LDoN to include a new item type

This was posted on the LDoN site yesterday: --------------------- The Lost Dungeons of Norrath introduces an exciting new type of treasure to EverQuest. Using new modular items gained from dungeon adventures, characters are able to modify the powers and effects of their equipment, allowing for a tremendous amount of customization. Using these new items, characters can augment an existing breastplate, for example. Bonding the proper augmentation item to the breastplate might give it +5 strength. Bonding a different augmentation item could give it +6 wisdom. These are just a few simple examples; the new items have a wide variety of possible effects and benefits. Have a helmet that you like, but think needs a little boost? This new item system allows you to customize that helmet and make it fit your character's needs better. Most characters have a favorite item that they've had in their bank for a while. They don't want to destroy it because it holds some memories, a link to the adventures they had gaining it. With this new item augmentation system, those items gain new life and endless potential!


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Nmmm... DAOC done something like this yonks ago
# Aug 06 2003 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
in dark ages of camelot, you can make armour/weapons, then add the stats that you like, using tradeskills, you can't modify existing armour/weapons though, exept by dying it, but you could make awesome stuff.

guess we're gonna have to wait and see how this turns out.
Mage Epic
# Aug 06 2003 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
If epics can be affected by this its gunna kinda ***** mages over . . . since ours is summoned there is no way to augment it :(

First the hardness of the mage epic . . .thru many nerfs . . . now this . . . this is beginning to suck =(

Jiriki Sa'Onseri 65 Arch Convoker
The Rathe
Mage Epic
# Aug 06 2003 at 7:44 AM Rating: Default
If epics can be affected by this its gunna kinda ***** mages over . . . since ours is summoned there is no way to augment it :(

First the hardness of the mage epic . . .thru many nerfs . . . now this . . . this is beginning to suck =(

Jiriki Sa'Onseri 65 Arch Convoker
The Rathe
RE: Mage Epic
# Aug 07 2003 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
Mages have a great epic, i am realy envious of them. The can never have their epic rot, and they can summon him on CR's... nice..
RE: Mage Epic
# Aug 06 2003 at 9:44 AM Rating: Default
Everyone needs to take a deep breath and stop jumping to conclusions that they will allow Epic weapons to be modified, if they do, so be it, let them do so, just because mages have a epic pet instead of a weapon or item, don't you think Sony knows this and might create a a item that might increase the stats of the pet more?
RE: Mage Epic
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
Funny enough with the mage epic... When you get past lvl 61, the pet is alot better than the epic pet... so whats the deal?
RE: Mage Epic
# Aug 06 2003 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Actually, most testing has shown that the epic pet is just barely better than the 61+ pets. Check out the pet section over at magecompendium.com for the numbers breakdown.
Fun ;)
# Aug 06 2003 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
All I can say is.. if this works the way I think it works, then augmenting certain statistics (such as additional Bane/Elemental damage) or just raw damage, or even adding statistics like strength, dexterity, stamina, etc..it most likely -will- add a recommended and/or required level as you better the weapon. Now, after saying that, and reading the rather hilarious Fine Steel post, all I can say is..

Fine Steel Knuckles
Damage: 18
Delay: 10
STR: +20 STA: +20 DEX: +20 AGI: +20 WIS: +20 HP: +100 MANA: +100
Required Level of 55
Recommended Level of 65
Class: Mnk Bst
Race: All

RE: Fun ;)
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
And with 0.0 weight, of course =D
Tunare Faction
# Aug 06 2003 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
There is a quest that you can repair tunare faction with.

It starts in PoP with Stormwarden somethingorother

Edited, Wed Aug 6 08:08:03 2003
# Aug 06 2003 at 6:58 AM Rating: Default
If this works alot of Tunare follower's will be upset (Druid epic sucks (125 DoT) so alot skipped and have now killed Tunare (unrepairable Faction)unless SoE makes Tunare repairable
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
First post for me and im saying hell to grammar already.... But i see everyone saying stuff about d2 this, d2 that..... but more aprop game to relate it too would be that Ninja game... forget whats it called(thanks ot anonmous i rember now, Thrones of darkness) but had a really cheesey diablo one ending where the guy sticks the gem in him and becomes the evil demon and you become his evil mutated ninja dudes.... but in that game weapons and armors had slots that you could upgrade stuff.... Like these feathers that took up 2 slots could be put in there and combined to get say 2 str. Then their were these uber gems that gave effects ect ect...If it was like this, it will be cool....but hella confusing in bazaar

Edited, Wed Aug 6 11:52:49 2003
RE: hmmm
# Aug 06 2003 at 6:59 AM Rating: Default
that would be Throne of Darkness lol
May be fun
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:41 AM Rating: Default
hmmm if this just allows me to add+6 in one stat point then its un augembatble then this would be a waiste of time. but if it would allow you to make several to one weopen(as many as we please) then i just may dust of my epic.yes ive found things better with pop but it looks so damn cool(SK) so go SOE make that sword a quested for more than a month be worth my time cuse if its not EQOA here i come (what im a eq freak leave me alone)
RE: May be fun
# Aug 06 2003 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
I disagree, how many time have you sat in bazaar looking through the item thinking 'Now if xxxxx only had 6 Str it would be just what need'. I seems that maybe Sony are atually looking at what players want from EQ and bending the game to suit them <i understand why bitter twisted types who either can't/won't play enough and hate anyone who attually puts the time in to achive stuff ingame will disagree, but then who cares if you hate twinks 8op'

Thanks Sony for another good idea and maybe you can turn your atention to an EQ players major issue 'YOU HAVE NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT !!!! GET WITH THE PROGRAMME'

Jarkeld Hammerhiem
Pally of the 54th sphere
Druzzil Ro server

your mind is like a Parachute it only works if it's OPEN!
FF style LOL
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent

And here i am thinking to sell my account once FF online starts lol anyway this really sounds like FF style in combining stuffs for better weapons oh well hope this would make a better way in increasing tailoring skills for robe or leather wearer or smithing for chain or plate mail wearer.
Good idea
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:16 AM Rating: Default
Upgrade your Epic or fav piece of armor. I like the sound of it, but... I doubt the stuff need to augment the items will be very cheap or easily found.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 4:45 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Now comming from D2 way back when i have to stat the following.Eq's new idea of making items imbueable or add'd bonus's is what diablo 2 did oh 2 years ago...now D2 is destroyed by hackers and what not.This how ever wont happen to EQ and another thing the possiblity of economic crash in the EQ world wont happen, now items that prob get augmentation or from D2 imbue will be no drop making the econ safe or worse not even make item any better but giveing it a plus one to some worthless stat =\. Sounds like SOE is still trying to think of new ideas and ways to keep us hooked and good for them "bad for us Video crackheads". To sum this up heres alittle info on how D2 worked its imbueing, first off you had to be high lv to get a nice imbue, second the item that was going to be imbued had to be ultra rare and nice stats to begin with to get a real nice item in return, third this part sucked you where allowed only 3 imbues per char "dunno if Eq will limit this the same way" and the final one sometimes the imbue could ***** up the item making it worthless so it was a gamble.
Lost dungeons Indeed !
# Aug 06 2003 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
"Bonding a different augmentation item could give it +6 wisdom". --could-- If(!) the augmentation were, as in tradeskills, something not known until Tried...That is to say IF the resulting attribute were not known until after the combine, Now that would be a new game in and of itself! Also, I would like to see a situation where a mid-level semi-rare no-drop from the old-world could be combined with a "bonding" agent from a high-level LDoN zone...creating a Hot item. This could actually lead to some great cash for the mid-level gamer through a MQ actually sold from a Lower level player for a change. It would also lead to revitalizing the many empty <and GREAT> zones. At the very least it might get the Twink alts into the empty zones providing good backbone for others to join them....Viola -> group.

Lost Dungeons INDEED )
final fantasy 10
# Aug 06 2003 at 2:50 AM Rating: Default
it looks like Final fantasy X on PS2...PS2 = Sony...
Look at us we're D2
# Aug 06 2003 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
I think this in itself sounds like a very good idea, but as anyone who has played the game Diablo II long enough to get sick of it will know item customization can lead to chaotic confusion. With this new option u may never know what you are getting and will durastically effect the economy of everquest (possible inflation or deflation of current item prices), this may not be horrible, but simply confusing to those not possesing LDoN. Item knowledge as we know it will no longer exist, but if I know everquest, (and I do) options like these will be so overburdening to achieve that only those with lots of money and "uber" loot will use these to great efficiency (aka: armor dying, horses, and many other added conveniences only convenient to high levels and their alts)...I may just be being bitter, but whatever.
I dunno.
# Aug 05 2003 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm. I dunno how this could turn out. If it's done right, it could be really awsome, but I really this if they ***** this up it could really mess things up.
# Aug 05 2003 at 11:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Wonder if it will change the item to no drop after you "enhance" it. Make for some interesting bazaar item searches if it does not.
2cp and all....
Idea, Kinda
# Aug 05 2003 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
OK, this may sound like a nerf to some, but I think it would be more like a revival for others. Whatever this augment thing be, have it be based on the appropriate tradeskill for the item/augment. The only thing consumed during the augment process would be the augmenting part, not the base item. And you could also remove an augment from an item with the tradeskill, so that way you could take an item that sucked, but had an augment you wanted on it, and get that augment.

I think this would help put more emphasis on those poor people that devoted lots of time on tradeskills only to see SOE neglect them to an unneeded degree. (yes, they still have use, but I think they should have more use, and as only one skill is above 100 for me, I am not one of the poor people that spent my time on tradeskills, I just needed food hehe).

#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 12:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wanna play a game where tradeskills not only play a big part, but are an essential piece of the game? Then buy Star Wars Galaxies. Tradeskills in this game are the backbone of the galaxies. Artisians are quite possibly the most essential class in the game. It is such a breath of fresh air.
RE: Idea, Kinda
# Aug 06 2003 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Not to offend any StarWars nerds, nerds, nerds, but this is a forum for EQ. Please don't mock us gamers with your passive-aggressive "SWG is so cool" bs. Artisians can suck my dark runed erudite knob.
Soulful Shadowknight of RZ
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 06 2003 at 5:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WOOT!
RE: Idea, Kinda
# Aug 06 2003 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
ok, I'm just curious where did I mention Star Wars? Especially since I've never played it. =)
RE: Idea, Kinda
# Aug 06 2003 at 6:36 AM Rating: Default
YOU didn't... someone replying to your post did.

not that it's important, being off topic and all I'd just as soon skip it too.

Ignorance can truly be bliss.

# Aug 05 2003 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
Sounds cool really doesn't sound like D2 though because D2 you just gave it to someone or but it in your horadric cube either way it sounds really awesome and hopefully will add a totally new layer to the already evolving world of everquest =)
oh my...
# Aug 05 2003 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
Intresting... can't wait to see how it unfolds... and the banter is as always, fun to watch.

Weapon Graphics
# Aug 05 2003 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Hmmmm.. Sounds pretty interesting. Maybe they will actually allow us to add graphical effects to weapons now. Say like an item that oul let you add +1 Fire dmg would give it a cool flaming look or somthing.. just a thought.
"What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? ~ Chrono Cross

The best place for Import goods, Play-Asia, click here~!
Modular Equipment
# Aug 05 2003 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
So is that why at the end of the Cloak of the Jaggedpine Quest they say, "....it may not be powerful now, but we may be changing it in the near future." Ok thats been in since day 1 of EQ, ok not day 1 day 2 maybe, but the point is, it took from inception of EQ to now to get this item tweaked? Does it mean it will be allowed more slots than other items? This was a tough *** quest because of the length of spawns. Now that I'm much higher and have far better, I don't know anymore. I did actually keep it though...also a Locket of Nature's Guardian from the East Karana GM Event. *shrug* We'll see.
RE: Modular Equipment
# Aug 05 2003 at 11:48 PM Rating: Default
308 posts
hahahahaha! Smiley: laugh

When I read the message up there, I said to myself, "Wow, now maybe I can actually DO something with that stupid Cloak of Jaggedpine I have in my ranger's bank!". Then I scrolled down and read through the messages, and here you are, posting about the Cloak of Jaggedpine. I laughed pretty hard. Smiley: laugh

My ranger is level 54 now, and he's had that Cloak of Jaggedpine in his bank for a few years. I never could bring myself to destroy it, because I've always felt that the cloak actually meant *something*, I just didn't really know what. I would rather just have the cloak take up a bank slot, than camp that stupid brewer in Black Burrow for THREE casks. Smiley: rolleyes
RE: Modular Equipment
# Aug 06 2003 at 5:21 AM Rating: Default
I feel ya on that. My ranger camped BlackBurrow for a week and never saw one cast. I stopped playing the ranger though...
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 05 2003 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hope they make the items that make your weapon stronger so you can be some lv10 with like 5 lv 65 chars and make his armor better then no-drop kind and weapons so he is invincible till like lv 40 lol also another thing is i hope to see 1 of a kind items that you can get which would be neat stuff for all of us roleplayers out there who like to add the history of their famous weapon or something.
# Aug 05 2003 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
Hopefully Epics will be affected by this. With some of the PoP loot out there it makes ya wish ya didn't spend so much time on the epic. Perhaps with this the epic will get an updgrade (and keep people questing them).
RE: Epics
# Aug 05 2003 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
That's a great point. Seems that this might actually help old players revive epics and old quest items that even LoY made seem obsolete. As for those that complain.... omg...shut it. SOE is a business. Any business that is not constantly changing and evolving dies... and it dies fast. If they never did anything new with EQ, then no one would play it. I mean...really... even the uber guilds that are in Time can only do that so long. They'll get bored and quit playing if not for more to do. So..get over yourselves :P Either play or don't as one of the previous ppl said.

Miqui Sunrunner
63rd High Priest
The Seventh Hammer
# Aug 05 2003 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
You dont have to play, man some people just like to complain I suppose.

I personally am waiting on EQ2, saw alot of it at e3 and I speak then from personal expierence It will convince me to leave EQ 1 behind. some people it will not and some it will.

In the end play what you like and if you dont like it dont play or pay. SIMPLE SIMPLE
Here we go again
# Aug 05 2003 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default

Guess they realized noone really wanted to buy the package unless they could twink items more. Go SOE
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