Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


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# Sep 11 2001 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
Not cool at all.

Brings things into perspective though. day in and day out we ***** about uber trash and whiney n00Bs. then something like this hits.

I got a bandadge on my arm from donating blood, i suggest everyone go do the same.

I nearly thrashed my friend today after chemistry for catching me at the wrong time. I was worried sick about my friends in NYC whom i care deeply about. I know people who are now orphans...

To the guy who wants to be the first to sign up for getting this punks back...Well, why? What good is violence with more violence? Smart violence on the other hand...

We must also take into consideration what drove these men to do this. They think the good life is on the other side of life. They had no loss, only gain. That's their perogative, but to quote System of a Down, "I cry when angels deserve to die".

That's my biggest point. THEY KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE. THAT IS TERRORISM. Taking out a military base is one thing, buyt killing 50k people WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING fills me with an anger that the **** button won't describe.

My arab friend is over at my place right now watching me write this. She was getting harassed by some of the asses in her dorm so she came over to mine. I want to make them pay so badly for being the asses they are.

Remember, if you DO encounter such acts of rascism, don't get angry. I learned this a while back. Remind them what they are fighting for: Democracy. Democracy doesn't profess hatred.

51st druid
Rodcet Nife Server
RE: gawd...
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
Democracy also knows no race. May whatever god you know by whatever name they are called bless you for reaching out to someone and sheltering them from the angry hords. What happened today in New York City was horrific and brutal...what will happen in the next few weeks to people of middle eastern descent living legally and morally in this country will be the true test of our character as Americans.

I of scandinavian descent...white as they come. I have a very good friend who's family escaped from Afghanistan as the Soviets rolled over their country. I fear for his life, not for my own.
RE: gawd...
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:35 PM Rating: Default
I know how you feel! Here in Seattle alot of darker skined people live here. Many of my friends are darker skinned, not even alot from Afganistan but does it mean the same to the brutes who take revenge on people who mourn for us?
The world cries with you
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
For all those out there who have been effected by this horrible act: Australia cries with you. You are not alone. I have been up since 12pm (aussie time) following the news, and i am stunned. Dont let your anger and hurt get in the way of comforting your friends and family. They are the ones that need you the most right now. Bless you all and be safe.
RE: The world cries with you
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
That is good to hear that our allies are mourning for us. But it is sad to hear the Enemys are cheering. I am not a victom, but I feel hurt like everyone else. Everything about America is going to be diffrent, trust me!
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
no one needs to fight over this especially if we are united against all threats foreign and domestic.Everyone has their own opinion and this is america.HOWEVER such as this has never happened before to our generation and the coming weeks will prove just how tough a generation we really are.If it comes down to us all having to defend our soil then by the lord in heaven i shall do so until the day my life's blood is spilled upon the earth.For i AM AMERICAN!

Sorrowfeather lvl 14 shaman
povar server
citizen of these great united states
RE: terrorism
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
Ahmen brother pass the ammo. U r not alone
What you can do to help
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
Folks, let's all join together and do what we can for one another. Please, if you are able to donate blood, do so. The American Red Cross will have an urgent need for blood for the next 30 days, and the next 10 days will be the worst for them in geting enough blood supplies to help those in need. If you are unable to donate blood, donate funds to the Red Cross and other aid organization rushing to help the folks in New York and D.C.

There are thousands upon thousands of folks stranded in cities that are strange to them right now. All flights are grounded in the United States, and some European countries as well. Last I heard, there were no international flights were running in France and the United Kingdom. People who were scheduled to check out of their motels and hotels are staying, so the people who recently arrived have no where to go. If you are able, open your home and offer a bed or a couch to someone who cannot reach their home. Donate sleeping bags, blankets and pillows to organizations that can distribute them to people who need them in the airports right now.

Whatever your faith, your beliefs or philosohpy, wish well for others, pray for people's safety, or light a candle for those who are no long with us.

In this time of terrible tragedy, we must do what we can to help one another. It will help us with our grief, it will help the people who are far from home, those that are hurt and in pain or grieving for those they have lost.

The FBI and all police departments are asking that if you have any possible knowledge of who organized and committed these atrocities, please call your local FBI tip line or police tip line. If you cannot help someone, at least do not be a hindrance and refrain from calling 911 unless you truly have an emergency.

Most of all, spend time with your friends and loved ones and let them know how much you care.
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
i just want to send out my regards to those who last someone in todays horible events i know it is not much but is all i can give you.

a concerned citizen
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:05 PM Rating: Default
may god bless all persons hurt and affected by this great tragedy.My whole family is military and believe me i have been in contact with my two nephews(marines)and my sister(high ranking navy official) and mobilization has begun troops are active all over the globe.The retribution will be swift for those responsible but the scars will forever remain.-from one whose blood runs deeply american...
sad =*****(
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
This is just sad....i really cant think of much my family and i were just in shock when we heard about this....i think ill go cry now
# Sep 11 2001 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Apr 4th 2010 11:46pm by Zoltak
RE: Pennsylvania
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
He was a true patriot and hero and I hope he recieves a burial and service worthy of that

God Bless America
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:47 PM Rating: Default

*observes a moment of silence for all victims of this and all other tradgedies* goddess bless all who were affected you will be in the prayers of many be stong things will get better.
Latest Update
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:32 PM Rating: Default
As of 8:30pm on EST, England, France, and Israel have given the US their full backing, and missles have been launched into Afghanistan. I cannot wait to see the leader of these horrific attacks brought down, hopefully alive so that he may be brought back to the US for trial.
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
I have lost 2 friends lost to this incident at the Trade Center.
Let me tell this if we go to war I will be the first to sign up.

I will paint the streets in blood of those responsible.

# Sep 11 2001 at 7:27 PM Rating: Default
(By: Jargurorf)

All Allakhazam visitors and Members,

(My name has one f in it someone had that name already.)

Some people can be so evil its not even funny. Terrorist hijacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Centers and one into the Pentagon. Thousands of people were killed. This totally blows pearl harbor away. My uncle works at te Pentagon. (And was taking a week of to go hunting) And my dad works at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Some people are just descusting! I can't believe people could actully be angry and sick of their life to end it by taking it out on enoughther (pardon my spelling) country. This descustes me. People were jumping out of the Trade Centers on fire because they were in so much pain. I am a true believer in God. (Catholic that is) And I agree with Kilroth! He is real! I feel a great loss for these poor inocent soals. We may play vidio games where the terrorists are the badguys and we're here to bring justice and all this animated violence crap. But this is the real thing. Real people got killed for no reason this time. Real people died just because a group of people were angry and wanted to kill some people to satisfy that anger. I will say again. THIS DESCUSTS ME!

# Sep 11 2001 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
The terrorists that did this are not only extremly dangerous, but also smart and organamized. Yet another reason why we need to have tighter security in out airports etc... dont take our guns, away, dont get me wrong there. thousands of ppl dead means that this will have an impact on everyone for years to come. I dont know about you guys but , this made me think of how we dont know when its gonna happen, Im seriously considering quitting everquest to spend more quality time with my wife and kids. Who knows, someday i might not be here or they might not be here. Take some time, and prioritize your life guys. This is serious, ya never know when the grim reaper will hit ya.

# Sep 11 2001 at 7:14 PM Rating: Default
You can't possibly say pearl harbor was easy to grasp... this is way worse but pearl harbor was still pretty bad.
RE: -
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
I did not mean that it was an easy tragidy to understand, I meant that it was easy to understand who the enemy was in that case.

Fenra of Misty
Test Server
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
I am real sad about al of this so many people.
today i got out of shcool 1/2 day early i thought
i like got supended or something. And i find out
these ****'s kill 50,000 in the name of god yah
right you mean satin comon?
kill the basterds
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:10 PM Rating: Default
i found out in school today and right now i am uber pissed i think they should be hunted down and killed to end some of the familys greif but no matter how many ppl u kill it will never replace those who were lost my heart fealt goes out to the families of those who lost lovedones or friends.Secondly after we can sort through though we must capture the ppl/ppls who have commited this horrible act and me must punish them for what they did to 10's of thousands of ppl not to mention the 100's of thousands grieving ppl right now.
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
The sheer magnitude of this is so great I have a real hard time getting my mind around it. 50,000 people, probably 95% of those are dead. 4 aircraft, carrying aprox 250-300 people each, all dead. The Pentagon attacked, the State Department attacked.

Pearl Harbor was easy to grasp, their were clear attackers (even if we didn't know their reasons at the time), a clear enemy.

Where do we look, where do we turn, who will pay for this horrific crime beyond the children and families that survived?

I find myself wishing I was still in the military, my job would be so simple, tell the planes where to drop the bombs. More innocents will die, to assume that we have any chance of getting to the guilty parties without having to go thru their lackies who are unaware of what happened is unrealistic. To assume that every bomb in the US arsinal is 100% accurate is unrealistic.

I pray this will not lead to war, my guts tell me it will not, but their WILL be revenge, the important thing is to get those who are responsible. Not to attack somebody just to ease the feelings of the public. We must also do it in such a way that leaves other countries no doubt that it was justified and appropriate.

For he who asks why it is more important that it happened to US then when it happens to other countries. If we had our way EVERY terrorist attack would be met with retaliation. But we are NOT a united earth yet, and untill we are we must obey and FOLLOW the offended countries wishes. Many of them just don't want our help. Something tells me if this attack had hit in say Iran, killed 50,000 civilians we would be offering our services in finding and destroying the guilty parties. But would our offer be accepted?

Fenra of Misty
Test Server
My prayers go out
# Sep 11 2001 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
In light of todays news (i woke up at 6am PST to hearing this news and saying to my friend, "You are kidding me. Is it April Fools day?I DONT believe you) I send out my prayers to all who are affected by this. To those who wont agree with the way it is taken care of or how you like what the US is, by being here, you have more freedom than almost anyone in any other nation in the world. You can say that the US tries to stick their nose into others businesses, but these people dont hate the US because we are telling them not to fight. They are trained and raised to hate the US. We must stand together as a nation, and if you are unwilling, maybe you should consider going to another country that fits your tastes for "life" better. Even if you disagree with the president, this is the time to stand behind him because this is what they are trying to do. Rip us apart as a country and send us to fight against eachother. This will do nothing to help this. This attack is on the US. And if you live in the US, YOUR HOME has been attacked. I am a very patriotic person even though i am very young (born in early 80's) but i canot understand how people cannot want to protect their home that gives us more freedom that anyone can truely comprehend. I have faithalso in our Allies such as England and France will aid us, because this is their freedom on the line too. No matter what goof ups we have done in the past, our country is based on fighting on freedom and this was a direct attack upon that. Sorry for being long winded but this isnt anything about some piece of Phat l3wt. This is REAL. These are real deaths and you dont get "Loading please wait" in real life. Be safe everyone. If it comes to war, then so be it. Somethings cannot be avoided. I am not saying that i will go looking for war or a person to point the finger at, but it becomes a cause and effect situation. An act like this deserves sympathy to those who were innocent, and NO sympathy or passion to those who did this unthinkable act or harbored and hid these types of people.

Battle on the Home Front
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Hello all,

I don't normally post to this site, but felt almost obligated to do so, much like some of my brethren are doing at other sites at this moment. These attacks, heinous and cowardly, struck close to home for more than just you or I. It strikes close to home for thousands of families across the nation. Sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, friends, and so forth. And I can tell you now that the single biggest feeling I have at the moment is rage.

Yes, rage. Pure anger. Why, you may ask? I am a United States Navy sailor. I have sworn to uphold and defend the United States from all enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. My job is to keep this nation free for democracy and the freedom of her citizens. When these acts happen, I, and all of my compatriots, feel that we have failed in our mission. That mission that we swore that we would do.

Obviously, I cannot talk directly about the attacks or any response or retaliation that may or may not happen. I can tell you, though, what many in my profession wish to do. To break it down, I am a Missile Technician on board a Trident 2 submarine capable of carrying and launching up to 24 intercontinental, submarine launched, multiple warhead capable, missiles. There isn't a Missile Technician I know right now that does not want, in that sick morbid way, to make some glass parking lots.

But. We also acknoledge the fact that doing such a thing will go completely against all that we have strived for and obtained over the last 30 years. Don't get me wrong, someone WILL pay for these crimes. But as much as I and my division would love to launch, we know that it is not the solution. Why repay destruction with more destruction? If we were to retaliate in that way, then we are no better than Bin'Laden, or whichever group is responsible, is.

The battle has finally come to the home front. Unfortunately for us Americans, we don't even notice things until they are in our back yard, so to speak. World War Two was raging for 2 years before we bacame directly involved. Why? Because someone made it personal. I hope that this will teach us, as it did our grandparents, about the value of helping others and coming together to defeat a common enemy.

In closing, I urge you all to go and donate blood as soon as you can. Supplies are short as it is without a major catastrophe. Please, I ask you from the bottom of my heart, for doing something that seems so insignificant just may save someone's life.

Please keep the families of those that have been lost in your prayers and thoughts. The battle is now on the home front. Not since the War of 1812 has the United States mainland been struck by an opposing force. May God bless you all and keep you all safe.

Ryan M.
The Words to a Very sad song....
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:43 PM Rating: Excellent
I found this the other day that seems very good now for the innocent people that have lost their lives today. The words are to a song that if you under stand then it can make almost anyone cry... Here they are:

"Day is done, Gone the sun, From the lakes, From the hills, From the sky, All is well Safely rest, God is nigh, Fading light, Dims the sight, And a star, Gems the sky, Gleaming bright from afar, Drawing nigh, Falls the night, Thanks and praise, For our days, Neath the sun, Neath the stars, Neath the sky, as we go, This we know, God is nigh...."

I understand our outrage as a country for this faceless cowardly attack on our soil. I just have one thing to say people lets just band together and show the cowards who choose to pick a fight with one of the greatest nations in the world, we are THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and we do not stand for this. The only downside I see is the cowards that did this did so from behind a wall that they have hidden behind and we can not see. When Pearl Harbor was attacked we had an address to post mark a few well placed things from our arsonal. But with a enemy we can not see we really can not do much, YOU SAY NUKE THEM? well where are they.. We may have a war soon and we can bomb places to annilition but what did it do nothing but make them more pissed off at us. We need not drop down to the level of cowards and kill innocent people to prove a point. If and when the people whom did this great attack are found I hope the United Nations and America get to both take them to court and prosecute them to the fullest exstent of our and the U.N.'s LAWS..

With that sad i bid the fare the well and be safe and give blood we need it.
Saramin Bonechipper
lev 32 warrior bristlebane
A.k.a. Patrick M. Derry

P.s. the words go to the song "TAPS"
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
I really don't know what to say. How can you talk about something like this? To watch something like this, knowing thousands upon thousands of people are dead because of some sick creatures that will never pass as human. It's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen and hopefully ever will.

To all the people affected by this in every way, which is pretty much everyone, and especially to those lost or who have lost someone they love, I can't say how sorry I am or how horrified and grieved I am. I live not in either of these places but I can promise the effects of this are everywhere.

We, not as Americans, but as humans living on this earth, have to come together to get through this. Because that's the only way. God knows, if ever we all need each other, it's now.

As for the people responsible for this appalling act, I have no mercy for them. I desire no war or misdirected actions, but when the people responsible for this are found, I will avert my normally peaceful eyes and cheer their destruction.
Do something!!!
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Today my husband called me at work to tell me what had happened. We both had served in the Navy (him 6 yrs, myself 12 yrs) & are still adjusting to life as civillians. My first ship is on it's way to DC to help. I have felt crazy all day, because I feel like I should do something to help & here are the ideas I came up with....

1) Everyone who is able Please Please give blood, esp if you are of a rare blood type. If you can't donate blood, see if you can help your blood bank in any other way (answer phones to free up the regular staff for the donations).

2) Sign up to be an organ or blood marrow donor - a good many of the military people are regular blood donors & on the national blood marrow registigies - we need to step up & take the place of anyone who was lost today.

3) Donate to the Red Cross or any charity that supports people during natural or man-made disasters - The Red Cross has had it's funds depleted by the hurricanes/earth-quakes/etc in the last decade & they need the money to support the emergency relief efforts.

4) If your community has emergency personnel or dogs & handlers who are trained to help locate bodies, check to see if you can help with the cost if they are going to these sites.

5) Donate to any charity set-up for the families of these people.

6) Become active in your community in any way you can.....do your small part to help heal the wounds we all suffered today, try to make the world a BETTER place & counteract those who would make it worse.

God bless us all.
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
We see things similar to this happen in other countries and we hardly bat an eye at it... Suddenly it happens to the United States and everyone is up in arms. What about all the other people killed in so many other countries by terrorists? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trivializing the destruction that occurred today, but it seems to me that very few people care that it happens in other countries all the time.

My sympathy to those who have family who died today.

RE: Terrorism
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
I feel sympathy for others when they have a tradgity too but quite frankly ***** other countries. Our governmen isnt as concerned with the people of other nations as it is with ours. So, no wonder we are "up in arms" over this. THIS WAS AMERICA you dolt! Not some ebola having, dirt eating, flies on your teeth, third world dictatorship!

These were our people! Regaurless of those who would divide us, ie Rev Jesse and such, they were ours. If a foregner dies because of a terrorist I say 'Thats a shame.' If a US citizen dies because of a terrorist we should all say 'We want justice!'

RE: Terrorism
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
So the people who are born in those other countries aren't worth quite as much as us 'Mercans hmmm? How much are they worth? They're not worth justice? Do you feel as much disapointment at hearing reports of outragous deaths in other countries as you feel when your openfaced peanut butter sandwich falls upside down on the floor?

I doubt it. Dolt.
RE: Terrorism
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
just out of curiosity.....have you been following this closely? or are you just talking out of your $%^&? this is the LARGEST TERRORIST ATTACK ever. 50,000 people were in the WTC, not counting the people on the streets when the towers collapsed.....the bombings of the pentagon and the attempted bombing of Camp David were horrible, yes, but they are not outside the realm of belief(not in that it did happen, ALL of this is beyond belief, but in that someone would DO it) but killing up to 50,000 CIVILLIANS!!! that's closer to mass murder than terrorism! i appreciate that you DO realize that it was horrible, but this is NOT something that "happens in other countries all the time!" i'm just blowing off some steam from listening to imbeciles(sp) at school suggesting that it's all a hoax, or that we should just nuke the middle east, sorry
RE: Terrorism
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
Excuse me, I don't appreciate being flamed for what I think. Or being called a DOLT for what I think. I have paid close attention to what has been happening, I KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. I was only telling people to look around in the world.

Jesus... flamed for what I think...

# Sep 11 2001 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Even though the WTC buildings are irreplacably lost, along with all of the lives of the poor people who worked there, unsuspecting, it is somewhat heartening to know that, even though the Pentagon was bombed, work will resume in the Pentagon tomorrow, along with in the NSA, CIA, FBI, DEA, CDC, and all of the other government facilities...hopefully a resolution can be reached soon......if this does turn into WWIII, it will last much longer than 2 years, which means that all of my friends and i will more than likely play a part in the war.....i've never thought much about my own mortality, but now I have. I realized that, as long as i can do SOME good for my country, I WILL DIE TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY! mine are not idle words, or the firey words of a young boy, but are the thought-out, reasoned words of someone that is willing to be a patriot. Many people are afraid of death, afraid of fighting, but i am not one. IF this does reach WWIII, i hope that there will be no ROTC(run off to canada), or burning draft cards, or anything of the sort. I realize that i am young, but i still do not agree with Vietnam....however, this is different. A terrorist attack on American soil against civillians is unforgiveable. I WILL FIGHT, and i hope that all of you will, if it comes to it.
# Sep 11 2001 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
No words can comfort, no actions can replace the lost. There is nothing I can do, so I pray.

I do not know what to write. Just know you are all in our hearts.

Your brothers and sisters,
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