48 Hours Does Everquest

The CBS newsmagazine "48 Hours Investigates" is broadcasting a story about Everquest. I assume it is the same one that we saw them filming at the Boston Fan Faire. The e-mail I received from CBS stated that the story was going to cover the "controversy over Everquest -- are some people addicted to the game?" The promo for the show on the 48 Hours website states that the name of the show is "Addicted", with the following teaser: "Are a growing number of people addicted - to an online computer game? Plus, meet a man who says he was addicted to sex." It will be interesting to see if it is a fair presentation, or just sensationalist crap. Based upon that promo blurb on their website, I'm banking on the later. Nonetheless, it's worth checking out. The broadcast is on CBS, Friday, October 18th at 8:00 p.m. et/pt.


Post Comment
Means to an End
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Means to an End, that's what it's called. About 20 years ago an individual died playing RL Dungeons and Dragons, so who was to blame of course? The game makers, um, yeah. As much as I hate supporting the argument FOR guns, a gun cannot harm anyone, unless someone is deranged enough with intent to use it(ok, don't make this a firearms issue post, sheesh, there's other factors also, but that's NOT for this post). And these games are hardly even a lethal weapon. The path chosen by someone to lose themselves from RL can be any number of things, EQ and online gaming just happen to make it very easy. In the end, ther person with such problems will find another outlet for such self destructive urges, wether it be firearms, drugs, or any other number of less destructive means. Focusing on the CAUSE is what is needed, not on the actions that cuase led the person along.

Edited, Tue Oct 15 15:29:54 2002
RE: Means to an End
# Oct 16 2002 at 7:05 AM Rating: Default
Ok.. Ill log onto EQ, close up my laptop and beat someone to death with it.. Now EQ is a weapon, and a life threatener.
In the immortal words of one Beavis, "FIRE, FIRE, UHH HUHH HUHHH"
We all remember where that led todays society supposedly.
heh heh
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Addiction is a part of life, it is within us all...tell me politicians are not "addicted" to corruption...tell me that lawyers are not "addicted" to ruining this country...tell me.

at least EQ has some good points:
1) i'm able to type MUCH faster, can you get that from TV?
2) i'm learning french (karana server)
3) some of the funniest stuff i've EVER read or seen (in game), EVER!

in my opinion, people may be addicted to everquest, this is true, but people are also addicted to crack, TV, sex, heroine, violence, corruption, mayhem, etc..., the list can go for 5 posts.

...everquest subscription: $12.95 per/week
...everquest trilogy: $49.95
...beeefing up PC for better performance: $250
...watching some schmuck train venril sathir to zone: priceless
RE: shivio
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
I agreee , i have learned ALOt of stuff from eq, i think i am addicted to learning ! < not> Well, eq hjas a big impact in my life , i meet new friends learn new skills, i used to be typing real slow, now im fastest typer in my school... you cant get alot of stuff you get on comp games and stuff from tv ...
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
If enough concerned parents see this and pull the plug on enough kids, our rival guild won't be able to beat us to named mobs when they pop!

Go, Dan Rather, Go!!!
About that guy...
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
About that guy who killed himself cause of EQ....Why didn't somebody just get him a rez???
RE: About that guy...
# Oct 16 2002 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
Seriously, why didnt he just shout for a rez of his character. He definitly had other issues, but lets face it we live in a society where parents are not to blame anymore. It's either school, TV, Movies, Music, or Video Games. It is every parents responsiblity to watch out for their own children. Parents need to stop leaving it up to TV and video games, to babysit thier children and start doing it themselves.

Just my 2 cents
RE: About that guy...
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
Okay, First off, Someone dieing isnt funny Regardless of the circumstance, or mental problems or anything else the guy did. Death isnt funny. Second, I can see the whole point of doing a story on this. Theres so many people out there who have problems with eq, they neglect their own children, spouses and sometimes even themselves. But this happened way before eq, this happened when the internet reached its popularity. How many of us, myself included, have stayed up waaaaay to late chatting with a person on the net, playing eq or searching something and didnt want to get up in the morning and deal with real life? Fortunently, I have enough brain power to know HEY its my fault, get your lazy **** up and get to work. But we know that there are people out there who dont. How many marriages have failed because of EQ. Look up Eqwidows.. thats a whole nother story. I dont know maybe Im smart because my spouse likes to play eq too.. heh. :P
Anyhow whose gonna profit from this, Verant/Sony, they prolly welcome each and every bit of it, funny how this is gonna air. LIKE ALWAYS something does a few days before a big release :)

Just my 29.95 going to pay for planes of power :)
RE: About that guy...
# Oct 16 2002 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
The person dying is not funny. The comment about the rez was.

Lighten up.
RE: About that guy...
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
Great point.I used to be addicted to EQ(when i forst got it)but staying up late on a school night a couple of time to search for the rare spawn and being SEROUSLY messed up in the morining snapped me outta it really fast.
This game is hobby for me and for just about every player.Sure there are the people who DO play EQ to the exlusion of all else but their the minority.What it is really,is that the media's ran outta stuff to pick on and are simply looking for fresh meat. EQ is (IMHO) the best game out right now,and the newsmean are all disgruntled Diablo2 or ultima online players who are jealous. =)
RE: About that guy...
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
If that guy was so addicted to EQ and all wouldnt you think over a 7day period he would of found a necro to summon is corpse? personally he is just a newbie to me that lost all his orc belts
RE: About that guy...
# Oct 16 2002 at 2:32 PM Rating: Default
What if he didnt lose his corpse?
Someone could have :
Trade Scamed
Played him for a monkey
Got into his mind and lowered his selfesteme to a bare minimum
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 15 2002 at 2:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) There are only two infinites, Human stupidity and the universe, and I'm not so sure about the universe
RE: Stupidity
# Oct 15 2002 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
HEY BUDDY! Give Einstain credit for saying that! You know he said it! Just go ahead and put a

-Albert Einstein

after it... is that so hard?
RE: Stupidity
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Speaking of stupidity, how about you taking up half this page with blank space.
I would love to know...
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
If anyone from 48 hours would ever bother taking the time to read this posts, and do so with an open mind.

There are quite a few great posts here, and the majority of the people expressing their opinions certainly seem to be rational, eloquent and reasonable, not some drooling, psychotic, glassy-eyed bunch of "addicts" that cannot even function in real life.
RE: I would love to know...
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
/nod Great point there, it would be real funny to see 48 hours reactions
More for the junk pile
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
Bah, EQ is fun to play, and its fun to joke around and do stuff, But it is REALLY not fun to see someone Very addicted to this game,
EX: a kid that lives up the road from me, goes to ELEMTARY SCHOOL (grades 1-6) actually Fakes sick to stay home and play, and his parents get him a new comp and are NOT DOING ANYTHING to help him.
Sure this game is addictive, or not addictive, depends on point of veiw, to many people are biased these days, btw we all have no life (inside joke)

Anonymous for Anonymous sake
RE: More for the junk pile
# Oct 15 2002 at 6:04 PM Rating: Default
what street do u love on? lol ive tried that once or twice but im still on the honor roll and perfectly healthy, /em sigh , 48 hours lol all its doing really is making eq more popular sometimes u really can't tell which side those shows are on...
RE: More for the junk pile
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
You said the problem in a nut shell. "Fakes sick to stay home and play, and his parents get him a new comp and are NOT DOING ANYTHING to help him."
If pepole would stop trying to Blame others, and understand that they are the one to blame 95% of the time there would be none of this crap. I know if I had tried something like that, and I did, when I was a kid, my father would have had my @$$ in a sling. Lets put the blame where it should fall and not on a game.

Aadwen Cracked, Lvl 60 chanter, Mixed Nuts

Edited, Tue Oct 15 15:35:17 2002
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts

Maybe they should add a third category, TV and then compare the TV and EQ "adictions". :)

In order to really understand EQ and why people love to play it so much, you would need to play the game and THINK about it. Unfortunately, TV "Thinks" for the viewer, so however CBS portrays the game is what the non-EQ viewers will "think" it is......

On a personal note, it was a discussion about the games "addictiveness" with a family member that got me to try it out.

I am hooked! But, not addicted....
RE: Think!
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:58 PM Rating: Default
Hooked : Addicted
Addicted : Hooked
Hooked : Addicted
Addicted : Hooked
..........Maybe you should rethink that...........
RE: Think!
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
LOL, good point!

I guess it depends on your definition of "hooked".

Looking my dictionary you are correncted hooked can be defined as "addicted to a narcotic".

So, maybe I should say....

Really enjoy playing the game, but not addicted!

focus of the show
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
I expect the focus of the show will be around the EQ player that killed himself.

RE: focus of the show
# Oct 15 2002 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
I read the original article from Shawn Wooley's home town(in which I live.) If you think this one is bad, the Star-Observer article puts this one to shame. Joe Winter is a very biased reporter. I am sorry Shawn took his life, but there was WAY more to his problems than a computer game. Mrs. Wooley is looking for an outlet for her grief and has chosen sueing Verant as it. I do expect 48 Hours to give another completely biased report about EQ but do not fear anything will come of it. If anything, we will see an influx of new poeple checking out just how "addictive" this game really is.
RE: focus of the show
# Oct 15 2002 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
Now folks, dont get me wrong it is a sad day when a human being feels so trapped, so lost, so alone, that they have no other option but to take thier own life. I feel for this young man's family. I wish there was something I could do to help.
However, I think his family is looking for someone to blame, and of course someone with money is a good place to start. The thing is if it hadnt been EQ, then it would have been something else. If they are blaming EQ in such a manner then by the same token they could blame the companies that made any food, medication, clothing, provided utilities, or any kind of service or goods to him before he died. It is not some sick plot by Sony to addict everyone. It is a game. The people who have become addicts to it have other failings they need to work through. Ok I will concede maybe EQ does need a warning label, perhaps that would be wise. The flashing lights and other graphics could be harmful to those prone to seizures. So I guess they would have to put that warning on any televsion as well?If that was truely thier motivation to help, then sue for the warning label, and court costs. I dont think they will stop there. The lawyer says they will most likly find papers similar to the ones found in the tobacco lawsuits. So Sony did studies to see if the product would be recieved well. Oh my god! NO! you mean a company did research to see if a product would make them money! Then, horrors of horrors, design the product to meet those specifications! How inhumane of them. What it all boils down to, is that the loss of any life is a sad horrible thing. However, the young man had many problems before he started playing. Once again I feel sorry for this young man's family.
RE: focus of the show
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
Exactly.EQ is a game.There are always people who dont realize that things are not real.He was one of the few people who play to the exlusion of real life. BTW, Inst the media supposed to be nuetral? they look KOS to EQ from my veiwpoint
All About Ratings...
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
TV Programming is called "programming" for a reason. As far as we know, or will be told, some concerned parent who works for 48 Hours got them to do this piece and the network execs decided getting parents on their side against Everquest would put a little more back into the ratings pie for them. Who can blame them? Not us.
It is business pure and simple. Honestly I would much rather spend four hours killing Drolvargs than watch Ray Romano portray an insipidly bad father, or six people live in hugely expensive apartments in Manhattan and not get mugged in over 6 years. Give me a little West Wing or Law and Order, but otherwise it is mostly crap on TV.
Dealing with KSers, ninja looters and generally rude players can even teach us more than watching absurdly simple solutions played out on TV every half an hour. I know a friend who helped lead a Naggy raid a couple of times, he said he felt so good after it that he marched into work that next week and got a really nice raise, How about that?

There are real people online in Norrath and, for the most part, we live as a community. We complain, we bond. We compete, we team up. My no-rez list is got 6 peeps on it, it had 13, but 7 folks got turned down and learned their lesson, next time, they get a rez. Norrath is a community just like any other.

"Addictive" is a red flag word on TV ever since Anti-cocaine commercials hit the air. Addiction is a serious condition involving a chemical dependency which requires one's blood stream to have a constant supply of alcohol, grass, heroin whatever. Playing too much Everquest is similar in nature to procrastinating on homework, dating the wrong kind of girl over and over, or being chronically late for work. These situations and ours (my fellow EQCrackheads) is a condition easily fixed by SELF-DISCIPLINE!!!!!!

Know yourself, if you play too much, cut back. Simple solution, now make the choice.
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
I've been smoking for about 14 years now. Will I quit? Nope. Will I sue the tobacco companies? Nope. I know they're bad for me. I know they'll prolly kill me. But I ENJOY it.
EQ? My wife and I play. And when my son gets old enough, provided EQ is still around that far down the road, will he play? Yep.
EQ has done a lot for my family. Take your average, medium, bland American family...the father watches sports, drinks beer, ignores the wife. The wife spends money, cooks bland meatloaf, gossips on the phone. The kids are immature, uneducated, and spoiled. Yes. These are generalizations, stereotypes cooked up by the media frenzy of American pop culture and my observations on life in general.
Now, take your average EQ player. Early 20s, educated <marginally, although judging from some of the spelling in the posts I have seen, I wonder...>, enjoys new stuff. Let's face it, people. Unless you have loads of cash, adventures are non-existent in life. However, I'd be willing to bet my Army paycheck that you people can't wait to grab your guild, get your sword <or spells>, and jump into these new planes and whoop the everlovin' hell out of the new gods.
Addiction? Nope. Just some people who enjoy playing a great game, meeting new people, seeing new things, and bonding with friends and family. And if the media ratings for 60 Minutes or 20/20 go down because we play EQ, then maybe the media needs to do something about the quality of their shows. Perhaps nerfing Jerry Seinfeld's pathetic excuses for humor might be in order.
TV?! I gotta level.
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
EQ addicts and Sex addicts in the same broadcast, what if the two were combined? Sounds like some real fun!

Too bad I'll be playing EQ to bother watching it. I hope the Daily Show runs a spoof on it the next night. I watch that more than real news.
Sold my TV
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
I'd like to watch, but after I quit my job to get more EverQrack time, I had to sell my TV to pay for a few more months' subscription.
I dont know if it's "addictive"
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
I would have to say that EQ and games like them aren't neccisarily "addictive" in the true sense of the word...But instead that Verrant has constructed the game to be time consuming on purpose.. i.e. ultra rare drops off rare spawns for items to complete quests. Many of the Epic quests are this way, and to my way of thinking, it is Verrant /SoE way of ensuring that you have to play "x" amount of hours to get things that will benefit your class of character. It is thier way of making sure you dont complete the game, thus ensuring they get thier monthly fee's for a long time. Im just like the rest of them, I enjoy playing the game, and can stop at anytime. In fact, I have taken a few several month breaks, but I return to the game because it offers fun, adventure and a social aspect. Both my husband and I play, and we dont neglect our real life jobs, or responsibilities. I would think people that do that just to play EQ maybe have other problems in life that were there long before they ever started EQ. I have heard of law suits being brought against SoE and Verrant, and after looking into all the facts, not just the media hype, Im sure you will agree with me about the persons life problems existing long before hand. Anyways, just my thoughts...
53 Vicar
My 2 cents.
# Oct 15 2002 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
Everquest is like many things. It has its good points and it has its bad points. Also like many things if you take it to far then yes you are an addict. I know people who cannot function without thier morning cup of coffee. Do we see reports about the harm of coffee? or how about coca-cola, and other assorted beverages? Nope nothing in the news about that. Now as far as I go. When I get home from work I sit down with my 3 year old son and talk about the days events. The lizard he chased in the yard (country livin go fig). The humming birds around the feeder. His new recipe for mud pies. The thing he thought was a bug, but wasnt, but when he showed it to mommy turned out to actually be a bug(hey he's 3, what do you expect). Then I explain to him he has to be careful because mommy is terrofied of bugs, and he shouldnt show anything to her that might be a bug. Then my wife, my son and I go outside and play on his swing set till the sun starts to go down (weather permitting). Then we come in and sit down to dinner and watch Clifford, or Veggie Tales, or Dragon Tales while we eat dinner. Then I play Everquest for about 2 hours. My son sits in my lap and points things out and tells me what they are called. He goes to bed. My wife I tuck him in and read him a story. Then I go back to my desk. I play for another hour or so, then my wife plays for a while. Then we both go to bed. When the weekend rolls around we all pitch in and do yard work, house work, go out to movies and so on. Now dont get me wrong, I will admit there are times when I look at that exp bar climbing its way to a ding, and then I look outside at the yard, and then at the thermometer. I think to myself that it is not 100 or more degrees inside so I play. I guess the main point is moderation. To me it would seem more important for them to do a report on the mental incapacity of the people who do get addicted to it. Also I think the TV stations out there are now afraid that something is actually competing with them. Oh well.

"Guilt and innocence is simply a matter of timing."
# Oct 15 2002 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
EQ is addictive, there are people I know who were forced to quit the game because their marriages were suffereing. There are people I know who dropped out of school and play the game all day long. There are people I know that leave home early from work or have lost their jobs because of EQ. I know I have EQ dreams at night. That's kind of scary when you think about it.
RE: addictive?
# Oct 15 2002 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
That is so sad, I feel for you. I am sorry you and the people you know do not have the mental capacity to deal with abstract thought. Also the part about the dream is sad, that is true. Well, not the dreaming about EQ part, but it is sad that your mind, and immagination are so starved that they must resort to images from the game to express themselves. The people I know that play EQ are buisness men and women, police officers, case workers and so on. Not a one of them is in any danger of being fired or anything. I myself recently received an award and promotion for the highest output of my department. Ok, I am going to give a word for you and your friends. It might be new to you so try to keep up. MODERATION. Its not the game's fault.
Or maybe...
# Oct 15 2002 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Since most of us have left TV for EQ, their ratings are hurting and need to villify something so we return to the mind numbing world of sitcoms and "reality" shows......
Hating Gaming
# Oct 15 2002 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
Its simple, EQ addiction takes away from TV addiction. If the midia can link something bad to a game, like the "i am god" on a taro card = god mode in counterstrike because that game has a sniper scope in it, then they will make the stretch to do so. The new wave of online entertainment is droping raitings on TV and it will only get worce as games and other online media get better. Bottom line is that these people are starting to see that if people stop watching them on TV, they stop getting payed. And anything that does not put money into their pockets must = bad for everyone. If you watch the news thats all its about getting people to watch, if books sundenly became so popular that most people read insted of watching TV then it would probly surface that books are "evil" and you should watch the TV to see why they are "evil". As for me, I am watching "48 hours" because i was at the Boston Fan Fair and want to see if i am in any of the shots 8).
RE: Hating Gaming
# Oct 15 2002 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
Exactly.We take away from their comercial profits,they snipe at us.I want to see verant's reaction and counterstatments
everything is addictive
# Oct 15 2002 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
If you go to AA meeting, they say if you have one drink a year on new years your addicted because you need that one drink. Food you eat too much you become fat, your addicted. Anything you do too much of that ill effects your life is considered an addiction, thus the person that lets his life go to pot to play a game yes is addicted. Yet for the most part if it was not EQ they were addicted to it would be something else but those same people would because they have no self value or responsiblity. If you play a game and let family or work slide because you play no matter if its 1 hour or 60 hours a week your just an idiot. Also the worst people in the world are exaddicts because they feel everyone else is like them thus everyone that does what they were addicted to is an addict also. I don't think so. Most people, my age(late 30's) remember the 70's early 80's when D+D was a game they said everyone was becoming addicted to and taking too far, when the last time you heard anyone even talk about it in the last decade, oh they were so addicted.
Please people, ignore the idiots of the world and lets go back to having fun. This is just an few idiot through frivalious lawsuits at corps such as SoE saying there probs are cause by them.
Smiley: banghead
# Oct 15 2002 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
Which is better you tell me.
Before Everquest...Drink all night Thursday - Saturday leaving wife at home most of the time and 1 DUI.
After Everquest... at home all of the time. Going out with wife for dinner, planning a family, STOPPED drinking at bars by myself, MORE friends in game and outside (real world). Ingame friends are just like pen pals. You don't see them everyday but talk to them weekly.
I was playing at first 30 plus hours a week. Now sinces getting a promottion at work I only play about 5 hours a week if that. I would like to say that without stopping to play Everquest I would not be in the SAME place now than if I would not of played at all. So for that I say thanks Everquest.
RE: Addicted....
# Dec 18 2002 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
How about 3DUI's and 6mos in jail--then straitening our all that crap by moving from the booze addiction to an new "healthier" one called EQ? Sounds like a good thing, right? Yeah well I thought so, thats my boyfriend's story (right before we met). We live together, work together, EQ together, going on 3 years now-does it get any better? Well, let me answer that! The problem here is--I love EQ and I am addicted, but I am still also in touch with real life once and a while but I'm afraid my boyfriend is not. I guess I am less of an addictive person, thats sad because we will never know what our relationship could have been if we didnt start this game. The only time I have his "real" attention is on the ride home from work. We will be working from home soon, and moving out of state where we don't know anyone, I am sure to gain a whole new understanding of the word Alone.

All I know is I'm at my wits end getting ******* at for interrupting him at work with a bothersome "work" question while he is posting on the guild msg. boards. I Love EQ and I Love my boyfriend, but I miss him just the same--he is totaly sucked-in and its really bad because you cant even mention it--"the denial thing is very powerful" and worst of all, I'm a total hypocrite for even ******* about it...arent I? - since I play too!

I hope that we dont become one of those "EQ break-ups" You'd think a guy would be happy to find a woman who likes this game and appreciate it. I'm not a typical ******* g.friend type.. Its just that we can't go anywhere after work but straight home to EQ 5 days a week, and it's extremely rare if we leave the house on weekends either.. Its just a bit much!

So, any guy out there thats lucky enough to have a RL EQ partner, dont ***** it up and take advantage! And I'm real happy for those of you that know how to play in moderation.. wish it was that simple.. but you know.. raids 3-4 nights a week.. keepin up with Level-up requirements.. etc etc. Dont see it happening here. (tis why I am guildless--Thats when the fun warps into commitment IMO)

Happy EQing all! Guess I'm off to join EQWidows chat room---*gags* Never thought it would happen, but apparently lots of members play the game too! So I wont be a hypocrite there I guess.
RE: Addicted....
# Oct 15 2002 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
i agree..., since i've started playing EQ, i've gone back to school (while working at the same time), gained some knowledge about computers through other players helping me out with a PC problem, spent less money on partying, spent more time with my girlfriend, and met some great people.

for those in the television industry;

Me: Awww...did the big bad everquest monster take a huge chunk of viewers away from that idiot-box you call "the TV"?

TV people: Yes they did, they are just a bunch of big meanies!

# Oct 15 2002 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Addicted???? Of course! What a crack-up. (pun intended). Let's see what makes a game like EQ attractive...... social interaction, goal-setting, helping others, a sense of achievement, mental and intellectual stimulation.... oh and fun without blood, guts and gore! Yep, fits my requirements -- I'll take it!
RE: Addicted
# Oct 15 2002 at 9:57 AM Rating: Default
No guts and gore? Ever been to Befallen?? Smiley: grin
# Oct 15 2002 at 8:05 AM Rating: Default
** Dramatization **

::Ring Ring::
::Ring Ring::

BoB: Hello?

Ed: Its.. Ed... i ne---ed ...

BoB: How much EQ you need this time? 2 kg? 3kg?

Ed: *dr00L* ALL OF IT DANG YOU! I CaNt live without it!

BoB: Well its gonna cost you crack head....

Ed: Ive already morgaged my house and sold my kids and wife into slavery, how much is it gonna cost me?!?

BoB: $50

Ed: $50 !!!?!??! God @#^! you people at SoE , is $50 the price of everything and anything there?

BoB: Noooooo! the game costs $100+ for all expansions and such which you need to play! HA!

Ed: WHAT!?!? Nooooo!!!! You Communist / Capitalist basterd!~

Ed: Fine ill take it all * dr00L *

BoB: * thinks * Mwahaha they can never resist , soon we will take over the US !

Dragunz De'Holzen
42 Shadow Knight
Your big words frighten me
# Oct 15 2002 at 7:55 AM Rating: Default
What is this "TV" of which you speak? I am but a humble elf, living in a tree and wasting my money on quasi-useless bows and arrows. I understand naught about this "TV" or "media" or "addiction" of which you speak (unless you're talking Tumpy Tonics...)...

Romulor Silverbirch, Pathfinder of Tunare, Tribunal
RE: Your big words frighten me
# Oct 15 2002 at 7:57 AM Rating: Default
yeah, he doesnt know what a TV is...but a Computer to post messages..sure!

# Oct 15 2002 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
So, either I come home and log in and be social with my friends, or I come home and turn on the tube and veg... or drink... or... well, nothing in particular. $12 for one month of fantasy gaming fun... Cheaper than a girlfriend, and it doesn't **** off the wife.
# Oct 15 2002 at 6:08 AM Rating: Default
I have a wife, son, and a career and still play eq at least 30 hours a week. When my wife wants to do someting or my son wants to play I get off or just dont get on but, would rather be at home than running round blowing money. To me watching TV is boring as hell and enjoy eq because of the chat, adventure, and im constantly thinking. Ive always been super hyper and still am at 30 and the tv is not enough to keep my attention. Playstation games and stuff like that suck cause your always repeating parts or cant finish the game and EQ is set up different. I enjoy playing very much and it has become a very fun hobby for me. Heck all through his thirtys my father drank like a fish and partied all the time with a wife and two kids. EQ or Ahheuser which is worse?
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