play a Hybrid, and you'll see, we do pay for it."

They removed all class based xp penalties a while ago. And given 100's of hours experience as a cleric- Paladins and Sk's Tank better then equally equipped warriors. Shadowknight frequently solo- a task a warrior is impossible of. Paladins have tanked Quarm.

Knights and Warriors have been in a constant battle that has spiraled out of control long ago.
Instead of Fixing a class SoE always makes them TOO powerful instead of balancing just to shut people up. Ei: too little hp/AC/agro compared to warriors. Then seeing as Warriors were much worse then knights they buffed up warriors... starting a cycle that is still going today.

Hey I do agree with you though for a Warrior/Wizard hybrid- maybe called an Eldrich
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 26 2003 at 5:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think there should be a new class, but not a Berzerker, it should be like a "Hwk Man" or something. To be able to fly and have high AGI and high DEX but low STR and low AC. Plus imagine the possibilites of fighting a griff in mid air. Of course there would have to be several drawbacks to balance things out, but they would also have exclusive unique abilities.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 26 2003 at 5:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry, I meant "Hawk Man"... in case it wasn't obvious. :p
# Nov 26 2003 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
i hope that the bezerker class whil comeout at 16 dec...along with the mellee abiltys.
Any1 that may have heard about a date?

Btw. there is still no officiel post on eqlive regarding bezerkers.
So dont get you hopes up might just be some enhached form of the warrior if he follows a sertain "skill path" or so.
truth is ...no1 knows. till they get confirmation.
found out more :)
# Nov 25 2003 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
i was looking at and found interesting stuff on the next expansion like:

The following information is taken from the eqstr_en.txt file. It contains information displayed in the client, and responses made by certain NPC's in game.

Tribute Master

* %1 tells you, 'A fine donation! You'll receive %2 favor for that %3.'
* %1 tells you, 'I am not the one to whom you owe allegiance.'
* %1 tells you, 'I cannot accept your %2 as a tribute item.'
* %1 tells you, 'Your %2 is an acceptable donation, we award you %3 favor.'
* %1 tells you, 'I cannot accept everything in this container as a donation.'

It is uncertain what the Tribute Master will do in game other than that we will be able to hand in items to them for some kind of reward. There is also a new function added called: Toggle Tribute Window which indicates this will be a fairly significant game enhancement of some kind.

New Zone Names

* Abysmal Sea
* Natimbi, The Broken Shores
* Qinimi, Court of Nihilia
* Riwwi, Coliseum of Games
* Barindu, Hanging Gardens
* Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Talosia
* Sewers of Nihilia, Pool of Sludge
* Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones
* Sewers of Nihilia, Purifying Plant
* Sewers of Nihilia, Emanating Furnace
* Tipt, Treacherous Crags
* Vxed, The Crumbling Caverns
* Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles
* Uqua, The Ocean God Chantry
* Kod'Taz, Sullied Ritual Hall
* Ikkinz, Antechamber of Destruction
* Inktu`Ta, The Unmasked Chapel
* Txevu, Lair of the Elites
* Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver
* Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling

New Skills

There are a lot of new skills. The new skills also mention the additon of new Leadership Points and Raid Points which are used to purchase skills. Here's what the file says so far:

* Toggle Leadership Window
* Click an ability's name for more information.
Press "Purchase" to purchase the selected ability.
* You will now be prompted for confirmation when spending leadership points.
* You will no longer be prompted for confirmation when spending leadership points.
* Are you sure you want to spend %1 group leadership point to purchase the ability '%2'?
* Are you sure you want to spend %1 group leadership points to purchase the ability '%2'?
* You have reached the maximum number of unused group leadership points.
* You have gained a group leadership point!
* You gain group leadership experience! (%1)
* Are you sure you want to spend %1 raid leadership point to purchase the ability '%2'?
* Are you sure you want to spend %1 raid leadership points to purchase the ability '%2'?
* You have gained a raid leadership point!
* You gain raid leadership experience! (%1)
* You have reached the maximum number of unused raid leadership points.
* Format is /lexpgive
* Adding to %1: %2 group exp, %3 group points, %4 raid exp, %5 raid points.
* Format is /lexpset
* Setting values for %1: %2 group exp, %3 group points, %4 raid exp, %5 raid points.
* /lexpgive
* /lexpset
* Target of lexpgive not found.
* All values of lexpgive must be non-negative.
* Target of lexpset not found.
* All values of lexpset must be non-negative.
* Are you sure you want to spend %1 leadership point to purchase the ability '%2'?
* Are you sure you want to spend %1 leadership points to purchase the ability '%2'?

Here are the skills associated with these new points:

Mark NPC

This ability allows the leader to place a mark to indicate a specific NPC which is visible to all members of the group.

NPC Health

This ability allows members of the party to see a health indicator for every nearby NPC.

Mark Waypoint

This ability allows the leader to place waypoints which everyone in the party can see.

Mark Assist Target

This allows the leader to designate a member of the party as the Main Assist. Whichever NPC is targeted by the Main Assist will be clearly marked.

Raid Messages

This ability allows the leader to broadcast messages to specific groups or classes in the raid.

Show Party on Map

This ability allows party members to mark their location on the map for other party members to see.

Inspect Buffs

This ability allows group members to target their companions and inspect their buffs.

Advanced NPC Info

When the leader has this ability, group members get additional information when considering an NPC.

Find Path to PC

This ability allows group members to use the /path command to display a path to a targeted group member.

Draw Battle Plans

This ability allows the leader to draw up battle plans on the map which are viewable to other members of the group.

New Alternate Advancement Names

* Improved Innate Run Speed
* Improved Innate Regen
* Improved Lung Capacity
* Strikethrough
* Weapon Affinity
* Secondary Forte - Maybe this is improved JamFest j/k
* Mastery of the Past
* Tune of Pursuance
* Improved Instrument Mastery
* Improved Singing Mastery
* Bestial Alignment
* Icy Grasp
* Feral Swipe
* Warder's Fury
* Warder's Alacrity
* Holy Blessing
* Touch of the Divine
* Divine Avatar
* Second Chance
* Advance Tracking
* Critical Affliction
* Quick Teleportation
* Doppelganger
* Enhanced Forgetfulness
* Mystical Arbitration
* Mesmerization Mastery
* Quick Mass Group Buff
* Elemental Dire Charm
* Shared Health
* Fury of Magic Mastery
* Greater Elemental Form: Fire
* Greater Elemental Form: Water
* Greater Elemental Form: Earth
* Greater Elemental Form: Air
* Imitate Death
* 100 Fists
* Kick Mastery
* Trance of Cessation
* Swarm of Fear
* Hastened Piety
* Mug
* Sticky Fingers
* Hasty Exit
* Spirit Shield
* Hastened Strong Root
* Stonewall (You mug %1. )
* Seized Opportunity
* Advanced Channeling Focus
* Blessed Focusing
* Hastened Flight
* Drunken Master
* Theft of Life
* Throwing Conservation
* Consumption of the Soul
* Intense Hatred
* Leechcurse
* Spirit Speed
* Enhanced Rabidity
* Tactical Mastery
* Small Unit Tactics
* Call of the Crowd
* Roar of the Crowd
* Sturdiness
* Iron Toe
* Exalted Companion
* Concentrated Divination
* Holy Exertion
* Exquisite Benediction
* Flee
* Virulent Plague
* Recovery
* Shallow Grave
* Touch of Decay
* Suspend Minion
* Flesh to Bone
* Wolf Pack
* Consumption
* Loyal Defender

In all, an amazing collection of new skills and abilities. The new expansion looks to be very interesting. Hopefully we'll hear more about it soon!

# Nov 24 2003 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
Perhaps it isn't exactly a new class, but simply a redesign of an old one. Perhaps Beserker is what they are going to call warriors after the new melee changes occur.
Or, another guess is that it's that they are raising the level cap again to 70ish and that is what Warriors will be called. During this time they will get some cool kicking-the-mobs-teeth down-its-throat abilities.
Then there is obviously the simplest explination, a new class. No matter what though, we sit in anticipation of more details to be released about the Beserker.
RE: Beserkers
# Nov 28 2003 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
If it was simply the renaming of the warrior class why does it show up as a totaly new class for selection on Test? besides nothing as drastic as changing a class name needs to be done to warriors. The new melee system with "openings" would make little sence to rename warriors Besekers. But like everyone is saying its all up in the air and no one truely knows.... Wouldn't it be great if Sony put that out just so they could read all the post related to the subject and THEN make the new class using the guesses and ideas we came up with.
RE: Beserkers
# Dec 04 2003 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
I certainly wouldn't put it past them to do such a thing. And furthermore, I think it would be smart of them to do so.
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 24 2003 at 10:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ur posibly right aboout the warrior change, BUT i dought it. i think its a new class, but we will have to wait an see. dont forget about the titles they have:
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 24 2003 at 8:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) AACKKK! Okay, I've read all the posts, first I've heard about the "beserker" class. Someone said "..please read the posts", where? Where can I find more info on this new class? I play a Warrior and an SK, WHERE do I find info on the Bezerker? Please help.
unrelated posts and posts complaining about unrelated posts
# Nov 24 2003 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
Instead of complaining about posts talking about how monks and warriors got verfed (err, I mean 'balanced'), and adding to the post clutter yourself, use the "Rate This Post" feature. Give those posts an awful rating. Eventually they will be filtered out and we'll be left with just posts dealing with this new berserker class.
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 24 2003 at 5:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This class really isnt as new as some people think. I knew about this class about 1 year ago when they said they where going to make EQ 2 they spoke of a berserker class. just my 2 centsSmiley: twocents I pondered on this one for bit wondering what the new class could do I came down to this. THIS IS JUST MY 2 CENTS
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 24 2003 at 5:04 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Has anyone thought that this could be half wizzy half warrior? or like half mage half rog?? no u havnt have u. u just keep complaining about warriors. i play a iksar warrior and dude i cant out tank any Sk or Pally my level ( i mean ANY ) at level 51. just quit complaining If u do ur job its good enough if u cant well the stop spamming that were nerfed cause who cares??? ITS A GAME. nothing will ever be perfect in it so live with it. if all the races were the equal then it would make no differance in what class u picked. all im saying is just post stuff about the class, dont complain im sure theres a forum for that.
# Nov 24 2003 at 3:13 PM Rating: Default
i dont understqnd... this is all supposed to be about the new class berserker... but fo almost 3/4 of the discution has been about who can hold aggro the most, and aggro management... please, more posts on the berserker?
#Tasen, Posted: Nov 24 2003 at 1:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow, so many hybrids. Next there going to make a Rogue/ Wizard hybrid that can Backstab and cast manaburn, at the same time! Enough of this allready, how many classes does a game need?
RE: I know, I know!!
# Nov 24 2003 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
23 posts
I think the reason why there are so many hybrids is that the results of taking variations of basic character types just results in more possible combinations. In one sense, it's the easy way of creating a new class. Coming up with somethign totally unique, especially without making an existing class obsolete, is, well, difficult.

I personally love variety and trying new things. I've tried nearly every class so far (admittedly, most I gave up on before even hitting 30). Ones that I found boring, others find to be tons of fun. I personally love playing a cleric, and yet a lot of people have told me that they found that class to be a dreadful bore. To each his own.

I guess the question that you have to ask is who is going to be inconvenienced by adding a new class. But you have to be careful when you ask this question because remember, you are not simply adding a new class. What you are doing is taking people who are maybe getting bored looking for groups with their old classes and giving them another option. It definately will change things, but not necessarily for the worst. I mean I am thining about the Beastlord class, and currently can't see how that ruined the game for anyone.

I am SURE that whatever happens with this new class, that it will not be gotten exactly right in the beginning, and there will be a lot more things that will seem to be broken. But you can't change without some growing pains, and I think that change, while painful, can be a good thing. In any case, I'm willing to wait and see (I personally, love change -- it makes things more exciting and interesting, despite the pains).
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 24 2003 at 9:22 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What?!?
RE: gnomes
# Nov 24 2003 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
/shiver.... Gnome Berserker. Its bad enought there are Halfling Paladins now.

62 HUMAN Paladin <Beltran>
55 Bard <Rinvaran> Retired
54 Cleric <Glyceryn>
37 Wizard <Stylee>
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