Nexus Talk Episode 47: WildStar at PAX East

Nexus Talk Episode 47 is live and we join Richie Procopio as he reports from the Carbine booth at PAX East about the juicy bits of information revealed at the WildStar panel in the main theater.

WildStar PAX Panel: Eldergame and Itemization

PAX East is officially underway this weekend and if you've been paying any attention to the news surrounding the upcoming MMO WildStar, then you know Carbine has landed smack dab in the middle of Boston and is preparing for world domination. Seriously, I wonder how many Settlers it took to set up this booth! With 300 demo computers installed with the game, developers answering questions and giant bulletin boards that would give even the largest in-game bosses a run for their money, if you didn't know about WildStar before, chances are it'll at least be on your radar by the time the weekend lets out.

While the WildStar booth is pretty impressive, the highlight of the show for most fans–and those still discovering the game–had to be the Carbine panel, "$#!& Just Got Real", that was held Friday afternoon. During the panel the Carbine team primarily discussed WildStar's "Elder Game", reviewing previous information like rated PvP Battlegrounds and Arenas, but also dishing out a handful of new tidbits including Elder Game solo story-content and Itemization. A pretty epic "WildStar Flick" for the game's 40v40 Elder Game PvP type, Warplots, was shown during the panel as well, but we'll talk more about that at a later date.

For now I want to focus on the information we received relating to solo story-instances and item progression, because who doesn't like epic encounters accompanied by epic loot?

WildStar April Patch Notes: Highlights

If you're like me and itching for some new WildStar information to sink your teeth into, I may have just the thing to whet your appetite. Starting PAX East week off with a bang, Carbine has released the April WildStar Beta Patch Notes to the public, and there's quite a few interesting bits of information to be seen this time around. While I won't be diving into every individual piece of information scattered across the 71 pages of patch notes, I will hit some of the major highlights players can expect to encounter in this upcoming beta weekend.

Without further delay, let's dive in!

WildStar PvP Livestream Video and Recap

If you missed last weekend's WildStar PvP livestream, have no fear because Carbine has the video prepped and ready to go for your viewing pleasure this week. Join Senior Community Manager, David Bass, Community Manager, Tony Rey and PvP Systems Lead, Jen Gordy, as they spill the details on everything related to WildStar's Battlegrounds and Arenas.

If you take away anything from this video remember to stay out of the red, go for objectives and lead your team to victory–or die trying.

Nexus Talk Episode 46: WildStar Add-ons

Nexus Talk Episode 46 is live and today we join Richie Procopio as he gives us the rundown on WildStar's add-on functionality. Tune in as he shares how to install add-ons, where to find them and lists a few of his favorites to use while he's adventuring across Planet Nexus.

50k Lego Piece WildStar Rocket to be Built at PAX

If you're planning to head to PAX East next week, you may be in for a pretty big surprise coming straight to you from the WildStar universe.

Nexus Talk Episode 45

Nexus Talk Episode 45 is here! This week join Richie Procopio as he shares his first experiences with WildStar's dungeon content. He jumps, he dodges, he even kisses the ground a few times, but in the end he comes out triumphant!

WildStar Bonus Beta Weekend Event

With the switch from a continuous closed beta to the newly introduced bi-weekly beta weekend schedule, fans of the upcoming MMO, WildStar, have been eagerly twiddling their thumbs in hopes to pass the time until they can jump into the game. Well, it seems as though the fans weren't the only ones missing the action.

WildStar PvP Week Approaches

If having to wait two weeks for another WildStar beta weekend is causing you to suffer from withdraws, Carbine is providing a few things for you to sink your teeth into that should help pass the time. Following last week's "Arenas and Battlegrounds" DevSpeak Video, Carbine is going all out  to answer your PvP questions and provide deep dives for both Arenas and Battlegrounds throughout the week.

Empty your cup, young grass-hopper, and fill it with all of this upcoming PvP goodness.

Nexus Talk Episode 44: Cosmetic Loot Progression

Nexus Talk Episode 44 is here! This week join Richie Procopio as he goes over the question: "Can solo players be bad ass in WildStar?" Or should all of the awesome looking gear be reserved for the most challenging group-oriented content?