Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


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Dear turaz
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
How full of **** can one person be? Our politics make them poor? Then tell me... which american Shieks are running those countries? How many americans sit on OPEC's governing body? Where are all the american dollars spent on the oil going? If the shieks making BILLIONS of dollars every year spent it on growing their domestic economies and raising their peoples standards of living INSTEAD OF ON GUNS AND BOMBS you might have an arguement. As it stands though i suggest you shove your 2cp up your *** and either pick a side or shut the **** up.

Stephen Daly
Philadelphia Pa.
Words can't describe the loss
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:57 AM Rating: Excellent
This morning I woke up to the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. The news was showing the fire on the WTC after the first plane hit. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the TV. I half dressed my 4 year old son for school and watched in shock as the towers came crumbling down. I took my son to school while listening to news radio review the events of the past hour. On my drive home the reports came in of how many people work in these two buildings. I had to pull over. I couldn't see. Tears were pouring down my face. I don't know anyone who would be near both of the sites where this crime, and don't kid yourselves this is a crime, occured and I have only been a US citizen for a year but I have been living in the US all of my life as a resident. Yet I am sitting on the side of the road crying for people I don't know.

I became a US citizen last year and I did so because I love this country! I love that we can read what we want to read, watch what we want to watch, and say what we want to say. We have the freedom in this country that others only dream about. The U.S is not a perfect country. We discriminate and hurt each other over and over. However, in the face of a tragedy our true american spirit takes over! We rally to help those in need like Dr. Mark (I forget his last name) who knew he was risking his own life and verbally said he "hoped he didn't die" on video, then went on to help people while bleeding and being beaten by falling debris, the hundreds of firemen and policemen who are missing and presumed dead. These are examples of the heart of america.

Once I got back home I watched the news all day. Then I saw the people dancing in the streets because the lives of what could be over 25,000 innocent people were extinguised in what can only be described as a cowardly crime. There were women and children laughing at our tragedy. Every person is resposible for their actions and there are some things that as a human race we know....we can just feel...when you are doing something wrong. If you kill someone no matter how you were brought up you KNOW you did wrong. This country has been devistated and it screams for justice.

I picked my son up from school. He had seen the footage and asked me who broke the building. I answered that some very bad men did. He then asked "Where they people men or monster men?" What do I say human? monster? both? I hugged him and told him I loved him. Would I declare war and have our country bomb a country knowing that innocents may be hurt if my son had been on a field trip at the towers? You bet I would. I would know that it was wrong but for my son I would burn in hell if I had to!

sorry about the long post considering it is my first on this page. below is a poem I think you may find interesting

"The Final Inspection"

The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My church have you been true?"

The policeman squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges
can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.

But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep....
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.

If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't.....I'll understand.

There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.

"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell."

Author Unknown

RE: Words can't describe the loss
# Sep 12 2001 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
I think the poem is beautiful and very well said at a time like this.
RE: ...
# Sep 12 2001 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
The original poster specifically said "The loss of life is totally unjustifiable," and of course that's absoultely true, but there isn't a bad chance that this was meant as retaliation for all of the meaningless bombings of foreign countries that the US has done.

# Sep 12 2001 at 2:48 AM Rating: Default
Okay. Regardless of whether you're spewing out to Allah to bless your act of murder, or crying that god demands retribution to go murder those who are distantly involved, all killing is murder. It's a fact, get over it.

Beyond that, I want to state that turning the other cheek is a serious case of 'not an option' even if those in control of the country wished it to be so, the people will demand retribution, and someone will pay for what happened. In our current world situation I seriously doubt it will be the actual perpetrators of the attack, but 'someone' will indeed pay for the deaths of the innocent this morning.

In a 'perfect' world we could just go find whoever ordered this **** to happen, blast his happy face in and go on with our days, but it doesn't work that way. Innocent people will die, probably including other civilians, and more people will have something to mourn. We are nothing but cattle to the leaders of our respective countries, and probably will never be more.

Here's hoping that there isn't martial law in the morning, and thankfullness that I believe that for every evil you commit it is returned upon you three times.
RE: God
# Sep 12 2001 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
U may well be right 3 x's this though is horriffic beyond aything we have yet seen. WWII may pale incomparsion to such as 3 times what we have seen so far and that is what I say we must stop from happening. Nukes and war is not the answer. Finding who lead this planned it funded it is the priotity then surgucally remove them.
this is all i have to say...
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:42 AM Rating: Default
i had come to the belief in my life that i had finally became so jaded to things that even the utmost atrocities were things that would only cause me to blink at most. the things that have happened today proved otherwise to me. when i turned on the television this morning and saw what had happened, i began to cry. until that point in time, human life meant nothing to me; but it i now feel otherwise.

despite how much i would like a peaceful resolve to all this, this will keep happening though. granted, i have been having a lot of thought and urges that reflect alot on this post, "the glass parking lot", if you will, but i know that retaliation in angry will only hurt us in long run. but god help us, we've tried everything else. this terrorist has been hitting us with a great amount of success, and we've turned a blind eye to it. without a serious effort to fight terrorism, these groups have grown confident that they are making great headway with they insane plots...if the great satan has done nothing to combat them before, surely it is because god wills our actions. these are a group of people who are convince they shall convert the earth unto their beliefs through their cowardly actions, and a majority of the middle eastern countries look unto their leader as a prophet of allah. the same people who we've protected from the israeli's (palestinians) are celebrating our darkest hour as we do christmas, with a skinny osam as santa.

diplomacy, aid, negiotians, embargo's, federal trials...nothing has deterred; all these things have encouraged. we have finally come to face the fact that the war they proudly declared on us is real; we have to fight back.

many countries are more than eager to fight along aside us on the field of battle....some are old allies, some will be new. and the moment that congress declares war on afghanistan, it will be a sure bet that palestine, egypt, iraq, iran and other radicalism countries will join the enemie's side. world war 3. islam vs. the world, as detailed in the end of the koran. jihad.

to explain to christians not familiar with islamic beliefs, jihad is the islamic version of the revelations of john. all the evil in the world will have one great, final battle with the faithful (devout muslims). after winning the battle, allah and the angels shall descend upon the earth to reward the devout and punish the wicked. but keep in mind, these are not a people will put a much of fight. anyone reading this old enough to remember the 7 day war back in the 70's? israel against 6 neighboring countries; the israelis thrashed them in a week and ended the war. now add the u.s., england, france, china, india, russia and a few other civilized nations;
all of whom have advanced weaponry and fighting techniques. the islamic forces? a few used ak-47s, rocks, scimitar, sticks, blackpowder guns. most of these people are either too poor or living in an anarchonistic society that would allow no better. they resort to terrorism because they haven't been the scourge of the east in about 3 centuries because they could not adapt.
they will be one-sided.

why are they doing it still? they believe god is on their side. despite the astronomically overwhelming odds, allah shall provide. despite the fact that they are pissing all over their own religion by their actions, dishonoring their proud warrior heritage via their cowardly methods, they still believe they are god's chosen. put away the thoughts of the glass desert and the mass genocide and think about this. we will decimate their forces and dismantle their governments in an alarming amount of time. not only are they going to lose at what they believe is the end of the world, they are going to lose horriblely....and god will not show.
put yourself in their shoes; armageddeon comes, and jesus of nazareth has returned as promised. just before he declares 1000 years of peace, satan pops up and kills him. the angels are slaughtered, and jesus' father does not appear. this is the equivalent of what we are going to do to these people. we don't have to exterminate them, we are going to kill everything they believe just through a conventional war. this is a fate worse than death, and nothing we can vent on this page can be worse than that.

it's 3:40 am, and the reports on CNN state that they have all the blood they need, and donors are now being turned away. there is a hotline to donate money to the victims, so if you want to help i would suggest doing that. the states are still united, and america still stands tall. and for the love of god, do not get on a revenge spree and seek out any muslims on american soil for payback. many of them came to this country to get away from the crazy **** people like the taliban do and are not to blame for it. islam does not condone the actions of these terrorists, which is a very good point that the author tom clancy made today on a CNN interview. "Do not refer to them as Islamic terrorist. Suicide is forbidden in the Koran, and it is an unforgiveable sin. That's like calling the animals who kill children in Ireland stereotypical Protestants and Catholics" If you still have an urge to hurt an american muslim or burn down a mosque, do yourself a favor: find a japanese-american who lived here in the 40's and ask them what a "protection center" is. if there's anything decent within you, the story they would tell you would remove any violent idea from your mind.

to finish this up, war and violence should always be an absolute dead last resort, but it looks like we've exhausted every possible avenue to resolve this war on terrorism. we shall strike back, but let us not do it with angry in our hearts. war should be fought with a clear mind and the price of life that we pay foremost in our thoughts. it should not be waged for pleasure or catharidic satisfaction, but as a necessary evil that stings just enough to let us know the price.

god help us all.

im tired of this all
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
ok first of all..to all u people who bring god into this..stop...god gave us free choice, to do in our world as we wanted..tho ultimate judgement would come, we have the choice...god, in my honest opinion does not take part in our petty little wars...have any of u who spout bible verses and say god will make us win the war, thought that the same god u and i pray to for victory and justice, is the same god that these idiots and cowards prayed to before they plumetted a plane into our beloved NYC? when people start putting god and beliefs that god is sanctioning their war into the fighting...its BULL...becuz god leaves his children to make their own choices..the ones in the end who were wrong pay the price, but he does not stop us from making our choices and fighting our wars...and stop taking the bible so literally! its not meant to be taken literally down to every letter...its for each of ur own personal experiences, to learn morals from and the value of life, and to think that these morals that come from the same god these people worship were thrown out the window when they killed thousands of our people , makes me absolutely sick.

and to the rest of u who say turn ur cheek, and find another option other than retribution...get real! maybe in a perfect world (that i wish i lived in too, trust me) that would be in an option..but in a barbaric world w/ barbaric actions such as this...no other response will be taken seriously....when in rome do as the romans do...where these people come from its an eye for an eye, a life for a life..when u steal they used to cut ur hand off, etc...no other action other than retribution of a warlike manner will daunt these people...i have greaved and greaved all day, and looked at it from all angles...and this course were following (the one of strong talk and the drive to follow thru on it) is the only way that those who have died can rest, those who have been made to feel violated can be comforted...and those who demand justice will be satiated...
if we allow this to pass w/ no physical action or all we do is try to talk it out...other countries will believe they can do the same thing to us, and get no more than a slap on the wrist...

and for those who will undoubtedly flame me for the references to god...know this before u do..if neone knows the bible and god most out of all of u its me...my father wuz a priest and my mother wuz a nun before they met and were married, so i know the bible inside and out...and if u are gonna flame me, be ready for a lengthy discussion..


ps - my heart, my tears, my sorrow, and my pain goes out to all those in nyc, and to the country who is greaving w/ them...i gave blood today..so should all of u...every little bit helps...call the red cross and get info on a location to donate ur blood...ur brothers and sisters need u
thank u
I'm all out of cheeks to turn
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
To any person who says we should turn the other cheek I say "What planet do you live on?" Every time there is a disaster in the world the US is there with money food clothes manpower you name it we're there. Any time some foreign leader gets itchy and decides to invade his neighbors American soldiers are there dying, because it's the right thing to do. The Arab nations call us the "Big Satan". Why? Because we support Israel. Because Israel kicked the everloving **** out of everyone who came their way. Because the Israelies don't have the luxury of talking or waiting out their agressors and using economic sanctions.... Detonate a bomb in Israel and expect gunships the next day. They blame us for the way they live. It's our fault that their leaders line their pockets rather than improve living conditions in these countries. It's not their fault that they allow men like Saddam Hussien stay in power due to their own indifference. It's easier to blame us because we buy their oil. It's greedy americans who keep them living under the conditions they do, not the fault of their leaders or the fact that they harbour and support terrorists. They are celebrating in the streets, passing out candy, glad that we finally "got what we had coming." After today there are no innocents anymore. Either through indifference or direct action condoning what has happened. If you are living in Afganistan you have 4 choices. Join the rebel factions fighting the Taliban regime, Support the Talbian regime, do nothing or get out.... because we're coming. And I don't think we're gonna be asking your individuals political views and we aren't going door to door to make sure you got the kids out before we repay this. As far as I'm concerned Justice and Revenge mean the same thing after today.

Stephen Daly
Philadelphia, Pa.
RE: I'm all out of cheeks to turn
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
If only things would be that easy. Violence will create more violence. The Israeli/Palestinian situation is a perfect example... I don't know what's best and I'm not going to offer any advice, it's just that I'm not sure retaliations will lead anywhere except to more retaliations.

RE: I'm all out of cheeks to turn
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:41 AM Rating: Default
amen brother
In this, our darkest hour...
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
I was awakened this morning by a phone call. My first response was to be angry that my peaceful sleep was disturbed on my day off. I had no idea of the absolute horror I would bear witness to in mere moments. The first words I heard were "Turn on your TV!!" I turned on my television, and I staggered when I read what had occured...a plane had crashed into the WTC. My first repsonse? Absolute horror...I know people who work there. My friend, a new father of a 3 week old baby, and another business associate of mine both have offices in the WTC. As I woke from the stunned disbelief, regained focus, I was dealt another blow...the second plane hit. I lost it...I cried...and cried...and cried. Then I remembered the phone in my hand. It was my friend, he was safe!! I cried some more. Apparently both of them managed to evacuate the towers safely.

Even as I sit and write this, I hope with all my heart that the death toll continues to decrease. I thank God with every breath for sparing the life of my friends, though I know those lives will be forever altered, as will the lives of every citizen of the US. I hope everyone joins me in sending my most fervent wishes of hope to those who fell victim to this tragedy this past day.

I truly and sincerely believe we will find those that are responsible for this damnable act of cowardice and deliver a swift and final justice to them, stating to the world once and for all that this WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!! We cannot and WILL NOT be subjected to this type of vile malicious horror, not now, not EVER!

Please, lend your support and prayers to those in need in the aftermath, and excuse my poor ramblings.
No matter what race or gendor we are Amerians
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:24 AM Rating: Default
this day will be in our minds and heart for years to come and for the lives of those who have lost loved ones in this time of saddnes and grief all my prayers go out to those still stuck in the building if any are left alive and i only wish i could be thier to help. They tried ot scare us but only made os stronger

"that which hurts us only makes us stronger and more unified"

God bless you all and stay strong
No matter what race or gendor we are Amerians
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:24 AM Rating: Default
this day will be in our minds and heart for years to come and for the lives of those who have lost loved ones in this time of saddnes and grief all my prayers go out to those still stuck in the building if any are left alive and i only wish i could be thier to help. They tried ot scare us but only made os stronger

"that which hurts us only makes us stronger and more unified"

God bless you all and stay strong
To anyone
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
To anyone who says "don't stereo type" or "don't say nuke em"

I say this : Go to NYC and start picking rubble off of the people in the demolished buildings..And if you happen to find one alive who asks what the hell happened, tell them..And then tell them that we forgive the terrorists and will be turning the other cheek..

I swear, the pussification of this country by all the "politically" correct or "religious" people in this country is nearly as bad as the religious fanatics world wide that see the United States as "the great satan"

Satan : Foe..

I say lets prove them right..They want a great foe..How about you unwrap the turban and use it as a sling to throw some rocks at the bombs that should be dropped on your heads, you inhuman creatures of pure evil...

Words are inadequate
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:01 AM Rating: Decent
Just to say that our little family feel your distress and grief and wish there was something tangible we could offer that would help.

In particular our hearts go out to the families of the rescuers and emergency services people caught in the collapse of the building.
Number count.
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:21 AM Rating: Excellent
It's 1:30am cst here, and I just heard on the news that the current estimate is over 800 dead in DC and that there were aprx 26,000 people in the WTC towers.

All I can say is thank God the numbers are going down rather then up.

There are still folks alive down there, they are still working to get to the survivors. There is still hope. I pray that number continues to drop when they start counting the dead in NY.

Fenra of Misty
Test Server
Germans are with you!
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:12 AM Rating: Default
I am from Germany. We are totally shocked here! Only wanted to tell you that we are all with you and praying for those you lost and those being injured and the families left behind.
We only wish we could do more to help.
RE: Germans are with you!
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:27 AM Rating: Default
I thank you whole heartedly for your Thoughts and prayers
Love thine enemies
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
That short moment we call life, is only the beginning to something greater. To inspire hope to those families out there, this life on earth is too miserable to be the only life we're given. For those who knew him, their waiting for you in a better place. To know peace, when we know Jesus we're already there. For those who are atheist or have no belief, there is no comfort but this life. How many innocent people have to die in a war to prove a point? Why do we as humans play god? Our roles in life will play out as God would have them, your satisfaction in life should be to know your loved ones are in a far better place than we can ever imagine, and their waiting for us to join them. Sometimes the loss seems unbearable, we've all lost love ones. We should never wish that kind of pain on any person.

Boah Landstrider
words can't describe the loss
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:51 AM Rating: Default
First off, My heart goes out to all that have lost someone today. Every time I close my eyes I see the plane crash into the WTC. In no way do i condone violence in any way shape or form. But I pray to the powers that be, whoever is responsible for these attacks, and all those who support and encourage them, are made to pay and suffer to the extreme. In no way do I think we in the USA are innocent or many crimes aginst others, but these actions should not be tolerated
Has the eye for an eye left us blind?
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
Some say kill, bomb, destroy...some pray; for the lives lost...for the lives remaining...for even the souls of the terrorists who wreaked havoc in the US. Some (myself included) were quite apalled to see people in the Mid East celebrating the destruction, stating that the "Americans had it coming". This infuriates me to see this, and children cheering as well...but do they understand?

Some say they're just as innocent, because it's just the way they were raised, and they don't know better... but we're comparing the way they were raised to the standards held by the typical raising of a child in the US.
The terrorists obviously did not care for OUR children...or our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends, co-workers, employers, employees, or rather, FOR HUMAN BEINGS....

I pray...but I what do I pray for... for the comfort and healing of the ones now left behind? for the quick recovery of the injured? for the swift annialation of the responsible terrorists??
I often wonder how much my prayer matters....and then I see another replay of that now familiar footage, and I think, "if I pray hard enough...can I wake up tomorrow and know that everything is as it was?
If I pray long enough, can I move the plane from its path?
If I pray ENOUGH....can I do anything to stop this or reverse this?
But does that make my prayer a worthless wish?
I hear the news as I write...calls are being made from cell phones...people are still alive? I listen longer...Two police officers pulled from the rubble....and they're alive...how? Is this a hope for better news amidst the shadow of yesterdays atrosities?
does this prayer work?
Why is there not more of this?
Why do we save it for our times of great trouble?

It's there...it's free... I can give no person one answer, and I have no need to conglomerate multiple answers, as most of my feelings are shared by many people here.
My deepest regret for not praying as much as I could have...
RE: Has the eye for an eye left us blind?
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
>I often wonder how much my prayer matters....and
then I see another replay of that now familiar
footage, and I think, "if I pray hard
enough...can I wake up tomorrow and know that
everything is as it was?
>If I pray long enough, can I move the plane from
its path?
>If I pray ENOUGH....can I do anything to stop this or reverse this?

You're right. Praying won't change what happened. Praying won't cause the plane to have not been hijacked, to have not hit the WTC, but your prayer will be noticed.

Your prayer matters a lot, especially to a loving God.

God loves us all, and he listens to your prayers. Pray that those trapped in the rubble are found and saved, for those prayers WILL be answered. Pray that God lays his hand upon the rescue workers and makes them work with 10 times the strength they have. Those prayers will be answered. It doesn't matter what you pray about, just pray. God will help.

I know I've heard it around campus, the question of "How can a loving God allow such tradgedy to happen?"

He lets it happen because He loves us. He gave us free will, and He doesn't change that, no matter how much it hurts Him or His children.

A great illustration was given to me today about this. There's vanilla and chocolate ice cream. What flavor do you want? You want vanilla. You're told you can have chocolate. That is taking away free will. God gave us free will and He allows such tradgedy to happen because He promised free will and there ain't no way He's taking it away.

Prayer.. prayer is the best help you can give. Better than any amount of blood, any amount of food, any amount of whatever physical support is sent, because when God is involved, miracles happen. People no longer need blood, people no longer need supplies. Supplies are somehow multiplied ten fold and nobody can account why. Pray.

Peace be with you all,

Not again...
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:48 AM Rating: Default
As a native Oklahoman and a resident of Oklahoma City, seeing the horrible images on the news today brought back memories of that awful day.

If you have an attack of guilt or conscience when the time comes to retaliate, simply look at the images of the World Trade Center buildings crumbling and taking so many lives as they fell.

Don't kid yourself, don't be an idiot...men, women AND children were killed in the attacks today. How many fathers will not be home for dinner? How many mommies will not be there to fix dinner? How many children will not be there to brighten the lives of those around them?

This atrocious act deserves swift and decisive retaliation aimed at those who were behind this, as well and the nation states who harbour these people. Will we kill women and children in the process? Probably, but those will not be our main targets.

If you could see into the twisted minds of the people behind this act, you would see that they have no guilt, no shame, and no problem killing EVERY man, woman AND child in this country.

Sorry for rambling... but the image of the Murrah Federal Building is still fresh in the minds of too many Americans, and this time it has hit us much deeper.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you NYC. God bless you.
May God have mercy on my soul
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not a religious person, but I do believe that there is a time for "turning the other cheek" and a time for retribution. I think that we have given these individuals several chances at turning our cheeks and now its time to strike and stike hard. Honestly the worst thing we can do right know is give in to their actions and admit its going to affect our every day lives, and I know it will, but we as a nation US or Canadian must stand together and act as if it didn't effect us because thats what they want. We must not give them the satisfaction of admitting what pain this has caused us as a nation.

I was there for the first gulf war I fought on board one of the carrier support ships and was partly responsible for the deaths of Iraqui soldiers I wish that upon no man or woman, but I hope that our nations youth can stand and answer the call to arms that must and will be made. I hope that there are still individuals who will step forward in this our darkest hour and be a shining example of what made this country great. Please do not take this out on the individuals from that area for they are no more responsible for this than you or I, but dear God do what you can to help, donate blood or anything that the red cross might need in terms of supplies or manpower in your local areas.

I'm sorry if this seems a little rambling but I like most feel like I've been sucker punched and the little bastards run away before I could strike back.

May God have mercy on the souls of those lost in New York and Washinton DC today and there families. My heart and thoughts go out to them.

And let retribution be swift and just in coming.

"Victory belongs to those who believe in it the most, and believe in it the longest. We're Gonna believe-and we're gonna make America believe too."...."Them, there rare you don't see them everyday but in times like these, you see young men like them stepping forward. There's just nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Col. Jimmy Dollittle Cmdr. of Dollittles raiders World War II
With Love
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:38 AM Rating: Default
I just pray not only for the people's families but also that the people who died in the planes, pentagon, and the two towers were right with God. Our lives are so short it's sad that it takes such a tragedy to bring us closer as a nation and closer to God. My prayers go out to all the families who never had a chance for their last goodbyes, and to all the children who's parents won't be there to pick them up.
I can't believe what I'm reading
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:24 AM Rating: Good
Some of this stuff I've read has been so disturbing. Who out there of you who have posted about retaliation, about those responsible burning in hell, about turning "their capitol into a radioctive plane of glass" are Christians? I know not all of you are, but of those who are, have you not read your Bible? Does it not say to forgive those who sinned against you and to turn the other cheek?

Understand also the Islam religion (I think it was inspired by Bin Ladin.) A very big stereotype is that all Muslims/Islamic people hate Christians and are brought up to want to kill Americans. The militant sect makes up just a very small portion of their culture, just like the militant militia is a very small portion of our culture. True, they spread a bad reputation about America, but that is by no means OUR culture. Islamic people are mostly very enjoyable people to be around.

By no means think that I am ignorant, for I know that the freedom and liberty I enjoy was paid for with countless lives. I know that in the physical world, law must be kept in order for that freedom and liberty to persevere.

Pray, yes. Pray for those in the bombing. But also pray for the attackers, for those responsible, and not that they might burn in hell, but that they might know the love that God has sent and repent from such ways.

Guns and bombs will help keep the peace temporarily, but the only way to ensure a continuing peace is to love your enemy as yourself. When they see that you turn your cheek, they will question you and then truly peace may be achieved.

My prayers go out to all those in the bombing, all those affected by the bombing, those with friends and family there, and to those responsible for today's tradgedy. I pray that peace will be maintained and that those responsible will find peace.

Peace go to those affected,


P.S. If it sounds like I wandered a bit, it's because I didn't write this message top to bottom, I jumped around a lot. Please, post questions you have should you have any, or comments, or whatever you may wish. I'll do my best to answer them.
RE: I can't believe what I'm reading
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:13 AM Rating: Default
Turn the other cheek and they will see the error in their ways?? Wake up, this is the REAL world we are living in. If we just ignore an attack of this magnitude, they are not going to respect us or like us, and no, CERTAINLY not love us because of it. It is not going to change their way of thinking at all.
You say you are not ignorant, and understand that law must be kept in order, but if people feel that they can get away with crimes like this, then they will continue, and more people will "join in on the fun".
How are you to keep the 'law in order' without punishing these people for their crimes?
That entire 'turn the other cheek' is completely rediculous!!!
"oh, he murdered my mother. but i forgive him. oh, he murdered by brother, my sister, and my daughter as well. but i forgive him."
reality check here.
We need to retaliate, massively. That is our only choice.
RE: I can't believe what I'm reading
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:24 AM Rating: Default
Turn the other cheek and they will slap it. I know that justice must be brought, don't think I'm lying about that. But give the message of justice to them at the same time as the message of love.

God doesn't directly touch the world and bring justice all the time, he often leaves that to man. What I am saying is to be just about it, don't be hypocritical. Don't kill those not responsible for such action. But don't turn a blind eye and let it slip. I realize the need for action. I realize the need for justice. I also realize that not all of Afghanistan was responsible.

I know not everyone would, but I would forgive a person for killing my mother, father, sister, and friends (most of my friends at least, not all of them share my beliefs), and I would love them for it, for those I care about most no longer suffer on this world. Most people though would not, and I realize that America is not able nor willing to forgive the terrorists for this action.

Peace be with you,

RE: I can't believe what I'm reading
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:02 AM Rating: Default
OK.....go back to bible school.....Was it not the christains that brought apon this world "The Holy Wars". Where those that had believed in god would smite those that did not. Is it not one of the Ten Commandments that says "Though Shall Not Kill".

I personally am an athiest(for those that don't know what that means....I don't believe in any God). I would rather see all those that have done this taken down by whatever means possible. Sure you can turn the other cheek all you want but what will that stop...nothing. When a child is being raised you scorn them when they do wrong so they never do it again....you turn your cheek and it gets worst.
RE: I can't believe what I'm reading
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:15 AM Rating: Default
>Was it not the christains that brought apon this
>world "The Holy Wars". Where those that had
>believed in god would smite those that did not.
>Is it not one of the Ten Commandments that
>says "Though Shall Not Kill".

The Holy Wars, the Crusades, yes, "Christians" started those wars. But they were religious Christians. A new phrase I've taken up recently is that religion sucks (excuse the language, but it does). Religious people are hypocrits, religious people find fault in everything, religious people make up rules to satisfy themselves. I'm not religious, I'm Christian.

Jesus attacked the pharisees in the gospel, calling them hypocrits. A bit of history for those who don't know, but doing so was extremely rebellious. The pharisees were the elite, they were the leadership of the church, they were the perfect, sinless people.

The Christians who started the Holy wars were not true Christians following Christ, they were Christians following their greed for self-worship and acknowledgement.

Again, don't think I'm saying that we must do nothing. This was the other cheek, they already slapped the WTC once (in 1993). I realize we must do something in this physical world or else all the ideals we live with, freedom, liberty, and justice, will be compromised. But I also believe that we must be just in doing so, for if we are not, what does that make us? No better than the terrorists, even worse, we kill those that weren't responsible and we become hypocrits. We cry justice than bring the deaths of innocents.

Peace be with you,

I wish we can stop the movie
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:06 AM Rating: Default
I know exactly what you feel like. It feels like something out of a movie, or a Tom Clancy movie. Can we please turn this horrible movie off?
# Sep 12 2001 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
I don't care if you believe in God or Not. I do. And I pray that he will guide our government in their decisions. I pray that no more lives will be unnecessarily lost to this hatred. I pray that those that have lost loved ones, friends, associates, will feel the love and support of America and our allies around them. I pray that justice will be swift and that our world will not fall again to war. May God Bless all those that survived. I hope and pray all will be safe now and that we can rectify this situation.
Atlas, my heart is sad and heavy. No words or revenge will replace those souls lost today. Rally together! Respect our nation! Pray that this will never happen again!
My love and sincere wishes for a quick resolve.

Jhaed Cursedblade
Shamaness of 58 winters
Furious Pantaloons
Solusek Ro

End it
# Sep 11 2001 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
I think it's time to show the terrorists we can play dirty too, we need to fight back, we can't let this go, we have to hunt every single one of them down and kill them all to make sure they can't retaliate.. don't let this go on, don't strike once then leave it alone or it'll just continue in a cycle, kill them all and have no mercy, end this now.
RE: End it
# Sep 12 2001 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default
Hunting down and killing all of them also continues the cycle. The solution is much tougher than that. If it were that simple terrorism would no longer be a problem. Obviously something needs to be done, I hope and pray that our governments make wise choices. God bless all who are affected by this, and god speed to recovery teams. Be safe all.

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