Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:11 PM Rating: Default
this is just like..... devastating to everyone in the world.. this is defined easily as an act of war to the american people. its a serious crime that i hope is met with an intellegent force... to all those that lost loved ones in this crime i wish you peace to ease the pain of losing a loved one.

I wish this hadn't happened but sadly it did.

godspeed to everyone.
What the heck are you saying??
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
To whoever you are..you say you do not mean to offend, that you just want people to think?

Well sir, you do offend. You ask people to take a look in the mirror at at time like this. That we ourselves are ultimately responsible for this monsterous behavior. How can you say that..because I drive a car? Because I have a child that I buy a candy cane for? This is the reason so many people have died and we should look to ourselves for blame?

Are you trying to claim original sin or some such? We had slaves in america, many of which were treated poorly, tortured, raped, etc. Should I die for this? I had nothing to do with it. I wish to live in peace and I wish to meet people with friendship in my heart. But from what you are saying, even though it was never my intent..I should pay for my crimes against humanity, even though they were not mine. IF this is the case your trying to put forward, then the whole human race needs to be put down and go extinct.

I can't believe you are throwing this in peoples faces at a time like this. You want to crusade for the underdog, you want to make the world a better place. Fine, I'm all for it. But this is purely evil. I don't want a whole people to die for this, I don't want the entire population of a country to feel the power of a nuclear attack. God only knows I don't want that. But an eye for an eye. I pray the innocent are spared, but i'm all for sending hit squads to wipe out every known terrorist alive.
And this from a person who doesn't like to see suffering anywhere in the world. My prayers to those of my country that have fallen and my prayers to those that are innocent of this. I pray they find safety from what must follow.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
I hope you werent responding to my post, in that case I apologize deeply. I was just trying to say that I am chocked that things like this can happen, and that I cant even begin to think about something else right now but the victims of the terror attacks. At times like this the world we live in feels very cold and terrifying. I was just trying to express my feelings, not to be an intellectual *******. Once again, if it was my post you reacted upon, I deeply apologize. It may have something to with English not being my native language.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:07 PM Rating: Default
My thoughts go out to all of those who were subjects to these terrible deeds and to those who had family and friends that were among them. I watched the news earlier today and I cant get the pictures out of my head. I am sad that we live in a world as ugly and cold as this.
I cant even begin to think of revenge at this moment as my thoughts are with those who were brutally killed today. It seems to me the most important thing right now is to help and support the people that are affected by this utterly idiotic and insane deed.
The sound of the explosions will echo across the world, and I just hope it doesnt come to feed more idiotic and insane decisions.

Once again, my thoughts go out to all of you that are in despair. I just dont know what else to say.
News Link
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent

CNN has been a little slow; doesn't have live feeds up yet.

Do go donate blood. We had been scraping the bottom of our blood reserves before this terrorism, and even though they may not need it all now, America needs plasma and blood anyway. And it is something you can do during your day to help.

Arafat, by the by, has come out with a statement condemning the attacks; and although some Palestinians were reportedly celebrating in the streets, police quickly dispersed the crowds.

Bin Laden has taken credit for these attacks, whatever that means (he's taken credit for just about everything, so take that with a grain of salt).
Joe W.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
I would like to thank all the people here for their thoughts and condolences. I have 3 family members that work in and near the WTC buildings....when I heard this I was in class....I left class as soon as I got word. This is the most tragic event in US history. Also my parents are in Canada enjoying thier new cottage by the lake and just now recieved word from me to what the hell is going on. I also just recieved word that all 3 of my family members are alive and well. I have only cried twice in my adult life, both were when my grandparents died. Today I cried not knowing if my family was ok and for the MILLIONS of people around the US and abroad that have family in NYC.

On a side note to those who think we should not bomb whoever did this....SHAME ON YOU....if any of your family members were on those planes or in the WTC or Pentagon you would change your tune. Whoever did this doesn't need to be brought to justice...they need to be taught a lesson. Bomb them, show them that the American people DO NOT put up with innocents being killed. If this was military that got bombed or planes crashing in buildings I would still be deeply hurt, but the Military is trained to handle this. Innocent people were hurt and killed today. Someone has to pay the price for causing this tragic event. No trail no nothing...they deserve to die they deserve to feel what they did today when their families are the ones that have been hurt or killed.

You my not agree with what I'm saying, but when family is concerned or the security of this great nation is on the line no one and I mean no one is safe from the wrath of the American people.

RE: Joe W.
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:47 PM Rating: Default
I would like to start off by saying that I sit at work and watch the information both on tv and on the internet and for the first time in my life am completly dumbfounded. I have never seen a more cowardly act in all my life. My prays and sympothy go out to all those who have family and loved ones in NY, Wash, or wherever these sick sob's decide to strike next.

Banil, In responce to your post, Just one question. WE had many many many civilians die today, far to many to count by the act of a terriost organazation attacking civilian targets. If we go and bomb the h*$$ out of "them", we are not positive who did this, how many innocents have we killed and are we any better than them? The leaders and executers<sp?> of this act should be killed defeinatly. But does the blood shed of one innocent make up for the bloodshed of those already slain?
Whoever they are, they will pay
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
Words cannot express the sorrow.
Words cannot express the emptiness.
Words cannot express the RAGE.

These people will pay, whomever they are. They will pay dearly...

I served in Desert Storm and I will gladly rejoin. Lahyn, don't worry, our armed forces will protect you and your right to smoke dope and draft dodge...

To all my European friends, thank you for your support in our time of grief. I miss being there, where the rule was shoot first and ask questions later.

This country has become soft, thanks to the bleeding heart liberals. Thanks to those that want to reduce the military to ineffective levels. Used to be that noone and I MEAN NOBODY would have ever thought of attacking us on our own soil. That day has passed.

One day, America will be strong again, and I will be here to defend it, as I am now...
An Irishman
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
As an irishman, I offer my deepest sympathy to the victims families, friends and American people for this cowardly act. I hope the perpetrators are found swiftly and justice is delivered.

Update 2pm EST
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Official Post from my company in the Airline Industy:

The activities that have occurred up to this point include:

o Two planes (AA #77 and #11) crashed into the World Trade Center, subsequently both towers have collapsed. There were 60 passengers on flight #77 from Dulles to LAX, and there were 90 passengers on flight #11 from Boston to LAX.
o A third plane crashed into the Pentagon, resulting in significant damage.
o A fourth plane, UA flight #93 crashed southeast of Pittsburgh.
o A fifth plane crashed near Camp David (not confirmed).
o United has confirmed that Flight #175 is missing.
o The following airlines have confirmed that all planes are accounted for: Delta, Northwest, Southwest, and America West.
o All International flights were turned back.
o Canadian air space is closed.
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
I have heard the Palestienans(sp?) actually admitted to being partial responcible for the crime, but then denied it. I have also head the Palestienans are celebrating (citizens) while the policital ones are grieveing. How ever i can not confirm these accounts. i still think this was not a major country move, perhaps a small (or large) band of terroists /shrug my share
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 11 2001 at 12:55 PM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Always the damn jews fighting over something.
RE: Jews
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
WTF is wrong with you, it had nothing to do with jews, the ONLY place fighting inclues the jewish people is in isriel, and there fighting for THEIR land.
RE: Jews
# Oct 22 2002 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
If it had nothing to do with jews why did almost all the jews that work there take sep/11 off unless in some way they new about it....
Don't be so ignorent jews always F**K things up hitler should have finished them all off

What a shame
RE: Jews
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
Your words speak volumes of the plague of ignorance that has engulfed the world.

The only thing I can say to you is you should really think about the things you say before you say them.

You are no different than the people who commited these terrible acts by judging an entire group of people.

We not only need to put an end to terrorism, but also ignorant uneducated people such as yourself.
RE: Jews
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I won't even begin to say what I wanted to say but you are no better then those cowards that have attacked this country.

How dare you make that statement. Post your name you coward!!!!!!
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
For folks who have family in NYC:

Students at NYU have been locked into dormitories. My sister is there now (also she is a commuter) and is in possession of a working cell phone so she has become very popular in the building. Many students are panicking and upset because their parent(s) work at the WTC. I am assuming that the other universities are similarly locked down.

There is one operating ferry off the island at pier 11. The GW bridge is open outbound only. Tunnels are all closed.

My mom lives about 30mi NW of NYC, I spent an hour trying to call and got just busy signals, finally she managed to get through to me and let me know what was up.

Lower Manhattan south of Canal St. has been/is being evacuated. Most subway/train/bus service is not operational.

Right now is not the time to lay blame on airlines for their security practices, or the air controllers for not noticing a plane, etc, etc. Right now is the time to go out and help out in any way you can, whether it's helping to calm someone with family in the areas affected, or donating blood which is in short supply.

# Sep 11 2001 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
escape reality into everquest...i'll deal with the ugly world aferwards

i guess it's time to call the army recruiter back now...i think my answer may have changed.
RE: dumbfounded
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
I hate to make light of such a tragic situation, but... for anyone living in NY...

GM Bush Broadcasts: Sorry citizens, but the RL zone will be down today due to this mornings tragic events.

Truthfully, my prayers go out to all those affected by this. Dont expect to get into an airport without a body cavity search for the next few weeks.

Words are not enough
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
Just wanted to express my deepest sympathies and offer support to my American brothers and sisters. We Canadians are behind you %100. I don't know what else to say. I cried when I heard the news. The world for us will never be the same. Let's just hope and pray that a better world will come out of this tremendous horror.
A country united...
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
I don't think I am going out on a limb by saying that this moment will change the course of history. Sixty years ago, our grandparents and great grandparents where awaken, much in the same way, by the news that The United States of America was under attack. They sat stunned next to their radios and listened to accounts of suffering and pain cause by a surprise attack upon our country. However, Pearl Harbor pales in comparision with the destruction that has occured today.

War has been declared, again. This time, the enemy is not so clearly defined. We as a country can not yet point to a specific enemy or group of people in who we can condemn and bring to justice for this cowardly and inhuman series of acts. This, in itself, is the goal of these terriorist. To cause confusion, to make us doubt our lifestyle and our freedom.

Do not let them win, I plead. We are part of the greatest country on the earth at this time. We became the greatest country by meeting and beating challanges and events just like the one that has occured today. This is not the first time that our country has seen invaders, nor will it be the last. We will survive and overcome this tragidy with our lives and freedoms not only in tact, but as a stronger and more determined people.

We mourn the loss of our countrymen, men and women who went to work today or boarded a plane as part of their daily lives. They are innocent victims who's memory will be highlighted in the years ahead. We pray for the friends and family of the victims. We do not understand, yet, how profound the absences of these people in your lives will affect you or us, as a country.

To those who have killed our countrymen in such a cowardly and devistating manner, I say you have failed. You may have killed our friends, family and citizens, but you will not lessen the spirit or our dedication to The United States of America. If anything you have strengthen the resolve of those of us who call this country our home. And as a final note, I say to you, beware. Dangerous is a man when you have threatened the place he raises his family and has chosen to defend at the price of his life. You will be found, and then may God have mercy on your soul, for we as a country will not have that option.

God bless and protect America for without a doubt war has been declared.

Terrorist attack
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
For all of you out there like me who are 3,000 miles away from there family and friends back East,you have my prayers for you and yours. This not being able to contact them and find out if they are safe is a terrible thing.
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
I live on 14th Street in NYC and watched with my own eyes from my balcony as the towers collapsed. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen and I have no idea what I am supposed to do. I went out to the supermarket to get some food and it was a madhouse. I am going on EQ sites just to distract myself.
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
Pass the joint, and sign me into EQ.

I can't think of anything else to do at this point except escape the inevitable doom that will be plaguing us within the next few years.

I know I'm just thinking of myself.. but what if I get called to the draft? I wouldn't last a day.

I knew this moment was coming. Can you smell change in the air? =/

"After the rain comes the sun," is one motto I'll be repeating over and over and over just so I don't get depressed.

Peace and love to those affected by this tragedy, which is ALL of us.

Queens, NYC
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
Pass the joint, and sign me into EQ.

I can't think of anything else to do at this point except escape the inevitable doom that will be plaguing us within the next few years.

I know I'm just thinking of myself.. but what if I get called to the draft? I wouldn't last a day.

I knew this moment was coming. Can you smell change in the air? =/

"After the rain comes the sun," is one motto I'll be repeating over and over and over just so I don't get depressed.

Peace and love to those affected by this tragedy, which is ALL of us.

The Plane
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
Any collection of 5 or more(maybe even less) unarmed men with martial arts expertise can easily hijack a plane. Breaking down the cockpit door wouldn't be that hard for that many people. I've seen how thin those doors are. It was a bunch of guys who were numerous enough to intimidate the rest of the passengers while being able to break down the cockpit door, subdue or kill the pilot and copilot, and reroute the plane to New York. And of course, the hijackers are all pilots. This wasn't one lone guy with a gun. There were a lot of them, and I'd wager they didn't have firearms. They didn't need them. They didn't need to shoot anyone. Nobody's going to try to be Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Nobodys going to try to be a hero if there's a lot of them. They just had to take control of the plane and fly it into the building. The passengers wouldn't have known what they intended to do until it was too late.

Here's the scenario. You get 7 guys. All of them are martial arts experts. All of them are 200+ pounds and work out a lot, so just seeing them is going to deter almost anyone from trying to do anything close to a physical confrontation. On most jet airliners, there's two aisles. On each side, when the signal is given, they all rise from their seats and come to the head of the plane. 2 guys each block the ailes and don't let anybody through. If they try, just beat the hell out of them. They try to cause enough of a commotion that one of the pilots opens the door to see what's going on. Cockpit doors are ALWAYS locked. Once the door is opened, the rest is easy. They're outnumbered. If they don't open the door just break it down. These guys KNOW that they're going to die, so are they going to let a puny door stop them? No, they're religious zealots who will stop at nothing with all their hatred and faith in their cause to ram that door down and get control of that plane. I'm surprised something of this magnitide hasn't happened sooner.

We step on a lot of people and countries around the world to live the way we do, with the highest standard of living, but most people don't see that. They just look at the news and can't understand why something like this happens, but most people aren't willing to look beyond their own backyards to see the big picture. Why? Because they don't want to.

It's easy to see why a lot of the world hates the U.S. When something happens to American citizens around the world, what do we do? We go invade them with troops and surgical bomb and missle attacks. What happens when their citizens get killed because of our high crime rate? Would you want their troops shooting up your neighborhood because they were "protecting their interests"? Would you want bombs raining down on you from the sky? Well that's what we do. Don't get me wrong. I hope that whoever destroyed the World Trade Center pays, and pays dearly for it. But this wasn't some anomalous event. It all comes from something.
RE: The Plane
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
First off, I'm deeply saddened by this event, and I hope those responsible are found and dearly punished. My utmost condolences for those that have lost friends or family in this horrible incident.

Now, you're somewhat correct, but America doesn't just invade countries. Even if they kill an American for whatever reason, we don't just rush in and take over everything. We support countries like Israel that are being persecuted and are having their freedoms threatened with treachery and terrorism. America acts as the police of the world because really we're the only country really capable and willing to do so, and we don't just invade whatever country we like. And another thing to think about is that this is involving totally innocent civilians. Would it make sense for you to get a speeding ticket, then get angry and go kill some innocent person that had nothing to do with it in the first place? No. Just something to think about.

And on a side-note, I saw each building collapse live on television and it has become the most unsettling thing I've ever seen. I am quite patriotic (not 'racist', as 'patriotic' is often confused with), and if I ever see anyone applaud the attack in my presence, Palestinian or otherwise, or anyone that condemns any action of war, Hippie or otherwise, I'll proceed to crack jaws.
patience & prayer
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
My thoughts and those of my family go out to the people who have lost their loved ones today. I mourn for their losses.

I urge that we practice patience in allowing the government to investigate and determine a culprit. Then it is just fine with me if we terminate with extreme prejudice those responsible.

We made emotional mistakes the last time we had an event like this by interring all japanese americans. I implore those who read this to not attempt to take any justice into their own hands. I have many friends who are muslim and they condemn this and their religion condemns this.
I think thats all peace and god be with you.

What now?
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
I would like to thank all those who are not american for their thoughts and prayers for we have fought evil together in the past and know it's face. Now I would like to say that do you all really think it will end here? We are an open target and have been for a long time. It is time for America to deal with this problem and by that I mean finding those who commit these acts and killing them! The europeans and others have dealt with this for awhile to what sulotion? If they are dead they can't hurt us anymore no more talking to them! When will we learn that somepeople cannot be reasoned with!

Thats my rant take it or leave it but you live with the aftermath.
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
Today is a day which will live in infamy.

The words ring as true today as they did long ago.

The sadness in my heart is beyond expression.
ways out
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
for those who are in new york like me, the only way out is right now the ferry and trains are beginning to head out...you cant get in.

i would like to add that the palestines are CELEBRATING in the streets. this must be avenged, and i dont care what the US does. ny is chaos, i can imagine washington is similar. there is so much traffic just flooding north along broadway and amsterdam trying to get away from the financial sector. i hope everyone is ok and my prayers go out to those who were in the building
# Sep 11 2001 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
Truly horrifying. Words cant describe it.
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