Blizzard Lists Known Ulduar Issues

As we all continue to explore patch 3.1 on the live servers, there's bound to be bugs popping up, despite the work done by both Blizzard and players on the PTR. Blizzard poster Daelo has already created a list of known issues with Ulduar and is updating it as more information becomes available.

There is currently no fix for the fact that Siege Engines that use Steam Rush while on a ramp sometimes fall through the world. The two trash pulls in front of XT-002 Deconstructor are linked, but a soft instance reset should hopefully find the trash no longer present, although a full server restart might be needed. And they're currently investigating reports that players are being melee'd by Ignis the Furnace Master while in the slag pot.

Keep reading below for the current full post, and keep checking it for any updates. Have you noticed any issues that are not on Daelo's list?

Myndflame Releases 'Theory of a Death Knight'

The Myndflame team of Clint and D.W. Hackleman have released their newest World of Warcraft machinima, and this one's called "Theory of a Death Knight." In it, an angry Death Knight gets kicked out of his band and must pursue a new line of work.

As always, the music was composed by Clint and includes songs such as "Razorblader" and "My Cat Mittens." The video contains explicit lyrics. On a side note, any machinima that can work in the sad walking music from the 1970s Incredible Hulk TV show is a winner in my book.

In case you missed it, we interviewed Clint awhile back about his thoughts on the machinima genre and the creative process behind Myndflame productions. Feel free to check it out.

A History of Competitive WoW: Part II

Hello and welcome back to my 2-part series on the history of competitive World of Warcraft! Last time I ended with the implosion of WSVG and, in many perspectives, the implosion of WoW as an eSport.

In fact, it appeared that competitive World of Warcraft would be entering the twilight of its years when, out of nowhere, Blizzard announced the Dreamhack tournament! Set to take place in Europe from late November to early December, 2007 the Dreamhack tournament boasted amazing prizes of $45,000 for first place, $22,500 for second place, and $7,500 for third place. Whoever won this tournament would make more than Pandemic did for every one of its WSVG wins, combined! Sadly enough, however, it would be impossible for new teams to qualify, as Dreamhack was invitational only. Thus, the only teams that ended up going were those that had made a name of themselves during the WSVG era. Interestingly, MoB, the team that lead to the downfall of Hamchook, the only 3v3 Hunter to play competitively (at the time), ended up sponsoring his team to go to Dreamhack. Hamchook accepted.


Ulduar Boss Strategies

With the release of 3.1 our CM team here at Allakhazam has been hard at work with providing strategies for bosses in Ulduar. We already have four bosses up and ready for your reading pleasure. There is Flame Leviathan, XT-002 Deconstructor, Ignis the Furnace Master and Razorscale. More strategies and information to come in the future!

Free Character Moves Opened Up

With the advent of the long awaited 3.1 patch, Blizzard has announced that they are also opening up free realm transfers for select realms as well, per a "Blue" post. So those of you with friends on these realms or that feel you may want to check out a new community, feel free to check the list and head on over to the Blizzard site.

Secrets of Ulduar Goes Live

The long awaited release of World of Warcraft Patch 3.1 - The Secrets of Ulduar is finially here!

Secrets of Ulduar

Since discovering Ulduar in the Storm Peaks, adventurers have journeyed to the titan city to learn more about its mysterious past. Further exploration has revealed that the magnificent complex is above all a prison, intended to permanently confine the Old God of death, Yogg-Saron. This ancient horror has corrupted its guards, and now it is breaking through the last of its restraints. Faced with the peril of Yogg-Saron's imminent freedom, a band of mortals has made preparations for a sweeping assault on the city. Overcoming the legions of iron minions and towering defenses at the city's entrance will take tremendous strength, but even that great victory may not be enough to overcome the madness that dwells below.

You can read the patch notes in their entirety on our Patch 3.1 wiki page.

New Ulduar Trailer Up

Blizzard has just released a new trailer for the upcoming content patch 3.1. This trailer, available at the following link, opens up the instance of Ulduar for your viewing pleasure.

BlizzTracker Hits Beta

You heard it right folks. Blizzard has officially tossed their hat in the ring and is now offering up what they affectionately call a "Blizztracker" for players everywhere.

Hacks and How To Avoid Them, Part One

Whichever MMO you play, you'll eventually see players on the forums or in-game complaining they have been hacked. It happens more often than you might think, and to players who think they're being careful with their account details. However, there are only a few main ways that MMO accounts' security can be compromised. I will detail these methods in this pair of articles, as well as give advice on how to stop it happening to you.

First though, I want to clear up a misconception: "hacked" isn't the right word to describe these accounts. Accounts are usually stolen through other means, without resorting to the difficult process of hacking. They're usually compromised through much simpler means, as I'll describe below. Also, it's generally not the developer's or publisher's fault if an account gets stolen - their servers are so well protected that it's not viable for hackers to try to gain access to them. Instead, they go after the weak link in the security chain: the players. I realise this isn't going to win me any popularity contests, but if someone's account is stolen, they usually have to accept at least some of the blame, with exceptions to this rule being few and far between. This is not something that victims of account theft are going to want to hear, but it's the unfortunate truth. One of the clearest examples of this is the first "hacking" method:

New Add-On Development Policy Takes Effect May 19

We reported last month that Blizzard has released a new add-on development policy, which included th fact that developers can no longer sell their add-ons. We even interviewed lawyer Connie Mableson about the policy change. Well, after speaking with many UI development communities, Blizzard has decided to allow a 60-day grace period from the announcement of the new policy to give add-on developers time to get accustomed to the new rules.

"After May 19th, Blizzard Entertainment will begin to enforce the Add-on Development policy, and developers found to be in violation of this policy will be contacted directly."

So all you developers have a little more than a month to comply with the new policy.