Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
My players and grief follow those who have lost loved ones in this our nation's darkest hour.

These people are so evil
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
5 posts
Our UK government should help the USA track down and destroy all those who support and help the type of people who do this. Terrorists and their supporters should not be allowed to get away with their actions any more.
Kelsain the travelling bard
RE: These people are so evil
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
It is in the best intrest of the other nations to help us track down these people. Who's next?
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:42 PM Rating: Default
Truly tragic. And as sad as it is, we must realise that this may very likely not be the last of it. If you do an attack like this, you arent just going to sit still and wait for a response. There will in all likelyhood, be more to come. :(
Comments on other sites
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default

*looks sadly at two Everlore posts that people have placed*
Notice that those who post these comments NEVER leave thier email address. These people merely want attention givin to thier posts and love the thrill it gives them. They do not care the consequences of thier words.
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
No matter what we do from here, we can't erase what happened today.

We as Americans must band together, and realize that our government will do whatever it thinks is fit, no matter what. Some people say this is the beginning of WW3, or that this was one of Nostradamus' ("twin brothers shall fall") prophecies, and on and on.

I'm happy to see everyone going out donating blood. I'm happy to see that American's are helping others, and that when it comes right down to it, we're beyond just being plastic people with plastic wants and needs. We're responding well, but none of my words can make any of this change.

I'm saddened to know that this is not over, and that all these people have died, and all these people's families will suffer greatly. Every element of today's events have been like falling down Alice's rabbit hole. Deeply saddening, and unfathomable. I'm unable to put into words what I'm feeling right now, and I hope everyone else has someone else to go to, be with, or so forth right now.

Band together brothers and sisters, and please don't attack other Americans of the the decent of Afghani decent. They're not the ones responsible for this, and they're feeling just as bad as you and I. Any loss of life, no matter what race, religion, or thereafter is not acceptable.

We will overcome.
Bin Laden
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
On the CNN website, Bin Laden denies doing these attacks but claims to support them. He could be lying and if it was him he certainly deserves what is coming to him...
Pearl Harbor
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
"We have awakened a sleeping giant." Admiral Yamamoto's (sp) words could not be more apt after the Japanese strike on our naval base than on this day of horror. I'm a 16 year old in Florida, and through all of school today since we got the news, i have been infront of either a tv or a radio, or discussing it with my friends. One thing that we MUST REMEMBER is that, no matter the tradegy, and this is indeed a tradegy, we CAN NOT shoot from the hip. Ben-Laden may have done it, it could have been Palestine, but until we know for sure, there should be no retalitations. Even once we are certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who is responsible for this calamity, we MUST think of the consequences. We may not want to stop and think calmly about whether we really should nuke the entire middle east, or just take them over and save the oil. Both of those ideas i heard today at school, not from junior high students, but from teachers and administration. Of all people to be forgetting the consequences of Hiroshima, history teachers should not be among them. We MUST retaliate somehow, but we should also think about whether or not World War III is coming, and if it is, do we really want it?
Please pray...
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
I live in the DC area and actually work in DC. My office was not government, so we stayed put during the whole thing. On the way home though, after being diverted halfway around DC (they closed off a huge section around the White House) I passed by the Pentagon on I-395. It's one thing to see it on TV, another to actually see it with your own eyes. It was truly a heartwrenching site. So much destruction, and in my own backyard. I am filled with anger but at the same time intense grief for the families who are suffering such loss today. My heart truly goes out to them. May God's peace and mercy fill the streets of America during this time.
We just struck Afghanistan
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
Missiles have just begun striking Kabul,Afghanistan the seat of power for the Kaliban in an apparent counter-strike. CNN is breaking the story.
RE: We just struck Afghanistan
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
Just been stated that bombing in Kabul was not an American initiative. Can't imagine it will be long before U.S. reaction in Afghanistan. Has been said that any terrorist attacks against America by Bin Laden would be considered a War declaration by Afghanistan. Doesn't look good :(
RE: We just struck Afghanistan
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
And so it begins.
RE: We just struck Afghanistan
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
Couldent' find it on the CNN website, but if this is true than I guess this is it...
RE: We just struck Afghanistan
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
The U.S. has not stated as yet that the missles are from us. It is also being speculated that the forces opposing the Taliban in Afghanistan are attacking. Until there is an official statement it's all just guesswork.
RE: We just struck Afghanistan
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
Well, according to the State department meeting on CNN, it was NOT the US that attacked Afghanistan.

Shmeep Shmee
Thoughts and Prayers
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
My heart goes out to all the families and friends of those that haved loved ones affected by this most terrifying and unnecessary event. No words can describe the anger and sorrow I feel inside for what has happened in the last 12 hours. I feel it was a very cowardly act and no mercy should be given to those responsible. Once again, let me say that my thoughts and prayers are with everyone during this most horrible time.
Beyond Horror But Justice Shall Prevail
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:05 PM Rating: Default
Today;s events are quite beyond anyone's ability to put into simple words. I was a medic and I feel horrified at the loss of life in my profession. I am giving blood tomarrow and would seek to donate either time or money to what ever relief effort may occur in the days to come. I urge all who read or post here today to do the same
Justice shall prevail. I espouse a cold hard look to see just who was responible. Be it extremist muslims or others. I advocate the through and complete removal of these leaders bar none as soon as possible. Yet let no innoccent be lost. Let only the leaders pay and die. Such shall show our honor and willingness to look beyond mere difference at other cultures and hunt rather those responesable. Should any country or organization bar our way then they should be consider as equal to the perpratrators and treated in a similar manner a State of War exists now and we shall have justice and revenge.
God Bless the souls lost this day and to those left behind all our hopes and prayers
J. OKrangley
Vallon Server
Zeb Server
# Sep 11 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Default
In some countries if you steal you get your hand cut off. If you rape you get castrated. In the USA lots of people kill and get to sit in jail with free cable tv and 3 meals a day. These radical countries (or people) look at the USA as weak and no real threat. Once the people responsible for this are found they need to be dealt with swiftly and surely. If this is left with no real retribution then the USA will be looked upon as the country that you can walk on. Bush is going to have to take some serious action in this matter or all might be lost in the future.
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
I feel a great sorrow for those that have died today and those that will die. I feel a great sadness because someone used innocent people on the planes as their human shields. I do not know what will become of this maybe war who am i to say. I am a 17 year old male that lives in tennessee im not afraid to say that im afraid that i will be drafted into this and if it means my life to avenge those that have died today so be it. and to those of you out there that say that we shouldnt do any thing to the middle east if they had something to do with it they shouldn't be punished. yer in the real world now anyone can do anything if they want to there are no set rules there is no GM that will ban you life by nature is chaos with a illusion of law and order but in fact there is none. With the people of the USA enraged there is no telling what will happen and i know most people are ignorant of what is going on the world they think its not effecting me then its not that important. But when something like this happens it snapes you out how do i know cause today is the first day i have actually given much thought that i could be drafted i could be sent to war and i could die. ive always had the lay back it isnt bothering me so why care. but what happened today isnt something i see that should be let by If it means war then war it shall be every thing has a price sometimes people dont see the bigger price of things if it means we go to middle east and wiped that entire ethnic group out then who am i to argue. To those that think im being unfair or being to extreme then think about this what if it had been your own brothers your own sisters yur parents yer kids huh ? what if it had been you. you never know what tommarow brings. As i say again i dont know what will happen i would like to finish my senior year of high school but i may not i dunno. but if we do nothing for this action then that just means that it will happen again and again and again if we dont do something it will keep happening till we do something. What if the next attack hits closer to home ? how if yer the next person that a flight thats hijacked or they bomb yer place of work. how would you feel if you had had the chance to stop it before it had happened if you had got your hands alittle dirty ? im damn sure those people that did it and organized it wont even care if you live to see next day or not. There are that kind of people in the world and the world isnt confined to your little enviroment it isnt just your small little area its all around you it is every thing and you are always involved in what happens. we as a people must understand that or history will repeat its self over and over. so i say this we must act and we must act in a way that will keep what happened today from ever happening to this great nation again if it means war then war it will be and ill be in the thick of it why cause i dont want to die with out trying to fight death first. And personaly i dont care about my well being aslong as my friends and family are ok and safe. And thats what the people before us have died for thats what the men and women in the US military have risked their lives for and in some cases lost them for. Artacon 52 wiz
After all is said and done.
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
Avery man woman and child has to stand before god and answer to him, if you wanna flame me because you dont believe in god, not any god but THE god, then go ahead, but he is real and does exist. EVERYONE will answer to him for what they have done, whatever it is, and the people involved in this will do the same. It is the inexcapeable fate of every liveing person. i dont wanna turn this into a debate about god, because he is real and is all powerful, meerly to state to all who have lost that no matter what happens in this life those responsable will have to answer for there crimes for eternity.
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
Bah, not to the one saying 'Don't point the finger, but the one that was claiming god **** america
To the above poster..
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
**** off you little pinko. I hope you ******* die a horrible death.
Do not point finger yet
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:49 PM Rating: Default
Do not blame the child for the fault of the parent.
Do not blame the parent for the fault of the child.
Do not blame a country for the fault of a few of its citizens.
Do not kill millions for these acts and claim it in the name of Justsice and God.
Please do not!
My brother is a pilot out of Boston. He may well have been on board one of those planes. I do know the fear those waiting to hear from loved ones are facing. I feared for him until I got a call from our mother that he was alive and alright a little while ago.
There is no worse thing for a family than the waiting.
There is no worse thing for America than pointing a finger at the nearest person or group and claiming (perhaps truthfully more than likly falsely) that 'they' are responsible.

shaman of the 23 season
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
I am sorry for any misunderstanding about my post, I do not want another World War, I just want retaliation against the people that could do this kind of thing. If we do attack another country, the technology of weapons these days is enough to kill the world at least 200 times over. If we do start a whole war over this, then we will all surely be dead. The only thing I want to know is what kind of sick person could actually do something like this to anyone. This is by far the most horrible attack on anyone. But, we do not know who this is at all, and until we find out, slurs like "Die Ragheads" should not be used. I personally work around many people from the Middle East, the Near East, and the Far East, and I personnally can say that not everyone in those countries is a terrorist or they all hate America, and that is a misunderstood opinion that many Americans have about other countries. I am sure that just by reading other posts many other countries feel our sorrow, and I believe that before I am sent off to war to fight for the American Liberty and Freedom, I would like to know that I am fighting against the right people. For now, we should mourn our losses, and find the ruthless Barbarians that have little regard for human life.

Col. James Brady
United States Marine Corps
Comissioned Officer for 17 years and still going.
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default

What of the Commandant? Was he at the Pentagon?

Sgt K. Young
Enlisted for 13 years and still going.
Just Pray
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Who knows who did this but the U.S. will find them. We want justice but do not condemn those that have nothing to do with this. My only problem is those that are celebrating this day are mainly Islamic. Dont they value life and supposed to be all good? Then why do they torment us like this this only leads speculation to that country. I dont wish for war only justice. All we can do for now is pray and I give my best to the families of these trajedies. I hope the world looks at this and makes a joint decision, to try and never let this happen again. As Americans and for others pray and lets hope we make decisions with great wisdom. Heaven rejoice for new angels have arrived. Amen
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:38 PM Rating: Default
And you neglected to mention that the vc also had children and women running up to our troops with grenades in their hands. But our actions are much worse? Yeah, alright.
RE: Oh,
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
what was your bussiness down there in first place?
did the VC attack american ground?
in my book, they didnt.

you cant interfere in a war and then complain about getting beaten up. i always have to laugh when i hear vietnam veterans talking about "how they fought for their country"...

i am not saying that what happened was correct, but that i am not surprised that it did.
im more surprised that it didnt happen earlier.
RE: Oh,
# Nov 20 2001 at 6:49 PM Rating: Excellent
316 posts
Reading back over all 21 pages of the posts about the terrorist attacks, I cannot help but be appalled at some of Andnay's callous comments. That some of us are just anonymous little pricks sitting at a keyboard, empowered by a technology largely developed and refined in this country, and take cheap shots at a time like this is truly sad and a telling commentary on the future of the entire human race. I can only hope that Andnay is only in his early teens and that his hatefulness is replaced with some common sense and tact as he grows older. Until then, we have to suffer through his lashing out at the world over his latest acne eruption.
RE: Oh,
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:59 PM Rating: Excellent
To the best of my recollection, my father was there because his leaders told him to go there.

He was a combat medic in the Army and could not exactly quit his job because he didn't like where he was being told to go or our government's reasons for sending him there.

A better question would be: Why did our leaders at the time feel it was important to send him there to "interfere in a war" by admininstering medical aid to our servicemen and servicewomen there?

Though the wisdom of it now is questioned widely, the answer could be because we had an obligation to support our ally, the supposedly democratically-elected government in Saigon, South Viet Nam.

From someone who cried when his father got on that airplane to leave for Viet Nam, cried himself to sleep some nights out of fear that his father would come home in a body bag like he saw carried by soldiers on the evening news most nights, and cried when his father took him in his arms when he safely returned home, I find your history textbook and feature-length movie understanding of both the reasons and the impact of that war shallow and insensitive.
Hey Andnay...
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
If you remember correctly, those villages helped out the vc mostly, sure, a few didn't, I know alot of innocents had to pay. But if I remember correctly, the vc were the 'bad guys' of that war. So you're saying that us torching the villages of those who assisted the 'bad guys' was wrong? What else were we going to do? Use harsh language? Sorry, I don't know if that works on your world, but it certainly doesn't work here. I'm not trying to justify what they did, I'm pointing out there sometimes isn't any other way. So before you start bad mouthing the U.S., think for a bit.
My 2 cents
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
I'm sick of people speaking of showing mercy for these people. By these people I mean THE PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS ACT. Not an entire race of people.

Just ask yourself this. Do you think that any Americans would be alive today if the roles were reversed? Do you think there would be an America if the roles were reversed?

What I'm saying is if America was the country performing these acts of violence on any of the arabic nations that have ties to these terrorists and they were the ones with the military power that we have we would be exterminated.

To them we are satan. Plain and simple. They think we are the devil because we provide arms to Israel.

Remember that all the atrocious acts that people seem to be placing on the heads of the Americans our ancestors were fleeing from. So, nobody is innocent here. Every country has a past that they are not proud of and just because America is the ruling power in the world today everything that goes wrong is placed on their heads.

I'm tired of this crap and personally I'm ready for a return to pre-wwII isolationism.
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
GIVE BLOOD!! I'm about to pass out from giving blood twice and i feel woozy, yet great, since i really helped out someone with their stuggle for saving their life.

Mongrol Koi (54 Warrior) Brell
# Sep 11 2001 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
my heart goes out to all the people that have lost their lives and the loved ones that they left behind. here are some of my thoughts on the subject even though they are extremely insignigant in light of todays events.
1) my very first thought was how in the world do you hijack at least 4 maybe more planes that out of everything scares the daylights out of me for security reasons.
2) it is unlikely that much will happen because of this event because of politics involved around the world. much as i would like to see things happen most wont i am sorry if that upsets you nukem people.
3)i am a very laid back person naturally but when they showed the scenes where thousands of palastinians were cheering i was to the point of shaking because i was so angry.
those are some of the things that i wanted to get off my chest for todays horrors. and i sincerely hope they find whoever is responsible and do whatever it takes to bring them to justice whether it be legal or illegal matters not when literally tens of thousands of people were murdered. once again i express my sorrow for all the people involved in todays terror. and may god keep the rest of us safe.
17ranger nameless
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