ZAM's Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Giveaway

The winners have been announced. Check and see if you've won!

The entry period for the contest has expired. Thanks to all those who entered!

ZAM is having a giveaway to celebrate the end of the world (or at least the end of Azeroth as we know it) and we’re giving away fifty chances to experience that post-dragonkissed world before anyone else.

You can see the entire list of winners at the bottom of this article!

List of Winners:


How to Win
We have a thread in the General WoW forums for the contest entries. All you have to do is post a response in the thread that states what you’re the most excited about in the new World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. For example:

  • Playing as a Worgen.
  • All the new changes to old Azeroth. I can’t wait to see what it looks like!
  • The new talent changes. My class is going to be OP. QQ moar newbs.

We’ll be collecting entries for the next seven days, and on Monday August 2nd, 2010, we’ll be announcing all fifty winners of the giveaway and we’ll then send you your beta key for Cataclysm! It really is that simple. Just submit the part of Cataclysm you’re most excited about, and you're golden!


Please Note: You must enter your contest submission at the designated forum thread. Any comments on this article will not be counted as submissions.


Additional Note: Both Tankspot and Wowhead will be having their own beta key giveaways in the next few weeks, so make sure you check out our entire network family for all of your chances to win!

++ If you're an AddOn author WoWInterface has almost an unlimited number of keys to give away.

Rules and Qualifications

  • In order to use the beta key, you must have a WoW account in good standing.
  • Posts in the contest thread that are not contest submissions will be deleted.
  • Users may enter more than one Cataclysm item that they’re excited about, but only one entry will be counted per user.
  • We reserve the right to remove entries if we feel like you're not properly participating in the contest.
  • The contest begins on July 26th, and all winners will be announced on August 2nd, 2010.
  • The fifty (50) key winners will be drawn from the pool of eligible posters at the end of the entry period.



Post Comment
# Jul 29 2010 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
For me probably the most exiting thing is to finally get back to the place that lured me into the World of warcraft in the first place, the good old Azeroth with all the breath taking scenery, all the awesome World PvP and most importantly the dungeons with stories, with all the different routes to go through and the challenge.

God i can't wait!! give the realease day so i can start my digital counter :P
Catacylsm we are waiting for you!!!
# Jul 29 2010 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to........... I just want to keep it simply. I really really want to try everything in the Cataclysm include the new healing and tank talent's and Worgen and a lot of different things..... I'm really excited to play the Cataclysm beta before Nov or before it come up on live...........

(: I hope everyone win the beta key :)

I am so excited I may pass out.
# Jul 29 2010 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
So looking forward to rerolling worgan Druid and racing for the realm first 85 worgan Achi!!!
*sigh* not looking forward to the lowbie gankers but... loving the idea of Azeroth flying mounts!!
wow i want the new wow
# Jul 29 2010 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
first and foremost i want to see how energy is on my hunter after that i want to play a goblin not sure what class matbe a mage but we;ll see umm i want to try the some of the new class race combo thinking a tauren pally named Holycow lol the new areas heroic SFK and more not sure where too start
What I'm most excited for...
# Jul 29 2010 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
While there's so much in Cataclysm that seems so exciting, what I'm most looking forward to is the changes to raiding.

I recently reactivated my account after a year away from game. I canceled for one reason - my guild broke up. It was an old guild, and very well known. It was consistently one of the top guilds on the server, although it rarely got first kills. The members were very respectable, and when I joined not long after WOTLK came out, I was welcomed into the fold, treated as a sister, and, of course, we kicked butt and took names. After the long-time top guild on the server transferred off (a legend in and of itself, as they would spend thousands of dollars in real money to leave, only to have free transfers off the server being offered only two weeks later :P), we found ourselves at #1. We would get the server first 10m 3D Sarth kill, we would get the first "The Immortal", and we would be the first on the server with Black Proto-Drakes (and, if I remember right, we were the only Alliance guild on the server to do so). Despite our guild's mantra, that we didn't have to prove ourselves to anyone, we got a lot of attention, and attracted new people to the guild.

That wouldn't last, however. When Ulduar came out, a bunch of transfers to our server, that had organized a guild and nearly caught up to us in pre-3.1 content, began grinding Ulduar progression eight hours or more a day. My guild, being one full of adults with lives outside the game and could only afford four hours a night, quickly fell behind. The people that we had attracted to the guild via our pre-3.1 successes left, because they only wanted to be a part of "the best". Some older members also became discouraged, and we would see them less and less often as we attempted to push hard modes. The leadership began to run on fumes, and finally, it was over, just under three months after Ulduar was released. We stopped getting enough people to come to 25-man raids, period, never mind hard modes. Our recruitment dried up completely. Our final raid as a guild was a 10-man Glory of the Ulduar Raider run where I and a couple others got our Rusted Proto-Drakes.

The interweaving, for lack of a better term, of 10 and 25 man raids, having them share the same timer and allowing you to switch between the two during one lockout, and the sharing of the loot between 10 and 25 man could have saved the guild. Sure, we'd have still lost our #1 spot - that wasn't a big deal to us. We didn't have to prove ourselves to others, as long as we enjoyed ourselves and gave it everything we had. We would have had enough of a core in the end, however, where we could have focused on getting geared up in 10-man, while rebuilding the guild for 25-man raiding.

In addition, I hope that this will bring more challenging 10-man raids, much like 3-drake Sartharion was in the early days. It was tough, but it was a fun encounter, and once we had it down, it was amazing.
Beta Key Entry
# Jul 28 2010 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
What I am looking forward the most is the resto shaman buffs so I wont get clubbed like a baby seal in the 2200+ bracket anymore :D

Cant wait to try out rated BGs to see if they are actually all the hype that blizzard is putting them out to be for us arena junkies.

Also I am looking forward to the goblin class so I can crank that soulja boy all day.

Good Luck to you all


Proud partner in the Protect Resto Seal Association of America.
Excited for cataclysm because....
# Jul 28 2010 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
I accidently created a new thread instead of replying to the Beta Key thread, my bad lol.

Edited, Jul 29th 2010 1:52am by cataclysm1
Beta Key
# Jul 28 2010 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
I look forward to the trying the changes to the Warlock class. I also look forward to being able to fly in Azeroth. I also think a human hunter would be fun to try.
WTB beta key
# Jul 28 2010 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
Because rogues will be OP again, of course. Also, I need to become familiar with the quests before release so I can not only guide my friends though leveling, but also focus more on ganking alliance.
Beta Opt in KEY!
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
I think the reason I deserve the beta key because I am really excited about the new hunter changes, and I would like to test out the new features! I also want to explore all the new areas. I want to try out the new races also, and I want to help out Blizzard in their quest to get out all the bugs before Cataclysm is released! I jut cant even imagine being able to see what Blizzard did with the place. I cant imagine what how much the world will change, and finally not be focused on LK anymore! I do hope they changed the dunegons though. I would like to see the fights become more complex because we spend so much time in them, it just doesn't make since why not to make them better. I have heard of this bear quest that is supossivly AWESOME! Really looking forward to that.All in all I think it would be really fun to have the new release before everyone else has it. Thank you for making this happen for some people. Even if I don't win thank you! :D

Something else I am looking forward to is not having to run 10 and 25s! Along with being able to split up your 25 into 10 mans! I'm just really interested in this becuase if there are two tanks in the 25 how will those tanks do with the other 10 man? Possibly have 4 tanks? I dunno but I'm sure Blizzard will figure it out! Thanks again!
--Throknolf (80HUNTER)

Edited, Jul 29th 2010 1:13am by Throknolf
Cata Beta Key :D
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
I would love to be able to play the beta of cataclysm because I play a Death Knight and I'm interested in how they changed up the new rune system/talents. The new rune system has me concerned for if i will be playing my class in the live version or if I'll just go back to my old main (mage). As well the new talents seem very useful in that they finally seemed to have "fixed" the problem with trying to adjust every talent tree to respect either pve/pvp/tank/dps and made it just like every other talent tree in the game where its specified for tank/duel-wield dps/2-handed dps. As well I would like to experience the new worgen race because that would just be fun to try out the newest race in the WoW franchise in all its glory.

Another great thing that I cant wait for when cata hits is the 10 man loot system being the same as the 25 man (with the exception of the amount of drops). This makes me happy because i can now raid with the tight group of good players I have accumulated along the way, so this is another great aspect of being able to play the beta which is I would be able to have experience in the new instances that come out in the beta and have a little bit of a heads up on getting my friends and I guild's name out there :P

Thank you and i appreciate your time
Beta Key
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
Ive been playing wow for about 3 years (Which is not very long compared to others) but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. With each new expansion comes new things that are interesting and exciting and things that are not so great. Things I am excited about are the New lore, flying mounts, and new instances, goblins and worgens and everything else! My number 1# favorite part of cataclysm I'm excited about though are the flying mounts. Throughout leveling up you could only see most zones from the ground unless you were riding a wyrn or gyryphon. Flying mounts will give a whole new perspective to the world (of warcraft). Being able to fly over the main capitals will be amazing and awe inspiring. Also with the zones being changed people will be able to enjoy flying mounts that much more.
The new guild systems and perks will also be very enjoyable. With it Blizzard is supporting the idea to join a guild and make a structured group of players working together for the benefit of the guild and themselves.

I play a B.E warlock on Korgath
(even though I like the worgens....)
(They look badass!)
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing WoW since February of 2005 and have made alts of every class. Some of them didn't make it to max level (whatever it was for that game version/expansion) because I got bored doing the same quests over and over.

So I guess that means, I am most looking forward to the new look for the old world, flying mounts in Azeroth, and playing through the starting areas for the two new races. Whether I keep one of them as a "main alt" (as I call it, since I have TONS of alts, but only my "main alts" make it past level 70) will be determined after launch. :)

I want to raid in 10-mans and get the same loot as 25-man content, and I want to do BRD-themed raids again. And I am excited about the changes to professions, especially Engineering.

I am looking forward to the changes to the talent trees, for the most part, though I am a bit worried about being locked into one tree for most of the leveling experience. I would enjoy testing this out and giving my feedback to the developers on whether I feel it works well or not.

I tend to try to get into places I shouldn't, and since preventing that is one of the objectives of Beta testing, I feel that I am somewhat qualified ;)

All in all, I am looking forward to just about everything that has been announced so far for the expansion, so singling out one or two aspects is a bit difficult, but I think I did okay. :)
Change is good
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new leveling experience with the new races and race/class combos. I have several characters I've been holding off on rolling. I've also never rolled a hunter but find it much more interesting now with the sweeping changes to the class.

Also, once you disregard all the GARROSH HURR DURR QQ, you can see that the Horde storyline keeps evolving into something more and more interesting. It may actually encourage me to go back to the Horde side....
PvP in cata
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
basicly i am not playing wow for a long time now its almost been 1 year but i have made some good progress in PvP and i want the beta key so i can get a grip of PvP in cata and report any bugs

Bloodyy 80 lvl undead rogue

Edited, Jul 29th 2010 12:03am by bloodeh
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
i want to experience the new starting areas and see the new pvp battleground's ,new weapons and armors pvp tiers raids bosses and basicly everything,i love to explore azeroth as it is,and being able to fly around it will make it even better
Beta Key
# Jul 28 2010 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
I want the beta key because i want to explore more and make a new character,see the new guild,and thats all i have to say :D
starting zones
# Jul 28 2010 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
wha i am looking foward to is the starting zone for all the races on both alliance and horde but mostly the goblin and worgen starting zone. i also am looking foward to the class combination like troll druid
Beta Key
# Jul 28 2010 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
I really want to the beta key so that I can see the new lands. Azeroth is all destroyed and the first thing I'd want to do is explore the land as much as possible. I'm really interested in how classes and new abilities have taken a new level. I want to see how World PvP is (Lol), but I also want to try my class a Rogue. Combat, and Sub have really taken a drastic change for the good. It would be aweosme to see how good both are before Cata, I'd love to test them out! The new talent trees seem a little iffy but I'd really like to check them out and see how different they are. I did play in Vanilla where talent trees were such as small. It seems like a really odd change, but it may be for the better. Worgen seems like a fun and new way to play the game. The racials are really sick. I'd like to level as one for a bit to see if I like it. Most of all though I do really enjoy PvP. I would be doing this to understand how level 80+ PvP is and how its taking a turn for the better or the worse. It would be great if I had this chance, although this opportunity is amazing. Thanks for the chance!

beta key
# Jul 28 2010 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to being able to further add to my gnomish army. The gnome priest will make a wonderful addition.

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 10:29pm by nachtmachen
New PvP strats
# Jul 28 2010 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
As a focused pvper, I'm hoping to try the new talent system for deathknights and see how different it is from the old system. DPS is going to be a factor that will change, especially with the new twist on the rune system. This combination of changes will definitely hit most people hardest, and adjusting to these changes fast will determine how well one can operate in the new PvP battlegrounds.
Cataclysm Beta Key Giveaway
# Jul 28 2010 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most looking forward the new models and graphics of the game and the overall new play styles. Also the new druid skills and abilities
# Jul 28 2010 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
right on!

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 9:18pm by LKidd
I'm excited for...
# Jul 28 2010 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
Just about everything, but one thing they announced that really made me shiver is Path of the Titans. I cannot wait for that to be explained. also the under water game play intrigue me very much. Thanks for considering me!
What I am the most exited about
# Jul 28 2010 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 8:52pm by Selviaa
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