WildStar: Name Reservation Woes

If you've been eagerly following WildStar in preparation for its June 3rd launch, then you're most likely aware that name reservations for the game have been live since this past Tuesday. However, if you were one of the thousands of players who rushed the gates when the services went live, then you were probably greeted with a series of headaches when trying to reserve your name.

WildStar: Moment in the Life of Brett Scheinert

Today Carbine Studios released its latest video, A Moment in the Life, as they gave viewers a behind the scenes talk with its Lead Dungeon Designer, Brett Sheinert. This video is the first in the newly announced WildStar Wednesday video series line up.

If you ever wondered how epic dungeons are made, Brett will show you how it's done.

WildStar: Raiding For the Hardcore

WildStar Wednesday came around a day early this week in order to reveal the game’s latest DevSpeak video, which details Eldergame Raiding. Unlike other games, raids in WildStar are not for the faint of heart and will take a multitude of skill, coordination and teamwork in order to pull these things off. So grab 20 or 40 of your closest guildies, gear up and be sure to bring your A-game, because these Raids are for the hardcore!

Nexus Talk Episode 52

Nexus Talk Episode 52 is here! This Week Richie Procopio brings you the recap of the six-hour long WildStar livestream that was hosted by Carbine Studios last Friday. The devs showed off what's in store for players as they start their journey on Nexus, as well as glimpse of what's to come. Be sure to tune in as Richie breaks it all down.

Your Next: Pressing Buttons - GLHF 2

A good joke doesn't need explanation, you either find it funny or you don't; the same goes for fun. You know if you're having fun, and the only possible effect of someone telling you why is that you stop having fun. You'd have to be some sort of demented sadist to expect anyone to read multiple columns on that topic.

So here we are with Part 2! 

In the previous edition of Your Next, I lamented the fact that I couldn't get on with The Elder Scrolls Online. I have been critical of it for some time, and while that could have clouded my judgement of the finished product, I still feel it is underwhelming overall. Again, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't like it.

One thing the game did give me was the desire to figure out exactly what it was that made MMOs fun for me, why I was still drawn to the genre after so many duds. Maybe it's the same reason we kiss so many frogs when looking for a prince.

So we move on, and look to the horizon for the next potential disappointment. This time we don't have far to go at all, with WildStar already dashing in like a neon cavalry, replete with hoverboards and a sense of humour that is so refreshing after years of po-faced offerings. 

WildStar "Devs Unleashed Part One" Recap

Miss the WildStar "Devs Unleashed" livestream on Thursday? Fear not, because we have the recap here just for you! Open Beta is going on as we speak and the devs over at Carbine Studios are here to talk to you about starting your journey on Planet Nexus.

Prepare for the Devs Unleashed: Part One!

WildStar: Open Beta Begins!

The time to discover the mystery behind Planet Nexus is almost upon us! In preparation for the game's June 3rd release, the upcoming MMORPG, WildStar, is officially beginning its open beta today! Long-time fans and newcomers alike can download the client and jump in the 24/7 beta for the next 10 days. Players participating in the beta will be able to partake in all content up to level 30, until the servers close on May 18th as the Carbine Studios team prepares for launch.

Planet Nexus holds many secrets—how far will you go to uncover them?

WildStar: Name and Guild Reservations

Following yesterday's announcement of WildStar's open beta, the team over at Carbine Studios also started sending out emails regarding character and guild name reservations.

WildStar Open Beta Announced: May 8 - 18

Carbine Studios has announced that the WildStar open beta will run from May 8-18, raising the level cap to 30, and with two developer livestreams along the way! Check out the official site for more information on your leveling journey in Nexus and check out the WildStar Twitch TV channel Thursday and Friday mornings this week at 11am PT for the livestreams.

Nexus Talk Episode 51

Nexus Talk is here and this week it's all about choosing your Path in WildStar! Join Richie Procopio as he dives into what each path specializes in, as well as the various rewards you can receive as you level up. Whether you're a Settler, Soldier, Explorer or Scientist, there will be some way for you to pitch in upon landing on Planet Nexus.