In a quick double update, Scapes has posted new information on TERA times two. Both updates have to do with the south-eastern region of TERA, called Allemantheia. The city is called the "Desert Jewel", but I live in Arizona, and this desert doesn't have any jewels that I know about.
This is the city of the elves, center of their culture and racial identity. Built soon after their arrival on Shara, it reflects much of the people it represents. Aloof, mysterious, unknowable, visitors to the city have been known to stop and stare at some feature for hours, then suddenly realize the statue they've been studying is actually a doorway.
Official Allemantheia Page:
Also! We promised screenshots, so please use the link below to head to ZAM's screenshot page for TERA. The two images have already been posted there on the top-left.
TERA Screenshots @ ZAM: