SOE Downtime - May 2, 2011

All Sony Online Entertainment services, games, forums and web sites are currently offline. This downtime relates to the recent Playstation Network intrusion. No ETA is available at this time. Here is the notice from

Dear valued SOE Customers,

We have had to take the SOE service down temporarily. In the course of our investigation into the intrusion into our systems we have discovered an issue that warrants enough concern for us to take the service down effective immediately. We will provide an update later today (Monday).

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

UPDATE: A press release was posted on SOE's web site around 3:40pm PDT.


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i miss my guild
# May 07 2011 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
heya all :)

Its just a game but still i miss my guild maybe its sad that but its true some of the best players humans or whatever i even met in life i meet in EQ am i lucky yes iam . i have a wfie and kids a cat a dog a house and a job allthat takes up time, But there is allways time to play on FV with the guild clever cool kind friends online. yes i have other things to do while this mess is being sorted ofc but i miss my guild Iam sure sony gonna take this attack and use it for the common good for all of us in the furture.

with kind regards

crusherinc a proud SK
Think Positive!
# May 04 2011 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
I just figure the other day they gave us double experiance for the day for being down . I figure we will get a week of double XP. I will get all my toons up to 300 AA:)))))
# May 03 2011 at 6:22 PM Rating: Good
I am sorry that you feel the need to ***** about what to Sony must be very devastating. Sony offers high quality games as we all know or we would not be playing them - most of us for years. Yes I want Everquest back on-line, but I think I can find something else to do in the mean time. What I really want is for the hacker(s) to be caught and punished. They are mad at Sony for catching a previous hacker and he is now doing time so they wanted to get even with Sony - they could care less how that effects millions of other people. Hopefully they just wanted to show Sony that they can still cause havoc and do not plan to use any of the info they stole, but I would take all the precautions you can - new cc, change passwords, etc. cause even hackers have expenses and stealing your money is so much easier then actually working to earn their own. I know Sony will make it up to their customers, via free game pay time and perks for our characters , I just hope people don't go crazy and jump on the "sue Sony" band wagon. We need Sony to be a healthy and viable company so we can continue to have a great source of entertainment such as Everquest (or whatever game you enjoy). We also need Sony to survive so the hacker(s) do not win. It is a shame when someone thinks they have the right to do this kind of thing - no different then when someone thinks its okay to rob a bank, hold up a gas station or break into your home. What happened to Sony is a crime and Sony (along with its customers) is the victim here not the criminal.
I hope Sony will start providing more information on the status of the breach and the repairs to that breach, including and estimated time that they will be back on-line. I will continue to support Sony not only with my words of encouragement, but I will continue to play the game that has given me so much enjoyment – even when the mob wins the fight. Ha Ha.
# May 03 2011 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
Well put.... I agree. SOE is probably the leader in online, worldwide, interactive gaming innovations. And has brought years of entertainment to millions of peeps... Unfortunately SOE can only give very basic information to the public. As we all know it's all about security.
# May 02 2011 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
I need to make things go BOOM!!!!.................. Let's get this prob fixed fast =)

90 Wizard (Fironia Vie)

# May 03 2011 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Hahah right on! I need some hack and slash!! My endurance is getting low and I'm already using Respite RK. III!!!!!
# May 02 2011 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Would all of you relax??? I have played Everquest for 11 years and this is the first time this has happened. What is SONY supposed to do, open the servers and let the hackers do more damage? They are going to more than compensate us for the time the servers are down (1 month plus each day it is down) and I am sure they will do double exp for the potential time we have lost.

It is pretty simple what all the angry fuss is about. People who are raging arent mad cause they feel they are wasting money- they are mad because they are obsessed with this game and DONT HAVE A LIFE. If you turn into a psycho and send SOE hate messages about how you are going to cancel and go to WoW (like they or any of us care) all because you are out of playing a GAME for a few days or however long it takes, you have real problems. You are probably the same tools I see running around showing off all your gear and bragging you are the TOP tank or the TOP healer because it validates the rest of your pathetic real life.

SO stop with the hateful messages about how SONY is so incompetent!! They are doing their best!! Blame the hackers who also have no lives who get off on this! The only thing you are accomplishing by complaining is making yourself look like a loser! PEACE
# May 07 2011 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
All wash is done, yard work done, and now cleaning my car for once. Cant wait to play. Thinking of cleaning the cellar if this continues.
Smiley: drool2 Laundry done. check list getting shorter.

Edited, May 11th 2011 12:04am by namdaruluclin
# May 03 2011 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
lol Amen.... Truly all the fuss isn't about the $15 a month. you could pull that out of your couch cushions. A few days isn't going to hurt anyone. Besides....... Lets think about it.... Based on 30 day month the down time of the server is $.50 a day per account (If your not on a free account). I'm not worried about that. Now if down time rolls into a couple weeks we're talking a dif story.

I am curious as to how SOE is going to compensate all of us that play EQ II Extended? (Game account rules are dif. for the Extended Version) I am on a gold account and pay the $15 a month. I had shown concern to SOE for a totally dif issue long ago and they said that even though I'm a Gold Account Member they cant compensate a dollar value (reduce monthly rate ect.) because EQ II Extended is essentially free.
# May 03 2011 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
Yes alot of people are mad because the game is down and are behaving badly,but because you play Eq2 it doesn't make you a loser or indicate that you have a bad life. I love playing EQ2,I play as often as possible yet I do have a life,family and other intrest,lol,I garden in the evenings also...
# May 03 2011 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
i agree firebard, i just reativated my acount and haven't been able to even do acompleat update yet. three days of lost play time, but i know that SOE will make it up to all of us.
# May 02 2011 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
13 posts
***** Sony and their incompetence.

I just came back to the game and deactivated my accounts, and upgraded expansions. I could care less about free time....I want a refund on the expansions and my sub time, because the game hasn't worked for a continuous 72 hours since I got back. I'm going to go find a game that works. And if they won't give it to me, I'll dispute those charges with my bank. Charging for services not rendered is exactly what that is for.

Who do we see about the class-action lawsuit when we find out our info was leaked?
# May 02 2011 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
New info and it is not good.
# May 02 2011 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
After being an EQ customer for 8 years now I said I would never play another online game except EverQuest....loading WoW as we speak
Update Please!!
# May 02 2011 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
I've had an account since 99, and this is the first time i am posting.

I dont care if you are embarrassed of the situation or whatever the case may be. We, the costomers of Sony have a right to know what is going on. Not hear it from other sources, rumors of what may be happening. After all if it wasnt for us, your customers, you wouldnt have this billion dollar company.

And i'm only getting aggrivated because you said over 11 hours ago you would post an update and here we still sit waiting for an update from you. Jumping from site to site to find any imformation we can that, SHOULD BE coming from you.

We respectfully pay our monthly subscription to you, have some respect back towards your loyal customers and keep us updated please.
Security Update
# May 02 2011 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Customer Service Notification
May 2, 2011

Dear Valued Sony Online Entertainment Customer:
Our ongoing investigation of illegal intrusions into Sony Online Entertainment systems has discovered that hackers may have obtained personal customer information from SOE systems. We are today advising you that the personal information you provided us in connection with your SOE account may have been stolen in a cyber-attack. Stolen information includes, to the extent you provided it to us, the following: name, address (city, state, zip, country), email address, gender, birthdate, phone number, login name and hashed password.
Press release
# May 02 2011 at 4:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Cyliena Velnarin | @Cyliena on Twitter

Press release
# May 02 2011 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
I have a PSN account, so I was already doing the security thing, cancelling the credit cards, etc.
# May 02 2011 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
SOE had more than 10,000 credit card numbers stolen, according to this article:!5797858/more-than-12700-credit-cards-stolen-from-sony-online-entertainment
Nothing new, it's same old response just on bigger scale
# May 02 2011 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
I think that alot of SOE customers are tired of the same old response (or lack thereof) by SOE than anything. Over the years SOE has had the personality that they offer a service, if you want to participate you have to do so on their terms or go someplace else. They have never been known for support or being upfront with customers. For so many years SOE response to almost everything has been "everything is functioning as intended". This is just one of the same instances, just on a larger scale and one with more dire outcomes for some, this time those outcomes will hit SOE a bit as well as the consumer.

After the way SOE has treated not only it's customers but also employee's over the years most will say this is not a big shock. Although I don't condone the hackers actions I can see why they took a shot at Sony and believe there are probably many who wish they could have done the same.

Bottom line is this is the same old Sony, they are just finally getting called on their actions (or again, the lack thereof) and flamed for their response to the attack.

Services will be restored, Sony will try and make amends and save the customers they can. How big of a hit they take, the affects of this whole situation on Sony and it's customer base is yet to be seen. I can tell you that our family (like many others I'm sure) will go back to using Sony because of the hardware, software and years invested with Sony and it's products/services. Sony is just the big dog in the kennel on a few diffferent fronts, and until a bigger better dog comes along most will stay in Sony's kennel, no matter how deep the sh*t gets.
Nothing new, it's same old response just on bigger scale
# May 03 2011 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
I agree on 90% of what your saying. But To keep returning to a company that treats it clients essentially like crap over the years.......... I have to say that you should def. re evaluate your position. I can honestly say that since I've been with SOE since early year 2000 (and left them once for 3 yrs) I'm leaving them again.... I'm tired of being treated like crap from them as you have stated. And this is the straw that broke the camels back....... I don't care what lvl my toon is.... I have canceled the Credit Card and SOE will NEVER GET ANY OF MY MONEY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Panasonic hardware for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lollololololololol To bad SOE is relying on peeps like you to keep them afloat. All of us Band Together And We Will See Results. Remember.......... POWER IS IN NUMBERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing new, it's same old response just on bigger scale
# May 02 2011 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
and there you have it.... SOE is going to be offline for a very long time until they figure out what happened and exactly what was accessed etc.... this is going to take quite a while to ferret out.
# May 02 2011 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
One thing is for sure. The least concern for SOE is Everquest. We are a minority as compared to the nearly 70 million PS subscribers. In the worst case they will forget to click the "Turn On EQ servers" key. :)
Credit Card Cancellation May be Recommended
# May 02 2011 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Whatever is, or is not, going on at Sony, my credit card provider (Chase Visa) which I used for a monthly auto billing of my subscription is concerned. When I contacted them this morning after learning of SOE being offline due to hacking they said they were already aware of it. The operator offered to cancel the account (something she said they had been doing already, not sure if it was for SOE EQ or previously relating to Playstation) and when I mentioned I was concerned about being without the card offered overnight delivery (which indicates to me they are serious in their concerns). While due to fraudulent charges protection the issuer is generally more at risk for losses and thus the upcharge for overnight delivery could be far less than being stuck with losses (not necessarily so for debit cards which could also subject a user to bounced check and other major inconveniences should their account be tapped and drained) who wants the hassle of someone tapping their credit line?

While others here a bit more sanguine about identity theft and potential fraudulent charges, I have neither the time, nor desire to experience them.

If SOE survives this and brings back EQ2 I think I will be paying with game cards from now on.

Edited, May 2nd 2011 5:29pm by EQEsq
Credit Card Cancellation May be Recommended
# May 04 2011 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
I use the Chase Amazon Visa. It was I who notified them about it before you called. :-D I did not cancel and I haven't seen any attempts at fraud. I did put in filters so I get notified if anything outside the US or over $300 is attempted.

Most CC issuers have profiles of what your normal activity is. If it deviates, they'll call you.

Lee of Povar
Fight smarter not harder.
EQ2 Downtime
# May 02 2011 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
I'm just wondering if it will be a few more hours, a few days, or whatever. I'm not angry or anything. I know things happen that no one can control. Just curious about how long it will be down for.
EQ2 Downtime
# May 02 2011 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Let see, Playstation Network went down April 19th and is still not back up. SOE got attacked early today.... you do the math
EQ2 Downtime
# May 02 2011 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
Apparently, nobody knows, and SoE's customer service isn't talking. I called them a few hours ago and got a lot of hm'ing and ha'ing, but not one straight answer.
Give it a rest...
# May 02 2011 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
To everyone whining about the downtime...get over it...they took them down to try and protect what was left and keep it from getting worse...granted theyre trying to shove the **** back in the cow and its not working very well...but theyre trying...give them a break, suck it up, and stop ***********
Nightblade Xaxony Silentshadow the Dark Phantom
Blade Dancer Skyai Blue'Seas the Dreamer
Windcaller Myrahi Shadowstorm the Earthwarden
Arcanist Fyrebloom Shadowflame the Trickster
Priestess Idaari Shadowshifter the Adventurous
Knight Vylea Shadowlight of the Truthbringer
<Council of Dragons> of Fennin Ro (Cazic Thule}
Give it a rest...
# May 02 2011 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Forgive me...

But, it seems that if they were on the ball, it wouldn't have come to this. SoE could at least try to make a half-hearted effort at damage control. Even calling them doesn't get answers. On the website, I get, "We'll update you later today. Over the phone, I got, "I can't answer that." And, "I'm not sure." And, "Check back in a few hours."
no-- not an employee
# May 02 2011 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
No i am not an soe employee-- gee does everyone have to work for a company to have a loyalty to it? and yes i do get decent service -- after all i deal with humans not machines. but i don't expect perfect -- just decent and good. being humans, people i deal with do make mistakes, give me the wrong advice, and sometimes ***** up. what matters to me is that they try. i don't expect the impossible.

when i get online on internet explorer even with the best security, i sometimes still get a virus. living on a planet full of real people, there are always idiots who want to see if they can "do it" so they hack and make viruses and try to create havoc. why? who knows-- guess it is for the challenge. as far as sony layoffs-- what company doesn't have layoffs, especially when they decide to change their direction and focus on a specific area of their business. after all, when a company gets spread too thin trying to be everything to everybody, they become less effective. by specializing they can offer a better product and better service. that means cutting back in areas that are no longer effective or profitable for them or that doesn't fit the direction they want to go. it's called business and happens when companies reconstruct their goals and reassess where they want to take their company.

business information and account information is always a risky thing no matter how good the encryption is. there is no such thing as fail-proof or total security. there is always someone somewhere who is trying to hack it-- especially with a company as high profile as sony. that doesn't make it ok-- but could anyone really have done better? can you guarantee complete safety? no one can -- not in today's world.

i prefer4 to be realistic -- and hope for the best outcome.
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
no-- not an employee
# May 04 2011 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
There's your problem. Internet Exploiter, I mean Explorer. I practice safe computing and use Firefox. I have no AV program and I never get viruses.

Compute safer. Switch to Firefox.

Lee of Povar, formerly Quellious
Fight smarter not harder.
# May 02 2011 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
All the posts here have to be taken as conjecture given that no official information has been given to anyone - the media is trying like crazy to outscoop each other on anything credible to report at all on this. And yet not a one has anything more than a rehash of the same quote we all see and useless space filler. No one who really knows anything is talking...
EQ Downtime
# May 02 2011 at 2:37 PM Rating: Default
22 posts
The worst part of this is the lack of information. I Found out more about what's going on from the posts here than from SONY. Nothing on the Alla page says anything about customer information even possibly being compromised. If there's even a chance, they should be letting us know so we can take precautions. One way or the other, there's NO communication from them, and that's HIGHLY irresponsible on their part. A simple note saying we're down and will update you all later is NOT enough. Update us on the REAL expected downtime and let us get on with our lives. If it's going to be down a long time, days or more even, just TELL us already. We all enjoy the game, and we all have limited time to play which needs to fit in with our real lives. In this age of the 24 hour news cycle we expect information to flow at the spped of light, and when SONY goes silent like this people will get frustrated. What do they expect? We're reasonable folks, for the most part, but they are treating us like we're idiots.
Tell us what's going on, tell us how long it's going to take to fix it. NOW.

Yankees Rule...On My Tool. GO SOX!!!
EQ Downtime
# May 02 2011 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
It is a result of the PSN hack. The information that was compromised was on the PSN - and those people were notified (a week late, but they were notified). In that email, they said that they had no evidence that CC information had actually been compromised.

It is likely that this downtime is just them being cautious and covering all their bases...and that they aren't telling us that it has been compromised because they don't know that it has.

Some people have called the Customer Service line already and the Accounting Department has said that they have not been notified of any issues of fraud - but that is about the only thing they have to say right now.
the vultures are already circling and the prey isn't dead ye
# May 02 2011 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
does anyone really think that the proponents of a class action suit give a damn whether we have a game to enjoy after they are through? it is about money and what true eqers want is their game back. if sony goes bankrupt over the lawsuits that are threatened, who is the real loser? us-- the people who love this game and want to see it recover. so please don't be too quick to jump on the legal action wagon. people want to sue over the least thing these days and you know they will sue over this one but stop and think-- do we want our game or do we want revenge? i vote for the game and hope sony makes a full recovery without losing their shirts in the process.
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
the vultures are already circling and the prey isn't dead ye
# May 02 2011 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
iyeni wrote:
does anyone really think that the proponents of a class action suit give a damn whether we have a game to enjoy after they are through? it is about money and what true eqers want is their game back. if sony goes bankrupt over the lawsuits that are threatened, who is the real loser? us-- the people who love this game and want to see it recover. so please don't be too quick to jump on the legal action wagon. people want to sue over the least thing these days and you know they will sue over this one but stop and think-- do we want our game or do we want revenge? i vote for the game and hope sony makes a full recovery without losing their shirts in the process.

Funny thing about crass action suits and the supreme court, the new finding makes it almost impossible to file a suit against a company that has a arbitration clause in their agreement.....have you read the terms of financial agreement lately for SOE?

As far as the hackers go, hope they catch then and waterboard them.

Edited, May 2nd 2011 4:47pm by eq2ctplayer
Epic Fail, Sony!
# May 02 2011 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
I was just thinking of playing EQ2 for the first time since last year.

I guess I won't bother now. :p
From the LA Times
# May 02 2011 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Less than a week after news of a security breach sparked an uproar, Sony Corp. has shut down its online-gaming unit after a hacker infiltrated the network in the second such attack on the company in the last month.

Sony Online Entertainment, known for creating massive multi-player games such as EverQuest and The Matrix Online, suspended service Sunday night, according to a statement Monday.

"In the course of our investigation into the intrusion into our systems we have discovered an issue that warrants enough concern for us to take the service down effective immediately," the statement said.

Two weeks ago, an attack on Sony's PlayStation Network and Qriocity music service exposed the personal information of 77 million customers accounts. Sony apologized and disclosed Saturday that 10 million credit card accounts may have been compromised during the security breach.

The company will give affected customers 30 days of free access to its Qriocity music-streaming service as well as 30 days of access to its PlayStation Plus online game service. The company will also provide credit card protection services to relevant customers, Kaz Hirai, Sony's executive deputy president, said during a news conference on Saturday.

The company has drawn the ire of both customers and lawmakers since the initial attack. A congressional subcommittee last week demanded answers to a detailed list of questions regarding security concerns, including when the breach occurred, how much data was stolen and why Sony waited a week before it notified customers.

Consumers have filed at least two lawsuits in California against Sony and are seeking federal class-action status.

LA Times report
# May 02 2011 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone else find it amusing that the TV news report in the video at is preceded by an advert for a credit card company?

Why didnt they just say ..

"Hey, problems with your old cc? Maybe SOE revealed your details along with those of 76,999,999 other customers? Make the break and switch to Brand New CC now!"

edit += typo correction

Edited, May 2nd 2011 4:07pm by Footstep5
Concerned but confident
# May 02 2011 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Seems to me that a lot of people like to whine before being informed. I know Sony is not a real forthright company their customer service attests to that but read the news peeps. Go to and read the article "Sony tries to recover from data breach" then see if you want to come back here and grip. 10 million customers had some of their personal info taken. Sony even said that those 10 million CC info may be compromised but "it knows the hackers didn't get the security codes for those cards".
10mil out of 77 mill across all Sony networks sounds pretty hopeful. Besides it sounds like some peeps trying to settle a beef with Sony and not out to rip-off the customers.
I am far from gullible and would usually join in on a gripe session about Sony but not this time. They know they crapped their pants now let them be to clean it up.
Concerned but confident
# May 02 2011 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
77 million subscribers in just the Playstation Network.

Edited, May 2nd 2011 4:53pm by UnlicensedFish
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