Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


    Post Comment
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
    This is Xias Tinkertoe, not his brother Grenik ;) Anyways, I play on the Firiona Vie Server exclusively (used to play on prexus) where the roleplaying and the lack of twinks and the low population has made the game much more enjoyable, the release of EQ2 is well, saddening, I agree with most saying that this kind of effort should be on the original game. I guess I'm just gonna bide my time and enjoy EQ1 as long as I can, which I hope to play for a long, long time. If EQ2 comes out and it proves to be better in every aspect I'll get it, but if it's a total dissapointment like DaoC was, I'll wait for a game that is better, have fun all!
    EQ2 or Something Else....
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:50 AM Rating: Default
    I read in a computer gaming industry magazine that Squaresoft films had been beginning work on a CG EQ movie for Sony. I mean, makes sense too, Squaresoft and sony have been buddies for a long time. But supposedly the project was scrapped because of the disappointing failure of the FF movie. BUT! Maybe all this has something to do with it? Who knows? But all I can say is, a EQ movie would be awesome if done right. And either way, those shots from the links above look great.
    ::Le sigh::
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:44 AM Rating: Default
    What an alarming response here on the message board. I recommend that everyone here in favor of NOT releasing Everquest 2 petition to Sony and Verant via their support e-mail addresses. If they get enough e-mails, I'm sure they'll reconsider, and even verify this "Everquest 2."

    Just keep your hopes high, folks. This probably isn't for another year, and it's ridiclious. The features listed for the game really insist that this is a complete joke.. several of the features would be wasteful/near impossible, like the option to buy land. While it sounds nice, imagine all the server space being sucked away by the thousands of towns players would create. Impossible.
    RE: ::Le sigh::
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
    I assume that they would simply solve the problem with only allowing certain area's (maybe even zones to be developed) weeeeeeeee that was simple ..

    Emron 60 wiz <Defiant> Vallon Zek
    Well, now what?
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
    Nearly three years as a player of EQ. Good times and bad times. Still haven't seen everything there is to see in EQ. Now to see that they are working in EQ 2 makes me pause. Should I really continue EQ 1? Many people are going to drop this one whenever EQ 2 is released. Don't get me wrong, games need to improve. Companies what to develope something better. But I actually find this

    A lot of work was put into my characters and to now see that there is an end coming is rather scary...
    Verant/SOE Getting Greedy again!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
    I also disagree with having to have new specs on an old comp that may or may not run this New EQ2, or the whole Idea of EQ2 as another game rather than just an expansion I mean think of the gamer for once Verant. Just think we once again have to upgrade our systems to be able to play EQ2 with less "bigger" zones then they start throwing all the new expansions at us every six months at roughly 30 bucks a pop. That may or may not be choppy laggy what have you... oh and did I forget the subscription. You really think they are going to let us play month after month for only what 12 bucks a month...hmmm Makes you wonder. Verant/SOE will be thinking of their wallets and try to charge us 30-40 bucks per month for all the New Graphics a such. :(

    And then we have the veteran gamer who has been playing the original for 2+ Years with all his character slots filled with epic Level 60 characters.

    Xanit Kven Vallon Zek

    Edited, Wed Apr 24 02:35:14 2002
    Ruins of befallen
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:25 AM Rating: Default
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
    I hope you all realize that this is just going to mean less and less support for the original EverQuest. There was a time when you could actually get things looked at and fixed or at least get petitions responded to. Those days are long gone, and the level of support and the quality of the support have been deteriorating for a long time.

    It is sad to see the quality of our EQ experience going right down the ******* with very little hope of salvation in the light of Sony/VI's greed and disgusting lack of concern for their long-time paying customers and loyal players of EverQuest. This has been so obvious with the lack of repair on existing bugs and the unfulfilled promises of enriched content and expanded features.

    I will continue to play my hard leveled characters in the old game, but I'll be damned if I am going to pay Sony/VI a dime more than I am now for what should have been an expansion/upgrade to EverQuest. EQ2 is the type of massive upgrade we all were hoping to see with Shadows of Luclin but got screwed out of because the corporate flunkies figured they could make more money with it as a new game with a whole new fee for playing and giving us a buggy, hastily produced, poorly tested, incomplete, half-a$$ expansion that will more than likely never be fixed properly, instead.

    It does no good to complain, I know. No one in Sony/VI could care less about what we think or whether we leave or stay. All they want is our money, and if we quit paying them, they'll just replace us with more who will.

    Capitalism at it's finest. Bite the big one, Sony/VI I only wish words could convey the contempt and disgust I feel for you and people/corporations like you.

    Edited, Wed Apr 24 02:18:23 2002
    RE: *sigh*
    # Apr 24 2002 at 4:08 AM Rating: Excellent
    I knew that if I read enough posts, I would see that someone of like mind would have already posted what I wanted to say.... Sure saved this lazy ranger a lot of time while keeping me from venting enough foul-tempered, foul-mouthed venom to cause me to embarrass myself.... Thank you, Gyth
    K Read up
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
    Now I know why they are doing what they are doing.....It is not an improvement on a game like DAoC but rather they sound like they are starting to get rdy for Shadowbane....In Shadowbane you are suppossed to have alot of the same ideas as well as taking a guild from that to a small empire....This is what I see appearing but I am unclear as to why Verant is doing this cause Last I heard Shadowbane was pulled cause it had to many problems....You think EQ has problems now LOL just wait till you get this one.....I can already see all the problems whey will have with htis new one.....POOR Verant.....Should have just incorperated all this into the Original....
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
    Well I have read squat about EQ2 but from what i am getting from the posts on it....It sounds like they Have done with EQ2 is take a game everyone likes to play and revamp it with greater graphics, more roleplaying, a more diverse schem of skills, and the like....Now I have been playing EQ for 2 and half years and do not think I will quit.....As for the new one each to his own but before you run out and buy the game that you are already playing for one that has greater graphics ask yourself if the trade off is worth it....I mean most of us older players have made friends and close guild Sony has a better version of this game and you just want to rush off and leave all your friends....Not worth it to me....I mean you can do what you want but I think for all intense purposes Verant should not release this new wxpansion but take EQ off line for a few months and put all that money and effort into Fixing what they have now.....I mean this game has survived the attack of all the other Online games and thier Expansions.....I mean this is my view on things.....I hope they know what they are doing and dont get in over thier heads cause I would hate to see EQ dissapear cause they got into a world of hurt.....
    #REDACTED, Posted: Apr 24 2002 at 12:55 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i don't know why but i have a bad feelin about this eq2. hope nothing to bad happens
    Greedy Bastards
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
    As if the Legends server, price hike, and new expansions weren't enouph now they are making EQ 2. It's all about money. It makes me sick that they obviously care nothing for the quality so long as it makes cash. They promise things and don't come through. The sound in EQ really needs to be redone (look at the ratings by any magazine etc and they rate the sound very low). Support is just terrible, I have tried every means they offer and still my comp freezes when I play, and every bit of hardware has been replaced. And they need to stop pumping out new things till the old bugs are fixed.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
    If in fact,there is to be a new EQ2 a few questions/comments come to mind:
    1. Will the current EQ continue as it is, with the ?New EQ? set up on a different set of ?Servers??
    2. What will happen to a Players Current Characters? Transferred or Deleted?
    3. Players have established reputations (whether good or bad) based on their Chars name, so would a player be able to retain their name, if the char itself can?t be transferred?
    4. Would the Current pricing for playing remain the same?
    5. (The 40 dollars a month for the one Server is way over-priced)
    6. I am guessing that the reason for reverting back to the Original 3 ?Lands? ( from what I have read in the above posts) is to allow for more ?Expansion Packs? to be sold on the new game.
    7. I realize that SOE and VI are not in the business to ?Not? make money, but the players are constantly being required to upgrade their hardware to be able to play the game, as it evolves with the new expansions. Forcing many to leave the game. The New EQ2 will once again force many to make a choice of leaving or upgrading it seems.
    8. By SOE and VI?s own recent accounts, many new players have recently joined the ranks as players of EQ. Buying the Basic Game and expansion packs. Will all this money they have spent ( along with all the money older players have spent ) be tossed away? I am hoping that the current game itself will remain, and all those that wish to play a ?New ?? Game be allowed to transfer their chars to any new version of EQ that is put out on the market.
    9. I?ve seen a couple posts referring to ?Twinking?. If SOE/VI was concerned about this, they would just put level restrictions on items, that would not allow a level 1 to be running around with UBBR gear.
    10. Yes a lot of ideas for New Games are ?Borrowed? ideas from other games, although you won?t get a gaming company to admit it, it?s been standard practice for years.
    11. Lastly, I sure don?t want to see the current game go away. I am not a 24/7 player, nor do I get someone to ?Power Level? me. I?ve enjoyed this game for a couple years and have a long way to go in it yet, so I?m hoping (along with many others I?m sure), that this game isn?t taken away from us.

    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:30 AM Rating: Default
    Shoot, I am going to ditch EQ1 for EQ2. This is basically correcting the mistakes the first EQ team made. I am all for it.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:27 AM Rating: Default
    All I have to say is: KILLER! From what I have read sofar about Everquest2 is EXACTLEY what I want! 8D Im stoked, just totally stoked! This new game is gonna probably keep me going.. Im soo damn thrilled right now... bye bye old EQ, hello new!
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
    Sounds good, but the non twinking thing is stupid. If a player earns a piece of equipment they have the right to do whatever they want with it, they should be able to give it to a 'twink' to help him level...its dumb that you have to repair equipment. Damaged equipment will anger many people, and they most likely will not want to try to get that piece of equipment again, especially if it was a very good item.
    RE: wtf
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:54 AM Rating: Default
    I am all for twinking. If you obtain an item, it's yours to do whatever you want with it. As for the subject of restrictions on the player, I think it's a horrible idea. If there's one thing i have learned from playing games is that restrictions suck big time. They take the funn out of playing. If you get an item and give it to your low lvl alt or you beg a kick *** weapon from some high lvl player, so what if it's better than some lvl 40 guy. You are lucky and the lvl 40 is not. You get to be that one guy with hella buff stuff that all the noobs drool over. Thats the greatest feeling in the world and i'm gonna be ed if they take it away.

    Erollisi Marr server
    RE: wtf
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
    I don't know anyone that had a problem with the equipment being damaged/repaired in Diablo or D2. I for one thought it added a lot of realism to the game. If you throw in tradeskillers(players) being able to do the repairs. It's an excellent Idea.

    I kinda agree with you in principle about the twinking though, If you earn the item you have a "right" to do whatever you want with it. But anyone with have a brain can see that in the current EQ, the absolute freedom to do so REALLY hurts the game. There needs to be SOME kind of restrictions, I personally think what they mentioned, that there would be recommended levels on the items, and if you weren't the right level, you didn't get the best benefits from it, and had an increased risk of damaging it, is a fair compromise.

    At least it will prevent the 30 level 1 X's in any given newbie zone with better gear than most mains had at 40.
    RE: wtf
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
    The general theme of preventing twinking is a good idea. The notion of preventing this by having twinks break weapons though seems lame and less believable then a person being unable to harness a weapons power for a lack of wisdom and experience (which was also mentioned). Within MY world of fantasy it is a rare magical weapon or item that can be easily broken. I have always associated the magic in the weapon to be a power of preservation; and as it preserves the physical qualities of the weapon it also preserves magic from a time long since forgotten. So the notion that an unexperienced quester (bloob-headed-noob) could break a weapon seems a bit much like verants bandaid for twinking. Hope someone who maters reads this and maybe amends that idea..

    Emron 60 wiz vz <Defiant>
    RE: wtf
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
    well hmm .. maybe it wouldnt be bad with some items .. just dont go overboard with this whole breaking magic items..
    emron again
    RE: wtf
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
    I hate Twinking I think it's the absolutley dumbest thing in the world. A lot of people say ohh that's cause you don't have a high level charater on your server I have a level 60 Shaman and a number of other character's on my server and ya know what each and every last one of them earned everything they got on their own. For the most part I don't even let people know who my alts are becuase I don't want them to get special treatment for who the player behind them is. The satisfaction for each character having earned every item and piece of plat he/she has gotten by his/her self is what makes me feel good where's the satisfaction of giving your lower level alts all this stuff and then going out and say kill things that no one your level can kill, no where but if you wanna do it go ahead and do it I know nothing is gonna stop twinkers evena game that is upposedly twink proof people will find a way, what can you do. The satisfaction of a job well done has long since left the gaming community.
    RE: wtf
    # Apr 26 2002 at 10:42 AM Rating: Default
    Well I happen to like twinking. I believe that we should be allowed to make twinks if we wish, those who do not like twinks can earn everything they want. I dont like the fact that they are taking away the choice.
    I'll stick to EQ1
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
    Right now in EQ I have but a few complaints. Lag, my computers propensty to freeze in EQ, and some class balancing concerns. I personally disagree with Verant's policy of no twinking. I do it, I like it, without it I'd probably quit. Anyway from what I am hearing about EQ 2, I think I'll stay with what I got. The reasons being: They took away all the EQ expansion continents(you'll likely pay for them again later), The further no twinking stuff, Banking sounds like hell, and Finally the biggest problem to me is that this is just a release to make players pay more. The good features and graphics etc. can be integrated into the current EQ. Why go through it all again? I hope when this does get released that they have the foresight to leave the old EQ alone because I for one, and probably others too, am not interested in further filling their pockets and starting all over. I like EQ, I will play EQ until they change it to make it suck or it gets closed down.
    RE: I'll stick to EQ1
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:31 AM Rating: Default
    Im pretty sure that EQ1 will STILL be up and going.. They would NEVER just trash the game.. Its been through TOO DAMN MUCH for that... They are just going to release a NEW game too.. With the same History, just bigger and better then ever before.. I do believe that SWG is Sony, and so is a few other new online games.. EQ2 is just one of those new games.. its gonna blow up the scene tho =)
    joy, more lag
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:19 AM Rating: Default
    To me 'more detail' = more lag = less fun = don't want. to me the original graphics were fine, but then again, i played Wizardy I, when it first came out, so i am not overly picky.
    RE: joy, more lag
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:37 AM Rating: Default
    Werdna and Trebor... ahh the good old days. Tiltowait ruled!
    PS2 version...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:16 AM Rating: Default
    This has to be the PS2 or maybe an Xbox version. I can't believe they'd be so assinine as to announce a new expansion and begin revamps, adding new content, and the like, if they were going to shaft all of us into starting fresh with a new game. If that's the case, I'll cancel my account as I can't afford the comp upgrades that are required to play the game. I can still play Team Fortress on Quakeworld for crying out loud. Can't SOE get their collective heads out of their ***** long enough to think straight about where their developement money is coming from?
    RE: PS2 version...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:57 AM Rating: Default
    don't think it is for ps2 cause they did post the min requirements and you can't upgrade your ps2 not yet anyway
    What I'm going to do
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:16 AM Rating: Default
    I've already downloaded maps of all the EQ zones that I could find, planes included. I won't sign up for EQ2. If/when VI/Sony stops supporting EQ1, then I will obviously stop playing. Until then, I'm making maps of those zones on grid paper, for everyone's favorite role playing game before EQ. I'll run a game for me and my friends at home. We only play EQ because none of us want to run a game anymore. I've also heard that Alan Absor has/is going to leave Verant and start up his own game company, and release a EQ-like game, which gets rid of all the hassles that EQ now presents. I personally think that EQ2 will bomb, just like DAoC has, and that this is going to be the end of online gaming entirely. The differences between AO, DAoC, and EQ were what were good, people had a choice, but if all the games are exactly the same, what chioces do we have? They are shooting themselves in the feet with this, especially if they stop supporting EQ1.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
    Well how many can play the game as is now????
    They keep scraping everything. Sooo now our old copy of eq are nothing . WTF..they think we all work for a big corp some where???? It seems to me they hired all the ***** for uo. Now there here to ***** us over.
    A juggling game...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
    So, Verant throws out another expansion (PoP) before the last one (SoL) is even finished...and now they're basically saying "don't worry if we don't get things fixed in EQ...we're giving you EQ2!" On top of that, they're putting out a version for a console game...

    You know, even the most talented jugglers in the world can only juggle SO MUCH before things start crashing to the ground. That's exactly what Verant is doing. Instead of focusing on just EQ, and making it better, they're slapping the "EverQuest" name on anything and everything they can and cramming it down everyone's throat. It's a desperation move for companys that are struggling, and it'll probably do more harm than good.
    # Apr 24 2002 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
    I think they've done an awesome job with those graphics, and it would be wonderful to play a game as great as EQ with graphics as good as those.

    However, when I think of the effort I've put into my current characters (not to mention roleplaying and the friends I've made) it makes me reluctant to start over. My highest is just 51, so it's not like I'm Uber or anything, I just really like my server and my guild and my friends.

    I think it would make very little sense to get rid of Kunark, Vellious, and Luclin, if that is indeed what Verant is thinking. Any idea where that rumor came from?

    It would be nice if they would put some of this effort into fixing the existing EQ.

    Sularia Tirkiet lvl 51 Rake
    RE: Interesting...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
    like others mentioned, they probably aren't really getting rid of the "new" expansions. Probably just removing them, so they can sell more expansions for EQ2 later. and the rumor came from the explanation, where it says "it will just be the original 3 continents"
    RE: Interesting...
    # Apr 24 2002 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
    19 posts

    Edited, Wed Apr 24 03:49:22 2002
    # Apr 23 2002 at 11:59 PM Rating: Default
    I've only just started playing EQ and i've been wishing that i was there in the beginning, ya know when everything was new and interesting, now it is still cool, but a lot of everything is well charted.I am a little curious about why they are releasing PoP anyone know?
    Kinda bites..
    # Apr 23 2002 at 11:57 PM Rating: Default
    Totally changing the game scheme and rearranging the game engine and calling it EQ2? sounds retarded, figure they'd change the current engine of the game...guess not.
    Means more money to them i suppose....but not a cool idea.
    # Apr 23 2002 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
    they should let people move their characters over to this damn game. if they dont thatll be extremly messed up, know ill get this when it comes out, and i wont be the psycho with a lvl 60 in 1 week, botting a whole group of chars alone, so when everyone saw a lvl 60 bst 2 weeks after luclin came out or any vah shir dont ya just feel well bad?thats insane they need help, great graphics lol ; )
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