BBC Looking for Input for Documentary

Is your Avatar more like 'you' than you are?

Are you making a lot of virtual money? And turning it into 'real' money?

Are you a typical online gamer, or do you break the geek-mould? 

The BBC is making a new documentary about the meteoric rise of MMORPGs and other virtual worlds: featuring interviews with game designers, psychologists, economists and of course, gamers - which is where you come in...

We're looking for a wide range of gamers (
UK and US) to feature in the film - from teenagers to pensioners, newbies to guild leaders, and from addicts to part-timers.  

We're particularly interested in hearing from you if:
  • You're passionate about your Avatar - whether it's just like you, or contrasts dramatically with your life offline
  • You make real money through your dealings in a game
  • You are worried about addiction - either for yourself, a friend, or a relative
  • You are organising a protest or event in a game
  • You regularly meet with other gamers in the outside world
If you're interested, please get in touch by emailing  We'll follow up with a phone call. The film will be broadcast in the UK early next year as part of the "Horizon" series.  For those based outside the UK who haven't heard of Horizon, it's the BBC's flagship science documentary series - please take a look at for details of our most recent films.
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Double Standard
# Aug 26 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Why is it that in today's society if we play WoW for 4 hours, research all the phat loot we want for our characters, or even dress up once in a while in the fashion we are branded addicts? As Gikkur alluded to, if he were involved in a sport it would be ok. How many Men(and women) out there watch sports center 4 hours a day? How many Men memorize the stats of all their favorite players on all their different teams, fantasy _insertsport_ teams, own sport memorablia and Own Jerseys of their favorite, even Multiple Jerseys sport figures. HOME and AWAY teams!!! How is this any different from what a MMORPG? They stare a vacuous tube for 20 hours a week, vicariously living their lives through a virual environment. It's not like they actually got up and WENT to any of the games. Isn't that all that takes place in with our Avatars?

But this is considered normal, or at least acceptable behavior. How many hundreds of dollars do they spend to emulate their Idols vs. our Avatars. Are they obsessed? You can't spell Fanatical without Fan.

I will admit I have Redwings Jersey. Pavel Datsyuk is awesome. Do I wish I was him? No. I only wish I had his money. Do I wish I was an undead female warlock? No. I just wish I could use some of the parts sometime.

This behavior is even more prevelent in our Schools. Arts get funding cut while sports teams get more. English/drama/band/choir suffer even though the First of the 3R's is Reading. ok the last 2 didn't fit but they are affected too. What? The gym teacher needs to use the Auditorium for the wrestling class and the Drama teacher has to go the the Choir room? because the Drama class needs 3 tiers of standing room? Because Acting Doesn't take place in the F@^&%$#ing Auditorium? That is a true story. Just happend to my wife last week. I'm still a little bitter about that. This to me a double standard. Why are we judged

/rant off

MMORPG's etc.
# Aug 26 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
I don't understand the persistant belief that most gamers are immature. Yes, there are some, and yes, they stand out due to their verbosity online. Don't most of us remember clearly some negative interaction with an online loudmouth who probably felt free to be obnoxious due to the online anonymity? Of course! However, I can say as a mother and longtime gamer (whose career harks back to the original Adventure and Zork text games) that I play when I can, and life is not sacrificed for the online make-believe. I have two children, one of whom also plays, and it's been fun to be able to share gaming time with my son. I'm middle-aged and don't have any delusions that all female characters have actual females operating them, although all of my characters are female for some reason.

Somehow, the idea that there are people who can become addicted to ANYTHING has been lost in the translation. Do we blame food when people develop food addictions, or alcohol when they develop alcoholism, or gambling when they become addicted to gambling? Hey, look, many many people can safely buy a box of cookies or a lottery ticket or a beer, and many cannot. The responsibility for recognizing and dealing with your personal addictions is YOUR OWN and nobody else's. If you have an addiction problem, stop and get help. No, it's not easy, but it's definitely do-able. What I resent is the generalization that gaming is so addictive that more people are addicted to it than not.

In closing, I work, I have a family, I have a home, and I have a life with real people in it. My guildmates/clanmates I've made into real friends over the years are real people too, and none of them are 14 year old socially maladjusted loudmouths. I guess I don't fit the profile so I had better give up gaming now, as apparently I just don't exist....*tongue in cheek*

--Ms. EC
MMORPG's etc.
# Aug 29 2006 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
The situation Ms. EC explained (along with others in this forum) is the kind of thing that I wish more people knew about. The sterotypes for gaming is so far off, and seems to target such a small percentage of the gaming populace. I am a parent and play video games with my wife and kids. We of course do other things as a family, like go to the lake, play baseball, etc. In terms of online gaming, our favorite is Everquest. We have a couple computers so we can get on and group and quest/raid with our guild a couple times a week. It's a great way for parents to connect with kids. Just another way to find a common interest. I also think it is very understated the kinds of lessons kids can learn from games.

We have four kids that play. The yougest is a 10 year old who has taken a fancy in making platinum through buying and selling items. He has learned the "buy low and sell high" mechanics of the bazaar (basic economics).

While working toward his epic, he once complained that it was too hard. I told him, if you don't want to do the quest, then don't. You just won't have your epic. He went on to complete the epic and learned that the better rewards in life require more work (goal orientation).

The list continues, and as long as the parents set limitations, it's perfectly healthy. Our kids can play only after their homework and chores are done. They must keep their gpa up, and they have a time limit. During the summer, we make sure they are outside on sunny days and can play video games in the evening. During the schoolyear, they each get a couple nights during the week they can get on for an hour or two. I have personally played games my whole life. I learned a lot from games growing up. If nothing else, my vocabulary and spelling had a head start on the rest of my classmates because the RPGs were all text-based back then.

I now work for an insurance company, so I can't claim to have any sort of glorified job, but I do alright. I have a friend who has been a gamer his whole life and just finished medical school. He's starting his internship, so I'm sure he'll be removed from gaming for some time, but when he's done and isn't working 80 hour weeks, he'll be back to playing. All three of my brothers play various games (mostly online) and all hold respectable jobs and have families. I know of at least two families within my guild where both parents play and their children play. I hope BBC at least tries to portray some of the better sides of MMORPGs in their film.
MMORPG's etc.
# Aug 26 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
sign up for it pll
# Aug 26 2006 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
I agree with most of the post above but we all know what will happen they will grab the few people whos life is this game and just do it about them but since it is the BBC whos documentrys are usaully balanced and have changed my opinions on a few things mabye we will be able to get rid of the image that we all live for MMORPG's. I would be willing to take part in this just to show the world that we are normal or (as in the case of me) Genioses. That ruined my claim i cant even spell the word lol.
# Aug 26 2006 at 9:32 AM Rating: Default
I agree with most of the post above but we all know what will happen they will grab the few people whos life is this game and just do it about them but since it is the BBC whos documentrys are usaully balanced and have changed my opinions on a few things mabye we will be able to get rid of the image that we all live for MMORPG's. I would be willing to take part in this just to show the world that we are normal or (as in the case of me) Genioses. That ruined my claim i cant even spell the word lol.
Concerned a bit
# Aug 26 2006 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
Re: - You're passionate about your Avatar - whether it's just like you, or contrasts dramatically with your life offline
- You make real money through your dealings in a game
- You are organising a protest or event in a game

Sounds to me like they are looking for the real extreme player personalities rather than the general case. In many cases (like those who make real money from other players), these people wouldn't be regarded well by the general game population. I don't see this attracting the family players to give a perspective.

I can understand why they would want to know more about "You are worried about addiction - either for yourself, a friend, or a relative" since this topic comes up regularly. On the other hand, how many suicides may be avoided by the anonymous life online when things are extremely tough irl?

You regularly meet with other gamers in the outside world - hmm. Many players work or socialise with other players since they were introduced to the game by rl friends. I guess this looks to find out about the rl relationships founded from online. I hope they treat this well, there are dangers but also some uniquely wonderful ways to meet some great people.
# Aug 25 2006 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
just to say- it wont be a film, it will be a documentary. The BBC say film meaning that it will be a stand alone programme. btw Horizon lasts about an hour i think and as sum1 said b4 its always a balanced programme so wont show us all as ppl with no lives :P cant wait to see it

(posted this as a reply but didnt come up, if it has sorry XD)
# Aug 25 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
Don't think FFXI will get too much coverage to be honest. Now is that a good or bad thing?
# Aug 25 2006 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
I hope that guy that interviewed Michael Jackson does the documentary. Smiley: laugh
oy vey
# Aug 25 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Well I'm excited to see that someone might actually try to understand what has been missunderstood for so long. Look, for those who think we are obsessed we aren't. I have a g/f I visit her regularly and she keeps me away from FFXI for the most part. I admit that when I am single and I have no events planned, I may play this game for 3-4 hours straight. Note that does not mean every day, of every waking moment.

I am on the Honor Society in my school, I'm almost 18 and make A's and B's in my senior year of high school. I have lots of friends, and we hang out even though not as often as we used to because of work and school, but we hang out and try to get together. I'm also an accomplished artist, and I did take martial arts until I was sixteen. I easily became a 2nd degree black belt in TKD Sahng Gham Style.

BBS way to go, I'll watch as soon as I know what time the show comes on. o.o d
Decline of Socity my ass.
# Aug 25 2006 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
I for one am excited about this.

I hope it'll clear up a lot of misinterpations. I have a friend who assumes all I do is play WoW, read WoW, and blah blah blah. I hate people like that, and they need to realize that not EVERYONE is addicted to it.

Seriously though, to all of you who think MMO's are gonna be the 'Decline of Sociity' or whatever, get over yourself.

Seriously though; I'm 14, and I jump at the chance to do anything un-wow related when I get the chance; I'm not a 'noob', I don't talk about sex all the time, and I'm a (or, I would hope) respected Role player on Throuim Brotherhood. The worst case of 'addiction' I've ever seen is someone wishing Azeroth were real, so we didn't have to live in the screwed up world that we know of today. I mean, I do good in school (for the most part), I was a member of my schools 'Writer to Be' club, and dedicated to learning a second language. Does that mean when I'm 23 instead of going to collage, I'll be destined to serve up chicken at KFC?

It really just depends on the person, how addicted they get, and how immature they are.

That's just my two cents.
Decline of Socity my ass.
# Aug 26 2006 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe you need to spend more time away from your computer. You are doing "good" in school and considering going on to "collage." Improper grammar and mis-spellings are a certain indication that your education is being put on the back burner in favor of other pursuits. Perhaps the BBC will explore this issue?

Having said that, I can also say that I know many people who are on-line almost daily. For the most part, these people are normal, well-adjusted, intelligent and articulate. I see MMO gaming as a new means of socializing; however, they are not a replacement for other forms of socialization. It will be interesting to see how the BBC handles the subject.
Decline of Socity my ass.
# Aug 26 2006 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
331 posts
... or you're just being mean. If you are yet to notice, most people don't stop to check their spelling in forums like this. Please keep your personal attacks to yourself.
Decline of Socity my ass.
# Aug 26 2006 at 1:37 PM Rating: Default
It wasn't necessarily the spelling, and I dont think he/she was being mean. I noticed reading during the post the "grammar"(good in school/well in school) and spelling errors too. For someone that is in the future writers society they should know some basic english, especially when they are bragging about how "well" they performed.
Are you f*cking joking?
# Aug 25 2006 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
737 posts
Personally, it scares me. Most gamers are pre-pubescent adolescents, who maintain this maturity level as they age due to the fact their behaviors and attitudes change minimally. This impact is created by MMO's in particular as the average session is around 4 hours.

Your whole logic is delivered spent. If they are "pre-pubescent adolescents" then it's up to the parents to do their job. But wait, in this generation of parenting parents do anything to keep their kids busy just so they can get away from the hassle of being a parent. Then when something happens they blame everything except themselves. Oh the game made my child a Failure in school. Oh the game made my child stab that kid. Oh my child would never do anything like that.

Take a good hard look into the mirror. If you want YOUR child to be bestowed with certain virtues then get off your *** and spend some time with them. It's your own fault.

Parents(from a gamers' and psychologists' stand-point) are breeding irresponsible, immature, unmotivated children. Why do your homework when your parents don't spend anytime with ya so jump into your fully immersed 3D rendered world, where homework is an 8-letter word filter'd out and replaced by the word "PIE". It's actually been compared to marijuana as a child's drive to succeed or accomplish is slim to none.


Marijauna doesn't cause failure or success. It causes skiddish spells of paranoia and lazyness. Compared to cigarette's which cause cancer,hundreds of health problems, and leads to death.

psychologists' stand-point

You must of got your doctorine out of a box of Crunch Berries. Way to blame everybody except the source. Go flip burgers at McDonald's cause you have to be the worst "psychologist" ever. No wonder no one takes your profession serious.

It's people like you that cause our government to retains it's stupidity.

Think for yourself. Question authority!

The BBC are very even-handed
# Aug 25 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
I am a Scot and a Brit so i probably know a lot more about the BBC than most of the users here, as i believe this is mainly an american site.

I can tell you that as far as i am concerned the BBC always treat their documentaries in a fair and even-handed way, they will probably tackle the views that MMOs are harming people's lifes but they will also look at the very real social interacts that people have in MMos.

I am sure the documentary will be interesting and educational, and i would be willing to take part.

Although i wonder which program it will be, perhaps Horizon.
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
i think that mmo's re fantastic, they make people thing about making money and those skill can be used in real life, in play ffxi and i love it and making money is the great and everything is amazing but getting too obsessed with it is just sad, and anyone who says that all mmo players are stoners and nerds (even tho alot are :P), i have a rock band and im not really obseesed, i think this program will show the true side of mm gaming
sorry for the post
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
sorry for the posting having connection problems
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
I would say they would probly miss interpret us. and grab the first person that just sits there and plays all day when infact people of all ages play mmorpg's, and make the games we play look bad because he or she is not doing great in school or work and make the other gamers that do thier everyday things great like in school or work and still manage to be able to play without affecting his or her personal life.for example there are pleople out there that work full time and go to school fulltime and still manage to play. they are the ones that will end up looking bad. am not trying to nock people down. I believe everyone has there reasons. in one not I would be interested in what this Documentary's gonna be like. we will alll have to wait and see
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Default
I would say they would probly miss interpret us. and grab the first person that just sits there and plays all day when infact people of all ages play mmorpg's, and make the games we play look bad because he/she is not doing great in school/work and make the other gamers that do thier everyday things great like in school/work and still manage to be able to play without affecting his/her personal life.for example there are pleople out there that work full time and go to school fulltime and still manage to play. they are the ones that will end up looking bad. am not trying to nock people down. I believe everyone has there reasons. in one not I would be interested in what this Documentary's gonna be like. we will alll have to wait and see
I disagree
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
I disagree with the notion that MMORPG gamers are empty "vials", devoid of any thirst to succeed or brains to think and evolve. And if, as you say, they lack any sense of accomplishment, there would be no lvl 60's in world of warcraft, nor lvl 200+ in Tibia. You may argue that this "thirst" is only applicable to games and that may as well be true. But the willingness to succeed is there, you only need to reroute it to Real Life. That is where parents should stand up and say "no" to their beloved children when they desire to play a game endlessly and forget their obligations.

Games can be very educational. In the Sim City series, for example, you learn even if to a lesser extent, the intrincacies of administrating a city. And you get a glimpse of how hard it is to do that while you are 10 years old not at 18 or later years as it happened in my case.

I agree however, on the motivational argumentation. I am a gamer and somewhat "old-aged" to the game so I can control myself and keep healthy habits instead of droning 20h straight. But continually playing ANY game, does bring about a certain lack of attention and, apparently, affects a little the short-term memory. In game things are almost always instant, do not require a lot of previous thought and preparation and that is unhealthy.

As to the homework statement, it is up to the parents to establish limits and, after a certain age, up to the gamer to understand their own limitations. Honestly, the comparison to marijuana is a long stretch, too long to have any credibility. May be as addictive but never as harmful.

Also, the assumption that merely because one disagrees with your statements means that one is a brainless MMORPG drone with no life, nor capacity to debate or think is quite offensive, not to mention flat out Intolerant (reminds me of the Holy Inquisition's Auto da Fe)

Being a gamer did not prevent me from getting a Law Degree, nor an English Teacher position, nor setting up my own company.

Review your statements, they bring about a one-sided view of the subject and that is as heinous as the attitude you are trying to condemn.


A Brazilian RPG enthusiast, English Teacher and Entrepreneur.
I disagree
# Aug 25 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
Here's another high school English teacher who plays MMOs.

I'm even middle-aged.

Stereotypes need not apply for many of us.

This guys pwns
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
I hope BBC interviews someone like you... any money they get some 12 year old asian kid with kachillion billion video games or some fat *** 28 year old white guy that lives in his parents basement and plays quake all day. They need to know we are not like that. We have lives. We have respectable jobs/careers.
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
I would say they would probly miss interpret us. and grab the first person that just sits there and plays all day when infact people of all ages play mmorpg's, and make the games we play look bad because he/she is not doing great in school/work and make the other gamers that do thier everyday things great like in school/work and still manage to be able to play without affecting his/her personal life.for example there are pleople out there that work full time and go to school fulltime and still manage to play. they are the ones that will end up looking bad. am not trying to nock people down. I believe everyone has there reasons. in one not I would be interested in what this Documentary's gonna be like. we will alll have to wait and see
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
I would say they would probly miss interpret us. and grab the first person that just sits there and plays all day when infact people of all ages play mmorpg's, and make the games we play look bad because he/she is not doing great in school/work and make the other gamers that do thier everyday things great like in school/work and still manage to be able to play without affecting his/her personal life.for example there are pleople out there that work full time and go to school fulltime and still manage to play. they are the ones that will end up looking bad. am not trying to nock people down. I believe everyone has there reasons. in one not I would be interested in what this Documentary's gonna be like.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
The BBC News website has run some very good articles indeed on MMORPGs. Mostly they've concentrated on Second Life, but also the economic aspects of allowed-RMT games such as Entropia. WoW, FFXI, EQ2, and Lineage 2 also get regular mentions. Almost invariably the articles are well balanced and positive, and consistently absent of any of the usual tabloid stereotyping. The articles appear in their Technology section.

"Film" in this context is British English for program(mes) like "HBO Special" in the USA. It's a one-off production intended to be complete in itself. Horizon has for many, many years been an excellent documentary series. Subjects are generally treated fairly with a remarkable absence of bias.

It's been a long time since I've seen Horizon -- I left the UK over 20 years ago -- but based on what I've heard since, and the BBC's continuing fair treatment of MMORPGs on their news website, no-one need fear being misprepresented.

Edited, Aug 25th 2006 at 2:06pm EDT by Laverda
# Aug 25 2006 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
i think this is pretty cool, it'll clear up some sterotypes, prolly add more (lol), and hopefully make things better irl and in game (ie no more gilsellers/gilbuyers!) ok, im done ^^ oh and mr troll, id say something, but i only talk to intelligent people, you may continure making burgers ^^
Decline of the Troll
# Aug 25 2006 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
re: Decline of our Society
troll alert!

Also, I'm interested in your research for this well written argument. Where did you find out he age of "Most gamers". Which psychologists standpoints are that MMOs "are breeding irresponsible, immature, unmotivated children." And who, exactly is comparing marijuana to MMOs?

Don't fail us! Prove that you are not just stirring the pot, and give us something more than opinion stated as fact.

And, hmm, maybe your name can be AnonymousOne, and I can be AnonymousTwo?
Fun game kids, find the three spelling mistakes in 'Decline of Society'!

# Aug 25 2006 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
maybe we can end all this gil selling ********* but im sure they'll make gil sellers look like super leet players that get paid for "doing what they love" XD
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 12:22 PM Rating: Default
Personally, it scares me. Most gamers are pre-pubescent adolescents, who maintain this maturity level as they age due to the fact their behaviors and attitudes change minimally. This impact is created by MMO's in particular as the average session is around 4 hours.

MMO's (from a gamers' and psychologists' stand-point) are breeding irresponsible, immature, unmotivated children. Why do your homework when you can jump into your fully immersed 3D rendered world, where homework is an 8-letter word filter'd out and replaced by the word "PIE". It's actually been compared to marijuana as a child's drive to succeed or accomplish is slim to none.

If you disagree, then you are one of the forementioned.

God help us when this generation of gamers begins to procreate. We're going to have an entire generation of burger flippers who's discussion won't exceed "Hey man, you goin on that raid tonight?"
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
737 posts
Personally, it scares me. Most gamers are pre-pubescent adolescents, who maintain this maturity level as they age due to the fact their behaviors and attitudes change minimally. This impact is created by MMO's in particular as the average session is around 4 hours.

Your whole logic is delivered spent. If they are "pre-pubescent adolescents" then it's up to the parents to do their job. But wait, in this generation of parenting parents do anything to keep their kids busy just so they can get away from the hassle of being a parent. Then when something happens they blame everything except themselves. Oh the game made my child a Failure in school. Oh the game made my child stab that kid. Oh my child would never do anything like that.

Take a good hard look into the mirror. If you want YOUR child to be bestowed with certain virtues then get off your *** and spend some time with them. It's your own fault.

Parents(from a gamers' and psychologists' stand-point) are breeding irresponsible, immature, unmotivated children. Why do your homework when your parents don't spend anytime with ya so jump into your fully immersed 3D rendered world, where homework is an 8-letter word filter'd out and replaced by the word "PIE". It's actually been compared to marijuana as a child's drive to succeed or accomplish is slim to none.


Marijauna doesn't cause failure or success. It causes skiddish spells of paranoia and lazyness. Compared to cigarette's which cause cancer,hundreds of health problems, and leads to death.

psychologists' stand-point

You must of got your doctorine out of a box of Crunch Berries. Way to blame everybody except the source. Go flip burgers at McDonald's cause you have to be the worst "psychologist" ever. No wonder no one takes your profession serious.

It's people like you that cause our government to retains it's stupidity.

Think for yourself. Question authority!
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
I started playing MMO's before I started at the school I earned my advanced bookkeeping certification at. As such, while I greatly enjoy playing games, I am disturbed at the thought of others asuming that because I do play online games, I can't focus on the real world. The openion that I am irresponsible, immature, and unmotivated to be highly insulting.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,078 posts
Actually, some online polls (a few months or a year ago) worked out that the majority of gamers are close to mid 20's and up. On a maturity concept, people voice more "noobish" comments due to the fact that their hidden behind the mask of the internet.

Would you believe that all females charactors are women in real life? If their men, would that assume that they would have ****-erotic fantasies?

While it's true that younger players due tend toward the dramatic conversations on and offline, we stereotype all noob players as brash 14 year old virgins.

I recall years ago that parents wouldn't let their children play D&D due to the fact that they we're afraid that their kids would dress up and actually act out that part. There was a death years ago from one kid and a sword, and the media jumped on it and soon a trend was beginning to emerge, all D&D players we're Satanists.

I pray the BBC conducts their investigation accordingly and wont jump to conclusions on this.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
Yes I have heard of such D&D related catastrophies. One such event was when the D&D movie came out a guy wielding a battle axe went out on a rampage and destroyed some cars and was later arrested.

Still I played D&D and got out of it quickly, I never got into it enough to even associate with the hardcore players. Most people don't know that D&D has it's light followers who play only for maybe 1 session a few months. Hell sometimes it is the same session for a few months. Now there are probably people who carry their ten-sided dice around all the time, but this isn't the main problem. It is the fact they have an obsession disorder.

You could probably say the same for the anime fans out there who dress up and cosplay their favorite anime characters. Or can you? My g/f cosplays and she is although a bit hyper, she is a normal girl just like most of society. She makes average grades, and wears several styles of clothes. She goes to an anime convention maybe once every year, but that's if she has the time to go.

Yes I know there are those who get too far into their character and begin to talk and act like them even in society. These are just a minority, they aren't the majority of American or Earth's populace. Yet this minority of people make those of us who don't see MMO's, D&D, and cosplaying etc. as one of them. Why this happens? I dunno, maybe those people like the guy hit lvl 60 in WoW spaz out and get on tv just for being retards are the ones that attract the most attention.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
Personally, you scare me.

Where do your 'facts' come from? Not everyone on an MMO is like that, some maybe, but where is it proven it is like drugs and such? You spout such random facts as these with no hard evidence. No, not everyone who plays an MMO is going on to be a brain surgeon or something like that. But do not tarnish us all with the same stereotype brush.

I have been playing WoW while I finished off a University degree and my work never suffered and I got a good degree (*Takes a bow*)

But the worst part of your post is the "And if you think I am wrong, then you are forementioned" how childish is that remark? It's basically, trying to stop people point a fault with your argument, by saying if they do, they are an idiot.

And for the record, I am guildmaster to a relatively sized WoW guild, and no member is pre pubescent. The youngest gamer I ahve found on there is 16. To me there is no harm in it for the most part. Like most things, it is fine and healthy in moderation, it is only a small percentage who get addicted and so on.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
This is a very simple minded view in my oppinion and profiling people just becouse they dont aggree with you is even more simplistic.

I would realy like to know how you define this "decline of our society", how was it better off before MMO´s?

I study modern studies along with working in a book store and my favorite hobby is playing world of warcraft. I dont know ********* about flippin burgers but one thing I do know is that people´s critical thinking on any given subject is always dominated by prejudices.

If my favorite hobby would involve a ball I´d probably never hear anything seriously negative about it

The bottom line is that MMO´s are very new to the world and there will alwais be people who see anything new as a threat and take it on to themselves to save the rest of us from ourselves.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
This is a very simple minded view in my oppinion and profiling people just becouse they dont aggree with you is even more simplistic.

I would realy like to know how you define this "decline of our society", how was it better off before MMO´s?

I study modern studies along with working in a book store and my favorite hobby is playing world of warcraft. I dont know ********* about flippin burgers but one thing I do know is that people´s critical thinking on any given subject is always dominated by prejudices.

If my favorite hobby would involve a ball I´d probably never hear anything seriously negative about it.

The bottom line is that MMO´s are very new to the world and there will alwais be people who see anything new as a threat and take it on to themselves to save the rest of us from ourselves.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
This is a very simple minded view in my oppinion and profiling people just becouse they dont aggree with you is even more simplistic.

I would realy like to know how you define this "decline of our society", how was it better off before MMO´s?

I study modern studies along with working in a book store and my favorite hobby is playing world of warcraft. I dont know ********* about flippin burgers but one thing I do know is that people´s critical thinking on any given subject is always dominated by prejudices.

If my favorite hobby would involve a ball I´d probably never hear anything seriously negative about it.

The bottom line is that MMO´s are very new to the world and there will alwais be people who see anything new as a threat and take it on to themselves to save the rest of us from ourselves.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
hmmm you may have a point there . . . or not, i dont work at a burger joint, and if i did, id do ALOT more than just spit in your burger. your prolly just mad noob that couldnt get into the game and or dont understand and instead of trying to accept it or do something else, all you can do is flame about how it is bad for people. take the joystick out your *** and understand that its not like that to everyone. so chill out, and go take the stick outta your ***
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
For someone claiming the original poster doesn't know anything and is just seem to know nothing of them and are doing a fair share of flaming...

Just an observation.

As well, your threatening to do much more than spit in their burger does little to improve your "image" as a mature individual worth of attention or respect. Lastly, the lack of capitals and punctuation are appalling. Here's to the decline of our society. Cheers.
Decline of our Society
# Aug 25 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
for someone claiming the original poster doesn't know anything and is just seem to know nothing of them and are doing a fair share of flaming...

Just an observation.

As well, the threatening to do much more than spit in their burger does little to improve your "image" as a mature individual worth of attention or respect. But cheers.
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