SOE Server Downtime December 10 - All Games

All SOE game servers will be offline for hardware maintenance beginning at 1:00 AM PST on Thursday, December 10, 2009. This includes all SOE MMOs as well as TCGs. The downtime is expected to last around 5 hours.

For EverQuest II servers the downtime will last until 10am PST, for a total of 9 hours estimated downtime.  This extended downtime will be for all EQII servers so that hotfixes and Frostfell can go live.

Here's our time zone conversion tool to help you plan.

This information changed since it was originally posted; the above is our most current info.

source: EQII Forums

SOE Podcast #75 Now Available!

The Ho-Ho Cast is now available from iTunes and the SOE Podcast website!  This this exciting episode: 

  • An interview with EQII Devs Kaitheel and Gninja about Frostfell
  • Upcoming changes to Free Realms
  • The new Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card game release
  • Santug Klug looks over our Tweeps Holiday wish lists

Catch it all on the Ho Ho Cast!

SOE Server Downtime December 7

Beginning at 6 AM PST on Monday, December 7, 2009, SOE Account and Commerce flow and the Station Store will be unavailable due to maintenance. We expect this maintenance to take approximately 30 minutes.

This might cause some forum accounts to temporarily lose permissions, due to the inability to verify account status while the maintenance is taking place. This is only temporary and normal permissions will return automatically once the maintenance is complete.

(editor's note:  this announcement changed since it was originally posted.  The above information is the latest available)

SOE Podcast 74 Now Available for Download

SOE Podcast 74: the Gobble-Cast is now available!  In this episode:  an interview with EverQuest Designers Elegist and Absor, and a Thanksgiving Podramedy, "We named the cat Emily."

There's also a Top 10 List: Things Gamers are Thankful For, and a look at what SOE employees do for the holidays.

You can download the podcast from the Podcast Website and iTunes (search for SOE and click "subscribe").

SOE Downtime November 17

Aimee "Ashlanne" Rekoske posted on the Station Community Forums:

From 6:00 AM PST until 8:00 AM PST on Tuesday, November 17, 2009, SOE Account and Commerce flow, Station Store and the Station Marketplace will be unavailable. We expect this maintenance to take approximately 2 hours.

This downtime may also cause some forum accounts to temporarily lose permissions, due to the inability to verify account status while the maintenance is taking place. This is only temporary and normal permissions will return automatically once the maintenance is complete.

Here's a handy time zone converter to help you plan!

Visually Impaired Gamer Sues SOE

According to GameSpot, visually impaired gamer Alexander Stern filed a lawsuit against Sony Online Entertainment last month that alleges "Sony is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by failing to implement features to make its games accessible to visually impaired gamers." The suit appears to focus on MMOs and states that other companies, such as Blizzard, have made their games accessible through the use of third-party mods.

AbleGamers, a site dedicated to disabled gamers, reported on the lawsuit and made a statement regarding the site's stance on the issue. "While I can understand this gentleman's frustration I do not believe that the courts are the place to forward accessibility in the gaming space," said Mark Barlet, president of the AbleGamers nonprofit foundation. What are your thoughts on the lawsuit?

Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday

For most places here in the States Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday at 2:00 a.m.  Remember to set your clocks back!  For those of you not using Daylight Savings Time, this means that most U.S. game companies will be operating one hour LATER than they do in the summer. 

Here's a handy Time Zone Converter to help you plan for downtime and such.

Official SOE Podcast #73 is Live

Official SOE Podcast #73 is live!  This is Trick or Cast; hear all about Hubert and Emily's trick or treating adventures in the  latest Podramedy. There is an update on the Halloween Happenings in EQOA, PlanetSide and Vanguard, and a very special guest during the round table segment!

Want some SOE swag in your trick or treat bag?  Send in some listener e-mail

You can download the podcast from the Podcast Website and iTunes (search for SOE and click "subscribe").

System-Wide SOE Servers Downtime

All SOE game servers, including all TCG and MMO servers, will experience downtime tomorrow as they are taken offline for hardware maintenance.  This downtime is scheduled to start at 3am PDT and will last approximately 4 hours.

According to Jason "Pex" Ryan, this is to "Replace VTT modules (voltage regulators) on Core Koll switches 2, 3 and 4" in our network operations center".

See the official notice on the EQII forums and other SOE game forums.

Official SOE Spook-Cast Now Available

The Official SOE Spook-Cast (also known as Podcast #72) is live!  Enjoy the interview with Tiffany Chu, Game Designer for Free Realms.  Check out the Halloween events in your favorite SOE games, and inside SOE is also all about Halloween as they ask developers Halloween questions.  Plus they need your help to solve the Candy Corn Mystery!

You can get the podcast at the Podcast’s official site or on iTunes (search for SOE and click "subscribe").