New PvP Ruleset Being Tested

This was posted on the eqlive site today. ------------ Help us Test "The Fallen" Please help us with testing the new server rule-set for "The Fallen". If you would like to help test this exciting new concept, please patch to EverQuest using Testeverquest.exe, which you can find in your Everquest directory. Once patched, select "The Fallen" from the server directory and you are in. Here is the proposed rule-set for this server; -Any character that is slain for any reason what so ever will be reset and placed back into newbie status. Characters will not be restored or resurrected for ANY reason what so ever. Once you're dead, you're dead. -Each account will only be allowed one character on this server. Any PvP death results in the killing player obtaining a number of points based on the levels of the characters involved. Players can only gain points from characters that are within 5 levels of them. -You may loot all tradeable items from the corpse of the character you just killed, all other equipment is destroyed with the character. -The server will make use of the Firiona Vie no drop rules (few things will be No-Drop) -The server will have the old world (Antonica, Faydwer, Odus) plus the Legacy of Ykesha expansion , and will only allow characters to reach level 50 with no AA. -The server will have a doubled experience modifier to facilitate faster paced gameplay. -Players will not be able to turn on /anonymous or /roleplay to hide their current location. Help us out and let us know what you think. You can use the Submit Comment link on the Dev Corner to send us your feedback and ideas. Thanks for your help and I hope you enjoy "The Fallen"


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just crazy
# Dec 16 2003 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
Even if this wasn't PVP it still is a horrible idea. It just takes WAY too much time to build your charactor up only to lose all first time somebody gets a bad pull. I have played EQ a long time, while im sure there are people with alot more skill then myself I think I speak for alot of people when I Say Death happens. I mean even as a twinked charactor you stand a good chance of dieing in places such as, say Crushbone between levels 5 and 10 from careless players trains. Also with so much to lose you can bet other players are going to be pulling any pull there unsure of to zone since they got days worth of exp (possibly months) at stake.

Warriors, Rogues, Monks won't stand much of a chance on this server. I will go ahead and say "Im so Sorry" to all the poor saps who actually get a charactor to a reasonably high level and lose all thanks to a bad pull, or being killed while low health.
RE: just crazy
# Dec 16 2003 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default

And you forgot the most unavoidable cause of death... lag and LD.
RE: just crazy
# Dec 16 2003 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
as far as melee classes not being good i have to disagree monks are the only class than can dual wield at lvl 1 and as far as casters go ...... you have been struck by 5 pts non-melee damage by burst of flame recast 5 times oom sit and med yer dead lol this gonna be fun and the ground flows red form the masses of noob corpses

Edited, Tue Dec 16 22:56:40 2003
For the illiterates...
# Dec 16 2003 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
Okay...quite frankly it gets annoying when people criticize on something that is untrue. I hear you all saying who you will pick on newbies, or vice verca, but read what it says above. You can only kill characters within 5 levels of you.

That's all I've got to say...I have more opinions but I think I'll keep them to myself for now.
RE: For the illiterates...
# Dec 17 2003 at 3:19 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
No, it says


Each account will only be allowed one character on this server. Any PvP death results in the killing player obtaining a number of points based on the levels of the characters involved. Players can only gain points from characters that are within 5 levels of them.

It doesn't specify whether this includes only being able to kill players within that range, or whether the system will be like a green kill on a blue server.

RE: For the illiterates...
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:02 PM Rating: Default
I've played, so here's how it goes: anyone above 6 is fair game no matter your level. Within 5 lvls you get pvp points, which is the goal atm, so that is who you'll most likely go after. I know you can't kill a lvl 1 because I've tried )
# Dec 16 2003 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
What's the point of accumulating points for PvP kills? Is it for bragging rights only, or can you get something useful for them?

That aside, I'm sure I'll try this server, just to see what it's like.

59 druid of Tunare
RE: Points?
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:30 PM Rating: Default
There will be 6 winners actually. Yes, they get to move their characters to other servers, they have items named after them, they are each given their item after the release of the new expansion, and they get a title. And bragging right.
RE: Points?
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
I believe the winner is going to have an item named after them and will be given the option of transferring their character to another server before they wipe this one and start the battle over.
# Dec 16 2003 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
haha sounds fun, this is what eq is about.
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 16 2003 at 6:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) SHUT UP!!1 evryone knows this new sevrer will SUCK!! $%^@ign shut up! why dont you go slay and orc pawn noob?? with your rusty weaps!!1!
I'm a jerk. Heh.
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
I don't know anything about your sevrer. However, I do think this new PvP server is pretty cool.
I don't know if he wants so slay and orc pawn. Slaying can be fun in EQ, but orc pawning? Regular pawning is bad enough. It must suck when orcs are doing it.
RE: =]
# Dec 16 2003 at 6:41 PM Rating: Default
calm down.

PvP is cool
# Dec 16 2003 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
Well, i personally have been playing for quite a long time. I have tried pvp servers before and people are pretty nice. I'm not sure about this server, but it should turn out cool. This whole concept reminds me of diablo 2 hardcore. If you are concerned about losing your stuff, plan ahead. choose a class that can defend itself. I personally think mages would be the best. As the people have said before, epics came out with the kunark expansion and this is only LoY and old world. You will probably have to form friendships early on to make it more fun. Well, off i go!
RE: PvP is cool
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah that's exactly what I thought... D2 Hardcore. Except EQ Hardcore just sounds way more hardcore lol.
# Dec 16 2003 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
downloading it now - if you can loot items you should be able to loot spell books - the points is the aim of the game not the having an super ubber lvl 65 (or 50)

wouldn't be suprised if this came out partly due to the resent problems in the bazaars.

Edited, Tue Dec 16 17:53:03 2003
RE: loot/losses
# Dec 16 2003 at 5:52 PM Rating: Default
doh double post

Edited, Tue Dec 16 17:52:49 2003
# Dec 16 2003 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
I cant wait to be level 35 and a 45 level wizzie nukes me! That would be so awesome, cause im gonna do the same to everyone else. Get a group in PoK and fight tough mobs then kill everyone in your group. Bet everyone would love that. Just remember to start with the cleric HAHA!
# Dec 16 2003 at 6:55 PM Rating: Default
PoK won't exist on this server.

"My balls ache."
# Dec 16 2003 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
Nice concept. This game theory is IceCold. Let one and all go check it out. Ill jump on the band wagon ASAP. I think it would be very cool to see everyone run for the zone line at 30% health. I dont think many people will be fighting people in their range, but picking on the lowbies and laughing. I will be one of those jerks, so run little children and DIE!
# Dec 16 2003 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
LOL you better play an evil char with a attitude like that. As long as people role-play a bit to this will be great. i.e. don't trust a necro but pally should be fine.

Dont see much of this in EQ though
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
That pally will surely kill you as fast as the necro =-p
# Dec 16 2003 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
I think it's a good idea, but not as a constant server, more like a server to unleash some tension built up while tradeskilling or something. Start a char, get killed, who cares. have fun, manage your main on another server, but use this one to test things out with new chars, roleplay an evil class up the nose, start a kamikazee suicidal dwarf who loves trains, whatever! It's for fun! I think I'll drop in on it from time to time just for kicks.
# Dec 16 2003 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
25 posts
Certainly something worth giving a shot. I think the idea is great ... anyone can join this server and play at any time ... you aren't going to feel thatyou are behind the curve... Right now it'sdifficult (not impossible) but difficult to start on a PvP server that's been going awhile.

Because people loose everything whe they die I don't think you'll get too many level 30's camping newbie zones ... one newbie guard train and that PKer is now level one.

Few Questions
- Is Your Bank reset? (Assuming Yes)
- Is your spell book reset? (Assuming Yes)
- Caster vs. Melee is a concern ... casters can buy very useful spells ... but a Melee with a storebought weapon?

Assuming banks get wipped. People that will succed in this enviornment are those who have guilds that keep banks full of weapons, spells, armor. Or those individuals with multiple accounts that keep mules with full banks of the above.

Something like this could be just what was needed to bring over my little bro into EQ ... he and his friends are far too into PvP ... but are getting very frustrated with some of the recent goings on with the ShadowBane servers (many resets and rollbacks dealing with cheaters I guess... but they hurt the legit player too).
A True test of PvP
# Dec 16 2003 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
this isnt really meant for you to make Uber dude like in the standard server so chances are its for fun Im seriously doubting its even possible to get your epic at a cap of level 50.Just consider this a "Last man standing" server not meant for you to spends like 20 hours a day on your character.this is basically the true way of Bragging rights when it comes to PvP(cause if you manage to survive the Hunter packs that will probably form maybe you should have at least something to say). IMO it will be pretty fun just dont be stupid and ***** at someone when they tk you cause thats the purpose.
RE: A True test of PvP
# Dec 16 2003 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default

Epics went live with Kunark.

"My balls ache."
RE: A True test of PvP
# Dec 16 2003 at 10:01 PM Rating: Default
Yes I know they went live with Kunark, but Kunark isnt active on this server, not only that Epic quests have been enchanced since then making that lvl 50s arent likely to be able to do most Epics with out trouble and with Perma-death its extremely unlikely that someone would attempt them seeing how even with Pros assisting at the epic hits death is still common for most.
Sounds fun
# Dec 16 2003 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
This sounds like a lot of fun to me, but let me address some comments:

There were a lot of "no one in their right mind" comments... well, I'm not sure what your benchmark is, but for me the draw would be the ability to play
in an environment that forces people to think outside of the standard EQ box...

As for classes, clearly there are giant advantages to playing certain classes on a server like this. That goes without saying. While I don't expect many to play the "hard" classes, I would expect the best players to PREFER them, given the increased risk/challenge.

As for the "lose it all" idea... put quite simply, you don't. No one can take spells that you earned or skills (though you have to level again to use them). The same will probably be true for the new melee system abilities. Also, no one can take what you have in the bank.

This will all require special tactics and yes, making friends and/or being in a guild is going to be even more critical than on any pvp server.

I hear most of this said about pvp in general, but pvp is popular among those that enjoy competition against other players, and this server will be popular or not based on how well it delivers to that crowd.
# Dec 16 2003 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
I'm guessing you would lose all your scribed spells too, don't think i could deal with that. But hey this would be a major outlet for the griefer retards, maybe it would get them off of the legit servers.
Guilding is CRITICAL
# Dec 16 2003 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Guilding, of course, will be CRITICAL with this ruleset. That said, there should be a new mindset regarding loots. First, assume that YOU WILL DIE. With that, YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR GEAR. Smart guilds, then, invoke a "no hoarding" policy. Everything you're NOT using, should be given to a guildie who WILL use it. There is NO POINT in being selfish with loot. Only my thinking more like an ant colony (collective) will a guild grow stronger.
I looked this idea up under STUPID
# Dec 16 2003 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Why would anyone, except the seriously psychologically troubled 5% of the world, play this kinda game(?)
# Dec 16 2003 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Going to have to agree with some of the posters below; guilds will make this Hell. All you will have is packs of Guild dogs who can (and most likely will) Zerg any poor fool found alone at a campsite, or with 1 or two others. Yes, there are some people who are nice, and yes there are some people who would not "gank" a player at low health, or while fighting a monster, but please... PK is a hub for griefers. You can kill at will with no fear of repercussion... the guy your group just swarmed while he was fighting a griffon (old EQ world, remember) is now level 1 with no equipment. Griefer Paradise! With this new ruleset, a bigger player can just hang out in a newbie zone and NO ONE could ever level there! It will be a PL race to 50 and spellcasting power, melee need not apply. And Perma-Death??? Might as well name the new server GuildsOnly -or- Griefertown.
# Dec 16 2003 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
41 posts
First, no Kunark, so no epics.

The idea of "perma-death" isn't anything new of course, but I think it's intriguing that they're trying it out. I plan to try it, but I think the server will be hampered by the ability to power-level others. Imagine you have a small guild and you have a guild group camping Frenzy in Guk. All it takes is one character from a rival guild training you to cause some severe results. For that one character from the rival guild to be power-leveled back up is nothing, but the 6 from your guild would be much harder, maybe even impossible for a small guild if they lose some key classes that can PL others easily.

It'd be nice if they could remove the ability to train others, but that's not likely. Preventing power-levelling though will make training a painful tactic to employ and additionally help preserve the spirit of the ruleset.
Very BAD idea
# Dec 16 2003 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
Why would anyone in thier right mind want to play this?. sure i would if it was NON PVP so that people would work together but i think this will FLOP in a big way as a PVP server.
RE: Very BAD idea
# Dec 16 2003 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
I agree as non PvP its the ultimate test of skill all deaths are real. We would see some very cautiuos grps. and chronic LD or AFk ers need not apply, you have to be on your toes here. All experienced players. But with PvP its a nightmare.
# Dec 16 2003 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
You could invest a lot of time in a toon and loose it all in a flash. It wouldn't even be the ultimate test of skill. Too much possibility of gang banging. I'd predict everyone will become a bard or druid or maybe pally. Who in their right mind would play a warrior?
ehh i dont know..
# Dec 16 2003 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
From what i have read.. this will suck.. Think about it.. you get good stuff.. you do your thing.. then sombody comes along and kills you.. by by all the stuff you worked for. But i do like the old world sound of it all.
# Dec 16 2003 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
I can't stand to play on a regular pvp server, let alone one where you lose all when dead. Is it my understanding if your level 50 and manage to get your epic then are pked you have to start over? To hell with that!

I don't see how anybody plays these pvp servers. Melee classes stand no chance against casters. I made a rogue once on rallos zek and couldn't even get level 10. Every time Id go on you would always find the Pally who blinds everyone and slays them, or a necro who roots you and casts on you, etc etc. They of course always pull this when your half dead trying to kill something. Its all a bunch of BS. I could actualy put up with it if it wasn't for the fact when your slayed they can loot stuff off you. People have to put too much effort into getting armor to have it stolen from some twink.
RE: noway
# Dec 17 2003 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Is it my understanding if your level 50 and manage to get your epic then are pked you have to start over? To hell with that!

Good luck getting your epic in old world zones.
# Dec 16 2003 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
is this a PvP server or only PvP in certain areas, /d etc.
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