Weekly WAR Recap: Dec. 27, 2008

Another weekly site update, sharing with you the latest information regarding WAR Allakhazam, as well as reviewing important announcements you may have missed earlier last week.

Categories in this update include: News Highlights, Forum Discussions, WIKI/DB Updates, and Guide Updates.  Click "More..." below to view a summary of each category.

Keg End Holiday Event Progress

Our guild has had a fantastic time helping each other complete the Keg End event. It is so funny seeing my friend lugging around his backpack of ale mugs and kegs on his Engineer.

While news has been sparse from around the community regarding the event due to the holidays, we want to hear from you on what you have been up to this weekend. Join us in our latest "The Weekend Update" post!

Merry Christmas from the Allakhazam Team

The Allakhazam team would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas today, as well as a safe and happy holiday season. We hope you're all able to spend some time with your family and friends. Also, if you get some time to log in to your game of choice today, we hope you get the chance to participate in its holiday festivities. After all, the grind never stops, but in-game events like these don't happen very often.

Holiday cheer is also being spread in most of our forums, so feel free to visit them and continue in the discussions. For Final Fantasy XI fans, members of the Allakhazam community have written "The 12 Days of Vana'diel." As I mentioned in a previous news post, the World of Warcraft community wrote "The 12 Days of Winter Veil." I'm sure somebody out there must have a decent singing voice and a microphone...

For you Star Wars Galaxies fans, Instigator has posted the official Allakhazam SWG holiday picture. If you have any festive in-game screenshots, we'd love to see them. Also, let us know if you got any good loot, both in-game and out.

Happy holidays everyone!

'Twas The Night Before Keg End

A lovely Christmas poem and holiday thanks from Mark Davis was posted on WAR Herald a few moments ago.   Have a safe and happy holidays everyone!

'Twas the night before Keg End, and as the hour grew later
The devs all worked hard to make WAR even greater
The Ogres and Snotlings were spawned with great care,
In hopes that the players would find them all there

The artists were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of fireworks danced in their heads;

Server Update 12/23/2008 - All Servers

Status: Today's maintenance has been postponed until further notice

We will be bringing all North American servers offline at 9:00 AM EST for an update to improve server stability. Oceanic servers will follow shortly thereafter at 11:00 AM EST (1:00 AM WDT) with downtime expected to last no later than 1:00 PM EST for North American servers and 2:00 PM EST (4:00 AM WDT) for Oceanic servers.

These updates are part of our continuing efforts to bring you the best in game experience possible. As always, thanks for your support and please check the WAR Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

Recruit-a-Friend to WAR!

Now you have a way to get all your friends to try Warhammer Online without them saying things like, "Well, Berek, I just don't have the money and I'm already playing WoW right now..." Here's the chance to give them a taste of WAR on their own time:

The Realm War continues to rage and the armies of Order and Destruction are always on the lookout for new recruits. Do you know a brave warrior that could bolster the ranks? You could earn 30 days of free game time when you recruit family and friends to join the battle in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning!

Server Update 12/22/2008 - All Servers

Status: Update completed, all servers back online.

On Monday 12/22/08 at 7:00 AM EST all North American servers will be coming down for an update to the servers with Oceanic servers following shortly after at 9:00 AM EST. We anticipate that North American Servers will be back online before 11:00 AM EST and Oceanic before 12:00 PM EST. This update is part of our continuing efforts to improve server stability across the board but especially in open Realm vs. Realm Combat.

Server Update 12/21/2008 - All Servers

Status: Maintenance is complete!

On Sunday, 12/21/08 at 7:00AM EST all North American servers will be coming down for an update to the servers with Oceanic servers following shortly after at 9:00 AM EST. We anticipate that North American Servers will be back online before 11:00 AM EST and Oceanic before 12:00 PM EST. This update is part of our continuing efforts to improve server stability across the board but especially in open Realm vs. Realm Combat.

Weekly News Recap: Dec. 20, 2008

We have a ton of links to share with you in this week's recap of our exclusive content and noteworthy news items (which can be found after the jump). With the holiday season upon us, most MMOs are celebrating with numerous events. Some, such as World of Warcraft's Feast of Winter Veil, are listed below. Whichever game you play, take some time to enjoy the festivities. Also, feel free to browse our news archive to check out everything that couldn't fit in this weekly recap.

Allakhazam Features

Dangers of Sanrio Town : Hello Kitty Online features an in-depth social network. While it's a good tool for meeting other players, it could be dangerous for the game's younger fans.

Ten Years of Lineage II : Sam Han, Lineage II Producer for NCsoft West, and Young Park, the original Lineage Production Assistant for NCsoft West, talk with us about the Lineage franchise.

Jumpgate Evolution Media #3 : These exclusive screenshots showcase fighters class ships and factories that are used in crafting.

Swordsman Screenshots : We take an in-depth look at this class from IGG's free-to-play Zu Online.

Station Crap : Allakhazam Editor-in-Chief Andrew "Tamat" Beegle has a less than favorable personal opinion on SOE's new Station Cash microtransaction service. What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments section.

Weekly WAR Recap: Dec. 20, 2008

Another weekly site update, sharing with you the latest information regarding WAR Allakhazam, as well as reviewing important announcements you may have missed earlier last week.

Categories in this update include: News Highlights, Forum Discussions, WIKI/DB Updates, and Guide Updates.  Click "More..." below to view a summary of each category.