Bornakk Lists Patch 3.3 Hotfixes

Bornakk has listed the patch 3.3 hotfixes on the official forums, and there's a bunch. Onyxia is killable once again, the Halls of Reflection disconnect problem has been resolved, and the inventory issue has been fixed.

Blizzard implemented a total of 16 hotfixes, and you can read them all after the jump.

The ZAM "Beginners Guide" to Patch 3.3

As we reported during the wee hours of Tuesday morning, World of Warcraft's highly-anticipated patch 3.3 was finally confirmed to launch on live servers later that day, at 11 a.m. PST. When it comes to major "patch days," veteran players have learned to take Blizzard's maintenance schedules with a grain of salt, so it came as no surprise that the majority of public servers weren't back online and stable until later that evening. Despite its delay, most players met patch 3.3 with open arms, eager to get their first glimpses of Icecrown Citadel and The Frozen Halls, try out the new cross-server LFG system, experiment with new and revised class mechanics…or maybe just check out the new Kalu'ak Fishing Derby.

But if you're more of a casual player—or you've simply been out-of-the-loop during the past couple of months (off playing Aion or whatnot)—the sheer amount of changes and new content in patch 3.3 might seem a little overwhelming. Hell, some of the most studious WoW fans who followed weekly reports from the PTR are still discovering new details they either missed or forgot since the early patch notes surfaced. In the weeks and months that follow, ZAM will continue publishing in-depth news and information about patch 3.3's menagerie of new features, as well as detailing the community's gradual decent into the bowels of Icecrown Citadel—where players will eventually face down Arthas himself, bringing the Wrath of the Lich King era of WoW's living history to an end. But until then, our "Beginner's Guide to Patch 3.3" offers a concise summary of the patch's most important features, with a bit of commentary to help you make sense of it all.

BlizzCast #12 Released; Third Mosaic Tile Revealed

This has already been an incredibly busy week for Blizzard. The team launched patch 3.3 and introduced Core Hound Pup pets for players with authenticators, and the anniversary mini-site continues to receive updates. In fact, BlizzCast episode 12 was just added to the site and features a number of Blizzard staff members reflecting on the history of both World of Warcraft and the entire Warcraft franchise.

The podcast contains all sorts of interesting anecdotes from Chris Metzen, Rob Pardo, Samwise Didier, J. Allen Brack, Tom Chilton and Jeffrey Kaplan. You can listen to the one-hour episode or read the transcript on the official BlizzCast site.

In addition, the third tile of the Battlecry Mosaic has been revealed, which in turn unlocked this awesome piece of Dalaran concept art. Only 16,872 photos to go!

Second Icecrown Gate Will Unlock on Jan. 5, 2010

Once you've defeated Deathbringer Saurfang in Icecrown Citadel, your faction's NPC will tell you how many days are left until the next gate is unlocked. The length of time is currently listed as 28 days, which means the Plagueworks should open on North American realms on Jan. 5, 2010.

Members of the Wowhead staff and our very own Fewyn decided to take a closer look at the timeline and estimate when we'll get the chance to battle the Lich King. If 28 days remains the standard length of time between the gate openings, the Frostwing Hall and the Frozen Throne should open up on March 2, 2010.

UPDATE: Daelo confirmed on the official forums that the 28-day wait for Plagueworks is simply due to the holidays. The delay between the launch of the rest of the wings will be less than 28 days, so the assumed March 2 date is late.

Keep in mind that this final date is purely speculation on the part of the Wowhead staff and is not an official announcement. What do you think about the possibility of a three-month wait? Is it a good length of time or too drawn out?

Eyonix Posts Known Issues for Patch 3.3

Following the launch of patch 3.3, Eyonix has started a list of known issues regarding the update on the World of Warcraft official forums. The list is not complete and will continue to be updated, so don't be surprised if you find a bug that's not mentioned in the post.

The known bugs range from general issues involving battlegrounds and the Looking for Dungeon system to specific class issues for druids, mages and paladins. You can read the full list after the jump.

3.3 Trailer Released; Core Hound Pup Pet Available

Whether you're currently logged into your server or waiting for your realm to be up and running, Blizzard has released a couple of items today to mark the launch of patch 3.3. The first is the Fall of the Lich King page, which contains the trailer for the patch. If the official site's going slow for you, check out the video on YouTube or after the jump. It's definitely worth watching.

In addition, Blizzard is now giving Core Hound Pup pets to players who have either a physical or mobile authenticator attached to their account. The pet will be waiting for you in your in-game mailbox and it will disappear from your pets collection if you remove the authenticator from your account. All you need to do is reattach the authenticator to get your pet back.

Keep an eye on the realm status page to see if your server is live and check out the patch notes for 3.3 to see what's in store for you once you're able to log in.

Former Lead Producer Looks Back on WoW's History

The World of Warcraft mini-anniversary site just received a couple of updates. The most noteworthy addition is an interview with former World of Warcraft Lead Producer Shane Dabiri, who has been a Blizzard employee for 15 years and started out working on the original Warcraft. While the massive Q&A session doesn't contain any earth-shattering news, it's an interesting look at the history of WoW through the eyes of a man who was there from the start.

For example, Dabiri's favorite moments as a WoW player are when they took down Onyxia and Ragnaros: "We developed it, we tested those areas, and people think, 'Oh, yeah, they tested it, they know everything about it, they’ll just waltz through there…' I don’t remember how many times we wiped, but we were looking up strategies on forums from players, even though we knew how the encounter was tuned!" You can read many more interesting anecdotes after the jump.

In addition, the second tile of the Battlecry Mosaic has been revealed. Have you submitted your photo yet?

3.3 Patch Notes!

Patch 3.3 goes live today! And this is a big one. If you can't wait for Blizzard to update the live patch section to get the patch info, you can always click on more below, check out our wiki page or look up Zarhym's post on the official forums!

Excited? Bummed at nerf? Drop us a comment below, or discuss it in our forums.

WoW Patch 3.3 Goes Live Today, Dec. 8 at 11am PST

As the majority of the World of Warcraft community predicted last week, the long-awaited patch 3.3—the final bookend of the Lich King saga—will go live on public servers later today, according to and other sources. We originally began hearing rumors that patch 3.3 was imminent as early as last week, but it wasn't until late last night that many fansites finally announced they had received confirmation. The patch will push to live servers during this morning's regular maintenance downtime, which is scheduled to last from 1:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PST, according to Blizzard's latest forum post.

For many players, the introduction of Icecrown Citadel in Northrend is the most-anticipated event of 2009. It's the massive dungeon where Arthas will eventually make his last stand, bringing an end to this chapter of WoW's history, which began more than a year ago with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. However, Blizzard is staggering the release of Icecrown Citadel's raid content, opening one wing at a time, beginning with The Lower Spire. Check out Wowhead's release schedule blog for more details. Patch 3.3 will also introduce the cross-server LFG system, which should make it easier for all players to find more dungeon and raid action.

What are you most excited to see in today's new content patch? On the other hand, is there anything you're not too thrilled about, like the infamous Paladin nerfs? Drop us a comment below, or discuss it in our forums.

Blizzard Posts Dungeon Finder Tool Mini-FAQ

In preparation for the launch of patch 3.3, which could quite possibly be released tomorrow, Slorkuz has posted a dungeon finder tool mini-FAQ on the official European forums. The tool won't let you exclude specific instances from your search, but it's less likely that you'll get placed in the same dungeon more than once on the same day.

Also, you will still need to have all pre-requisites completed to be placed in an instance, and "the random heroic option will ignore any potential lockouts a player might have. This means that even if you run every single WotLK heroic dungeon in a day, you can still choose the random heroic option to continue running WotLK heroics that day."

You can read the answers to all four questions after the jump.