Jimmy Fallon Gets Tips from Felicia Day

Everyone's favorite News Anchor from Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, interviews World of Warcraft fanatic, Felicia Day. She gives some serious pointers to all of us. Every person who thinks that Warcraft would be a fun game to play, take some notes! Also, it is always wonderful news to know that girls play the games that drive boys wild.

Felicia Day, for those of you unaware, is from "The Guild," the Yahoo! Video Award-winning online sitcom about the daily lives of the members of a standard gaming guild. Also, she loves to mull about bad fantasy art in her blog. She's quite the hoot. We are happy Jimmy managed to snag her for a stellar interview.

Souce: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Blizzard Still Fixing Things

After a tumultuous day of fixing Wintergrasp, Blizzard has decided to disable it again due to a new issue conceived in the womb of fast-development. This is not a repeat from earlier, this is a newly-made, fresh off the compiler error. Not only that, but all arenas will be disabled until they can get the points to count correctly.

"With the release of patch 3.0.8 we have implemented a new matchmaking system for arenas that will improve the overall system and help ensure that players will be matched against others of equal skill. The new matchmaking system uses a rating that you cannot see, and is separate for each of the arena brackets. The rating changes at the end of each match are affected by this new system, and as it just came out, there may initially be some odd behavior in rating changes, but these will straighten out fairly quickly. "

And if that doesn't tickle your fancy, then try not to forget the rolling restarts beginning at 5 AM Pacific Time. With all the back-and-forths, hopefully this issue will be resolved with haste.

Source: World of Warcraft Forums

Wintergrasp Issues Possibly Resolved

Patch day for World of Warcraft has been hectic, to say the least. Given the amount of content modified and created for this patch, a few issues were to be expected. The turn-around time is great, and all of us players appreciate the concern and amount of work put into this. There are still some issues remaining, but the major unforeseen ones are handled.

Source: MMO-Champion Blue Tracker

Wintergrasp Disabled on All Realms

The new patch released for World of Warcraft, 3.0.8, seems to be causing realm-wide crashes when Wintergrasp changes hands. This problem has been remedied by disabling it entirely by simply hard-coding the faction in-command of Wintergrasp. This will be fixed quickly, we are told. For the time being, we must all be patient and wait for the coders to fix these minor issues. With these fixes, the servers should be more stable. There were rolling restarts on all realms from 5 AM to 6 AM. Additionally, there are some documented issues as well that should get attention soon. All-in-all, it was a pretty solid patch day from Blizzard.

Source: World of Warcraft Forums

Patch 3.0.8 Enters the Arena

The time has come! We hate to say "I Told You So," but version 3.0.8 of World of Warcraft is finally here! Those of you who want to know what is included, check that out here. Maintenance was extended until 1PM Pacific Standard Time, but shortly, we shall all get to see it! Even though the United States site doesn't even seem to take notice, the European site seems fully prepared for a new release.

While you wait for it to download, feel free to post about it in our forums !

Source: World of Warcraft Patch Notes

Patch 3.0.8 Will Have 2 Minor Bugs

Blizzard poster Eyonix stated today on the official World of Warcraft general discussion forum that there will be two bugs in the next minor content patch, which is more affectionately known as 3.0.8.

When the next minor content patch is released players may notice two separate issues. The warlock spell Ritual of Summoning can only be used once every two minutes. Additionally, there are some human female animation errors, specifically when using two-handed weapons or shooting with a ranged weapon. Both of these issues are actively being addressed and we hope to have a fix available shortly after the patch releases.

Does this mean Tuesday, Jan. 20 will be patch day? Only time will tell since there has been no official announcement made, but you can start placing your bets.

World of Warcraft Trains Employees

For those of you who manage a group of people and are trying to get your people to collaborate and work as a team, there's now ink on exactly how World of Warcraft can make you a better team.

"Few executives have heard of this game, much less participated in it, despite the fact that over 10 million players are active in it around the world. Upon hearing this, most executives are likely to respond that "That's an awful lot of pimply teenagers," falling back on a conventional stereotype about video game players. In fact, the majority of the players is in the 23-39-year-old bracket and deeply engaged. The average player invests about 23 hours per week playing the game."

Honestly, this is really true. Blizzard rewards us by giving us an awesome J-Curve to learn, and makes us feel as if we have accomplished something. Thank you for pointing out such positive attributes to our favorite game, BusinessWeek!

Additionally, one of our users, Horsemouth, has posted a thread regarding this topic here. Check it out and contribute your thoughts!

Source: BusinessWeek

World of Warcraft Patch 3.0.8 Information

With the tentative release of the latest patch for the largest online game in history at our doorstep, there is some need-to-know information being discussed over at MMO-Champion. If you have a class that you love playing and would hate to see nerfed yet again, you might want to check out the list of possible changes and discussion on each class. This patch is going to be incredibly significant in terms of what it changes and how it affects overall gameplay. This is an update of the latest changes, though. For a full list, check out the official World of Warcraft patchlog.

Source: MMO-Champion

WoW Facebook Application

Those of you who Facebook and play World of Warcraft might be surprised that there's a Facebook application (gasp) just for you! Not only that, but those of us nerdy enough to use both now number over 100,000. That's a force with which to be reckoned.

"This news is coming a few days late, but I'm really excited to announce that I Play WoW has crossed the 100,000 user mark! It's crazy to think that this application has been around for over a year and has collected so many users since then.

Here are some nifty stats:

* We have over 100,000 users (101,980 as of 11:30 on Jan 15 09).
* We are tracking over 260,000 characters.
* We have over 40,000 monthly active users (That is the unique number of users that visit and use the application every month).
* Over 70% of the people invited to use I Play WoW accept the invitation.
* It's been solely developed by me with community and customer service managed by my wife."

Considering it's just TWO people behind this Facebook Application, they've put together some seriously impressive statistics. Sounds like I'm going to have to try to remember my Facebook password, because I want to become a statistic, too. For those of you interested, the application can be found here.

Source: Facebook

FigurePrints: Now Without the Queue

Due to the demand, the profit margin and the insane amount of adults and children wanting their “likeness” produced in plastic, Blizzard has upped the ante on the FigurePrints production line, and now you can order one and get it in a decent time frame!

"FigurePrints, which lets you order custom 3D figures of World of Warcraft characters, complete with gear and a choice of poses, has grown immensely since its launch in 2007 to meet the high demand for their collectible statues. Because of the increased production capacity now available, the lottery/waiting list system is no longer necessary, and you can place an order immediately."

I was thinking about ordering one. Now I know I am going to have to have one... in two weeks. Now, to get my Orc Shaman in a pose that doesn't look like he's angry at the world or like he just got punched in the kidney.

Source: World of Warcraft Official Website