WAR Fiction - The Sword is Forged

WAR Herald has just posted Part 2 of "The Sword is Forged" fiction piece. I'm a big fiction writer myself, so it's especially exciting for me to see such excellent work being produced for the WAR community.

"The Sword Is Forged" by Nathan Long
Chapter 1 Here, Chapter 2 Here

If you are interested in writing some fiction for our site here at Allakhazam, I'd love to read it and share it here on the news for the rest of the community to enjoy!

Server Maintenance - Multiple Servers

Status: Maintenance Completed.

At 8:30AM EST Skull Throne and White Tower will be brought offline for hardware maintenance.

We anticipate servers to be back online by 11AM EST.

Update - 9:30EST: Skull Throne and White Tower are now back online

Update - 8:35EST: Skull Throne and White Tower are now offline

Heavy Metal Event Info

With the Heavy Metal event in full swing we want to remind you that we have all the information you need when jumping into the game and exploring the two new careers that are available.

Need to know more about the Black Guard or Knight of the Blazing Sun careers? How about which Public Quests are available in the game area you're currently exploring. We even have a dedicated Heavy Metal Wiki Article that was updated today with the latest event information.

If you have any questions concerning the event and what content is available for it, our Heavy Metal Info-Thread discusses this and more!

Weekly Site Update - 11/22/2008

Another weekly site update, sharing with you the latest information regarding WAR Allakhazam, as well as review important announcements you may have missed earlier last week.

We've changed the date from Monday to Saturday evening to better cover news throughout the previous week.

Categories include: News Highlights, Forum Discussions, WIKI/DB Updates, and Guide Updates.  Click "More..." below to view a summary of each category!

Server Maintenance Today

WAR Server Status: Maintenance Completed!

As mentioned in the previous news post, in about 10 minutes from this announcement, at 10:00 AM EST the servers will be coming down for maintenance. The WAR team anticipates them being back up by 2PM EST or earlier. We will update this announcement when they are online!

Server Maintenance 11/22 - All Servers

With the Heavy Metal event in full swing, there is some needed server maintenance coming up tomorrow morning that will be addressed for all servers:

Tomorrow, Saturday 11/22 all servers will be brought offline at 10:00AM EST for Server Maintenance to continue our efforts to improve server stability. We anticipate all servers to be back online by 2PM EST or earlier.

We apologize for any inconvenience this weekend maintenance causes in advanced. Thank you!

Hot Fixes - 11/21/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today, focusing on live events:

Live Event Updates

  • By popular request, players will now be able to complete previous daily tasks for the Heavy Metal event. A task will continue to unlock each day and remain open until the end of the event allowing players to complete all the tasks at their convenience. Please Note: If you notice an apparent loss of credit for any previous days you have already completed simply exit the game entirely and log back in to correct this issue.
  • Reikland Factory: Improvements have been made to potentially increase the rate at which the scenario launches.

Dev Diary - The Realm War Site

Scott Stricklin talks about the Realm WAR site and all the goodies they have planned for it in this Dev Diary :

As you can imagine there is always a long list of features we’d like to make available on the web site.  There is no shortage of input from the rest of the studio, and the web team itself has plans both big and small for bringing compelling content to our players.  Still, some things stand out as necessities in the catalog of features we want to surface to the web.  Podcasts and Community news?  Sure.  Character and Guild profiles?  All the cool kids are doing it.  But for a game with RvR as its bread and butter… its defining feature… its schwerpunkt, as it were, the presentation of RvR data to the web is close to the top of the list.

Click "More..." below to view the rest of the dev diary. We've also included the diary in our forums.

European Character Transfers

Nic from the GOA team for WAR Europe has posted about the delay in character transfers this week:

Hello all,

I would like to give you an update to the status of character transfers.

By now it is obvious that we have missed our "middle of the week" deadline for offering you the Free Character transfers. We have run into some issues with characters using special characters in their names and our development team is working hard to solve this issue by tomorrow.

Hot Fixes - 11/20/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: General Changes and Bug Fixes, Content, Items, Quests & Public Quests, and Realm vs. Realm

General Changes and Bug Fixes
  • Based on player feedback, we have adjusted the way our End User Licensing Agreement (EULA) is presented. With this update, this window will only become visible in cases when we have made modifications to the contents of the EULA.
  • Additional improvements have been made to client performance and stability, particularly during periods of intense combat.

Click "More..." below to view the rest! We've included the list in our forums as well.